Are the bubbles about to blow? Where will it begin? When do we panic?
There hasn't been an economy thread in a while and the banks also recently came out with the FUD about BTC's blockchain.(higher energy required)
Are the bubbles about to blow? Where will it begin? When do we panic?
There hasn't been an economy thread in a while and the banks also recently came out with the FUD about BTC's blockchain.(higher energy required)
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So we're at the bull trap phase?
We may be at fear.
Oh yes, the Petro-Yuan launches tomorrow.
China is considering to stop buying US debt
AFAIK all crashes happen in autumn due to Q4 so it would be the bull trap.
And the media hasn't been kvetching that much, but it's probably due to being the mainstream propaganda channel.
What I'm interested in is what is Trump going to do? I remember one yid back in January kvetching that they control the narrative so no one knows what can happen if unforeseen circumstances happen to happen.
*they don't
The kikes dropped the Shemitah a while back though so all their financial resources might be on hold, they could pull the trigger being nervous.
Oh boy that'd be fun.
inb4 shills claim that the shemitah shit "didn't happen"
The kikes may try to "pull it" but we live in a complex system, we have a white guy at the head of the Federal Reserve now, and the Treasury has some killers at its head now too. Last I head, Scaramucci was busy slitting throats at Import/Export too.