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I feel like I gotta ask this although it might be stupid. Is there a safeguard against lying on the Census?
Unfortunately, any electoral college adjustments will be well after the 2020 election.
The bright side is that we'll now know if it's just a mere 15 million illegals or 30 million who've invaded our country.
It's a punishable offense, with a $500 penalty for those caught.
I highly doubt illegals will voluntarily mark themselves as non citizens.
So is being an illegal immigrant.
Your (((judicial system))) lets violent criminals off the hook for violent and drug offenses due to racism. Illegal immigration is the simplest problem to resolve, yet the inefficiencies of democracy have corroded your nation by clogging up this system to defend the so-called rights of aliens. The American courts are jester-courts.
So what you're saying is that every Illegal either admits to being illegal, or is breaking the law, sinking the argument that they're otherwise law-abiding?
that's nice now all we need is someone to enforce laws
You know it won't happen. Even so, illegals will just claim they don't know how to read English properly, and they'll be let off with a slap on the wrist: "Do not do it again."
We will still need that petition to not count census results from sanctuary cities.
why would illegals take the census and then further put the fact that they are illegal on the census.
i thought this was voluntary, it's not, assuming they want to actually fine you for it, they can fine you $100 for refusing to submit it. i don't see how they can track this though. they don't know who lives at the residence, they just send it to the address and it's addressed "to the resident of:". if it's a house fine, but if it's an apartment building or anything else.. i just don't see them actually enforcing it.
Oh that's intere-
Some of you are incredibly stupid, and it makes me sad, because I now have to demonstrate how stupid you are, and such demonstrations are painful on at least two fronts.
Only slightly worse than worthless. The media will say "Look! Only 500,000 illegal immigrants" or whatever percentage accidentally marked "not a citizen." Everyone will know the figure is bullshit except for the most retarded of boomers and they were voting dem anyway.
You forget that the left has been openly flauting their illegal status. There's a restaurant in my city called "Illegal Tacos" for fuck's sake.
Why haven't you called ICE on them?
It's a felony to lie on form 4473, but no one ever gets charged, much less convicted.
Never underestimate their stupidity and hubris. 13% of legal and illegal immigrants admit to voting, and this was back in 2015. Technically, they all could be classified as illegal since legal immigrants who have voted committed a felony. There will be mass campaigns to advise illegals how to answer the census "correctly," but I suspect many will answer the census honestly, and every little bit helps.
Implying user. Implying.
The leadership in the Communist Republic of California will instruct their voters to just lie. This is the same place that warned illegal fucking aliens that ICE was conducting a raid. These communist fucks are desperate for votes and their whole tech economy depends on importing pajeets and chinks so they mask their ploy for votes as some bullshit humanitarian crisis and a lack of skilled labor. Fucking joke. Fuck commifornia and fuck (((democracy)))
It doesn't matter.
Watch carefully.
White Alone: 72.7%
Hispanic: 38.9%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 37.7%
LOS ANGELES COUNTY - 2nd Largest US City
White Alone: 71%
Hispanic: 48.5%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 26.5%
SAN DIEGO COUNTY - 8th Largest US City
White Alone: 75.9%
Hispanic: 33.5%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 46%
White Alone: 53.5%
Hispanic: 15.2%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 40.9%
White Alone: 69.9%
Hispanic: 19%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 55.8%
NEW YORK CITY - Each City borough is also State county.
Manhattan - New York County.
Bronx - Bronx County.
Brooklyn - Kings County.
Queens - Queens County.
Staten Island - Richmond County.
White Alone: 64.6%
Hispanic: 26%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 46.9%
White Alone: 44.9%
Hispanic: 56%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 9.2%
White Alone: 49.2%
Hispanic: 19.2%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 36%
White Alone: 48.2%
Hispanic: 28%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 25.3%
White Alone: 76.6%
Hispanic: 18.4%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 61.8%
CHICAGO ILLINOIS - 3rd Largest US City
White Alone: 65.6%
Hispanic: 25.3%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 42.4%
HOUSTON TEXAS - 4th Largest US City
White Alone: 71.9%
Hispanic: 10.7%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 62.3%
PHOENIX ARIZONA - 5th Largest US City
White Alone: 83.7%
Hispanic: 30.7%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 56.1%
PHILADELPHIA PA - 6th Largest US City
White Alone: 44.8%
Hispanic: 14.4%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 34.9%
SAN ANTONIO TEXAS - 7th Largest US City
White Alone: 84.8%
Hispanic: 59.9%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 28.2%
DALLAS TEXAS - 9th Largest US City
White Alone: 67.2%
Hispanic: 39.9%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 29.8%
SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA - 10th Largest US City
White Alone: 54.8%
Hispanic: 25.9%
White Alone, Not Hispanic: 32.3%
You see, user, the spics lie on the census with great regularity - they call themselves Whites.
Now, I could be wrong, buuuuuuut I'm pretty sure when the census taker asks them "Are you a citizen of the US?", they're going to say "Yes", right after they answer "White Hispanic" for the question of race.
>What racial category do Jews belong in, anyway?
>Religion is not asked about at all, for reasons rooted both in privacy concerns and objections by American Jewry in the years immediately following the Holocaust.
>Nineteen options will be offered under the MENA designation, among them Israeli and Palestinian, as well as Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Turkish, Iranian, Moroccan and Algerian. Even Sudanese and Somali are being considered.
>Its a little arrogant for the government to dictate to any citizens what you should be identified as, Khalaf told Haaretz later.
>Now, with growing immigration from around the world, increased intermarriage and more children being born to couples of different races, the race and ethnicity question has gotten vastly more complicated than it used to be.
I thought we were always a nation of immigrants…
>Increasingly we have more Americans not answering the race question, said Roberto Ramirez, assistant division chief of special population statistics at the Census Bureau. Were testing the MENA category because its coming from the community.
>Respondents choose to identify however they wish to have their race and ethnicity recorded.
>The addition of new census categories will be good for the Jews beyond Israeli Americans, said demographer Steven M. Cohen.
>Jews have an interest in an America which is more vividly Hispanic, Hindu, Muslim and Middle Eastern.
Commiefornia's spic attorney general is completely taco toasted over it. He sure seems to think the possibility of illegal beaners being dumb enough to mark themselves down as illegal is real.
>While Judaism is a religion, the Jewish people is a people.
>Peoplehood, at least Jewish peoplehood, transcends ethnicity and race.
>Original Jewish concerns about the census related to Nuremberg laws, said Marc Stern, general counsel to the American Jewish Committee.
>Putting it on the census implies somehow that the government has some interest in knowing the religion of its citizens.
>American Jews want to maintain a distinct identity and on the other hand want to be fully integrated into broader society and dont want the distinctiveness to come at a price, Kelner said.
These creatures are the most underhanded and neurotic mongrel scum that has ever existed.
That's called social signaling user.
What could realistically be done if California is found guilty on a state level of lying on the census? Could their representatives be reduced due to uncertain numbers?
Shit, didn't mean to quote
No, it's called being worried. Socially signaling to his fellow taconiggers would serve absolutely no purpose. He thinks a significant number of spics will be stupid enough to list themselves as illegal on the census. And he's absolutely right about that.
what's stopping spics from lying to the census?
sorry if this question is retarded, I am completely oblivious on how this works
It almost cannot be enforced. Here's the risk/reward scenario for people with 2 brain cells:
1. Lie. MAYBE get caught/deported.
2. Tell the truth. Get deported.
Pretty easy choice, but they are hoping that asking the question will lead to self-deportation. Also, the census has been wrong for far longer than that. You really think blacks only make up 13-15% of the entire US population?
depends on how black is black, not even us have a agreed metric for that
I am talking about something that can be objectively measured, like DNA, maybe. Even if we agreed to use DNA, we didn't yet agree in the line that decides black/not-black
does anyone have the video from some msm channel where they're all sitting around crying about how trump will win the 2020 election? and dems dont have a chance? i can't seem to find the video anywhere.
Obviously both lyring and telling the truth might get them deported, so many of them will fear participating in the consensus and most likely not answer or send it back at all. The true win here is that no matter what, the consensus of actual citizens will be much lower. Democrats will lose fuckload of electoral colleges due to lower true citizen amount as the user stated here . And not only that, if a district is only supposed to have 2 million voting able citizens and the district turns out to have 3 million votes due to illegal votes, it will become super evident that fuckery is going on.
Trump didn't even introduce voting IDs yet and already fucked over the 2020 votes for Democrats.
This is actually a very clever play. Haven't seen anything this good since the election.
It's a federal offense, not a state level one.
your name gets put into several databases, these databases will be compared to citizen databases, if something is afood your citizenship will be checked and if you're not a citizen, you will be put up on top of the ICE list since it's a federal offense, and as trump said criminals are #1 on ICE list. Lying is obviously a much more risky choice for spics, do you think they will think they will risk their current personal well-being for electoral colleges or some vague future vote? They came here for personal gains in the first place.
$500 offence if caught
deportation if you tell the truth
So will ICE contact the NSA and have a mass deportation? Will they form NICE?
$500 AND deportation if caught.
The deportation will happen, the question is just sooner or later. Also no matter what the spic choses, democratic electoral colleges will still shrink in the outcome for 2020. You can't downplay this win no matter how much you try.
Next to "Build wall through M" this is one of the best moves of 2018 so far
if they avoid taking the survey, they will also receive less representation.
Doesn't the census bureau keep a record of every household they mail out to? If they don't receive a response, ICE can use the absence of data cross referenced with previous evidence to pay a visit to their house.
This is nothing. As far as I know, there is no one that checks answers on the census. The census takers go out, do their thing, and the surveys go out. It all comes back in, gets scanned, and a giant database is made that anyone can access. There is no error correction. There is, however, an error estimate. But that's not going to help anyone that doesn't understand stats.
At most, we will probably see many non-citizens in cities. This doesn't mean they are illegal. They could be on a student visa, or h1-b.
The census isn't going to show what Zig Forums wants, in this case.
I think it might be exaggerating them, actually.
Nope. If you were correct, why is every blue state suing Trump over this right now?
The same reason people believe video games make mass murderers. It's a knee jerk reaction.
Fuck dude, when is Trump NOT being sued by the blue states?
i've never received anything from cencus bureau. im pretty sure i've never even filled one out… and im pretty sure im a legal immigrant.
maybe that's because they don't send these papers to 100% of people living in the US?
They probably send to 0.1% or less, that's the whole point of statistics, being able to assume the lots of information from almost no information
If they don't receive a response, they send a census taker, possibly with a cop. And that is usually one the second or third visit. All they are there to do is make sure the person that resides there does the fucking census.
ICE does not get any information.
They randomly pick, but maybe they can change the law to accept volunteers to pay a visit to the Mexican neighbourhoods.
This too. In fact non answering illegals might be an even bigger target than those who say they're citizens but lie. Anyways, this is a real good data farming operation on illegals while killing electoral colleges for Democrats.
Good. Now they need to make sure that non-citizens aren't counted when determining the amount of electoral college votes each state gets.
It could be punishable by being shot in the shins
Trump is the master troll. He knows that compliance with this will be spotty-to-nonexistent, and he's fine with that. He may be working two fronts here:
First, massive underreporting may allow him to bullshit us about how few illegals we have now that he's been in office for six years, or whatever. That's one possibility, though I can't imagine the major benefit it would bring anything but his ego.
Second, and more likely, he's whacking the nest with a stick to make angry lefty hornets come buzzing out in defense of illegals again. Not just in defense of illegals, but of secret illegals. Libshit assholes now have to argue in favor of not knowing something, as if they have a dirty secret they want to keep.
Looking forward to November.
Several states are already suing him over this, which makes the democrats look very scared.
This. Leftypol subveraionistas like
Don't see the utility of this move because they are not allowed to understand just how fucking stupid beaners are. Some will check that box and think nothing of it until ICE knocks on their door.
In certain localities there is a margin of error of multiple-tens-of-thousands-of dollars in certain racial income data niggers 18-65; conveniently the workforce participation rate in this demographic is proportionate to how small the margin of error is and how close the racial median incomes are
muh nu-hitler fear mongering give us your guns
you really must not be from around these parts, user
They do a total census on every year that ends in zero and they survey 1 in 6 (forget the reasoning but it has to do with degree of correlation, etc). The census bureau also does American Community Surveys (ACS) every 5 years and release 3 and 5 year forecasts to supplement the data gathered in the total survey. Think ACS estimates are gathered by the states on behalf of the census feds and there's not any real pattern of where and how many survey respondents there are for those.
vid related is mfw new ACS estimates come out
Thus far the only construction has been in CA.
The place with the worst illegal infection. Texas construction will begin next
Niggers are the next problem even though they are the oldest the true demographic crisis comes from the spics. This only helps period. It'll spook half of them they are easily spooked and the other half with just lie. With the multiple laws they have broken, why not break another one right? So fucking with 50% of them and making half of them have a bad day- that's fantastic if you ask me.
I may be lost here or it's because I haven't finished the article. How is this a win if they can just lie?
Lying on the census is a federal offence.
This has potential to be one of the most important things to make america white again. Even though there are X amount of browns here, a good percentage are still on visa's or apply for citizenship. Defining voting districts on merit of those that are native, completely redefines which areas get representatives.
Ahjj just like the 60s all over again for us down here.
>>Spooking niggers spooks
So is border hopping. What's gonna stop them?
The government actually enforcing them.
Read the thread you dipshit.
Fortunately, we can accelerate the time of adjustment.