>“He was ostracized his whole life,” said Gold, who said he was one of only four people, including Nikolas, and his younger brother, Zachary, who attended the funeral of his mother, Lynda Cruz, in November.
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>“He was ostracized his whole life,” said Gold, who said he was one of only four people, including Nikolas, and his younger brother, Zachary, who attended the funeral of his mother, Lynda Cruz, in November.
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You know I can sincerely say I don't give a fuck
Stop feeding this beast by keeping it going by talking about it.
I do.
It’s not going away, dude. These kids are literally making it their career and the media are full swing behind this stronger than ever before.
We need to push hard for anti bully and especially school security as both make sense and the bully thing has decades of brand recognition.
There’s nothing stopping a kid from bringing a knife to school. Or a bomb. Or just driving his car into the stands at a football game.
He was a poseur, he had a gf at one point. Anyone who can have one isn't lonely.
This is a bit of a break from the normal narrative. I'm sure it changes a bit because the shooter is still alive.
We live in a sick and twisted, perverted society. Men are raised to be weak. Women are raised to be sociopaths.
Bullying is nothing new, it always exists and always will. But what it turns people into has changed due to emasculating men at every turn.
Friendly neighborhood death squads?
at 0:54 you'll see
This isn't going away, user. The jew is doing his damndest to disarm burgers right now, because everyone can sense the U.S. is headed for a civil war. There are currently two competing visions for America - two diametrically opposed visions - and only one of them can be victorious. Perhaps I'm a pessimist, but I don't see a peaceful solution outside of, say, Trump staging a military coup and imposing the will of the people outright. Continuing to pursue 'political solutions' will be fruitless, imo, and is just delaying the inevitable. Either Trump seizes control and expels your enemies, or the country will continue to slowly decay to the point where violence is inevitable. The jews also see this particular eventuality, and are trying to disarm the you before the war: the last thing kikes want is guns in the hands of white nationalists that know how to use them. Barring few exceptions, the kikes have at their command an army of whiners and complainers; a powerful army in cultural/information warfare, but utterly useless in physical confrontation. That's why they're going all out on the anti-gun push right now. They want guns safely locked up out of the reach of white patriots, and they want it yesterday. Expect more shootings, and expect the response to get more and more shrill, because the gun-control push sure as hell isn't going anywhere.