Identifying White Male Liberals: Do They Constitute A Separate Taxonomic Sub-Categorization?

Previous thread was archived

Liberals share taxonomic deformations indicating that their political ideologies are genetically based. Prenatal and pubertal cortisol exposure seems to be the cause. R-selection, fraternal birth order (sequentially born children are inferior to the first because each child takes a lot out of the mother if she hasn't recovered before the next pregnancy) may also b a contributing actor.

Facial landmarks to measure:

Facial width
Stomion ratio
Canthal tilt
Cupids bow

To investigate: is the interpupillary distance (IPD) also different on Liberals? Do they have less facial symmetry?

Relevant links:
"We found a strong association between the two width-based measures (fWHR and face width/lower face height suggesting they share variance and may both be linked to assertiveness." (canthal tilt associated with cortisol) (A study found that mother's prenatal depression was associated with adverse perinatal outcomes such as slower fetal growth rates. It appears that prenatal maternal cortisol levels play a role in mediating these outcomes)
"Pregnant women suffering from stress are also more likely to have homosexual children of both genders because their raised level of the stress hormone cortisol affects the production of fetal sex hormones."

There is no of helping Liberals and even trying to convert any is futile, therefore, the goal should be to try and stop White people from procreating them in the first place, like the link describes. If women knew that they would have attractive sons by following the regimen in the link, they will follow it.

But the first order of business is identifying all their taxonomic deformations so please contribute!

Attached: 2687144_orig.jpg (625x604, 27.98K)

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And this is how you tell a sheepdog from a (((wolf))).

they can do that on their own

How much does this liberal score on the liberal face scale?


Attached: 111.jpg (564x564, 57.4K)

Are you seriously this fucking retarded?

Kikes have DNA tests to determine if one can immigrate. Nice try though schlomo.

Prenatal stress is associated with homosexuality, autism, and smaller babies.

Here is a good pregnancy regimen:

I am not sure that I would give my pregnant girlfriend testosterone as was recommended in that link. Someone should ask on the Ray Peat forum if it is safe.

Vitamin A affects the differentiation of skin cells, the production of steroids, and resistance to infection and inflammation. The great increase in formation of the sex steroids at puberty increases the need for vitamin A, and makes its regulatory actions more important.

A few small supplementations with thyroid or pregnenolone might reduce the stress and extend his growing years, but he could judge by whether it made him feel better. Lots of milk and fruit are appropriate in the teens, with eggs, seafoods, and meats according to appetite.

Interdasting. What timeline is optimal?

Liberals are a biological creature and they breed like rats (r-selection). When they get enough numbers they are the ones in control, period. That is why they are forcing their agenda unopposed right now.

Also, how do you differentiate the sheep hiding among the wolves?

The goal should be to reduce their numbers in the way that was described in that link. If woman knew they would have strong, goodlooking sons they will follow that regimen. It also helps our cause because we will have many more intelligent and attractive white males (which attract women).

As well as eugenics/epigenetics there should exist facial recognition software to track and identify them. I imagine a future where facial recognition is able to track Liberals everywhere they go. Security cameras, facial recognition glasses worn by citizens and police, etc. Never again will they be able to run around and cause so much trouble.

Liberals don't breed at all. Non-whites can't be liberal, they're just using the liberal coalition for their ethnic interests.

Soyboy/cuckmouth thread?

High fWHR is a trait that the Ashkenazi also have.

Attached: MV5BMTAxNzEzODE4NzleQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDM2Mjk2NjIy._V1_QL50_SY1000_CR0,0,664,1000_AL_.jpg (1613x2000 15.03 KB, 474.37K)

Seems like bullshit to prevent one from having an amount of children to beat the replacement rate. This is anecdotal, but my family has a lot of Irish twins and the second born is taller by at least 4 inches in every case

There is open-source facial recognition software available. Just do a search and you will find some.

If you are looking for inputs go to the Huffington Post. Click comments, most people use their Facebooks to comment. Take input pictures from there.

Hopefully someone can do this!

As the link says, I don't think women are as identifiable, so focus on White males only.

I don't think so I read somewhere I can't tell you now but it was a legit source that talked about the female body recognizing male genes as foreign and becomes better at combating it with more pregnancies and had the effects on the height and school achievement from first born to fourth born sons, decreasing slightly each time.

So I do think there is some truth to it, even though I do not accept it fully, logically the female body should not do this but we have seen that when a female has sex with same person overtime her body accepts his sperm, orally, vaginally and anally decreasing rejection during pregnancy and a couple of other benefits I do not remember now.

Regardless of what people say pregnancy does take a huge toll on the body.

So to me it seems that there is some truth to it and that a monogamous sexual relationship is literally the best thing for making children.

Call it a hunch but are you a religious family with little to no casual sex?

Could do this with my eyes closed.

Kikes have DNA tests to determine if one can immigrate. Nice try though schlomo.
This. No jew DNA but you can spot a kike within seconds. Call it jew or call it semite. Makes little difference.

Religious, but my Dad was a Chad and very promiscuous. Mom had me in her 40's and yet I'm 2m ubermensch

Biology is a bit degenerate so your dad does not matter in this case only your mother.

Oh okay, in which case extremely virtuous didn't consummate until marriage to my father.

Cool I think I am possibly on to something here.

Those digits tend to agree with you. One last thing I'm the only egg that bore fruit.

This has been suspected for a long time. Truth is, its a virus.

I know that this has not alot to do with this thread, but am i the only one who can see the resemblance between Ryan Gosling and young Varg?
They do not look like twins, but like brothers.

Attached: IMG_3750.JPG (397x407, 102.3K)

That's quite a (((white))) male you found there, Chaim

Well Macklermore has been know to openly mock jews

Attached: macklermore jewish costume.jpg (480x360, 24.78K)