As a thought experiment, let us debate how many Americans seriously want to overthrow the government. And by this, I mean approximately how many Americans seriously would support a violent overthrow of the current ruling system. I am not talking about internet talkers in youtube comments or hemming and hawing leftist bobos who wring their hands and parrot MSM talking points but have no coherent ideology other than hating whoever the MSM tells them to hate. That's not overthrowing the System. That's being the System's tool.
While MSM polls are an easy source when talking about this, we should take everything with a grain of salt because they obviously have an (((agenda))) and are thus suspect.
This is a worthwhile thought experiment because ultimately we will need to overthrow the System and it is almost certainly not going to be non-violent. Anons have different experiences and interact with different segments of society. Alone we have a very inaccurate picture of the political landscape. But together we will be able to form a better understanding.
Knowledge = Power
My personal take is from personal experience with a wide subset of regular Americans, with a strong slant towards the White working class.
The vast, vast, vast majority are concerned with trivial things and only display a passing frustration with the government. In my experience, most are happy to yammer for hours about which nigger kicked a ball around but bringing up politics in any form will lose them in an instant. Most men have no strong opinions about any political subject and almost no women at all.
However, among political conservatives I would judge that around 1% would seriously support overthrowing the government. It's difficult to gauge how many "conservatives" there are but based on political party membership, I'd say that around 1% of registered "Republicans" and maybe a higher percentage of Independents would support a violent overthrow of the government.
This factors to around 1 million White Americans who would support a revolution. Approximately.
With leftists it is a bit more tricky.
Ironically Democrats are far more conservative than Republicans in terms of radical politics so barely any would actually support a violent overthrow of the government. At least that is as far as White Democrats are concerned. Since there is basically no organized communist element of America, they're irrelevant in politics. Antifags would of course support "desphroying capitalphlistalistic patriarchy." But after a few days of rioting, these morons would mostly change their mind and want to return to living in their parents basements. They're bourgeoisie revolutionaries, not real revolutionaries.
Similarly, among the blacks, alienation from the government is actually higher than among White conservatives. Which is ironic for obvious reasons. However not only is willingness to see the System toppled violently absent from all but the most dedicated black nationalists, but a black response to such an event would only be more rioting for gibs. Of course if the military began shooting them, I suspect they'd opt to remain content with what they have…
Mestizos are another issue and I have far too little experience with them to make a sound judgement.
Among the elites, that is another issue entirely. Obviously most are amoral and would "support" whatever benefited them. Bear in mind that the elites do not serve the jews because they love jews. No one loves jews. They are the most unlovable race on the planet. They serve them because they fear them. But if they felt that their survival meant turning on the jews, most would do so in an instant.
Anyway, this is my analysis. About 1 to 2 million Americans would seriously support a violent revolution. The elites are amoral opportunists.
Please share your own thoughts and experiences so we can all form a clearer picture of the political landscape.