NY Times/Harvard Uni: Races and Differences Between them Exist, No Longer Can Be Denied
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This needs to be memed into public consciousness.
You just don't bring up the word 'superior'. Niggers are adapted to their shitty African Jungle and tropic environments. That those environments are not conductive to intelligence and empathy development can be left up to the reader to interpret on their own.
I get the feeling that he's going to commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head twice.
>But genetics conveniently correlates to these social constructs
Why even bother saying it's fake if you're just trying to say it's real?
Welp. His career is over.
how new are you?
This isn't fucking news you god damned kike
culture and nature are the same thing.
the difference is only a value distinction created by various religions who divided the 'good' aspects of animal behavior into culture and the 'bad' into nature.
you can date this back to the old neoplatonic notions that matter is evil and mind/spirit good.
they assumed that aspects of life that arose from planning and thought are a different order than impulsive/instinctual/reflexive/emotional aspects, the former being culture and the latter nature.
in reality there is no difference in kind between nature and culture, barely a difference in degree.
your propensity to violence is built into your body, and your culture will reflect it.
When christians for example, colonized a savage people, they didn't just convert them with argument and gospel to civilize them, they first killed or imprisoned all the savages with balls to fight back, created laws and institutions and economic system to impoverish and discourage from breeding anyone who wouldn't get on board the new rules. and the meek and clever psychos who played along were rewarded with money and privilege and freedom and reproduced.
the savage genes were simply bred out of the gene pool there
It's a tool to be used against their followers and faggots who pass off race as a social construct.
He's trying not to get suicided by kikes.
I'm pretty sure myself and most other first world whites would be incompetent if dropped into those environments. But don't you think blacks from the first world would do even worse? At what point do we stop pretending to not be superior? A greater capacity to understand reality = more access to power = superior.
Excellent post.
This will be used to argue for white inferiority.
Every non-white gene will be practically deified (more than now) and our traits will be demonized.
Jewish flaws will be lumped in with our traits.
This is a narrative shift seed being sold as a bone thrown our way.
We can not let this be grown against us.
Race is a biological classification for everything except humans. Hmm.
They have a lot going for them in that environment on genetics alone. darker skin keeping the sun from burning them and longer limbs with a shorter torso alone is a huge advantage.
I think a lot of anons are misenterpreting the text.
When he says race is a social construct, I'm pretty sure he's referring to the perception of race people have.
Niggers eating KFC? Social construct.
Niggers are more violent? Genetics.
You can also read the last paragraph as "wecan't keep calling racist to people who bring this issues up and silence research"
I'm pretty sure whites have the capacity to create shade and reach things.
We might be a little more uncomfortable with the heat for a month or two, but whites do just fine anywhere. South Africa, Australia, Rhodesia, etc., etc.,
Blacks = Adapted to it being balls hot all the fucking time
Whites = Adapted to think abstractly about the environment in order to prepare for varying extremes
didnt want to bump but this is illuminati propaganda, they admit they arent measuring shit. they admit the test is on things that the peole who scored low have no familiarity with.
take some of those kids and raise them like the asians raise their kids and youll get the same score
you think this aboriginal could pass? niggas white af but he doesn't know any geometry
user, you do realize Whites ruled the entirety of Africa only a few years ago?
I'm sure if you were to take a representative sample of whites and drop them in the jungle to live they would do better than a representative sample of blacks, but I don't imagine a group of whites with the minority of capable survivalists removed from the equation would do better than the blacks with their best people intact. Modern domesticated people of all races are almost useless without their technology and safety nets. I'd bet on the death of most people if not accompanied by the comparatively miniscule amount of those more capable.
You guys underestimate the how worthless people have become since (((entertainment))) became their primary drive to exist.
Why play the technicality game when it's obvious that the adventurous whites who want to craft a new society and colony would embark knowing they need survival skills and resources? That level of premeditation exceeds niggers by far.
Yes but natural selection would fix the issue within two generations and then you'd have new Boers and Rhodesians. Higher IQ and creativity takes tens of thousands of years to evolve but greatly enhance a population's adaptability.
In that case he actually saying racial stereotypes are social constructs.
Aren't the Dinaric people the tallest on earth?
I'm still speaking the context of my original post, it's you people that read stuff out of context and then reply to me.
Why do you people keep responding to the first part of my reply to that guy out of context of the point I was making? Finish reading before you reply. I go on to suggest that whites are obviously superior in the next sentence.
guys i think we should memory hole this and simultaneously act on its truth in our own spheres of control. let it all burn down. accelerationism is best.
So close, yet so far
Fuck, I hate journos so much.
We've known this shit for over a hundred years, you don't need to be a geneticist to observe obvious differences between races. Our ancestors didn't look at genetics when they bred wolves into dogs, they looked for behaviors.
This but
What the fuck happened? It cant havr been Trump. Theres a LOT of antisemitism and conservative values springing up worldwide and a call to logic and common sense. It's like all the shenanigans the kikes have been pulling have simultaneously been ground to a halt.
Oh shit we are just so fucking close to the tipping point oh god its gonna be days now… like weeks max
Calls to logic don't mean much if no one follows. And a lot of the big names in movements like the aut-right are transparently controlled opposition. Literal jews are coming out to tell the goyim that nationalism and racism isn't so bad. Now pls gib money on patreon or whatever.
Until you see average joe taking action to reject the current system then it's all just business as usual. Now if you hear of a business, or a bar that is trading food/beer/goods for some alternate currency like silver, then you know shit is hitting the fan.
Fuck right off
Once this becomes common sense again the public will decide which race is superior on their own. The spread of credible claims like this is critical.
So tired of this dumb myth. No, Africans are not the product of their environment. They are the product of inbreeding and disease, as has been shown over and over. It's the exact same degeneracy that caused a continent of Mesoamericans to go from an agricultural empire of masons to scattered tribes of naked cavemen.
The kikes will try to water this down and diminish it but we can meme this easily to make it achieve its full potential.
[citation needed]
you need a citation to see what niggers are?
(((They))) just can't help themselves.
Fuck's sake…
From the article:
See also:
>Montagu began life as Israel Ehrenberg, having been born on June 28, 1905, in [[London], England]].
David Reich is right
>b-b-b-but m-m-m-muhhh (((jared diamond)))
Nigger, if that was true, they wouldn't be raping goats to cure AIDS, and a shitload of African animals wouldn't be bordering on endangered if the niggers knew how to survive in their shitholes.
If you don't know that inbreeding makes niggers by now, you need to lurk for 1,000 years. Just looking at what first-cousin marriage did to Arabs tells you precisely how degenerate Africans are.
From the article:
See also:
Do not let them memory-hole this. We need to start making memes and infographics of this.
>In this way, a consensus was established that among human populations there are no differences large enough to support the concept of “biological race.”
No such consensus was ever established.
It was argued by Jews, you mean.
Literally "Oy vey we gotta come up wit a narrative to damage control dis before da goyim figure it out!".
In other words: African-American is just a catch-all simplification term for "bearing a heavily West African genome" and "European-American" is just a similar term for "bearing a heavily European genome"?
This really is nothing but a Jew trying desperately to damage control this shit before it gets out of hand.
There explicitly is though.
Oh really?
Pretty fucking sure that's not a 'social construct', jew.
>At a meeting a few years later, Dr. Watson said to me and my fellow geneticist (((Beth Shapiro))) something to the effect of “When are you guys going to figure out why it is that you Jews are so much smarter than everyone else?”
>(Contacted recently, Dr. Watson denied having made these statements, maintaining that they do not represent his views; (((Dr. Shapiro))) said that her recollection matched mine.)
So then we know its (((the truth))), eh jew?
(((They))) can't help themselves.
Imagine what else they're wrong about. Ask your normie friend this. The races being different is something they have hammered as being impossible. So all we can ask is. What else could they be wrong about?
This will get you started. See you in two years.
They are. It is approach from the other side. R-selection at its full potential. That reflects chaotic epidemiological environment of Africa that makes long term investment much less viable. You can see how breed like rats strategy beats level of diseases that otherwise could be considered as catastrophe. There are African countries that have 25% (!) AIDS rates but their population still grows fast. Try to beat that, white man in the Europe!
Plus skin allowing them walk naked in full sun. Asians lived in stone age around ecuator too, but they need to wrap themselves in bags and giant straw hats. Imagine dumb Asian. He would just die from sunburns in the Vietnam rice field.
Jesus, are the dems reduced to having Hillary personally kikepost now? How can you be so bad at it?
Does this mean that everyone who was calling us racist were on the wrong side of history?
No, that explicitly is not what he is arguing.
He's not.
If you read the article instead of just what OP posted, you'd see that this ENTIRE FUCKING ARTICLE is damage control.
Its a Jewish 'scientist' trying to engage in rhetorical gymnastics to defend previous Jewish 'scientists' claims that race ain't real goyim.
He even goes to the point of suggesting "well men and women are different but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated exactly equal where i feel it right and not where i feel it not", trying to use that to argue, basically, race still ain't (MEANINGFULLY) real.
That depends, really, and ignores the reality of proportional representation of various important traits.
Example: The US White population has an average IQ of 102, the US Black population has an average IQ of 85, and the African Black population has an average IQ of sub-70.
Given that data, and the further knowledge that only 5% of the US White pop is over IQ 130, that only 0.03% of the US Black pop is over IQ 130, you can figure out that the African Black pop over IQ 130 is basically a statistical zero, and realize that in terms of likelihood borne of proportional espousal, Whites would likely still do better than either the US or African Blacks.
The question was not "are africans stupid?", it was "why are africans stupid?". Just showing that they are does not mean it is from inbreeding. Chimps are stupid too, but it isn't from inbreeding. They are as intelligent as they need to be to survive in the environment they evolved in. Africans evolved in tropical rainforests with year round food availability requiring no planning, thought, technology or foresight. They just got hungry and picked fruit and ate it, just like a monkey. So there was no evolutionary pressure to select for the more intelligent among them, so they didn't get smarter as a group.
Great article except the "nazi" larping & the fake statement how kikes have superior intelligence. This is a legit red-pill to the normos by a (((source))) they trust. I'll be spending the next 30 minutes messaging this article to everybody I've been trying to explain this to the last 3 years. Good luck Anons lets use this to usher ppl to us & our side - KEK
Jesus fucking Christ, statements like these prove they just can't help themselves even in the face of truth that can no longer be denied.
We should be VERY CAREFUL memeing with this as substrate, as this is NOT a narrative that follows what Zig Forums generally supports - its a kike running damage control ont he established narratives on race.
Nothing happened.
You just didn't read the article.
No, he is not.
He's a scandalous kike snake trying to run damage control.
Amongst others. I mean, fuck dude, they even reference fucking Watson in the piece.
Kikes are the worst 'people' on Earth.
That's just it, the truth IS being denied, even in this Jewish piece of propagandistic damage control fodder.
So that those of you who've only read the OP can get a grasp on what I'm saying, here is how the kike closes things out…
>I think the answer is obvious: We should both recognize that genetic differences between males and females exist and we should accord each sex the same freedoms and opportunities regardless of those differences.
Translation from Hebrew: "We should recognize we are not equal and should continue to pretend we're all equal, stupid goyim."
>It is clear from the inequities that persist between women and men in our society that fulfilling these aspirations in practice is a challenge.
>Yet conceptually it is straightforward.
>And if this is the case with men and women, then it is surely the case with whatever differences we may find among human populations, the great majority of which will be far less profound.
>An abiding challenge for our civilization is to treat each human being as an individual and to empower all people, regardless of what hand they are dealt from the deck of life.
>'Arguing that no substantial differences among human populations are possible will only invite the racist misuse of genetics that (((we))) wish to avoid.
This is another crack in the fassade the kikes have built up.
We can use this as a stepping stone for normies.
I mean it's not like we need most people to go 1488 we just need them to realize some basic truths like racial and sexual differences.
Oh my bad, I didn't realize you were trying to cuck.
That Ruskie died in 1888. That his research remains valid seems dubious.
Its not though.
Its damage control - in point of fact, this article is a bandaid the jews are trying to rub over the ever-building cracks in the facade.
We need them to recognize such IN THE RIGHT CONTEXT.
Again, the kike even makes the argument that you can expect others to parrot now - "well most variance is between individuals" "men and women are highly varied" etc etc.
Nobody with any sense in their head doubted the notion of racial and sexual differences, and you're not going to convince people who're motivated by emotion/ideology with mere evidence, but the last thing we need is kike narratives like these catching on.
I mean, fuck dude, this whole article is basically "racial differences might exist goyim but it don't really matta - just don't let those ebul Nahtzee racists convince you of anything on the basis of those differences!".
And for a good portion of the scientifically-illiterate science-worshipping crowd of NORMALFAGS, that's exactly what they'll think after reading this shit.
When someone see a bandage they know what lays beneath.
How the fuck did you think that up?
Besides it's not like we have to ever stick to the kikes script. This is merely the kind (((authority))) we can use to make people ask themselves some important questions.
Any additional material on the subject will be judenfrei.
False. They know only that there's an injury, the not the extent.
This article is a kike putting the bandaid on to cover an axe-wound while saying "Tis only a splinter goyim!".
How the fuck do you think there isn't damage?
>Besides it's not like we have to ever stick to the kikes script. This is merely the kind (((authority))) we can use to make people ask themselves some important questions.
By definition, if you're using a kike (((authority))), you're using his script.
Further, I mean, are you just being obtuse or are you actually stupid? Exactly HOW do you intend to use this kikes claims, while ignoring the claims he follows it up with, and still think that'll be a valid use of this (((authority)))?
Don't go getting all defensive on me here, what I'm saying is accurate and you know it.
If you try to shill this kikes' narrative, you're going to be shilling ALL of his narrative, whether you like it or not, and his narrative is, again, "Yeah goy, there's some differences between races - but there's differences between men and women too! And far more difference between individuals! Race is mostly a social construct, and even where inequalities exist, we must continue to espouse promotion of equality. If you don't you're a bigot misusing science!".
And you want to shill that to the scientifically-illiterate science-worshipping normalfags?
That sounds like a terrible idea m8.
When the subject was being propped up as an invincible god-like truth. People rubber neck if they were to see a god bleed. When you want to present perfect and invincible wearing a bandage is a death sentence.
Word for word, you could not be more correct. There's been scientific evidence for years on years, yet libtards, niggers and shitskins all dismiss it due to their ideological mindset. Their low intelligence and cognitive dissonance doesn't allow them to accept the truth.
One day (very, very soon) their opinions won't matter, and we're gonna have the world revived. Dissonance will fade (as well as these people's lives, including the kikes behind them) and the world won't be a shit hole anymore. It's only a matter of time.
And who actually upheld that mindset? Basically nobody… Except those motivated by ideology/emotion. Which evidence will not effect.
I'll agree with you there, but differ in our interpretation.
I would suggest (((they))) have recognized that the narrative of the 'perfect and invincible' narrative you describe has failed. As such, they're trying to reassert themselves in the conversation, reposition themselves as the (((authority))) before the conversation goes further.
If you're trying to present invincible, a bandage is a death sentence - but if you're trying to conceal what could become a lethal injury, downplaying the severity of that injury is a good go-to approach.
Gods willing user.
Honest Q: If you're basically saying this is genetic, why are so many fucking whites not woke?
Doesn't this prove their point that the only difference is those that choose to accept reality as it is or as its sold?
You know how many white friends I have that won't talk about this stuff at all? The past 15 years of my life I've been losing friends and jobs because I just don't have friends to work with anymore.
They take the safe reality, what ever they're prepared to face that day and avoid their feelings. Go home and watch their programs and play their games.
Maybe we're just fighting for a country that was more a game than a place.
Aren't we learning America was fought a few wars in 1776? Think we didn't sell out then? A little more with each war?
This family has been playing this game for as long as it can remember. It's really brilliant and for all we admit, it's responsible for all the progress we have the past what 400 years?
That means it took us out of the dark ages?
"We're discovering that there are real differences"
Bullshit, people have known since the dawn of time that there are differences this is just more liberal crap. So tired of universities and their garbage.
They accept it because when you unravel it all you realize it's hard to work for something other than yourself. It's hard to progress as a society without sacrifice and no one wants to sacrifice willingly for a building, that'll house a factory that builds stuffed animals for kids in a country that would rather have food.
People historically kill themselves and usually someone else before that point.
I think we're at a new point in history where with free information, verified somehow, we can build something productive for everyone and include free will for all (even if it means private societies in societies in societies, instead of jails).
but I think history has shown that humans get little done without fear and hope
It’s time to push harder. It’s time to get them legally defined as separate species.
If what is genetic?
Why is the Republican party 95% White?
Plenty, I'm sure, but what do you think that indicates to you?
The reality is, Whites aren't allowed to speak - and they're the only group so burdened.
There are ZERO explicit White advocacy platforms in the US today… Why?
Because THE MOMENT you speak up, the moment you attempt to advocate for Whites, you are a Nazi.
And so White people, generally tired of being called monsters just for saying things like "Its Okay To Be White", have become strongly apathetic and terribly demoralized, by the numbers.
If any other group were subjected to this, they would have crumbled long ago.
Who cares about the country, user?
I don't give a single solitary shit about pitiful civic entities that crumble - I care about the people, MY people. The state is just a means to an end - and when a state becomes the end in itself, it becomes a monstrous aberrant thing.
We didn't really meaningfully sell out until the late 1800's.
What family?
What progress?
What 'dark ages'?
Seems like you drank the Kool-Aid my man.
Fair enough.
Then you haven't studied history, nor evolution, nearly as much as you believe.
Free information?
Where is free information transpiring?
Certainly not on the internet - information is heavily policed. That's why you can only say the things you can say on Zig Forums, on Zig Forums.
I think history has shown that White people who become deracinated, alienated and demoralized due to the consistent efforts of a minority of foreigners, tend to eventually revert and they're usually quite angry.
I stopped listing the kike posts about a third of the way down when I quit reading. This is a kike post full of shills. )))OP((( is a distraction.
Literally no one is saying this, ban evading paid jewish shill.
Only you are mentally ill enough to think that the sum total of a person is “always correct” and that “you must agree with everything a person says iff they have made one factual statement.” This is a delusion borne of belief in EGALITARIANISM, which exposes you, ban evading paid shill, for what you are.
They aren't though, that's the real rub of it - they're starting out saying what sounds like the truth, but through the course of their conversation in that vein it becomes extremely obvious that they ARE NOT telling the truth, they're doing that Alex Jones gate-keeper thing wherein they say 90% truth and 10% lies which invalidate the aforementioned truth.
Yes, exactly.
Yes! Exactly!
Quite true.
It reminds me of the people who still buy into MSM polling, and urge the promotion of such, when the outcome appears to suit their tastes.
They literally are saying this, disingenuous accusatory shitposter.
Pathologizing your enemies, standard Jewish practice.
Yeah, if you want to use them as a valid source, in the modern parlance, that is exactly the case.
You can't hold up someone claiming to have race realism data who also presents themselves as a flat-earther and not think that's going to cause massive dissonance in any argument involving the use of that individual as a source/(((authority))).
That's just rather retarded as narratives go.
Link is broken for me, anyone have the article OP is talking about? Skimmed thread/DDG and found nothing.
Meant to add this to the part replying to
but it works for
as well:
If a source is bogus and untrustworthy, especially if its making such extremely obvious, then all of their contributions are worthless - if you had a White 'NatSoc race realist' who was married to a negro or a Jew and claimed that clade was on-par with Whites as much as mattered, would you not suggest that invalidates whatever truths they had to offer about, say, that racial differences exist?
Archive link works just fine for me.
Seems like you're trying to get someone to post the direct-link for shekels.
Thanks for typing that gibberish, idiot who didn't follow the link. Filtered for being an illiterate.
This dude is so convinced of the power of that idea in academic circles, that he's going to put it up against muh racism?
Posting two facts does not relate one to the other. You can not go: "africans are dumb, inbreeding makes you dumb, so africans are dumb from inbreeding." That's exactly like saying "chimps are dumb, eating lead paint makes you dumb, so chimps are dumb because they ate lead paint". You need to show that africans are inbred. So show us a study of african genetic distance so we can see how inbred they are. Oh right, you won't do that because they show that you are wrong.
If you know that, why haven't you posted them?
Discredited and firing incoming.
Yes, everyone who is taking this at face value as some kind of "jews finally being honest" slip-up is implicitly saying that.
Nope, try again.
Mental illnesses don't exist you fucking kike.
Ever wondered why kikes like this always accuse anons who contradict their narratives, shilling, trojan horses, e-celebs and reverse-psychology traps as "mentally ill"? Read about "sluggish schizophrenia" :
Because I wrote anything approaching that.
Muh mental illness.
Your neurotic run-on sentence and spergy random accusations shows everyone who is the real shill.
Once again, this is a trap, an example of ideological inoculation, which once digested will prime the normalfag reader's mind to knee-jerk away any use of proven genetic differences within a racialist argument.
>oh, that's what the sigh of gushing admiration s…scientist said in that video about race. He warned us that wicked racists would falsely apply science to further their horrid beliefs.
They will shut down and stop listening because this man has primed them to.
Oh, and one more point you fucking moron. This article is written up to sound like he is addressing his fellow scientists and researchers, but he isn't. He's addressing the public because they are the target.
If he was actually wanted to warn the people to whom the information actually applies, out of a genuine concern for the effects on research, then he would do it through a genetics periodical, not the fucking NY times.
This is simply preparing the public to hear of medical racial differences by seeding the belief that they don't matter outside of research and medicine.
I agree with a t0rpedo
But that's not what I said.
Another user claimed X.
You claimed X is false, and implied that the user should post A, but won't do so because, you claimed, A would show that X is false.
I asked you to post A.
You responded to that by implying such has any connection whatsoever to the claim of X being true or false.
Extremely semitic.
That's empty rhetoric.
An user made a claim. You claimed a given source would disprove his claim. I asked you to provide that source. You deflected and now are engaging in slinging empty rhetorical smear.
Extremely semitic.