Ay yi yi, how dare you gringos follow federal law? You're interfering with our operations!
Commiefornia spic AG threatens to arrest OC sheriff for obeying law
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Reminder that race mixing caused the spic problem, and the only way to fix it is making twelve children with your white wife.
That second pic is why I hate all these people. Fuckin two-faced cunts.
Oh and I very well plan on having 4-6 kids myself to do my part. Fuck spics and niggers who breed like rabbits.
I hope an arrest occurs, then watch how many federal arrests occur
I want to see these cucks dying in a hail of law enforcement gunfire.
I donate sperm once a week.
Worse than fucking whores. You are race mixing and abandoning your posterity for money.
As president Trump would pardon him.
State law may be state law, but federal law says Xavier Agusto Gilberto Juan Pablo Becerra de Nuñez can go fuck himself.
That's some serious double think.
He can threaten all he wants but he'll never do anything about it.
What a shit show.
How is this nigger not embarrassed to act like this.
No more state tax since no more state.
Makes sense to me.
Except that all income taxes, the only tax there should be, should be paid to the states.
States then would pay the feds their taxes.
Since states are corporations in the US.
Also, no jail time for non-violent offenders.
Since tax no pay is not an act of violence.
The orange county Sharif is also very pro CCW. Also, the new sharif who is supposed to take his place is even more pro CCW.
guys… I think this civil war is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY closer than we can realize. It's just hard to believe. But it's really that close. Really.
I wish the non American would make this move.
both sides are all just posturing for votes. I'll believe there's a happening when I see a politician in cuffs.
all ignore the voters
I'm pretty sure the supremacy clause would protect the OC Sheriff here.
This issue turns on state law versus federal law. States have certain reserved rights that the federal government can't intrude upon.
Is immigration one of these areas? Extremely doubtful, but it might get kicked to SCOTUS, and they are free to interpret however they want (including carving out certain exceptions for states). Additionally, this case might take 6 months to 10 years to reach SCOTUS, and quite a bit can happen to the composition of the court in that timeframe.
So doubtful that it’s not even in question, as the Constitution spells out the federal government has power over the borders.
Trump needs to send this spic to gitmo as an enemy combatant
Immigration is one of the areas where the Federal Government reigns supreme. Look at phyler vs doe where texas wanted to bar illegals from attending schools, but the supreme court forced them to educate the spics or California's proposition 187 where most of the people voted to bar illegals from benefits but the federal courts shot them down. law.cornell.edu
This is how it already is, actually. There is no direct tax without appropriation among the several states. People just file income taxes on all their money anyway because they've been misled since WW2.
Immigration is solely the purview of the executive branch. States have no rights in regards to it.
In the case of sanctuary cities, it isn't a turf war over immigration enforcement powers, exactly.
The problem is that the States are actively refusing basic forms of law enforcement cooperation. Like when cops arrest somebody and they run them through background checks, in order to make sure this guy picked up on a misdemeanor isn't wanted for some egregious crime in the next State. If you find that the individual's a fugitive in the next State, then you would typically contact that State's LEO in order to find out if they want to come & pick up the guy, for example. The problem is that they're telling cops to ignore such routine protocol when it comes to anything immigration related. So the cops see the person's a fugitive with a federal arrest warrant out due to immigration crimes, they're instructed to ignore that. Whereas all ICE wants is for them to give a heads up of when the person's going to be released from State custody, so they can be peacefully transferred to ICE custody after the completion of local processing. That's it, just a heads up, a phone call, an e-mail, etc., and the States are refusing even this. And if that's not enough, they also transmit messaging from public officials and the media that ICE officers are a public nuisance, at best; or some kind of extrajudicial RWDS (if only we could be so fortunate) at worst.
Do it, OC. Tell California to fuck off and die. Supressing insurrection is 100% for the law. The President already told you this morning he has your back. Accelerate the Happenings. You'll get Presidential pardons.
Good luck feeding all those spics without WIC
Any other anons positively salivating for a standoff wherein CA's AG sends state police to arrest these ICE-supporting sheriffs, only to have ICE agents defend them and refuse them to be taken into custody?
I wonder if the staties would be willing to risk their lives for a bunch of die-hard progressives who don't have their best interests at heart.
What if this is 4d chess? If the courts rule that the Sheriff can't ignore California's laws; doesn't that set precedent for DACA and signing statements being illegal? It's weird how much the left flip-flops on who is allowed to ignore laws.
it would be delicious
Think of how nice things would be if CA was annexed and all these traitors were removed.
Thanks for the kikebart links TORfag. Butthurt-Bannon send you? Not moving to your homo board. Please try sucking less cock.
good to see that OC is still a mighty bastion resisting a tide of bullshit,.
Remember to send letters of support, email link is at the top.
You wish FBI, bark up another tree.
It is amazing how far we have come. It is only a matter of time now friends.
and yet activist judges prevented Trump from enforcing laws against it. Either Trump was wasting time allowing it to be escalated to the SC or the lower court judges have the power to stop him. He could have easily said "fuck their orders, do your job or you're fired".
He could easily arrest them for not following the law. This is all a dog and pony show hoping people forget about it.
The way I have always understood the supremacy clause is this:
States must follow at a minimum federal laws. The states can be more strict if they like, but not more lenient.
IE: Texas is a "dry state" meaning no sale of liquor on Sundays or after 2 AM nightly.
Federal law only requires they make sure people are 21 or older to purchase.
Moonbeam and his whole cabinet need to be sent off to Gitmo, with Trump replacing them with military appointments, like we used to do with the territories.
Go back to leddit and don't return cunt.
The Supremacy Clause means federal law always trumps state laws when it comes to court cases. It's very clear and very simple. Anything you've heard to the contrary is a misunderstanding, or a (((misunderstanding))).
The budget Trump signed explicitly renews federal funding for programs in sanctuary cities. The President cannot defund WIC for Cali spics.
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The sheriff could arrest the dumbass for violating this law, and the Sherrif would have everything to gain.
Somebody just needs to enforce this one law once with some big fish, and they would all fall like dominos.
If this sheriff were to jail thisone AG his voters would reelect him, and others will copy.