EU people facing sudden invasion

Turkish army may invade EU at will if ordered by NATO

There will soon be a full overlapping on the structures of NATO and EU: EU member states are compelled to hand out to NATO all their maps to allow Burgers and towelheads to face angry mobs.
We are fucked up.
The plan is out since yesterday 03/28/18

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Cucking the E.U. hard. Don't worry, they enjoy it

Aren't like all European major countries in NATO though?

What are you even saying, CIA nigger?
Why would NATO order Turkey to invade the EU?

The EU was never sovereign anyway.

Turkroachs are just looking for a payout. They blast a couple historical sites and threaten to invade the planet, then are silenced with a payout. EU will pay them.

turks have been invading europe for 5 years


No, there's been a program for Turkish "guest workers" to immigrate to Germany in large numbers since the 1960s.


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You are a jew.

Vlad is a good example on how to deal with muds and turkroaches.

Are you 12?

Would not surprise me at this point if they were used to go after Poland and Hungary.

How would they invade anyone when their country is constantly at the risk of falling apart and getting attacked by everyone around them?

was this posted by some retarded burger? thats not how things work here.
besides according to the treaty of Lisbon the EU can create special police/paramilitary divisions that can be sent to countries where local police forces cant crack down on the opposition

how do you invade a political institution?
did you mean to say Europe?


Why would durkey need an order to do what it's trying to do for the entirety of the last millennium?

Yes, less turkroaches.

Yes, when Turkey joined NATO, they were very weak as a country and the unemployment rate was really high and not sustainable. So the US forced Germany to accept them as guest workers on a rotational basis, i.e. they work for a couple of months, send their money back and then they go home and another batch arrives. At this time the turks knew that they should be grateful for this opportunity, so they behaved well, like dressing in a Western style, shaving their fucking beards off, actually working and so on. How much this changed is unbelievable. They got permanent residence although the agreement was that they would all go back. After the '68 cancer movement all kinds of myths were created like the turks building up Germany after the destruction in WW2. Which means, in essence, that the generation of today doesn't feel grateful anymore for the opportunity to work in Germany, but they feel that they deserve all kinds of entitlements because they supposedly build up and saved Germany and have as much claim as native Germans. It makes me sick.

"EU" existed a thousand years ago?

Are you retarded?

After a quick scan of the document, I think OP is referring to the section "2.3.3 Cross Border Movement permission"

This thread is fucking stupid. Most eu nations are a part of nato. Turkey is just in it for show and doesnt listen to it anyway. The eu are pro Religion of Cuckā„¢ cucks anyway. Turkey is currantly aiming to push east where there is less resistance. I hope this gets bumplocked.

I hate the haughty and almost pious language of these bureaucrats. They sound like a useless somebody from the Human Resources department of some horrible corporation.

if you're speaking of Europe say Europe, retarded mutt

This doesn't even make any sense at all
OP is clearly full of shit

Or are the Turks really expecting the left-over whites to just hand over the game books so they can finish marching in the rest of the dunecoons? Those books were burned when they were making room for the free passes of any shitskin walking to the border.

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8/pol/ is essentially a Nazi-LARP for Turks, Asians, mulattoes, and anyone fool enough to buy into the board ideology they enforce.

They pretend to be more white nationalist than thou, meanwhile shilling hard against any white nationalist groups that exist in the real world.

The reason they do this is simple. Like many smarter nonwhites, they understand a world without white people won't be good for them. But they also know if whites organize, they'll be excluded from whatever system those white nationalists build.

So they hope if they LARP hard enough, and restrict pro-white activity exclusively to shitposting, white majority countries will come back without segregating them out of it.

In other words it's cargo-cult white nationalism run by light-skinned nonwhites.

Once you understand this everything about 8/pol/ makes sense. All the posts they ban. All the hyperbolic interpretations of headlines. All the rabid infighting. All the rabbit-hole conspiracy theories. All the pie-in-the-sky expectations the Trump administration will be arresting all liberals tomorrow. If it seems crazy, just remember: nonwhites.

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