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Thanks for eating my title, hotwheels:
California Dykes Drive Entire Family of Adopted Niglets off Cliff Thelma and Louise Style
Probably sold their organs.
Hotwheels has been gone for years, cuckchanner
So, nothing of value was lost ?
Yeah nigger, the SUV…
Those are expensive
If only all dykes and nigs did this.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this sequence of events
RIP suv
Cunt on the far right looks like a kikesse too.
It's a good day.
Based dykes removing themselves and niglets from this world.
We don't have positive nice threads like this on Zig Forums anymore. It should change thanks OP
Not after a nigger uses it
I don't get it, OP. Ainn't this a good thing to happen?
These demonic dykes were constantly attending lefty events on the West coast and using their niglets as props. All while unsurprisingly they were beating their pet niglets and not feeding them enough so they went to neighbors to ask for food. You can only assume this is just the tip of the iceberg of what these she-devils were up to.
End fag adoption now. They may have done the right thing by ending themselves, but if homos treat niglets like this, just think of how adopted white kids are being treated by these freaks.
I guess you could say, he felt the bern?
I'm concerned about damage done to the environment. Did oil or other fluids leak out of the wreck?
I can fap to this.
The ones they killed have already been replaced by other dykes.
Dykes have a real gush-on for not only adopting, but creating nigger babies, because they know that doing so is a direct attack on Whites, especially White men (level 2 mindfuck).
Im confused, did the dykes tie a brick to the pedal or anhero with the family?
By the way I'm well acquainted with this "adopt a child" racket going back to the late sixties. It is indeed a racket whether heterosexuals or homosexuals do it; thing GROUP HOME. Assholes who do this don't work, they just get beaucoup d'argent from teh government to rent a house and take responsibility for some fucked up kids. Total scam by lazy cocksuckers. And these two were crazy lazy cunt lappers. Disgusting. But I love it in this case.
Fuckin BASED
Best news I've heard in a while.
too bad it wasn't a fucking school bus
It has disappeared from the MSM news-feed already…
Nice to see that they helped do their part.
The ghost of Cripplekike lives on
Fucking lul'd.
3 niggers and not a seat belt between them. That says more about liberal parents than it does about the niggers themselves.
I am loving all of these numbers. Both the kill count and the dubs.
Assuming Bernie gets the kill credit for this one as well, what would his kill count look like?
My bad, 6 niggers no seatbelts. Like a zoo without bars.
Women are nuts on the best day. Leftist women are unhinged. Lesbians are criminally insane. Jewesses are literally batshit demented witches who sacrifice children to idols. There was no way giving these two freakshow stars custody of children of any species was ending well.
What are you talking about, user? This ended the best way possible.
*for them
Considering Kike & Dyke romantically an'heroed themselves I would say it ended well for them too.
They escaped the niggerly hell they created.
Say what you will, Zig Forums, but not even niglets deserve the hellscape that living with two Jewish dykes must have been. No food, terrible living conditions, endless neuroticism. 100% props to be used in leftist propaganda marches around the state.
Any healthy society would never have allowed any of this, from the nig adoption to the gaymarried dykes. Is it really a surprise that when you stuff enough broken people together, you get these sort of results?
I shudder to think of all the adopted white children currently being tortured by evil dykes and kikes in California. This is just the tip of the noseberg.
I wonder what the stats are. I would expect fags tend to only adopt shitskins to avoid feeling like a white supremacist. If that's the case fag adoption is not a huge issue, except for how much money they get for it. I still fear for the white kids who effectively become child sex slaves for chronic rug munchers and sodomites though.
Evidence points to anheroing themselves to avoid further investigation by authorities into whatever secret witchy bitch dyke shit they were up to behind closed doors. Neighbors said they rarely went outdoors on their two acre property even in nice weather.
What a dumb ass hat. Literally, that hat is full-on retarded.
Well shit… just shit…
I always thought homosexual parents were a bad idea, but this case may have illuminated me to just how bad things can be.
This is most disconcerting. I worry for the marine life. Not only the oil from the SUV but from the nappy hair, as well. #niggersstillfuckingshitupafterdeath
Didn't the niglets know these white dykes were fucked up?
It's not like you men have done such a great job at being the boss of earth. Have yall?
Oh man, it's been years since I listened to these guys.
When we last were, we tried…
Crazy fucking violent dykes suicide their future activist diversity approved crisis actors.
you have a full belly you're warm and dry and poste on the internet because of imperfect men. Don't like it? fuck off and die
The lure of gibs was too strong for the nigglets to resist.
Just like they couldn't resist gravity.
Our enemy is cunning.
You don't belong here.
How delightful, if only this were a daily occurrence.
Are you fucking mental? If the kikes and niggers off themselves there won't be anything left for us to purge.
I won't allow them to be fucking spoilsports about this.
mfw a butthurt titty monster stumbles in and does her stupid dance for attention.
Did the dykes an hero to escape the niglets, or did the niglets an hero to escape the dykes? The world may never know.
For what it's worth I agree. Niggers are by and large creatures of instinct whereas kikes are smart enough to scheme (not propagating muh jew IQ myth)
Remember that this is a golden argument for why gays should not be allowed to adopt children by proving that they are all walking time bombs because of their inherently unstable mind
Or a golden argument for why fags should only be allowed to adopt non-whites. until the homosexual question is solved once and for all, that is
Are you fucking serious?
And nothing of value was lost
Feelgood thread of the spring.
The only good thing that has happened this week. Another attempt at forging a family by fags ends up in total devastation.
kike dykes die with niglet chillens
Dykes did a good thing for once, this just made my day
Since no one else has said it, I TORfag will.
>Blacks already believe that the "White devil" wants to eradicate them heh, ok we do but I'm talking about normalfag Whites
Solution: meme this up as "cave bitches murdering Egyptian children to wipe out our royal blood". We can portray this as an actual plot, something ongoing, "leak" that many straight White women are pretending to be lesbians and marrying in order to get access to "nubian children" and that there's no external way to tell.
We could even target high-profile SJW lesbians and claim to have insider information/post fake exchanges showing them plotting to murder Black kids.
It goes without saying that the White cops have covered up the fact that the women jumped out prior to the car rolling over the cliff.
TL;DR - This was all after CPS was called on them. They did this because they were abusing the niglets and didn't want to face the music. Tip. Top. Fucking. Kek.
And there's the truth.
How many would fuck the (((dyke))) on the far right?
bent roastie
I'd fuck her with a rake
I'd stick the tip of a flammenwerfer in that ass and werfer some flammen if ya know what I mean
Hotwheels spirit is still here with us
seriously why is this story all over msm right now WHAT ARE THEY DOING ?
Every fucking time.
I applaud them and want more of them to follow suit.
I started saying yall IRL several years ago to counter-signal the urbanite scum I came out of. Then those same faggots started saying it, I think due to their exposure to black twitter. Its amazing to me they haven't been shouted down for their appropriation of African American Vernacular English. May be a fracture point on white allies' flank.
hell yea dude
ohhhh… good point. I mean with three little niglets it probably caused a fairly damaging slick of gerrycurl
Fair digits my friend
"yall" is southern. niggers often appropriate southern culture and call it their own. case in point, they think they invented collard greens despite the fact that they cant even farm. they wuz dixie n sheit.
while i'm on the topic, "bless your heart" does not necessarily mean "you're retarded" contrary to what internet faggots would try to have you believe. it has many uses, similar to the word "fuck"
if the EU had invaded the UK for brexit then that would have been what the civil war was (is it a coincidence that the union jack looks kinda like the stars and bars? yes)
sage for off topic
I agree that this was a low-effort bait shitpost, but perhaps you might consider banning all the kiddies that actually reponded to it?
I wonder if they were molesting them all or just the females. I wonder if any of the boys were doing the molesting too. I'm assuming that was one fucked up household considering the dyke n kike, the fact that rape and sexual deviancy thrives in fatherless environments, all of these kids were probably previously abused and the entire household was dependent on welfare. Once the dyke n' kike realised the younger girls were crying for help through the neighbours they ended the whole thing in a spite fueled rage, taking the niglets with them for spilling the beans. And nothing of value was lost, except the welfare which could have gone to a father down on his luck and out of a job.
BUMP for some good news. We need more dead dykes and niggers.
SUVs are bad for the earth and 9 out of 10 people who own them are nihilists who don't need the "sport" or the "utility".
I own a Suzuki Vitara RT-X, and I use it for both…
This just keeps getting better and better