It's been a while since we've pulled off something and I'm thinking we should up our game a bit.
Count Dankula is being sentenced on April 23rd. What if he didn't make it to court? What if he showed up in America & requested political asylum. I mean, if it's so easy for illegals to get IN to the the country, it shouldn't be so hard to get some political dissidents OUT of the country, right?
Possible idea: charter a sailboat. Could avoid passports and checkpoints, could land anywhere in America with virtually no oversight. Any sailors out there?
Would create le epic international incident. Im in. How do we do this? Maybe escape to France first then USA? Get the frogs n Jupiter himself involved too
Brody Allen
What if 10000 people showed up outside court and chanted "sieg heil, gas the jews, it's not a joke now"
Jason Perez
Fuck off.
Luis Turner
Bumping despite the communist. It would be pretty epic.
Helping a communist to hurt the globalist kikes doesn't seem too bad of an idea imho.
I'm fine with him going to jail and see no reason to get autisitc about it. It's getting international attention on Jewish double standards and I'm fine with a commie antifa being hauled off (note that on his Tumblr he admits that he has connections to numerous communist groups).
I think a better operation would be to break Dylan Roof out of prison.
Xavier Fisher
He's tweeted multiple times that he used to laro as one and since has seen reason, now says "fine guess I'm alt right" and actively refuses to apologize for whiteness, calls out kikes for kiking the Scot economy and disfavoring whites.
He's the closest thing to Hitler that the young internet comedy scene (those that show their face) has, maybe on par or better than Sam Hyde, and he's a redpill factory for his tweets and his story. Kikes call him a tankie because they think you are all newbies too lazy to check his Twitter feed.
If nothing else you should be blowing up his story on your sock accounts.