Russian spy: Yulia Skripal 'conscious and talking'
Daughter of Spy Poisoned in
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Not for too long, or else she'll say something that mighty contradict the entire kike's narrative.
She served her purpose, she either gets suicided or she was in on it and corroborates the Russia claim.
If she corroborates the Russia claim then the entire "attack" was a hoax.
If UK is so desperate to prove this was a retaliation by Russia why don't they just make public the details behind the spy swap that brought Skripal to London.
Forgot sauce.
The Doctor will be right with you
What are they alleging was keeping her "asleep"? Because somnolence is not a symptom associated with the sort of poisoning they're alleged to have suffered.
You're making a pretty basic error here - assuming that anything that comes from the kikemedia is true.
There's no evidence whatsoever that either of them was attacked, in a coma, or even in hospital.
In other words, she will be reported as saying whatever it is she's been told to say. Not that you'd hear about it if her story strayed from the narrative, being an (alleged) issue of national security, no news outlet will be allowed to publish a word without approval (D-notice).
dubs of truth
It's the concept that kikes tell the truth through their media organs which belongs on /x/, kike.
There's no fucking evidence, Russian ambassador agrees, you're sticking out like the glowing shill you are.
Better be preparing a grave.
By the way lads, watch the video couldn't embed it js turned off, the kike media shill literally can't when asked for evidence of Skripal being in hospital. (2:00)
The kike (tranny?) recoils when asked for evidence because they're so used to the dumb goyim believing all shit which dribbles out of their ZOGboxes.
Probably "induced coma"
Calling it now that she will support the kike narrative. There's a reason she "lives".
fbi pls stahp
You mean like the one involving a conspiracy to poison a nobody with a top-line military nerve agent? Oh but wait, that conspiracy theory is kosher because a kike said so.
The oven awaits you Moshie.
pick one.
Also, you ruin your own credibility by immediately screaming "kike." If you're not a shill, which it seems you are, then you should remember this because no one is going to believe anything you've said now. That's it. Done. As far as anyone is concerned, you're just Zig Forums doing a really shitty job of trolling again
She's dead
Jumped the fucking shark.
Lurk 2 years then proceed to the oven, kike.
anglin, we know you love sucking putin's cock, but enough already. don't you have some thai ladybois to suck off?
you know, before reddit kiddies like you showed up, Zig Forums actually wasn't all that bad tbh
For the sake of the thread I'm not going to reply to this obvious damage-control shill after this post, but to make some use of its panicked flailing: take note of how she mechanically accuses of one thing after the other, despite the accusations applying to completely different demographics.
This happens because they have a list of "accusations to use to get Zig Forums on your side".
Another tactic to note is "representing Zig Forums". The shill will make statements which suggest they're an ambassador for the whole board and that the whole of Zig Forums agrees with them. This is a form of triumphalism but if you don't take a conscious effort to notice it, it has the capacity to slip past your conscious defenses and leave you feeling sympathetic towards the shill but not knowing why:
>no one is going to believe anything you've said now. >That's it. Done. I. Literally. Can't.
Take heed.
Just to add, these are actually NLP embedded suggestions. This shill is trained.
Why did this get edited?
It was a double post, not spam newfag, and it was merely becuase I'm so disinterested in your shennanigans
because the dumb nigger newfag fuck didn't provide an archive link
Dickbag, have you looked at the banners here before coming here with your bullshit? Theresa "Je Suis Juif" is as liked as they come, and the UK has been a ZOG since the Rothschilds crashed the UK market after waterloo.
Please move to /zenpol
/pol is compromised and censoring criticism of the omnibus, which is a total betrayal of Trump's promises:
-it provides no funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence
-it provides no money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use
-it prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs–not field agents–are mandated
-it reduces the current number of detention beds–about 40,761–by about 250. This means fewer illegals can be detained
-it increases the number of foreign workers–H-2B visas are increased by 100,000
-it prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own
-on top of all that, the massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives a ton of money to Israel and various middle eastern countries for completely insane, bullshit reasons (funding for Afghani women police, for example)
-the military will NOT fund the wall or assist building it. That's a lie designed for damage control. Pay attention to Mattis. His policy is to remain strictly neutral on any political issue like building the wall.
inb4 the world first interview where she turns on the waterworks and blames that nazi Putin.
Please move to /zenpol
/pol is compromised and censoring any criticism of the omnibus.
The omnibus is a total betrayal:
-no funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence
-no money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use
-prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs–not field agents–are mandated
-reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained
-increases the number of foreign workers–H-2B visas are increased by 100,000
-prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own
-on top of all that, the massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives a ton of money to Israel and various middle eastern countries for completely insane, bullshit reasons (funding for Afghani women police, for example)
-the military will NOT fund the wall or assist building it. That's a lie designed for damage control. Pay attention to Mattis. His policy is to remain strictly neutral on any political issue like building the wall.
Why would you sage? The shills are obviously losing their minds over the thread.
Have the post history of the stupid yid.
Reminds me of the shareblue shill, I think hes changing his posting style since it was so obvious who he was every time he switched IPs.
Thank goodness that jews are insane. They'll keep doing the same thing over and over again even when it produces the opposite results of what's intended.
They're very predictable.
Like what?
terrorist attacks do more harm then war.
There's nothing "Western" or "Occidental" about any of the things being done by the kikes and their useful idiots.
That's a really useful piece of intel. Shows that the tactics I enumerated are real. Unsurprising but still nice.
There are years of post histories exactly like this. They just do the same damn thing over and over again.
has a small collection in the middle of the thread.
Words are important. Zig Forums has all the best words.
That'll sort you out if you're interested in the sorts of things the shills get up to around here.
This is why you should never hire non-whites to do anything that involves competition with whites.
She's cute in some pics, ugly slag in others. She probably takes some fucking cock, or used to. i don't believe any of dog's bullshit about this case. Why the fuck would putin poison him with a rare nerve agent that would be traced to them 6 weeks before the fucking world cup?
The Jews are really out to get Russia, and it's scary that Putin is only thing standing between the Russians and complete jewish gangsterism like the 1990s. And he's partially kiked himself, married his daughter to a kike although it has to be said that daughter makes chelsea clinton look fuckable.
She's only in her 30s? Why do Russian women age so horribly? I've already learned I don't want to marry a woman from ZOG no matter what. Maybe a Boer. There's also an area of Spain that seems to produce really cute redheads, and Northern Italians are cute and age OK. This one not even 35 and looks 60 in recent pics.
Exactly. "It had to be Putin…I fear that this nerve agent will become the new Zyklon B!"
Only out to start a war between the two. Both are completely comped.
We should do this to all shills tbh
Ask her how big were noses on the (((Russian attackers))) were.
That particular user using the Tor node wasn't the shill, but you're an illiterate famposting retard so I'm probably wasting my time trying to clarify this for you.
This is very typical how (((media))) operates
they do a relaunch after a few weeks so they can sell the narrative again.
ITT paradoid weirdos omg'ing about shills that don't exist
Not trying to derail but holy fucking shit that cop on the left is a fucking whale! How are they supposed to be able to guard shit when they are morbidly obese?
You're being very fat-phobic, user. Ze identifies as a ripped, 30-year-old male weightlifter and martial artist named Bruce. Check your privilege.
I had a hearty laugh. Thank you user.
You misunderstand the point of the Royal British Police Force in Current year +3
They exist only to round up incorrect tweeters. No other purpose is necessary.
Are you nigger serious?
"unfortunate deterioration of condition" in 3..2..1..
This. /thread
Didn't they say they were dead?
I mean, over and over, they talked about them in the past tense. This is beyond creepy.
I heard it too. They were already talking murder, not poisoning
I thought I was mishearing things but yeah yesterday I definitely heard media saying murder and that both are dead.
This whole case stinks, and being baited by shills into derailing this thread into another kike fest is just disappointing. Shame on you all.
wew lad
here's proof- the jews are on bank holiday and let this pic through today– a 17 year old with her 41 yr old dyke teacher. Teacher looks 60.
Dead or not dead?
Putin gave her the antidote so she can tell them the kikes did it. kek
Retarded b8
Eat shit, faggot.
Putin's mother is jewish.
I'd marry her I like a good cook.
not the russians
Hitler quads dont lie
It seems (((coincidental))) that these attacks occurred shortly after Putin pointed the finger that if there was any electoral hacking from inside Russia, it could have been by Jews living in Russia.
Israel would try to get their hands on any military grade toxic weapons as soon as they hear of them. For studying, of course, goy. Not for manufacture. Simply use a bioweapon that your opponents have been known to develop. Attack a known Russian agent (preferably a double agent). And let the west jump to the wrong conclusion.
Brit here.
Most normalfags on the street either aren't buying into it or simply don't give a shit. The fact that this happened almost immediately after the news of paki rape gangs in Telford and was then given 24 hour coverage on the BBC seems to have registered with a lot of people.
They've referred to Skripal as deceased and called the situation a "murder" so many times that it's gone way beyond mere chance mistake.
Oh, and according to George Galloway, the "MIRACLE" "recovery" of Julia Skripal coincides with the Russians realizing that since she's a Russian citizen, they can demand to see her while she's unconscious.
Best proof that it wasn't the FSB.
They are many things, but incompetent most certainly isn't one of them.
A hospital is hardly a secure facility that would keep out actual FSB operatives for weeks, no matter how many police you station there, even if you assume that the Russians instituted the kind of hiring policy that would admit the kind of retard that uses an exclusively Russian poison gas in an open park and doesn't even bring a baseball bat as backup in case this brilliant ploy doesn't pan out.
Remember goy, it's bad to believe in God, until it becomes part of our psyop, then you better believe in miracles if you don't want to be labeled bad goy and lose social credits.
1% chance of survival, crippled for life, er, I mean miraculously recovered, talking, looking much better goy, happy story goy, feel the tummy tingle and smile at your ZOGbox.
medically induced coma, you fucking retard
if I call you more names then it must be true
Heil banning people for arguing against him again. this shitskin fuck needs to take a nosedive off a building
this is how retarded your mods are
stop torposting RIDF aka Heil. you're a mod not a user. GTFO. there's absolutely no reason to believe these people aren't in the hospital, and even the russian ambassador knows he looks like a fool when he says that bullshit. his face even turns a little red
Heil aka imkikey has torposter derangment syndrome.
sad! many such cases!
>>>/4chon/ ←- hardcore Zig Forums went here ←– bunch of 8ch leaks here about your mods etc
okay, so is this real or is this just something the Brits made up?
A child's guide to Zig Forumsposting
Heil has torposter derangment syndrome.
sad! many such cases!
>>>/4chon/ ← hardcore Zig Forums went here ← bunch of 8ch leaks here about your mods etc
The truth is out there, if you only go looking for it. Good luck.
Fuck. Russians had no reason to do such stupid thing like poisoning some snitch. He was convicted only for 13 years of prison, they let him go and life in britain for so long and russia have known that before their football championship event it's one of the worst ideas becouse of boycott. (i'm not intrested in sport so forgive me). Russia had no motive but CIA had, they want to blame russia again about entire evil of this world and make them weaker by closing embassy in almost every europian country. That's my theory, CIAniggrs not russia but i can be wrong.
An actual hilarious proposition. Imagine everything they told being true, but them Russians having the only fitting, preadministrable and foolproof antidotes to their novichok lineup. And then another "miracle" happens, another one and then suddenly a few get exed - but nobody believes the MOD and BBC.
that's retard-tier. use this
She was probably never a real person, already replaced and dead already, etc. Surely they wouldn't leave a loose end on an op this big, after having fucking nothing on Russia for how long?
Also, Russians have good spies. They would not blow an op.
We all know who did it, user.
The question is, who has the balls to call them on it?