Show her (((Ben Shapiro's))) "Debunking White Privledge" he really levels the shit out of it and leftists know it, that's why they used it as a stepping stone to "white supremacy".
I know what you mean, I've seen the worst of it. (Went to an art school)
One of our classes had an openly admitted communist. If I knew as much as I did back then I would have made helicopter jokes and such and would have wrote my papers differently.
This other class though we were given a book called "ReReading America". america&t=hb&iax=images&ia=images
Wish I knew about "The Culture of Critique" back then. Our teacher in there was a bitch, I almost got myself kicked out because I basically telling her this "white privledge" shit (which was new to me at the time, circa roughly 2010) was racist itself and self-defeating. (Again, wish I knew better arguments against it back then, but it was new to me.) She also went on about how the CIA is duh real terrorists. I thought that was bs libtard stuff back then, but if I knew what I knew now I would have almost agree with her but bring up the whole history of that and the JQ / greater israel and the fact that a lot of wars are started in their interest. I didn't drop the class though because I needed the credit hours. Most of my other classes were relevant to my major though, it was just a little first year "Liberal Arts" required class, it was like basically a "read some essays then we write replys and have discussions sort of thing." I didn't drop also because I figured I was starting to sense just how insane and hostile these sorts of people were and I wanted to see how they think. One good thing we read in their was this John Gatto's "Against School" which I do recommend, he admitted public schools were indoctrination centers. (I guess she and the like thought that meant they're right-wing indoctrination centers or something?)
I think you should keep some redsticks/redpill collections on you incase you see more people like this. And/or tell them you've had classes like that before and suggest "I wish I knew what I knew now, I would have blown them out of the water." and then find where the class is and spread material.
That one other teacher that was a commie, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have known about Zizek, Adorno, the frankfurt school, and all of that. I have a list around here somewhere. He was basically trying to indoctrinate us into being propaganda artists. Off the top of my head, he had us read some of these though, they weren't from this site though, it looked like he had them scanned out of books though, which is kind of funny.
Also Gramsci's "History of the Subaltern Classes".
A lot this stuff I was required to read and it made me realize that what they're critiquing, when it comes to their idea of a "state ideological apparatus" is the same thing they themselves are trying to insall.