Was Kurt Cobain a degenerate Zig Forums? There are many famous people I've changed my opinion on. I enjoyed Harry Potter as a child but now see him as a dirty Jew dreamt up by some tramp sjw. I sometimes imagine myself as a commander in a post-apocalyptic military battalion surveying and interrogating prisoners. Zoolander, Jack Black and Seth Rogan will have to go, but if I saw this scruffy looking, yet goofy hobo in a rock band, if he was still alive, I don't think I'd have it in me to have him executed. Just a modern day Van Gogh who made some bad choices in life and could do with some Arbeit.(qtddtot)
Was Kurt Cobain a degenerate Zig Forums? There are many famous people I've changed my opinion on...
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>In the (((american music-industry)))
Come on dude, how new are you?
I think Cobain was just a messed up guy. His wife, however, she wasn't a very nice person. He provided a launching pad for her (((career))), as I have no doubt that she is one of them, acknowledged or otherwise.
Something tells me the guy was merely a symptom of what the kikes have done to Seattle. Seriously, that place is nearly as bad as Hollywood itself at this point.
He was a full-on proto cuck faggot. Kill yourselves for having even a shred of sympathy for him and his shit music.
Watch this and stop shitting up the catalog.
Jesus Christ these slide threads are retarded.
Was Kurt cobain degenerate?
>apathetic junkie who claimed to not want fame while choosing to sign with (((David geffen))) giant record label
Reported for shit and slide thread. Go away jewfag no one wants you here
Tori Amos's song "Professional Widow" is about Courtney's exploitation and murder of Kurt Cobain.
sage because slide thread by normalfag op.
This is a very interesting thought experiment user.
Knowing that political ideals are things that pass on genetically, how do you go about picking the right stock? Nazi Germany had resistance fighters against the party we even have that one picture of the guy not heiling where thousands are doing it around him.
Are some people just destined to be rebels, would someone like Kurt Cobain have been a Nazi today just because its the most rebellious thing you can do in today's world, maybe idk.
What distungishes someone from being a true rebel, like copernicus or galieo and just being a libshit who values whatever makes them feel the best?
look at the quotes from him here. He is not being a liberal degenerate he is rebelling but having nothing real to rebel against he rebels for the sake of rebelling.
The question thus becomes are rebellious traits worth keeping? I think so yes but in most cases no, every single person on Zig Forums is a rebel to some degree which are just somewhat aligned with what we think is just and good and our rebelliousness will lead to changing things.
Kurt seems like he was very empathetic and idealistic, which leads a lot of people to go down the degenarte path like he did. There can be no denying that he was a degenerate par excellence but could he be guided into science, philosophy or anything else?
Look at Aristotle and Plato, the foundation of Western values, society and empires but they needed the rebel Diogenes who pushed Plato even further great men rarely reach the heights they do without competition like the original degenerate Diogenes.
Double gas for that faggotry.
Get out and kill yourself >>>/reddit/
Get over yourself you fucking faggot. I did not deny any of those things but if you actually had a brain you could use it and give a response.
Instead of relying on infantile cuckchan shutting down tactics.
thread's anchored, might as well leave >>>/reddit/
Where did you hear that?
Its not moral relativist horseshit I bet you can't even name one other moral theory without googling.
Not at all
These two >>11427013 will probably say (((AMA))) and dismiss it because their world views are extremely fragile apparently.
Fuck you btw OP
Thanks. Environment is still the primary determinant according to that, genetics play a small part. Or in other words, yes it still very much does matter if you let your kids watch television or attend public school and be exposed to jewish propagandists.
No one cares >>>/reddit/
Kurt was the first step into cuckolding hard rock music, which was primarily a domain of whites.
He was quite popular back, when being nihilistic was considered edgy and cool, realization that universe is a cold and indifferent place had become part of counterculture, it resonated especially well with kids, who were rebelling against their bible humping parents. Kids took the black pill just to appear deep, fun times.
Half a faggot who did heroin, OP so whatcha trying to slide?
He was undoubtedly an edgy degenerate, but so many were at that time. Regardless, he WAS murdered. He was clean and going to leave the industry and divorce Courtney. This kid in the embed did this investigation and documentary into it years ago which solidified my suspicions. It's really long but the kid is thorough, autisticly so. There's more than enough circumstantial evidence for an official investigation but it'll never happen because everyone made more money with him dead and judging by the way cops handled it, they made out too.
Courtney Love did mention that Harvey Weinstein never tried anything with her since she "wasn't a shiksa".
He would have been a Zig Forumstard. Yeah he was a degenerate who liked gays etc… but I guarantee he'd be on the anarcho-capitalist/'no step on snek' kind of guy. He was too many shades of too many people. Too difficult to place in a group.
Wow you are really fucking dumb.
Brutal. Like it. Memed.
No he'd be tripling and quadrupling down on the SJW shit by now if he was still around and stinking up the joint.
Thanks for the dose of sanity user, it's refreshing.
Yea OP he's a good goy.