He's believes in the holocaust myth but other than that this guy is 100% using our rhetoric.(He believes in to holohoax but other than that...)
He's believes in the holocaust myth but other than that this guy is 100% using our rhetoric.(He believes in to holohoax but other than that...)
They'll do whatever they have to to get the upper hand.
White man is always an architector and jew is exploiter of that architecture. They aren't nationalists, they are parasites.
How long until psychedelic national socialists?
I think James Mason might have you covered there.
Have you not been paying attention for the past three or four years? What do you think the Kek symbolism is about?
They just want to apply National Socialism to itself when it's convenient. They'll still keep the proper infrastructure they need to rule Western "democracies" in place. It's really something special how quickly Jew-friendly right-wingers all turn into neocons the second a Jew says something. Don't trust them at all. They will come into your midst seeming to be friends. Then they will quickly outnumber you since they're more "moderate" which naturally attracts more people. Eventually their constant capitulation to liberalism will grow too burdensome, and the friendship must be discarded. But when you do so, you will find that nearly everything you used to have a monopoly on is flooded by them. And now they think that these things have always belonged to them, so they certainly won't give them back. At best treat these types as tools-useful idiots, but never accept them into your ranks.
thsemselves not itself*
That sure is one based Jew.
Kind of curious whether this thread will still be up when I click the button to submit. Here goes. . .
I was driving by a McDonald's recently and I thought it'd be funny to go there in the middle of the night and replace the flag they have out front. You know, a lot of them have flag poles out front. Not sure what would be funny to start flying though. Would be hilarious if it started happening across the world. Would be an interesting Op. Maybe even an "It's Okay to Be White" flag. I thought maybe they should just start raising Itsnotreal flags, since they love donating so much money to them. (Could be it's own thread.)
Hell yeah, considering Manson was essentially a hippy National Socialist, that and National Socialists are environmentalists on top of that already.
OP is exposing a parasite, not praising it.
The fuck is that thing, its fat but doesn't even get the bonus of bigger tits.
A jewess.
You know what they say, user: every "anti-war" movie is actually pro-war. Better to practice hygienic posting early than regret it later.
New age is kosher Theosophy, the metaphysical beliefs that kicked off the national socialists in Germany. We should take it back and militarize crystal healing magic to zap niggers.
It's a very special variety of Jewess. Most keep their clothes on in public thank God because degeneracy is for white girls, but this one goes hands-on like a real leader. Pic related is the kind of filth her father spent a lifetime painting for tens of thousands of dollars a pop, in case you were curious where all of Silicon Valley's profits were going.
And some people wonder why Hitler gradually began to hate the kikes.
Glad you brought him up. Here's a palate-cleanser, courtesy of the Fuhrer. Remember, he wasn't good enough for the Academy.
Look up marching powder. One of the reasons the wehmacht was so effective and so many germans are also crazy or geniuses or both.
At least this one is being honest with the gentiles.
Hence my saging every one of my posts itt.
The reason they even invented the holohoax is so that they could use NatSoc and deny it to the other races.