Rand Paul / Tulsi Gabbard 2020
Rand Paul / Tulsi Gabbard 2020
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Iowa and New Hampshire are the states that need to be won first and foremost. Nothing happens without at least one of them. They will need to be thoroughly canvassed.
Media coverage and political habbenings will begin shifting towards Nov. 2020 during the summer/august of 2019, roughly 9 - 12 months after the Midterms, which are only 7 months away from today.
Having taken the lead in an Iowa Straw Poll, the state is certainly in play for a Paul/Gabbard ticket.
Seriously faggot?
Yes faggot.
Presidents as divisive as him don't have fun second terms. And should he ever really lose Congress, he will most likely face impeachment. He doesn't want to risk his name, his brand, with a likely impeachment that will accompany any lame duck session. Making it through two terms without impeachment requires electoral success, or at least stalemate, for 3 Congressional election cycles. And that flies in the face of the law of Kek. Chaos. Are we really to think a man who built casinos isn't able to play the odds?
Serving as a one termer would be Trump doing to presidential campaigns what Chuck Norris did to kick-boxing. One & Done. "Washington did his job in 8 years. Trump only needed 4. And golfed every fucking weekend."
There also exists the distinct possibility he may fuck us or just fuck up.
And Pence is an establishment goon.
Pussfag the Manlet for President!
He can be beaten up by an elderly neighbor! Also, his replacement is a woman!
Cooperation means surrender to the left
Flip it. Shes dynamite btw.
Congress: We dont think you should investigate Syria situation. Tulsi: Yeah, I just got back, and fuck you.
Woman detected.
So why are the doing it like that
Would the best choice be both running in Primaries, Rand in R and Tulsi in D, and if one wins they take one team for the General
Trump will win reelection but after that I don't know where the party will be. It'll just be pussy all leftest parties like the EU.
do it
collapse the empire of (((evil))) from the inside
it doesent matter who does the killing aslong as they kill the (((cancer))).
besides, in america where prettymuch all the white (((politicians))) have sold out anything is possible
if Trump couldn't do it what make you think these retards could?
I would never vote for a woman
I don't think that the Randlet could win a presidential election even if he ran without an opponent, judging by how badly he fucked up his last campaign.
Not an argument. And her genetics aren't exactly lacking
I don't think he'll run. The litmus test will be the midterms, though.
The least bad woman we're ever likely going to get a chance at. And that's only in case of his death.
This is reclaiming the middle, rebuilding the center, and relegating the left to the fringes where they belong.
As long as the Dems have super-delegates, anyone who isn't pre-determined or pre-cleared has a snowball's chance in hell of winning their primaries. Her running in the Dem primaries is a waste for her.
Trump demonstrated that we can still hijack the Republican Party with the right figurehead.
gtfo, cuckold
well thats the cathch.
if someone thinks trump isnt a puppet, theyd be obliged to support these nwe candidates
if they think it doesent matter anyway then we can all sit this one out and let america slowly collapse in on itself.
there is no best woman of anything
they all belong in the kitchen
lol this is the worst Zig Forums troll so far
Mistakes he can learn from and not repeat.
You'd be voting for a man.
What makes you think a worldwide control apparatus centuries in the making would be undone in 1 or 2 terms?
We can't get lost in the weeds worrying about the day to days and never look up to catch a glimpse of the path ahead.
can you tell me why did the post trigger you?
I look forward to your campaign. Sounds like a lively platform.
Sure thing, schlomo. Next thing you know they'll order the re-conolization of Africa.
Fucking based they are, where do I donate?
You can reclaim the center by cucking to the other side.
Or you can reclaim the center by establishing your views as the center.
And if you're uncompromisingly fringe right, at least be happy enough to use the centrism to move people from the left and closer to you, even if it not nearly as far as you'd like.
white knighting scoring you any yet?
Simplistic extremism is boring. Exactly how far do you expect to get refusing to operate in the real world where women are allowed position of note. I ain't thrilled about it either. But I'm not convinced we're going to shift the cultural Zeitgeist before social momentum from snowballing propaganda pushes a woman POTUS on us.
This is a way of delaying it and making sure the most likely first woman POTUS is the least harmful possible.
We have to deal with pragmatic realities if we want to change the world.
>>>Zig Forums
It's not going to happen
The only thing I see is a scenario like that taking away votes from Trump 2020 and then the Democrats winning the election.
This is a primary challenge come 2020 should Trump:
A. Decide to run again
B. Decide to run again after having sold us out.
Should the Midterms go well, and Trump come through on everything, I'd say make this an idea 2024.
I like contingency plans.
Meant should Trump decide not to run again
take your cuntflaps back to the kitchen
Mmm, pastrami sounds fucking awesome right now…
never ever
no cucks and no women
Further you're buying the nonsensical idea that the republic can be saved without heavy eliminationist measures.
He's got to be one of the most uncucked politicians up there. Is this cause he got jumped?
When the woman has more balls than most of her male counterparts in Congress, the situation must be reassessed.
What kind of a fucking newfag are you? The last time I was even a hint of unironic Randlet support was august 2015. Get the fuck out.
The last time I saw
Further, every single campaign he runs is based around stupid stunts that attempt to reach left, while completely flipping off the actual white republican base. No nigger is going to vote for you Rand. Stop trying.
Genocidal measures are exactly what the NWO would like to see. Americans killing Americans after they've drained our wealth only makes their job easier.
Hitler may or may not have had an issue killing only 6 million. There are over 40 million blacks in America, alone. I don't think ya'll really appreciate the scale of the kind of slaughter you'd like to see.
Swastikas are not going to win you many elections, FYI. One of the pillars of American understanding is that we're the good guys because we fought the Nazi's. Americans repel from endorsing Nazi imagery for this reason.
Rand Paul is a faggot
Get the fuck out of my Zig Forums you sissy.
That's optics and fluff. This is one dude willing to fillibuster to try and shut shit down. He's willing to be the one no vote on a bill that passes the 98 yeas. He stood up to Trump and stopped those shitty obamacare lite replacements that would have given the dems plenty of 2018 fodder.
Fair point. Hence it would be wise to spend the next months and years courting him. Flies, honey and vinegar and what not.
While I like your pics user, that is the wrong thing to post in my opinion.
Wait, hold on. I didn't even see this gem at first.
The holocaust did not happen.
Ok, when does the genocide start?
Basic Sun Tzu. Time is either on your side, or your enemies side, not both. Given demographics, time is on your enemies side. So when does the great cleansing begin?
I don't have gore on my PC, but do I appreciate your effort. Let's bully this randlet off of our board.
I've got some user
>Hey goy, why not support the newest political pairing: Manlet and Mud!
Hard Pass.
It wasn't surprising to learn that the Jewish filmmaker Aaron Russo wasn't merely a libertarian but was a libertarian activist who was once a presidential candidate. Why wasn't it surprising? Because libertarianism is a Jewish movement posing as a freedom movement. Libertarianism consists of conflicting, race-denying, individualistic ideas. It was designed to attract and brainwash certain gentiles who wouldn't follow other political movements, such as the Jewish-led "liberal" a.k.a. "progressive" movement. Do you think it's just a coincidence that people such as Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Frank Chodorov, Aaron Director, Julian Simon, Ron Paul - i.e., most of the big names in the libertarian movement - were Jews? Even today, many of the top people in libertarianism are Jewish. The ones who aren't Jewish simply don't understand the nature of it. Sadly, libertarianism has crept into conservative circles, further Jewing an already-too-Jewed movement (i.e., "neoconservatism" and "Judeo-Christianity"). Libertarianism was created to prevent gentiles from thinking and acting in a collective manner. Like communism and feminism, it's another Jewish "-ism."
Is Rand Paul really going to do something about immigrants? Let's look at what his father believes in.
Ron Paul: "Libertarianism is the enemy of all racism"
"Libertarian is the enemy of all racism, because racism is a collectivist idea. Its that, you put people in category, you say "Well blacks belong here, and whites here, and women here", but we don't see people in forms, or, uh, or gays, you don't have rights because you're gays or women or minority, you have rights because you're an individual. So we see people strictly as individuals, and we get these individuals in a natural way, so its exactly opposite of all collectivism, and its absolutely anti-racism, because we don't see it in those terms."
Ron Paul: Immigration not solved by barbed wire, guns
Ron Paul is Anti-Racist
Ron Paul: I have always made it clear, and will continue to do so, that my message is based on the rights of all people to be treated equally.
Any type of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy.
Ludwig von Mises, the great economist whose writing helped inspire my political career, was a Jew who was forced to leave his native Austria to escape the Nazis.
> Therefore, for me to advance anti-Semitism in any way would be a betrayal of my own intellectual heritage.
- Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 10
- Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, page 87
- Ludwig von Mises, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, page 81
- Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 139
- Ludwig von Mises, Omnipotent Government, page 263
And Trump is relying on Democrat aversion to him to not give us DACA. Maybe he was saying shit he didn't mean to grow a big tent as a strategy for winning. Didn't work, but it was textbook politics pre-Trump.
Well, at least people are taking an intrest.
Dude, fucking Hitler was talking about how big tent movements never work in the 1920's.
Amongst whom?
Democrats, maybe, but Republicans? The Republican vote has basically been 90%+ White people since I've been alive.
he did it because his father lost twice, he was trying to expand his voting base.
I grew up on when they actually still did updates, and Ogrish when it was still up.
Good luck.
Libertarianism is trash for autists who fell for the hyper-individualism memes developed by Jews, and stuffing a mud cunt in there doesn't help it at all.
Jus' sayin' m8.
you might still be here but it keeps everyone else away from the thread.
Where do you think we are nigger?
I love a woman with more asses than breasts.
they cant, noone in the US can. but they can fuck up its foregein policy (noone here in europe gives afuck about burger domestic policy) and weaken the US on the geopolitical stage. im talking about moves like obamas iran deal or pull out freom iraq.
sure some burgers are gonna screech when they see the US collapsing but thats just collateral damage
you must be some lowlife NEET scum if you dont know what zeitgeist is
But the Paul's are the stupid, open border libertarians.
Trump demonstrated that HE could hijack the republican party with the right figurehead.
That can change.
If that is the case, then him winning shouldn't be his only aim. If he comes in and does nothing but hammer points such as auditing the fed, bandwagoning off Trump's inevitable and deserved claims at economic success compared to his predecessors, claiming that doing so would improve the lives of people even more, then something something.
I lost my train of thought. Also, I like your posts.
**Ignore the ones who can't break from their point of view, I think they're bots for the most part. There's very few stances here that aren't attacked with petty shit. Every female is attacked on her looks, And every male is attacked on their 'alpha' status', it's not even shitposting anymore, but too many posts run on that level, there's a term for it but I've forgot what it's called.
I got you covered.
No, that's the exact opposite. Rand stands opposed to everything Zig Forums traditional stands for. He enshrines hedonism as a political philosophy.
well i guess your goverment managed to atleast satisfy you on the latter part
All libertarians are stupid user… Well, not stupid, just autistic hyper-individualistic cuckolds.
No it didn't.
We got a childless catlady as head of DHS.
Why don't libertarians just call themselves gay weed commandos
not Zig Forums anons but you get redditors and other people lurking threads.
oh you mean that CIA blacksite director that trump appointed? im sure its just a tabletop game move.
too bad theyre playing monopoly where the bank wins
Fair enough I suppose, especially given the current context.
Yeah, that one.
Now granted, Trump is trash, but so is the idea of shilling a lolberg manlet and a mudthot on the retarded grounds I've seen done by folks in this thread.
I don't really post these out of fun but out of necessity.
He says what he has to survive the climate he's in. It says something that he actually took the initial chance and stuck his head out and opposed them enough that he later had to walk back his positions.
Politics is a real dirty game. I don't know what his true north is. But I know what mine is (Fuck the NWO), and his happens to coincide with mine pretty often.
I wasn't aware of those, and it ain't good. But how much of it is strategic deception and how much was election time virtue signaling and pandering when he had conventional reason to think it'd work.
Yea, not many people get their politics from him. I think you may be slightly underestimating how not in the mainstream your views are.
As a recovering talk radio junkie, big tent politics is attributed to Reagan and has been the holy grail of many Reps ever since.
With the hard left the Dems have taken, they've made it pretty easy and politically palatable to be friendly to white identitarians.
Randlet is just too short to win a national election. Just the way it is. And is sad because he was 2nd best to Trump in the last go around.
Tulsi though? Are you fucking retarded? She's a progressive who happens to have been in the military and is skeptical of the middle east wars. Other than that she is a shitlib on every other subject that matters. She would vote for gun control and so is worthless to Americans EVEN IF she called out the kikes by name.
His father lived to 93 and was in good health up until the end and the Don has access to much better health care than his dad did.
I live in Iowa and I will never vote a woman for President or vice-President or any other politician. Nor will I vote for a nigger.
for autistic libertarian reasons
ha just kidding he had Alzheimer's disease for six years before he died.
If that is the case, then him winning shouldn't be his only aim. If he comes in and does nothing but hammer points such as auditing the fed, band wagoning off Trump's inevitable and deserved claims at economic success compared to his predecessors, claiming that doing so would improve the lives of people even more, then something something.
He's also one of the few who I could being only a 1-termer because of the disruption caused by his fucking with (((their))) fuckery.
I try to post like the nigger Don Sargon doesn't want us to be.
It's just so common I wonder how real the sentiment is.
go back to wherever you came from
women don't belong in politics
Yes, don't ever look to the past, goyim.
Viable alternatives in a 2 party hegemonic system are few and far in between.