I wanted to share an experience with you all. This is anecdotal but seems to be the normal in the area I live. Syrian guy actually introduces himself when I move into the neighborgood (Unlike the other "whites" that are next door). His kid left a soccer ball in my yard so I return it to his house. He invites my kid and I over to hang out. Kids play board games while we hang out in his man cave. Offers us ice cream and watch arabic gameshow. He is a pharmacist and family is traditional and respectful.
Refugees come in peace
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a lovely cockroach in my my home. We sit and eat ice cream and watch movies. He's a wonderful neighbor and all will turn out well. I've heard rumors that cockroaches spread and cause disease, but I'm healthy right now so it's all a lie.
False equivalent but I can see why this would harm your worldview. Might as well avoid water because 100 % of people who drink it have died.
you might want to check if your "kid" is still virgin.
deluded thought process, OP
Yes, you spent a lovely day visiting at your nice neighbor's house. In fact you're just like him! Why doesn't he want you to stay all the time? Why doesn't he give you partial ownership? Is he some kind of racist???
These are Daesh that may or may not be Syrian
Religion of Cuck™ic State*
dont use the meme word for them, face the facts that ISIS are the most true-to-scripture muslims on Earth and follow the closest in mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's footsteps
I prefaced it with anecdotal experience. Not making any sweeping generalizations.
then what is the point of this thread?
They actually dislike the term Daesh and embrace ISIS. I thought you fellas were smarter than the folks at half chan
To hear of experiences, positive or negative concerning Syrian refugees. So far we have an unrelated shotgun execution
Not sure what you mean by this…
Here's the thing about non-whites m8: they are perfectly capable of being civilized and polite when they're outnumbered. Schools are a great example of this. Think about when you have a classroom with 3 Mexican kids and 17 whites, and how the white kids generally treat the Mexicans. For the most part, the white kids will be either indifferent or try to befriend the Mexican kids.
Now think about what happens when Mexicans outnumber whites 17-3. When Mexicans are the majority in any area, they'll treat whites like absolute shit. Muslims are the same way, but even worse.
If you were the only White in that neighborhood, surrounded by Ahmeds and M0hammads and Fatimas, your neighbor would either shun you or curse you in Arabic every time he saw you.
I'd be interested to see if other people have experienced this. I grew up in a half hispanic school and only had a problem with one puerto rican psychopath
good. Isl@mic state is more accurate
ask the cologne women what their experience of refugees was like
Also could the reverse be true? Maybe the brown people feel the same. In this case maybe ethnostates are the answer…
It's not about "them," asshole, they aren't sitting on ZOG social media. It's about reminding normies they are ISL-MIC each time they pull off shit you brainless scumbag. I don't care what they want or don't want to be called.
like I'd care what the fuck ISIS like being called?
Is what you were trying to say, and no, not it is not.
This is a cuckchan-tier thread.
A friend living in Leipzig told me his wife was constantly harassed. I would wager that those allowed on trans-atlantic travel were more civilized or they would go right back where they'd came from.
Checked, it's because whites have empathy for fellow humans (I use that term lightly when it comes to sandnigs and others), while they have a mob mentality and fuck with whites because they outnumber us.
Okay please accept the .02 to your account and may Palestine regret the day they interfered
As a bong I'm happy we've generally avoided le peaceful syrians, but look at the Calais jungle. All waiting to step into my country. We have enough problems with the pakis and wogs that got here in the 60s-00s we dont need more.
never stepped foot here doesnt know a thing about our people and nation but knows we hand out benefits like no mans business
Whenever there is a terrorist attack, the neighbors of the perpetrator always say 'oh he was such a nice friendly person, im so surprised he just mass murdered people'.
So the way I figure it, its the nice ones you have to watch out for. So just be careful OP.
It's true. I forget what verse of the Quran that states that muslims believe in "peaceful takeover" (IE interbreeding with the population and converting the locals to where ever they migrate, divide and conquer), but when they are singled out/only one family they tend to act friendly. I think it's more of an attempt to try and blow out any stereotypes of their bad reputation with the general American population.
Even if what they were semi successful with what they are trying to accomplish, tell the average normie to pray seven times a day and allow them to cut out work early with compensation (guarantee you they wont be going home to pray).
so back on the streets by 2009. Wonder how many more he's raped since then.
Ah, but therein lies the rub.
If you put 17 Whites around 3 Mexicans, the presence of the Mexicans brings down the functionality of the Whites. Its been scientifically proven that this is the case, and it applies to most non-Whites in the company of Whites.
They drag us down whenever we're around them, even as we lift them up.
Slow aren't you, moshie?
Not getting 1st post anymore.
Im tempted to say we should count ourselves lucky he was convicted at all.
But that would be admitting how bad things have become.
It's spelled Moshe
So are you pro Palestine or pro Israel?
This is all so fucked its on biblical proportions. Modern day Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah all rolled into one. We deserve an apocalypse.
A thread died for this piece of shit. Fuck you, OP, no one gives a fuck about your blogpost.
I'm pro-anti-Jews-and-mudfolk
I don't like the Israelis more than I don't like the Palestinians though, if that's what you're asking.
Optimal scenario: Muslims murder and rape kikes to death, last kike 'out the door' nukes the Arabian penninsula, blast radius somehow reaches Yemen and Saudi Arabia, but doesn't strike Damascus, and the wind currents carry the fallout over Central Africa.
the more you act like a jew the more you become a jew.
woah op masterful deduction.
These aren't representative of the entire population though. Everyone here is part of a group that operates outside of the normal (i.e. normies). We don't want to be associated with the majority of brain dead people.
Proportionality is a thing and you're engaging in context denial.
Proportionality is a thing and you're engaging in context denial.
Proportionality is a thing and you're engaging in context denial.
Pew Research
The World's Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 91% (1.7% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 71% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 29% (0.05% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 12% (0.5% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 84% (10%+ of WMP!)
- Indonesia, 11%+ WMP: 72% (7%+ of WMP!)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ WMP: 82% (7%+ of WMP!)
- Egypt, ~4%+ WMP: 74% (2%+ of WMP!)
So, just there alone, you're looking at about 43% of the total Muslim popualation worldwide, and from that we've got about 28.5% of the World Muslim Population being in support of Sharia as the official law of the land.
That's more than 1 in 4.
Pew goes further in their meta-analysis.
84% in South Asia
77% in Southeast Asia
- Between these two, that's 62.1% of the World Muslim Population
- Averaged between them, that's around 50% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as official law of the land
74% in Middle East-North Africa
- About 20% of the World Muslim Population
- 15% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as official law of the land
64% in Sub-Saharan Africa
- About 15% of the World Muslim Population
- About 10% of the World Muslim Population supporting Sharia as the law of the land
WMP Total: 75%+
Soooo, now we're more in the range of 75%+ of the Muslims worldwide.
Granted, thats only in violation of the 'western principles' aspect, eh?
Let's look at some stuff a bit more… grisly.
plz no bully
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 52.7% (1% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 48% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 13.3% (0.03% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 3.5% (0.2% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 75% (9%+ of WMP)
- Indonesia, 11%+ of WMP: 35% (4%+ of WMP)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ of WMP: 45% (4%+ of WMP)
- Egypt, ~4%+ of WMP: 60% (2%+ of WMP)
WMP Total: 20.43%!
That's 1 in 5 worldwide in support of stoning for adultery.
This is unacceptable.
One more.
You know what they say, "A few bad apples spoil the whole bunch."
Iraq, 1.9% WMP: 38% (0.7% of WMP)
Jordan, 0.4% WMP: 58% (0.2% of WMP)
Lebanon, ~0.2% WMP: 13% (0.03% of WMP)
Turkey, 4.6% WMP: 2% (0.1% of WMP)
- Pakistan, 12%+ WMP: 63% (3.6%+ of WMP)
- Indonesia, 11%+ of WMP: 13% (1.4%+ of WMP)
- Bangladesh, 9%+ of WMP: 36% (3.2%+ of WMP)
- Egypt, ~4%+ of WMP: 64% (2.6%+ of WMP)
WMP Total: 11.83%!
This is totally unacceptable.
Until they can get their situation under control, I do not see any reason to import their conflict and strife where such is unnecessary.
Help them where they are.
Immigration Gumballs.
How it has to be.
A significant majority (70-80%) of Muslims WORLDWIDE support Sharia as official law of the land
One in five (20%+) Muslims WORLDWIDE support stoning as punishment for adultery
One in ten (11%+) Muslims WORLDWIDE support death for leaving Religion of Cuck™ (apostasy).
Not including the lower crime rates associated with these countries. Just include all of it and let the reader decide for themselves
this is the level of shilling now?
Pro Palestine. Despite our differences they deserve the right to exist
Statistics for drug use, violent crime, prostitution, murder
Its a cuckchan refugee m8. You can tell their posting style from a mile away.
This is basically what the entirety of cuckchan's catalog is like now.
So you're a traitor?
Why shouldn't White people be supreme?
Why should we make way for mud people anymore than we should make way for kikes?
We shouldn't. Literally 50% of Muslims worldwide are inbred. They're kikes that never went into diaspora.
My enemies have no right to exist, and they recognize no such right on my behalf.
What statistics? Cite them.
and yet they do all that in the west
Good luck with selling that authoritarian regime. Not shitting on any ideologies but you should mix in a little bit of realism.
My mom teaches ESL. A mexican comes over to her house once a week. He's very nice. They talk about all sorts of normie shit while she helps him learn English. He's planning to buy a local restaurant.
He's stupid, doesn't pay taxes, votes democrat and has 12 kids.
If we allow these low IQ scum to take over the world civilization will end.
A story as old as Religion of Cuck™ itself.
All and West. Two very general categories user. Hard sell
In a country like Saudi Arabia where womens opinions in court are worth half that of a man you are going to get much fewer convictions for rape. But probably more actual rapes.
Inb4 women exaggerate a lot of that stuff.
Similarly in a country where drugs are legal, you get fewer drug convictions. But more actual drug use.
I agree. We are overdue for a happening or a culling of the world population and the i telligent should prevail so there is no need to worry. By 2050 food shortages are expected to become a global crisis. Patience
I'd seen a video of this that broke down percentages. An interesting hypothesis but nothing ironclad
Those stats look like bullshit, their presentation is awful, and they're almost-all ~10 years old.
That said, question: What average are they comparing to? The global average?
See also:
Now what?
Sounds like the rhetoric of a scared mudperson trying to LARP as a White man.
so? even if hes completely peaceful (probably rare), hes still displacing whites in your country with his spawn and turning your country into a 3rd world shithole. I know some black people that are peaceful and friendly, yet would you want to live in an 90% black or 90% white town? Also, there isnt a state of emergency right now. when shit starts popping off, similar people stick together. this is why in prison, races automatically segregate themselves, because the tension is always with them. Prisoners dont help other races for a reason, it would be hurting their own group.
That lazy attitude is going to cost you and your people, OP. im not suggesting to burn your neighbors house down, but dont be friendly with him, instead spend your effort to whites instead, also watch him closely, just because hes a family man doesnt mean he isnt related to people in Religion of Cuck™ic militias or something. he probably is, actually.
Drugs are legal where alcohol and playboy are haram? The first scenario I can see
I know what you're thinking: "If I get them groomed now, maybe they won't be so horrible to them after I'm gone."
The data isn't always released as current as the UCR. I chose a year which would be accessible. The murder rate being 49% greater may make sense in am area affected by a war where people struggle for resources and land
You have it backwards. They're kids will be westernized in my lifetime
You chose 10 year old data. And it still didn't support your claim.
Yet you claimed the crime rate was lower.
Something doesn't stack up mudnigger.
No they won't mudnigger.
We know how your taqiyya works, and Muslims have not functionally assimilated anywhere they've been deposited in Western nations.
Noted. One of the least biased and more thought out responses so far
The last time I'd checked crimes were low comparatively. The other stats still stand
Provide evidence of this.
What other stats?
What average are they comparing to, mudnigger? Do you think we're stupid enough to not realize that the 'average' here is the global average, which means absolutely nothing because Africa and South America exist?
Why are you being so biased and disingenuous mudnigger?
tfw every one I'd met has or eventually will.
Annecdotal evidence mudnigger, and completely unverified.
You're likely just lying while being in a Muslim country trying to shill for your people.
Prove you're White. Post your hand.
South America doesn't count? Are you implying civilization doesn't exist in Africa or South America?
We all know how the hand thing goes. I'll post it and it won't be enough. I'm using tech and proper english. Is that not enough?
I've kept an open mind to comments and facts presented. I'm hardly being biased at all.
South America is a hellhole of miscegenated monsters.
Are you implying that being better in terms of tech than such creatures is meaningful in any manner?
Thats just you making an excuse for yourself mudnigger.
There are plenty of your mudnigger kin in the West and in your shitty nations that can and do speak English and use tech. You're the ones most prone to engaging in taqiyya.
Disgustingly biased and extremely disingenuous.
I'm using your source.
Seems murder rate seems to be the only statistic from Muslim countries available within the last decade from said source, for comparison.
You already lied in attempted defense of your mudnigger kin, mudnigger.
The very stats your provided did nothing but show that your people are only less criminal relative to the 'global average', which is dragged into meaninglessness due to there being so many actual niggers and other mudfolk, while further demonstrating that compared to White Western nations, your folks are just violent mudniggers.
*better in terms of crime
>The figures do not include deaths in places which are at war, such as Syria and Iraq, and represent increases of 100 per cent and 152 per cent respectively since 1990.
See also:
Support for suicide bombings and for ISIS is higher among second generation Muslims than first generation Muslim immigrants. They're not assimilating. Their culture and significantly lower average IQ prevents them from doing so.
He can fuck right back off, and so can you, fag OP.
BASED sand person. CLearly this means we have to allow them in and allow them to rape and impregnate our daughters and turn our countries into muddy hellholes.
Thanks for showing me the light, OP>
This is not a religious problem, this is a racial problem.