Illegal immigrant zog killer smirks at death sentence

Illegal immigrant zog killer smirks at death sentence
Illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes smiled again Tuesday as a California jury handed him a death sentence following his conviction in the 2014 killing of two sheriff's deputies, but this time, the deputies' families gave the cold-blooded killer a taste of his own medicine.
"I was smiling back at him purposely," Jeri Oliver, Sacramento County Sheriff's Deputy Danny Oliver's mother, told The Sacarmento Bee after court. Debbie McMahon, the mother of fallen Placer County Sheriff Detective Michael Davis Jr., agreed “to smile at him for a change."
The convicted cop killer made headlines during his trial in January when he smiled and went into a profanity-laced rant in court, saying, “I wish I had killed more of the mother——-s,” and promised to “kill more, kill whoever gets in front of me … There's no need for a f—ing trial."
He also shouted in court that he was guilty and asked to be put to death. The defense tried to convince the judge to enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.
After hours of deliberation Tuesday, a Sacramento Superior Court jury ruled that Bracamontes will get what he asked for and receive the death penalty for his heinous crimes.

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So why didn't you just plead guilty?

Jesus what the hell is wrong with spics?

They're gene trash.

He will not be executed instantly because complicated legal issues.

Muh highest respect for the process and rule of law but total disregard for the abuses and circumvention of law when applied to the nation's people instead of invading murderers.

Do you have any idea how talmudic the courts are?

Well it is Commiefornia. I'm surprised they even gave him a death sentence.

They won't do it, that's why he's laughing it off.

Learn about your enemies, user.

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Doing the jobs american aren't doing indeed.

What's wrong with that? If you know you're that fucked, might as well have a giggle.

I admit, I haven't been following this case very closely.
Obviously, being an illegal, he had no legal access to firearms, so, any word on the weapons involved?
Given the right spin, he could, ironically, become the face of the argument against gun restrictions.
I mean, if the police can't even protect themselves, what chance will an unarmed populace stand against maniacs like this?

anyone have the video of his outburst in court?

Don't lionize this piece of shit.

No doubt TPTB intervened and told the judge to execute him because the blow back of this guy getting off would be too much for MSM to handle.

Give me 9 and 3 bullets I'll make it quick

another spic for the noose

Attached: Man struggles against deputies as he is sentenced for murdering a 4-year-old (Graphic Content).mp4 (1280x720, 11.24M)

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thats only one tribe of spics, there were a couple hundred of them in mexico at the time, some better than others, the best were the olmecs mayans zapotecs the aztecs were considered a tribe of savages that took over at the end when most of these empires were on the downlow. the zapotecs were decimated by disease brought by chninese explorers that came and traded with them, they also left there boat technology in puerto escondido.

They sure act like goblins too.

I had a neutral view of spics until some of them stole from me. Now I think the wall should have a minefield and FEMA camps should serve tacos.

Human sacrifice was common all over mesoamerica though. Mayans practiced it extensively, just not as much or as gruesomely as the Aztecs did. Even the Incans, probably the most civilized and least savage of them, practiced human sacrifice on rare occasions. It was very heavily ingrained into their culture (im guessing because theyre just naturally violent, I mean mexicans still like to flay people, they just do it secularly now)

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