Other urls found in this thread:
amnesty: an official pardon for people who have been convicted of political offenses.
Last time I checked, putting dumb beaners on a "path" to citizenship with requirements most of them will never complete is no where near an "official pardon."
Mitt Romney is a phoney, a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from Harvard.
Gas all pothead pedophiles, aka libertarians
face it, you got cucked big time
Like Trump campaigning on Mexico paying for the wall and deporting DACA recipents?
the same Mitt that said he wasn't going to run against Trump in2016 but registered all the domains in advance? lol faggot
Jesus Christ you are such a cuckold.
UT faggot here
I met the guy once up in Logan. Fake as they come. Slimy ass kike loving politician scum
Mitt Romney IS a massive, disgusting, fraudulent faggot.
But he's still right in this situation.
Its quite funny though, that he'd be saying this shit, given the context.
More like
What happened to Mexico funding the wall?
What happened to opening up the libel laws so we could sue the media?
What happened to the need to investigate voter fraud?
What happened to "they have to go back"?
Ah, it probably doesn't matter anwyay.
Your message is that Romney is telling the truth, and that a RINO dancing to the right to score points with boomers is "cucking." You literally smoked yourself so stupid, you're now an honorary nigger.
For a while Mitt was convinced that Trump was not as wealthy as he claimed to be. Was he just bullshitting to thwart Trump, or do you think there was some merit to these claims?
Sorry just testing if I could post. If you looked up his plan for making Mexico pay, it involved some legal manipulation of the patriot act. Now I’d love a hardline on this, but that act is literally Talmudic slavery for the goyim. God damn there are so many layers to their corruption.
Also Romney is the ultimate pandering hack. He’s right here but maybe the zeitgeist is finally changing. He had no convictions of his own.
His opponent Larry is staunch 2A MOLON LABE shall not be infringed guy. His last name is Meyers though so that might be a (( (problem)) ) , will need to check his ancestry
Not mine. I didn't write the article or interview mittens.
Objectively, he is.
Mittens exposed Trump's kike trick to garner right wing votes, the same trick he and his neocohen cohort have used in public, forcing the bootlickers like you to spin the fact to avoid embarrassment. He cucked Trump in front of his entire constituency.
I'm still with the President, and always will be, Shareblue. You can't subvert Zig Forums against the President. I know it hurts. We've all told you for six million times DACA is a narrative hijack to encourage beaners into splintering the Democrats. Maybe you could remember that for once if you stopped drinking yourself to sleep over the Trump Presidency. Only seven more years to go!
I think history has already spoken for itself.
He doesn't appear to have any kike facial traits.
Hasn't Romney called Trump's place racist multiple times? He speaks out of both sides of his mouth, as one would expect a servant of the Lie.
We know. Trump said in 2016 he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th ave and wouldn't lose a single voter. He knows you're sychophants who will follow him like lemmings off any cliff he marches off.
don't fool yourself. Zig Forums was subverted a long time ago. everyone knows /r/nupol would never go against the based god emperor.
To be fair, I don't think Trump does either.
I don't think there's anyone presently active in US politics on the basis of their own convictions, ya know?
Pretty much this.
The real reason Zig Forums is as fucked as it is at present is because the mods - and I suspect 3b4278 is one of them, based on posting style and image choice - are completely bought-out.
Whether its actually them being paid, or its them just being massive sycophants, I don't know, and don't really care either, the end result is the same.
Probably not unfortunately. Maybe just that illinois candidate. And I almost want to trust nehlen, if only for the reason that he acts like he was just a normal run of the mill unheard of loser candidate who stumbled on truths he couldn’t ignore or forget. He seems angry. Reminds me of me years back. Won’t make much difference though tbh. One things certain to me, I think political success in this country is the best and surest rest for complete psychopathy.
>Not knowing one of (((George Soros'))) addresses.
nigger, he started that sentence with "they think i could shoot…"
why are you repeating shareblue propaganda?
“Nu pol” is a shill d and c term iirc. Gtfo.
Then "they" were fucking right, dipshit. 3b4278 and the rest of the /r/nupol bootlickers are living fucking proof of it.
all the GOP is good for is bitching at each other apparently
They're also pretty good at convincing WNs they have their best interests in mind. Shocking to watch Zig Forumsacks fall for the GOP meme over and over and over - as if this time it will be different.
durr uuu whytes are so dummhbdh
I wish I could agree with you there, but I cannot.
h8/pol/ has changed, and not for the better.
Its out of fear.
See, you stick around on Zig Forums long enough, you start to realize something terrible - there is no political solution. And once you realize that, once the horrifying reality of this dawns on you, you basically have two options: You can talk about how there is no political solution, whereupon you'll be attacked from a variety of different angles by a variety of different factions, and will probably win up banned… Or you can pretend its not the case, can pretend that there IS a political solution to this, and that we just need to keep trying and eventually we'll figure it out, someone will come forward, something will happen, something will change.
Its only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything, but every man dies.
What will you wish you'd done before you die?
What would you give up, on that day, lying there, crippled and broken by age, to be able to do that thing you wish you'd done?
I imagine dying men, who're not dying well, would give up most anything.
Someday, you will die.
What will you wish you'd done before you die?
If you'd wish that you'd have saved your people, then the first step down that road is realizing that you never had anything of value to begin with, that you were born a slave, that without something done you will die a slave, and that no politician will - perhaps even can - save your folk, that only you can do that.
That is the lesson.
you're right, they don't do it openly. they lie to your face and then cuck you behind your back.
Oh boy, someone doesn't understand how first past the post voting works.
And someone thinks there are two parties in this broken system, when in reality, there is only ZOG
It's de facto a two party system(sockpuppet)
literally only because of retards like you who can't into circular logic.
Except its more like this
>Because the (((people))) with the money who do all the financing only give their money to actors on behalf of one of those two parties
>There are two masks representing different parties, but they serve the same masters - the (((people))) who finance them
>Because the (((people))) who do the financing also control the media(Why can't I hold all these strawmen?)
I love this mental image.
That guy he shot without warning was actually his voter base. And it wasn't a bullet, it was a knife in the back. But everything else is shockingly accurate
Are you retarded? He said it on fucking video. It's a joke, stop being so serious all the time. 11 seconds in.
Don't worry Ollie, it'll all be over soon. You should probably go unplug your router now.
(>le 5th ave quote)
You're banning people for quoting trump now? Better ban too.
This post got got the user a FOUR WEEK BAN, the reason being "why can't I hold all these strawmen?"
Can anyone explain what the fuck that's supposed to mean?
It means the mods are losing control of the narrative and have to ban any and all wrongthink lest the Kushner money starts drying up.
Much like how the Dossier about Trump having hookers in Moscow pissing in a bed that Obama slept in, right?
Good job singling yourself as a ban evader
I think it means he pissed off one of the mods by exposing his faulty narrative.(kike)
Being this retarded
Anyway, I don't want to hear about modbans any more after seeing this IQ50 OP allowed to mong up the place.
No, it's more like Trump saying he's going to deport all the DACA illegals for a year and then spends the next year fighting to legalize them. It's a lot more like that.
I bet they're banning based on post histories. I would like to see yours.
Bro, basically everyone is a ban evader at this point it seems. The only people who aren't are the MIGApedes and other assorted sycophants.
No they're not. They're banning based on wrongthink. Any smart user is using VPNs anyways so a "post history" is useless. Though I would like to see the post history of this VPN IP.
However, your fresh IP with 1-2 posts will still give you away.
That's pretty retarded, given they've banned like 2/3s of the community at this point for not sucking Trump's dick hard enough.
I would love to see some of the post histories of the sycophantic faggots who post nothing but spammed maymays and damage control.
Pretty much this.(kike)
Except often it doesn't.
Why do you think the mods ONLY provide you graphics like that?
Why do you think they never provide a graphic showing, oh, look, the person they banned actually WASN'T being a blatant-as-fuck shill and was making valid arguments across threads? If you think that doesn't happen on the reg, you're lying to yourself.
Too bad for you that you're not in control, then.
If they were valid, a polite appeal would get them unbanned within an hour.
You forgot to call me 'goy'.
There you go lying to yourself again.
Have at it, user.
Nah, it's easier and much more fun to use VPNs instead. Mods just keep ragebanning IPs left and right, unable to contain the fire, pounding their fat cheeto's encrusted fingers angrily on the keyboard until they exhaust themselves and ragedelete the thread instead(ban evasion)
oh look, what a cohencidence.
Top fucking kek. Thanks, that will be a good one to save for future use.
Look kikes, just kill yourselves now. You've lost.
No sweat. Did you see the caps in the Sweden election thread?
The guy who bitched about Trump being too harsh on illegals is coming back to say this shit now? Nobody's gonna forget all the zog shilling he's done.
The difference is, Romney has enough self-reflection to admit he changed is stance and explained why (muh feels). Trump is still parading around like he's following through on his campaign promises to deport DACA illegals.(sockpuppet)
how do you view post history like this?
Saved all of them. Hey, are the different IDs per shill IP from them being on separate computers connected to the same service?
Post a picture of your fingers, then. Prove to me that your ring finger is longer than your pointer finger. Kek.
Separate computers/browsers or they just delete the cookies and start again. They don't ID hop on the same IP very often though.
Now that's a low hanging fruit argument since you absolutely love to omit certain parts of information in order to fit your contextual narrative of "he's trying to legalize illegals". This is how you gave yourself away, yid. Since you don't recall, his "deal" was set up in such a manner that many of the illegals that the leftist marxists were clinging onto wouldn't be able to meet the specific requirements addressed, and put it in such a manner that while appearing reasonable, knew first hand that the dems would never accept that offer without severely taking a hit on their own support. And lo and behold, they still wound up pissing off their illegal spic base for letting DACA die in the mud. The same way that you'll die, face first in the mud after your boss gets tired of you getting his operations exposed and decide to put you on "early retirement"
How does it feel to lose for four years straight to a ragtag group of anime masturbators?
All those hundreds of millions of dollars, utterly wasted.
why does anyone give a shit what some retarded former governor and failed presidential candidate have to say years after his civil service came to an end?
fucking retards
Trump said in his campaign he was going to deport the DACA illegals. Anything other than pushing for deportation is a complete reversal of his campaign promise. He already has the authority to deport them. But he hasn't. And he won't. And you know it.
do you feel in charge?
(ban evasion)
Zig Forums moderation: Drywall Salesmen of the Year 2014-2018 inclusive
stay mad kikes.
Between anne coulter and romney thread, (((they))) are getting desperate trying to find means and measures to D&C and splinter while creating chaos.
I'm curious at what point did Trump become Zig Forums's new Hitler? I don't even see NSDAP or esoteric hilterism threads anymore. It's all >>/trump/ and dog-and-pony american politics all the time.
Huh, its almost like… That's a public proxy!
Its almost like… Reducing the board from ~4,000 people to ~1,800 over six months, movitated almost-entirely by protective shilling on Trump's behalf, has driven people to use proxies… Thus resulting in mods trying to play these underhanded games wherein they try to justify their actions which have destroyed the community ala "Haha! I caught you using a proxy to post on the board!".
What a cohencidence!
What about that represents an argument on your behalf mod-kun?
Because you ban literally anyone who questions, so people question, get banned, hop on another IP, you ban that one too, and eventually they just stop engaging with you in that thread, because you've shown you simply silence anyone who questions.
Fucking assbags, you can't push this "Trump isnt gonna build the wall" shit anymore.
We got pictures of the rebar being put up this week.
Bro, you're defending the mods banning on shit like this
On that note: Hey, mod-kun!
Post this IP's posting history!
Hell, post this IP's posting history!
Hell, post this IP's posting history!
When are you fags going to unban Tor? Your whole 'it was a spammer goy!' narrative is weak as fuck.
Seems legit Schlomo.
Brah, you don't get salesman of the year for having sales at the same place they were 4 years after you started.
Then again, in this case, you went from selling a bunch of high-profit material into selling a bunch of low-profit trash - IOW: even though your sales figures are the same as 4 years ago, the quality has drastically diminished.
How about this one mod-kun?
Can we get this IP's post history?
So where's the supposed new york times article Trump is quoting?
Literally zero mention of the wall has been brought up, though it does speak to the level of desperation that you brought it up as a deflection. The point is that Trump campaigned on deporting DACA illegals but now has completely reversed course on this promise. Even Mittens, who admits he did the same flip-flop, is calling out Trump for being weak on immigration - relative to his campaign.
You are all such a bunch of massive fucking faggots. The GOP pushed hard for amnesty as a bipartisan plan in 2007 then they got tens of thousands of letters written into them which said that if they did it they'd be out on their asses.
But rather than try this again with a much wider net which pol can cast and use to to leverage Trump you faggots can only bitch back and forth about who is a bigger shill or cuck.
You all fucking disgust me.
No, lad, you're just a sycophantic cuckold.
Still waiting on that article, mod.
And not even effective shilling. Bannng people for posting fucking videos of Trump, in context, is retarded. Especially when the video is Trump complimenting his supporters for their loyalty.
Trump isnt serious about protecting CACA kids. Romney is just taking the shot to divide the base, but it wont work because none of them even like or listen to Romney.
There's also word the magic underpants son of a bitch is going to try to run again in 2020.
And Rand too. These kids never get tired of losing.