Hi guys, i had a talk with some jews from the jews association at my school today and ffs i think they just convinced that they are not evil and are not trying to tear apart modern society.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's mainly israel as a nation causing all the trouble anyway.
Obviously that means jewish operatives fucking our shit up. People just like to cast wide nets for problems like these.
Not all of them are, but they all support those that do, just because they are kikes.
WTF is the thread???
Every rat fucking Jew, every man woman and child needs to be gassed and then their caracas incinerated in an oven
yeah i kind of knew that but they started with all those republican arguments and shits that you can not really argue without being /pol
lmao shitty mods anchor any threads about IRON ANN criticizing Trump but leave up straight up high school reddit tier faggot blogpost /r/ threads like this one
really makes me think
jews are the most neurotic and paranoid of all peoples. they regularly lie to themselves. they honestly believe they're the "good guys" and/or are just doing what's good for themselves "like everyone else." they have no conscience and no self-awareness. you should never even talk to them
Heil has torposter derangment syndrome.
sad! many such cases!
meguca.org ← hardcore Zig Forums went here
vichan.org ← bunch of 8ch leaks here about your mods etc
The truth is out there, if you only go looking for it. Good luck.
that's because there's nothing left to save here. you might as well just help it burn
Ask them how many slices of pizza they're allotted when they serve in the israeli army
They're most upset about how Yahweh abandoned them after the destruction of the second temple in 70ad.
You have a weak mind and a weak spirit if you think a friendly conversation with some kikes undoes the horrors they've unleashed on western civilization.
We do not forgive, we do not forget.
For all the redditfaggots, this is a datamining shitpost. Sage and report. Blogposts, eceleb cancer, datamining and promotion of race mixing are all shit that you should report.
Well you and your yid friends should have a movie night sometime and talk about why USSR occupied Europe, who Putin said was 85% kosher, happened to be in possession of all "death camps" but it's not big deal they killed 20 million people in gulags. IF they were smart they'd recognize and respect the better traits of whites are more preferable instead of trying to weaponize shitskins to burn the world down. I wouldn't hate them if they would just their own business. I think Russia, China, many others realize this though, so it'll turn out ok in the end.
vid was broke
This is not a popular opinion on here:
I think that most jews are not inherently a problem. They just tend to be leftist to some degree. But the leaders of organizations that are problems overwhelmingly tend to be jewish. So, not all jews are a problem, but the people that are a problem are jewish. Which is reason enough to be rid of them.
I’ve done in person recon on jews of various ranks. Millionaire doctor Jews and lawyer Jews. Highest ranking Jew I’ve had repeated contact with is close family member to a major sports team owning Jew. My feeling is that they aren’t actively conspiring. Some considered themselves patriots despite values that were far left and anti white. One hated obama but also admitted his allegiance would always be to Israel over the USA. They could have been pulling the wool over my eyes but my feeling is a lot of this kikery could be curtailed if the public schools did a better job indoctrinating these kids into nationalism
Enjoy getting your teeth punched down your throat again.
It is a problem of multiculturalism. The jewish culture is very strong among jews and is against american culture. It should be rooted out from the top and the senators with dual citizenship should be barred from office.
is cuckchan down again?
The problem is Zig Forums confuses culture with race quite often. Now if you want to see it from a bioinformatics perspective, culture and race are like software and hardware respectively. Niggers are like mac computers, dumbed down and controlled by jews. Normie whites are like Microsoft branded computers, malleable and still lowkey cucked yet competent. Slavs are Lenovo because that shit is controlled by the Kremlin. Asians are Huawei, cheap as fuck, plentiful, high specs yet complete trash beneath the surface. Kikes however, are Blackberry phones. Behind the curve societally, but portable, professional, discrete and secure.
What happens if you hack your blackberry and fill it with Apple products? You get a Jew who drinks the kosher kool aid and nigs out despite the intense Jewish conformity pressure. If more normies researched social dynamics maybe we would have learned about the reality of third cultures and how they represent a failure to conform rather than a unique ""valuable"" experience.
You do realize of course that as soon as that conversation ended, they and their parents and their rabbi began conspiring how to kill you.
What a coincidence that two pro jew threads come up at the exact same time!
First of all, I am very suspicious of threads like yours.
But be that as it may, maybe you're being sincere and just lack perspective.
In other words, you are failing to see the forest for the trees.
Not enough people on Zig Forums listen to Dr. William Pierce. Many claim they do but based on my experience, many are lying and only listened to a few of his broadcasts.
Here is one for you as I suspect the Jews you were talking to spun you a story about how they're paragons of virtue and conservative American values.
If you're serious in your thread, please listen to this to help give you perspective.
After listening to this, follow it up with this.
I suspect that those Jews said things similar to the things these Jews wrote to Dr. Pierce. They explained that they don't approve of the degeneracy that Jews like Sumner Redstone or Bob Igor or Gerald Levin or David Levey are pushing. And the explained that not all Jews are like Arthur Sulzberger or Jeff Zucker.
And they used themselves as an example of why Jews aren't bad for your nation at all! After all, "we're not like those Jews you hate. We're just like you."
Listen to this and then do some research on your own.
Did you really have your own beliefs or were you just following the grain of 'le edgy meme posters' on Zig Forums?
Trick question, you're probably a kike/FBI and I shouldn't be wasting time replying. But these are essential redpills all anons should know anyways:
Not strictly about jews but in reading it you'll see exactly why people hate jews: resist.com
Expanding more (and simplifying it), jews are a parasitic group that travels everywhere but does not assimilate and instead remains intensely loyal to their in-group. They are "God's chosen people" and we are the evil unclean impure goyim cattle. This may not seem like a big deal until you realize they only care about advancing their own interests and 99% of the time that is going to be at OUR detriment, even though they live off our society/nations (hence why they're called parasites). Take for example the jewish obsession with pushing 'diversity' and 'open borders' while strictly insisting that Israel be a jewish ethnostate because they must secure the existence of their people. Hmmmm. It is no coincidence that (((hollywood))), which pushes mass degeneracy, the (((mass media))) which pushes blatant lies and radical leftist ideology onto the masses, and the (((big banks))) which financially enslave people and nations are all very disproportionately owned by this small group of parasites.
Judaism is presented today as just some old religious tradition that existed before Christianity, and jews are just the folk who didn't believe Christ was their Messiah :-)
But these are blatant lies. If you are a Christian you would know that jews are the sworn enemies of Christianity and Christian values. If you are pagan you would know that judaic values stand opposed to all the healthy and traditional values of our ancestors.
And if you delve into it jews aren't just these funny desert people following their old pre-christian religion, they're a cult and their religion (aside from a rare few Orthodox jews) is actually centered around the Talmud, which a bunch of rabbis wrote after Jesus and basically centers around "we're the chosen people so we can rule the earth" and how it's perfectly acceptable to jew-jew-jew because 'goyim' (read: anyone not a jew) are not human. Here's some fun quotes from their Kike book: rense.com
Vid related. That is your nation on Judaism.
No, it's not just Israel, it's ALL JEWS! It is a genetic, racial problem; whites and Jews are born existential adversaries in a death struggle for dominance of the planet. Israel is merely the global headquarters of Jewry- with New York, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc. being national/regional footholds of power.
jews follow the talmud
the talmud is a "sacred" (according to jews) codification of laws
the laws of the talmud are the core of the jewish religion and jewish identity
the talmud talks about many things
such as the jews being the only human beings, and that all others are animals with human form, but no souls
and that lying to, or cheating, or stealing from, or subverting the "goyim" (which is what they call us aka cattle) is not only allowed, it is ENCOURAGED in all cases where doing so benefits the jews.
and that the only purpose of the "goyim" is to be the slaves of the jews
and that jews can rape little kids as much as they want
and that a jew is forbidden to ever testify against another jew (unless doing so benefits the jewish community)
and that jews are not supposed to cure non-jews (hmmmm…. all those jewish doctors and their "treatments" and "psychology drugs" and so on hmmm…. (ie the (((medical industrie's))) obsession with treatments rather than actual cures)
and that telling any of the secrets of the talmud to the "goyim" is a terrible crime and is strictly forbidden (aka THEY LIE ABOUT IT. this includes falsified translations of the talmud)
what the talmud says about non-jews is more than enough proof of the bad intentions of the jews.
in other words, it is not possible for a person to follow the teachings of the talmud and be anything other than a supporter of the enslavement of non-jews and the subversion of all non-jew nations.
because that is what the talmud says to do
talmudism is pure evil
and the jews are talmudists
even atheistic jews almost universally support the "jewish identity" which is heavily intertwined with talmudism.
jews = talmud = evil
the teachings of the talmud are so damning that they ALONE justify "antisemitism"
and that is not even mentioning the enormous amount of verifiable harm (on a massive scale) that jews have done to western countries
deport them all to israel and ban them from White countries forever
It's over 360 nations they've been kicked out of now. We have been doing research, brother!