Jew turned Christian. Look kike as fuck. I’m ok enough with dying but I have a nightmare where some johnny come lately former neo-liberal virtue signals how 1488 he is now by blowing my head off. I have posts on stormfront dating back nearly a decade. I can’t die to a retarded faggot like that. Please advise
DOTR jitters for Ashkenazi looking NEET?
Easy - blow your brains out before someone else does it
Not an option I am not going to hell on purpose
live a quiet humble life without exploiting the white man and they probably wont go looking for you
stay indoors or far away and they probably wont find you on accident
No, you are still a jew. Christ's blood is on your hand for all eternity, regardless of your pretend "conversion." You have no soul, and will simply cease to be when you die.
Use your Jewish powers for good, give kikes their own medicine.
kill yourself kike scum
There is no "using evil for good." There is good and evil, and he is evil. Period.
You're a jew, so when you say "Christian" you probably mean the Roman Catholic Synagogue or some other heavily jewed-up protestant denomination that appeals to your evil blood, so you're going to hell anyway.
I kept getting banned from ESPN forums and cbssportsline for saying nigger so it was a good fit. It started as a joke
Kill yourself, you tiny dicked semitic piece of shit.
You need to go full 1488 first. Get on the right side of history, put yourself on the front lines of the race war and be so fucking gung-ho about it that your loyalties cannot be questioned.
It might not work but it's your only hope.
No, he needs to kill himself. Race is blood.
Nothing you can say to me compares in unpleasantness to a 10 minute car ride with my family. I find you charming. Can we hang out on DOTR
yeah but i'm afraid you'll be doing all the hanging, schlomo
I thought about editing before new reply so no one embarrassed themselves going for the low hanging fruit
Yeah, you hate your family because your race is biologically failed. Yahweh abandoned you in 70AD, he's not going to take you back now.
if you can't do the right thing and neck yourself, just move back to israel where you belong. you have a nation, we don't. get the fuck out.
You know how the old adage goes "on the internet nobody knows that you are actually a dog"? Well tbey say that because us anons pioneered the concept of getting shit done without egotripping. As long as we all pull together towards 14/88 then
nobody knows and therefore cares about your blood. The difference between real nazis and d&c shills is that the shills want us to be busy infighting when even the SS knew that only through allying other races can we win militarily and secure sovereignty and separarion for all racial and eventually national groups.
Glorreiches Sieg oder endloses Tod: marschiert zusammen Zeitsgenossen und findet euren Schicksal in den gemeinsamen Krieg! SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL SIEG HEIL!
You might be right. I sometimes wonder if I might one day "turn" due to some biology out of my control
Sorry but I'm a sucker for nations sculpted by Thomas Jefferson. Is there another one of those?
*And Liberia does not count smart ass
Open to suggestions
get. the fuck. out.
if all else that you're willing to do fails, flee to the mountains of Judea
Blut über alles.
i hate it when the mods take a nap
Look everyone here is giving you the business, and its true there is a heritage of animosity, however the best you can do, and I mean that in a context of achieving the ideal, is to see what you can do to start turning any tides of deceit, manipulation and theft as they manifest within your own circle. You can only do this without moralizing, its a hard one man… the issue has been an inherent cultural one and its been this way for about 2 millenia
How Jefferson felt about jews varied on who the letters recipient was and what Jefferson wanted at the time. This may come as a shock to you but Jefferson was a….politician.
Being a red-pilled Jew sounds awful. A "self-hating jew" is a common stereotype, so you're not going to be subject to nearly as much systematic bullying as red-pilled whites are - meaning that I can't say you have it worse off than whites. But in terms of identity it sounds awful. Definitely worse than what goes through the mind of a mulatto; or the occasional hispanic that doesn't think Zig Forums is capable of differentiating between whites and mestizos.
I would suggest just trying to live a good life. Be both anti-Israel and anti-international jew just so you won't be a "based jew." Those fuckers are getting the rope. Instead you'd be better off advocating for a Jewish state in Guyana or Madagascar, while being "everyone's favorite jew."
Thanks for the response. I have tried but have not had much success. My ethnicity doesn't seem to buy me any credibility on the matter with leftists
can't help yourself, can you rabbi?
gas incoming
I am helping you to fix flawed methodology in your historical analysis. Misconstruing that as defending jewery is pretty Jewish on your part gotta say
OP, you're pretty low on our list of targets. When the number of kikes on the planet gets to one or two digits you should start worrying.
oy vey goy you don't know history
let me a jew tell you how white people feel
Sorry, pal
Thanks I am mainly concerned with getting offed by some former Bernie voting millennial trying to ingratiate himself at the last minute. Not overly worried about disciplined sounding people as you come across in a few words
Fuck all the juden in this thread OP. Listen to and you'll be alright. Just don't pull any kiked up moves and share the gospel with your family. Still don't reckon religiosity has a place for belief systems in Jesus Christ. Remember Paul the Christian killer, who became the number one representative. It takes on to know one. Look after yourself and thank you for switching sides.
We call those people commies.
The SS had special exceptions for Jews who weren't Ashkenazi like the Armenian Jews or a French Jewish Sect. In both cases it was because they didn't listen to the Talmund and or were heavily christian/muslim influenced or were considered persians who converted to Judaism like in the Armenian Jews cases. As long as you are Ashkenazi though…
Something tells me you might get offed before I do on DOTR
If you can't do the right thing and neck yourself you're going to hell for being a kike anyway and you won't go back to israel where you belong, just stay away from white women and you won't be on my short list.
A front line of suicidal warriors is handy.
The only way conversions such as OPs can be ensured as legitimate is with an Inquisition. The Spaniards did a good job of stamping out both Judaism and Religion of Cuck™ in their lands, both through killing/exile AND via forced conversion. Research into their methods are needed.
IMO, kikery is a learned behavior, rather than a genetic one, since kikes miscegenate like crazy, and the fucking Khazars aren't even really related to the others. Most kikes get their indoctrination in temple, where the atheist kikes get it as kids in jewish summer camps.
But if the majority is for killing them all, I'm fine with that too. As a white man, my sense of empathy is overdeveloped, so I nonsensically want to help those who don't deserve help. Have to use brainpower to resist that urge.
My advise to you is to go to Israel and fight the kikery at the core of your cult. Kill orthodox ans ultra-orthodox jews if you are willing to go that far, but otherwise be a voice of moderation and isolationism within that nation. Do all you can to remove jews from every other country on the planet, and concentrate them all in Israel.
I don't understand how anyone can be a religious jew it makes no sense
Hell is their heaven, devils their angels, and Satan their God.
I am sending a rift between Israel jews and diaspora Jews. Or is that just for show in your opinion
*sensing a rift. Just based on reading it seems like Israeli Jews are disgusted by diaspora Jews too. But they can be tricky so not drawing any conclusions
I think the practical, nationalist jews in Israel may be regaining their ties to land and losing the shiftlessness of the diaspora, and more and more moving away from the vile Talmud. But it isn't enough (if it is even happening at all). They really need to convert, or else become a fully secular state with bans on Orthodoxy and any anti-white sentiment.
Nice try Shlomo, but Armenians weren't jews …
Listen, No one hates the kikes more than me. Seriously people always call me and tell me me - "user 1ee173b1-o4sa, I heard that you were really hating on the Kikes like you wouldn't believe - Its true!
But on this Good Friday I just want to say Christ is clear who is and who is not a jew. I am not 100% decided on the issue of conversion, it gives me much pause, often.
I mean, there is without a doubt a genetic component to Jewery. Is it all of it? Is it enough of it that self-exclusion from the dominant in-group? I am sure that Christ can change the heart. But how poerful is the dark, Talmudic magic the kikes engaged in when they sacrified their own savior?
Good shitpost user - very thought provoking. I won't say Happy Good Friday, but I will say hallelujiah - THE TOMB IS EMPTY
No Jew. You have committed enough crimes against the Germanic race. Odin demands offerings. and Jew-blood is worth little to him……….we will need many of you.
forgot to sage because shitty slide thread
doublesage to compensate
Okay, thats funny.