Apparently David Zogg and friends have a “Meme Factory” at an undisclosed strip mall. Here they plot the downfall of Zig Forums, completely of their own free will, and with no involvement of (((stupid adults))) of course. I think bleeding heart liberals like ourselves should help them out by playing a little HWNDU?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's "dox" you faggot.
Some useful info
Speaking of dox, why do we not yet have the home addresses and phone numbers of Hogg, Kasky, Goblina, and that other one?
Retro Share server
Add me ill add you in
Don’t have access to my computer or security software setup. This isn’t so hard that it can’t be accomplished on a board though.
The problem with actually getting shit done is no one wants to get off the chans and actually do something.
I literally would if I wasn’t home for Easter. Also I’m afraid of CIANiggers. Christ comes first!
That's not true at all. HWNDU got triangulated by anons driving around honking their car horn while other anons watched stream and listened for them…
You guys should check out the stuff in this thread about his plebbit. It's endless laughs.
Hit reply by accident
Is this a joke?
>5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. 6 Then the (((Pharisees))) went out and began to plot with the (((Herodians))) how they might kill Jesus.
lol at David Zogg skulking in the corner like the archetypal no-friends beta skeleton faggot. you can't fight in the meme war if you become a meme faggot.
curious anomalies
kek look where he looking
Is her face fucked up or shooped? Is that an hour glass or weird beaker?
Marriott huh? There aren't that many here in Broward. Check the websites for upcoming events. Or just see when the conference area is booked.
Also, Broward county is absolutely packed with strip malls. Mixed use buildings. And shared offices.
Hello fellow kids, wanna go dox the Hogg? Cowabunga dudes!
Just submit your IP man…
He's a sex pest internally. It inhabits every corner of his furtive mind. He probably sexually assaults every female phantasm in his dreams every night. To live in such a world must incur such incredible torment. To see all these whores around him giving it up to everyone but him but trying so hard to believe in the feminist mantra that all women deserve respect. He's going to implode.
Cry moar faggot
< if it has a kitchen and conference rooms then it must be a law firm
you won't be asking that on judgment day.
Did you even stop for a moment to wonder why someone would ask if, "Christ comes first!" might sound like a joke to them? There's something genuinely wrong with putting your religion first when it comes to countering the jews and their tricks. To someone who is unfamiliar with a general sense of religious devotion, "Christ comes first!" sounds not only strange but idiotic.
Doxxing isn't illegal you fucking ultra retard.
you have to be a fool if you're thinking a bunch of kids trying to forcememe can take down a bunch of faggots that don't care and are bored and just shitpost their lives away on the internet.
God is the only power in that fight. You, and whatever you personally whine about, are nothing when fighting in the war of eternal values. This has been known since forever. Just ask Sun Tzu. No God equals no nation.
I remember something about the Heavens and Divinities, nothing about Jesus and Yahweh.
Earth and heaven.
The heeb Christcuck religion has to go
Daily reminder your jesus sacrament is literal spirit cooking and should be avoided at all costs
Said the jew as he fondled his pony doll collection
And this twink expected to get into college why?
Nope. White as they come
Family man
You should try it friend instead of insulting
Considering the left can't meme, especially this twig faggot, who cares?
So you have nothing. No authority to exist as a distinct genetic people other than personal preference.
not this poster
check IDs son jesus, stop bothering me
Yeah, the message of Christ is one of inaction. Go to hell, heretic.
I love you
Hey, who is the person who said
"I have come to set brother against brother?"
Mock all you want jüden worshipper. I love my boys and my wife and they love me.
You and the rest of the chris cuckery can go felate yourselves.
I love you
The shills are again trying to derail the thread with religion
waste of dubs
Here's the (front?) door. Should make it easier to track down.
I was looking around here, on the assumption it was a law office. They're usually near courthouses and bail bondsmen. I found both within 7 minutes of MSD HS right along this path. There were some buildings that looked like they might be the same type/era construction but without being able to ride around in there on a bike or something that's as far as I can go on a hunch without more clues.
Something like this might be a good indicator. Sorry for the long url.
For fucks sake pay attention to his third image.
It is the reflective surface around her phone's camera and flash, with a keyhole cut-out in the phone cover.
It's an hour glass filled with magnetic shards/dust, with a magnet in the wooden base. They have them on sale at Hobby Lobby.
Not really, that pattern may not be all that noticeable from the outside as it is just a plastic film applied to the glass to filter the sun during the brightest part of it's accent/decent. Same reason for the sturdy blinds on the window. Although that kinda helps with the possible orientation of the door. Mostly east or south facing.
Wireless doorbell
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised and censoring any real criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus spending bill.
The omnibus is a massive backstab to Trump's base:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain strictly neutral on any political issue.
Found another article about the lab. This particular passage should be helpful.
Kek this has a crowd source location app… just found an in
Same make and model
check out 400 Fairway Dr Ste 107, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441.
Cameron Kasky's dad used to have one world adoption center there.
I can't wait to see the steaming piles of shit they turn out
Found another article about le meme lab.
Pic related is what we're up against.
God this is worse than /tv/ memes. They are, god forgive me for saying this, redditors.
well we confirmed that already
It's like a generic political comic but with cartoon screenshots.
I just cant comprehend how someone can be that bad at making memes
Especially juvenile ones at that. Also that t-shirt is a commie dogwhistle.
truly experts
The problem is that it's not one clever bants master making a meme and another clever bants master refining it, and so on like that ad infinitum. It's a room full of idiots agreeing on one thing.
Also, wouldn't the reverse of that meme be more appropriate? Plankton is constantly trying to take things from Mr. Crabbs, like these faggots are trying to take guns from the NRA. The NRA isn't attempting to take anything from the kids, nor are they even in the same business as competitors, as Mr. Crabbs and Plankton are.
Yes I am ashamed of writing that out.
You are giving them way to much credit. They have literally nothing deeper than "A is good, B is bad" And you should be ashamed of writing that out. just like I should be for this
The only thing it needed was two paragraphs explaining it and it would be a perfect Zig Forums meme.
Wew this deserves its own toosmart wojak pic above the "using Harry Potter and Star Wars references for political allegories". Someone should reply to this with the super weenie hut juniors with Hogg' face as the sign
Why don't you?
Weird how they're all falling away like leaves in autumn. Hogg is the last man standing.
People who spell dox with two X's need to be banned from the entire website.
Lmao someone drew a mustache on el goblins' picture, very easy d&c chum bait
Mobilefagging at work rn I'll do it for sure when this shift is over
Easter is a pagan festival for a fertility cult. The eggs and rabbits aren't a big enough sign of purile symbolism for you?
Leave Jew.
It's almost as if they think they can harness meme magic like we did during the election. Fools! You can't control the memes. You can't summon the god of chaos. Kek laughs at your pathetic 9gag spongebob memes.
Where do you think Easter came from? What you know of as Christianity is basically an amalgam of all European pagan holidays painted over with a very thin veneer of semitism.
Nigger, user isn't wrong when he says it's a pagan festival. Stop being a shithead for once.
and stop derailing you faggots these kind of threads are the only good thing about Zig Forums at this point
What's left to discuss? It's just to laugh at this faggot's 'meme lab'. Not much to derail.
That's not the fucking point retard, like protestantism, any attempt to 'depaganize' christianity is just a backdoor for jewry.
Might as well get rid of the entire idea of angels because they're imported from Zoroastrianism/
Maybe we should get rid of christianity and bring back our untainted folk festivals back
Or maybe you should realize that religious vocabularies are just veneers and a race's natural inclinations will always shine through. Rejecting Christianity is rejecting our history and heritage, the same way rejecting the pre-christian faiths commonly called paganism is.
Odinism is making a comeback.
As it should, the men of our race need the furor that only Odin-Varuna can provide. Personally I follow Mitra-Tyr.
Excellent point, so why do we need a desert rat people's theology then? It doesn't need to be erased, just deemphasized.
The theology of Christianity is greek and roman. The main character is a Jew, though.
Pick one cluster of implications, not both.
Please elucidate me where any of the above traits were present in any other pre-christian faiths
For innocent sin: What are mystery cults? All sought the removal of the taint of humanity. If anything Christ's version of the concept is an adaptation of that to Jewish theology, not the other way around.
Two, you faggots completely forget or are totally unaware of the stratification and partition of practice into the equivalent of the three Aryan varna, pretending that only the sovereign aspect and warrior aspect of spirituality existed, while utterly ignoring the third partition of fecundity. You ignore the existence of Njordr and Freyja while claiming only Odin and Thor were worshiped.
The slave classes and artisanal classes have always followed slave morality.
So where did we get these Images? Could we dig for EXIF information judging on where the Original images were uploaded?
There isn't some rental database somewhere for commercial real estate where you can try to see which listings came off the market in the last month?
Nope, not a hammerskin so I don't ascribe to that, but it's a valid point regarding the warrior portions of the faiths getting subsumed by the warrior parts. But it's the fact that the warrior portions of the faiths that shine through which highlights the problem, the christian faith hardly preserves any of the warrior spirit and instead almost solely venerates the fecund as you put it. People become enamored with the warrior portions of paganism because it's so foreign to the meek christianity they've known their whole lives.
Exactly this.