7k dislikes to 7.2k likes.
Shittalking him in the comments.
Is the tide turning?
David Zogg Responds to Laura Ingraham Apology
Other urls found in this thread:
The tide is turning because there's enough people & platform to support you if the liberals make a target out you.
Nobody takes the KKK serious anymore, so they latch onto people who're not a caricature such as Peterson and stefan molyneux because what left have been doing freaks them out, and because they see the GOP as useless for many reasons.
Laura Ingraham trash.
Let's see soon will CNN close the comments and hide the likes bar.
Like bar, more like the kike bar.
Get the edgiest quotes from his reddit and post them as comments on the vid.
I really can't say I give a fuck about this faggot or any of this forced media attention tbqh desu famalam
Here's the thread about his reddit account. A lot of lulz.
Link for comments:
they were never in that poser's favor
i hope you're archiving this shit
You don’t fear death, you welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe
Is he the next Hitler/Stallin?
but it's a great opportunity for us (though I agree that her pro-thot message is bad)
It has every of his comments archived, I think.
In another post he says he never had a girlfriend.
Something tells me that he has a fetish of being humiliated by girls.
It's over 6mins.
Lurk more.
WEW this kid is so fucking dumb
This proves he's not a Florida student
he's hoping for handouts
Wonder what other kind of cancer lurks in ShootTheBarrel. I darenot wander over there myself though.
After reading a lot of his reddit post on this tread, it's all starting to make sense. He is over compensating by putting out this tough guy persona because he can't get laid, probably has never gotten any pussy, is insecure as fuck about being in remedial classes when he was younger. Now he is trying to be the man he has always wanted to be. Guarantee all of his posturing comes down to the fact that he just wants to see what a warm pussy feels like on his shriveled lil' hogglet.
Do the baby boomers at cnn even know how?
They probably have unpaid interns to do that.
Wtf is wrong with his nose?
Why is a part of his hairdo missing (cut out)
What is wrong with his mouth?
They took him out of the tank before he was fully formed.
You need to learn English for 2 years before posting.
that's a bot you fag
Oh the irony
Massive great blink after saying this key phrase, whilst previously concentrating so hard on looking right into the camera without blinking.
Clearly unintentional making it all the more freaky/esoteric/beautiful.
Why is the media treating him like a child when he's 17 years old. You want to put your face out in the public, accept the fact that you're going to get smeared publicly. you little twat.
Remember like two weeks ago when they were saying the Spooklet gang was impossible to troll because they “““grew up on the internet””” and now they’re bloo bloo blooing that they’re all getting cyberbullied to death and roasted by fucking Boomers?
This "kids" life is over at 26 whew
Would be funny if someone located this faggot, shot him, and put a sign on him saying "bet you wish you had a gun now".
Did Hogg ever consider that he didn't get into college because he's white?
Sorry, Mr. Hogg. You're just going to have to accept that you turned out a useless, piece of shit son, and deal with it yourself. We are not your personal army, FBI man.
Is the DNC and Soros paying for this or are there really that many anti-gun, pro-cuck assholes out there? And even if you're anti-gun, who in their right mind thinks this Hogg Boy faggot is good?
answered my own question
Not really. The great mass of people are lemmings who don't give a shit about anything. Then you have the 2 opposite sides - far left/liberalism and the far-right in all it's forms. These two groups are the only ones who care enough to follow political developments, comment on videos etc.
I noticed this in other YT ideos
The normies are not buying the Zogg story
You might be onto something
Instead of shit talking Hogg Ingraham should have used his stuff as ammo against the libfag college system.
"How did a student with a 4.2gpa who is such an incredible leader not get accepted?"
Hogg = Fagg
Don't let the American Camp of the Saints happen
Inform ICE about the horde of refugees being caravaned to our door step!
so we've confirmed that their both MKultra programmed personalities?
Laura Ingraham Announces Week Off After Sponsor Backlash – Hogg Takes A Victory Lap
I get the distinct feeling this is going play out like the Bill O'Reilly vs Maxine Muddy Waters thing…
We need to figure out a way to counter the tactic of weaponized (((sponsors and advertisers))). This is the same method (((they))) have used to silence Youtubers.
He looks deformed
Read Kaczynski's System's Neatest Trick to see why we can't use that tack. The government wants guns gone even if the people who operate it don't. The consolidated corporations are the hands of the government.
There's something not quite right about him. It's like someone using poor quality textures for a custom skin in a game; it stands out.
Yeah he looks off, something is very weird about him
The nose as well looks like he has two small golf balls at the end
Fucking awesome
Kek, I got 200 likes on my comment
And 20 triggered sjw's
Fuck, I wish someone would.
Doubt it. He's been trained to be ashamed of his heritage.
They were giving away Tide pod samples today at Costco.
Are they sure they got the right school shooter?
it would be funnier if someone took him out with a household item like a hammer or steak knife
We found their "meme lab." It's in the Jewish Community Center in the Shops at Heron Lake in Coral Spring, FL.
Fuck no.
Not confirmed
Local anons, go for a quick walk around the shopping center and see if you can find the window. I think it is adjacent to the playground behind the JCC.
This is typical of what kikes do, pic related :^)
Weird how everything is suddenly being slid once we got a location.
Gee Davey
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised. It is controlled opposition and a honeypot.
Zig Forums is deliberately censoring criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus spending bill.
The omnibus means whites have no future in the United States. Trump was whites' last chance to save themselves, and this is the bill Donald Trump signed:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.
I hate this faggot.
Yes we know.
Wait, you know Breitbart is comprimised as well, right?
Gee Davey
The zenpol guy is a kike. But this place is compromised too…
I will Satan
Why can't he get accepted into a good college? Isn't his family rich?
David Zogg celebrates the killing of billions by mosquito born illness. David doesn't care about people dying, he cheers it and hopes for it. Just not him. Has the same desire as an evil villain. He doesn't care about all the bl*ck people dying in Ch*cago, or those who are statistically at risk the most. He would rather save very few people in a way that he can be the leader of, but then have multiple hundreds of thousands die. He only cares about being a smug celebrity and uplifting his own ass. He should be ashamed and made to apologize to for the families of victims of life-threatening disease all over the world. Shame on the little prick.
On the other hand, regarding Ingram, FOX and advertisers are probably in on it.
Poor academics plus he's trouble.
Right now no US educational establishment wants the kind of trouble he'd bring with him.
Foreign institutions won't take him due to him not meeting educational requirements, even for mature learners.
cuckservatives are so fucking useless
I want to smash his head so hard with a sledgehammer. I hate this fucking kike. He tries to look serious and knowledgeable when you clearly see he's beyond retarded on his reddit posts. I want him dead. Kill all the kikes
Beep boop beep
Preparing to kill now
Preparing magazines and ammo beep boop beep
Must mix the chems and ferts just right beep boop beep boop beep
Fuck off fbi he'll kill himself soon enough
Channel that hatred into mockery of the opposition. Humor fucks with shitlibs like nothing else.
Yes Excellent, especially the 1st one