has nobody seen this yet? Niggerland is going to take rifles away from law-abiding citizens.
Has nobody seen this yet? Niggerland is going to take rifles away from law-abiding citizens
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So now nobody can defend themselves against roaming chicago niggers?
Learn to make a fucking thread jesus christ
A literal gun grab bill. Any of you PRcucks want to explain this? They're going all in even if it's at the state level and one state. They're no longer testing the waters, they're just seeing where they can get this passed.
Use the rifles to kill those that would take the rifles
It is righteous to do so
Not sure where it goes from there though.
Rahm Emmanuel is a legit reptilian.
You are an FBI shill if you tell anyone to go do anything to stop white genocide.
You are a blackpill if you say that no one will do anything to stop white genocide.
You are now banned. Stop posting wrong thoughts.
Then get some critical thinking skills.
lel no
Follow Shuaiby's lead and decapitate yourself with buckshot. You know, while you still can.
Great argument. Thanks for proving me right.
See what I mean, folks?
ehhhh I don't know about that one.
I dont think white libshits have enough self preservation instinct to realize there's even a threat to refugee status themselves or move away from the roaming bands of niggers, and conservative states will be able to see what's happening, point and go "see? this is what happens, Larry"
Why do you think that Nevada and Colorado turned blue, dipshit? Liberals fleeing California AND BRINGING THEIR VOTING WITH THEM.
What do you propose? You can't stop Illinois from pulling this kind of shit. That's Rahm Emmanuel's turf. But, I'm just offering an option when I say to kill yourself. It would be a way out of posting the same shit over and over on a board full of people who hate you for years. What's it like to be completely impotent?
That ought to be evident to anyone reading the thread.
Huh. Is "Rahm Emmanuel" an invincible object? Can this "Rahm Emmanuel" be killed? Sounds like that could happen. Maybe, just maybe, you could kill him. And also kill anyone who tries to enforce an illegal law. So… yes, you could stop it.
I don't know, I'm not a jewish shill like you are. Keep blackpilling; it'll work eventually, right?
nice blackpill schlomo
Holy fucking hell, blow your brains out.
i can read you little cocksucking kike. again, NICE BLACK PILL
hoo boy
Reported. Kill yourself.
Fucking this. The predominant white liberal survival strategy is to head for the hills and colonize new territory in the name of progress after running their previous enclave into the ground.
shit thread. and of course nobody read the article…
They will take away lawfully purchased firearms from kids under 21 years old. You dumb fucking retard.
Amimutts are truly the worst.
Would you just go away?
I don't care how much of a "proper Euro" you are, you're obnoxious.
Stop attacking your friends you cancerous faggot
Are you autistic? That might explain your poor reading comprehension.
This is already law in IL tho.
You can't get your firearm owner id card until 21 there.
Suck my dick, coward mutt.
lol fag
Oh lord
confiscation is pretty shitty though
It's not "shitty", it deserves death and bloodshed. This is not a light issue that is just "shitty", it's game changing.
I just want to point out that most muskets are .50 caliber so they are trying to take those as well. It’s fucking war for sure.
this user is correct… stripping those persons of the 2A rights that legally purchased long guns and are still under 21 is something that deserves death.
And the faggot is the fucked not the one fucking, mutts.
Is it righteous? Yes.
Is it legal according to the law system on the book? No.
When your enemy makes laws, they decide what is right or wrong, not you. That is why i hate people who say they are 'law' abiding citizens, when they should be saying they are constitutional abiding citizens.
They really are good at diverting attention at their failing economy and the exodus of anyone who can contribute.
Heil's login got taken over by imkikey and skeletor is a Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns reddit mod
Hi FBI. You first.
there is no law, precedent, or justice anymore. that fact that it is "illegal" is null and just worthless semantics at this point. this entire country is illegal. stop giving a fuck what the proverbial king george thinks
Firearm owner card? The fuck!?
Meant for
Getting real tired of this shit.
If you don't decide, these kikes will for you. And they want all of you dead.
2nd pic
Look up worst part of chicago
If you knowingly put your dick into another dude, you're a faggot, faggot.
yes it's called a FOID card
I have one
no. they are merely a "people" which implies a sovereign entity not under the jurisdiction of the united states of america, which is a public trust and corporation with which we have entered a contract known as citizenship
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D