I've had an idea. You may or may not like it. Feel free to share your own ideas.
Given the popularization of "SJW" as a catch-all term for the retarded behavior of those operating under the banner of "Social Justice" I wondered if it may be possible to popularize an acronym that is more focused on the real enemy. So I thought of this: WHS or White-Hating Semite. It's also important to pronounce this as "wuss" as it turns the "white fragility" talking point against the genuinely fragile jews who use it. Think of the applications. You see a shitty article trashing whites, demanding open-border genocide from the (((usual suspects))) and you reply "Clearly, a WHS wrote this." or you see a crypto faggot throwing around "fellow whites" or "as a white male" and you have a ready-made term to describe them.
When acronyms are thrown around enough on social media people who see them don't want to be out of the loop. It draws attention and raises curiosity. Think of all the dumb nigger slang that has gained traction on normalfag platforms. Wouldn't it be great to put something more useful out there for once? Sam Hyde once tried to popularize "j-woke" but it didn't catch on. I'd like to see this actually work.
Yeah, 'cause 'goyim' does not automatically feel accusatory and derogatory when it comes from the mouth of a kike ? Fuck this bitch. Gas the fucking kikes
Jose Jones
I've been reading David Irving's book on Goebbels. The police chief in Berlin tried to imprison Goebbels for libel because he called him a jew. The chief was jewish.
calling them jews really IS the worst thing you can do to them. The "watch as he recoils" thing isn't just a meme, since EVERYTHING they usually do is try and blend into the host population.
Asher Moore
Most of the posts saying "kike" are them, they desperately need to keep the appearance of victimization going. It repels a lot of people taking their first low level red pills. 90% of people get a picture of the military surplus shop owner in "Falling Down" when they hear or see people use it. They use places like this to assess direction and steer narrative. And Loxism is the word that has always existed that describes what they do and the correct (imo) counter to any accusation of being called an anti-semite. The world doesn't have an anti-semite problem, it has an arrogant loxist problem.
Aiden Bailey
Jaxson Perez
It works, i live in KikeCago and after the election I had my Trump hat on & a kike from my building called me a racist & I said fuck of jew & he never said shit to me again even though I see him around. It's almost as if they feel outed!
Julian Foster
Just say it's from "kikel" meaning circle because that's how they signed their citizenship papers back in the days.. user if you're going to tell ppl why or why not to say something at least explain to them the origin of the usage.
Juan Garcia
It might just be that you deflated his attempt to shame you, so he didn't have anything left to say. Anyhow, good job. We should all embrace our positions with as much pride.
Isaac Clark
Sure, that's what I said.
I know its origins. It is simply their tool. Call them what they are, jews. It's a million times more effective to be cold, blunt and to the point when talking about the truth of the global power structure. You can add 1000's of derogatory (but stereotypically true) adjectives to the word, filthy, satanic, paedophilic, corrupt, manipulative etc. But simply replacing the word jew with kike definitely works for them more than against.(Kike kike kike kike kike.)
Kayden Kelly
Challenge: Get niggers to chant "anti-white-semite; muh fuggin yt turned dem jew inta sope? an wut da fuk a muhfuggin lamsaid? dey made a fuggin mup da do didda rollcossa.
Isaac Hernandez
it actually goes back further than that, since as far back as forever the kikes have always revolved around one thing, reduction of everything to zero, the abyss, a kikel.
Mason Williams
Star a Jew Day: Pick your favorite media personality and give them a gold star for effort!
Mason Evans
We need to start a 501(c)4 that wealthy Zig Forumslacks can donate to and use it to back candidates like Arthur Jones and Paul Nehlen, ad campaigns and astroturfing protests. We also need a legal outreach division made up of sympathetic lawyers doing pro-bono work for the cause.
If Zig Forums likes the idea, when I get home tonight I'll make a thread where we can work out the details, find potential donors on and off Zig Forums and gauge interest and maybe get some paperwork filed down the line.
Good try, but: WHS I would guess is "White House Summit" or something white house. We see W H too often for that phrase. Any initialism with W will probably not work. doubleyou is the most uncomfortable letter to pronounce out. It need big help to make it into language, like with W-2, it rhymes doubleyoo-too.
Easton Brooks
anything that names the jew will be shut down instantly, and the purpose of this is to bring attention to Jewish hatred of white people into the mainstream right?
You have to turn it into theory, then apply it to individuals. Have we learned nothing from jews and SJWs? "Social justice" is just code for dispossessing whites, and if they kind their resentments in couched language then we can disguise our counter-semitisim as well.
Jacob Allen
Parker Bailey
It's always funny to to turn blacks against leftists/jews. You could find a (media) company that is now pozzed, but made content that could be considered racist in the past, get blacks angry about it, and organise a protest at their office. A few anons with black twitter accounts could do this.
Another funny thing would be to trick socialists into donating money to a National Socialist organisation.
Leo Martinez
Thought is prohibited. No brainstorming allowed, goy.