So some nigger is fighting a court case to the supreme court

So some nigger is fighting a court case to the supreme court.

I can't get to work.

What the WAPO refuses to admit is that the nigger shot two people after they gave their items to the nigger.

They were not injured because the nigger used some 22lr Saturday special handgun.

Attached: OZ5MEE6.jpg (768x768 648.07 KB, 178.82K)

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I noticed that too. Like holy shit, you got what you wanted you subhuman nigger and now you want to kill them anyway?

I'm sure your lunch was an AIDS dick, your usual order. Try posting on >>>/reddit/ perhaps

what's your problem?

Looks like you have to remove that referrer crap, or whatever it is, in the url after the html.
And, voila:

Why, though?

So the niggers did try to kill them. It's just that the niggers were incompetent. Typical.
If niggers being retarded is a miracle then I believe in miracles.

They're only alive because they used a 22lr gun that couldn't shoot through a coat.

He did what he did at 16 becasue he's got the brain of a nigger. Had it not been at 16, it would have been at 19.

Attached: 1519532080666.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

The judge is not factually wrong - people's brains mature until they reach the age of 25 or so. People's brains are *not* static.

However, someone who is capable of attempted murder at the age of 16 is very, very likely to remain capable of it at the age of 25. There are many things that change over the course of a person's life - the capacity to kill people is not one of them.

Worst OP I've seen in years. Worse than the cuck porn, madow, Q larping. Worse than all of the myriad shit posts.
You do not grill lobster. God damn heathens, boil it with seaweed like god intended.

I don't feel pity for this bastard who murdered two people in cold blood for weed money. Is that the point of this article? He was just a kid so he dindu nuffin? Fuck that noise. He should have been swinging at the end of a rope.

Wrong. Male brains continue to myelinate until 21-23. Female brains finish maturing at 17-19. Male brains mature for longer and to a greater extent than females do. However, since this is all in the forebrain, it can not be assumed to be true for niggers.
So what? Plasticity doesn't magically absolve you of crimes.
t. neuroscientist

This. Nigger brains are nigger brains and thats just how it is.

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watch some faggot make excuses for niggers

Attached: niggers-arent-self-aware4.webm (853x480, 7.03M)


It's an omnibus, not a budget, so torfag somewhere else, shill

the comment section is reassuring. people noticed the double think

Attached: 13177313_578645568971730_6339483722788600209_n.jpg (436x436 26.19 KB, 24.39K)

do you have a link? I posted a webm

wondering as well.

Kill yourself, fatass.

>(((academia))) theorizes that niggers don't pass the self-awareness test because their society values being part of a larger social group, rather than individuality
It's honestly hard to believe they would state that niggers aren't self-aware because they're collectivists

Shit like this makes me see red.

They're not self-aware because the don't have developed neocortices.