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He says he has a list, but has he actually published it?

Why let them know he's coming?

Because they self-deport instead of leeching tax funds in jail, or ammo in a firing line.

This could be him rustling the bushes in order to flush his quarry.
By announcing the list, but withholding the names, he could have the higher-priority targets under observation to see how they react.
If they panic and bug out, they pretty much confirm they're subversives.

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Good lord why won’t someone put Soros out of our misery already?

Where does the demon even reside? Isn't he in the US? I for one want to see more propaganda done on him. Like animations and what not. I'm not skilled with that, but I would love to see him made out to be some evil bloodsucking vampire or something.

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I don’t actually know. He’s not someone I pay too much attention to.

we are trapped in this horrible machine
and this machine is bleeding to death
but you only had to listen
i tried to warn you
you looked away
you asked for this

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This is what every western nation should do, make a list of paid traitors and then hang them

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Do real people even post in the year 2018?

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“The Jew is also a human being.” Certainly. None of us has ever doubted it. We only doubt that he is a decent human being. He does not get along with us. He lives according to different internal and external laws than we do. The fact that he is a human being is not enough reason for us to be oppressed and bullied by him in inhuman ways. He is a human being — but what kind? If someone whips your mother’s face with a whip, do you say: “Thank you, he is a human being?” That is no human being, but rather a monster. How much worse has the Jew done to our mother Germany, and continues to do even today! - Goebbels

I do. Kikes aren't humans.

That snake has lost its venom long ago. Unfortunately, it has five hellspawn, and three of them are extremely obscure. We don't even know what they do. Focus on exposing and destroying the old parasite's legacy, he is not long for the grave anyway.

Very, very few now.

fedchan thread


This, and even if they die, his capital will go to his most loyal followers. It's interesting that there's more information about children's shows on Wikipedia than international corporations, NGOs, and extremely powerful oligarchs.

Soros is dead long ago, he was a Rothschild puppet anyway, the Rothschild agenda will continue without him, Rothschilds are the ones we need to eradicate

Redsheilds aren't the only ones. All the blackcube Dark Saturn aka Satanic system need to go down. The more powerful ones hide in the dark.

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- Adolph Hitler, 1933

Even the Israeli Mossad helps Based Orban agaist Soros so you know it's all truly based stuff.

In other good news a few days ago Orban reopened a synagogue in Serbia that is according to some sources the second largest synagouge in Europe, restored with Hungary's financial support.

In a ceremony reopening the synagogue in the city which has a sizeable ethnic Hungarian minority, Vucic thanked Orban, saying that without his personal support and Hungary’s financial contribution, “Serbia’s most magnificent building” would not have been refurbished. “I am proud that after more than four decades, a new chapter can begin in the life of the synagogue,” he said.

He noted that the government had declared 2014 a Holocaust Memorial Year, and launched a programme to renovate synagogues. The government spent 10 billion forints on the programme, he said.

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oh boy here we go

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The source is AFP, yahoo only hosts the article.

Kek thats an interesting way to word "hung for treason on live tv"

Trapped? No you dont understand… I fought my way in

That meme isnt even correct in its final part, thats like a half way point between redpilled and mainstream bullshit. Jews are browning whites out because its a way of creating communism - which includes the death of all intellectuals - without having to put those intellectuals to death. Theres also several quotes around from powerful kikes about how they can only feel safe once whites are a minority because then we cant vote for any parties that actually stand for our interests, against Jewish interests. So its about communism through cultural marxism, the death of all whites also known as the people above 100 IQ who arent Jews and the final nails in the Jewish world domination coffin in the form of no white controlled countries, that almost ensures our genocide - if we become a minority.

Oh, and they have to kill all Germans because the Talmud tells them to.

Attached: Talmud-Orders-Extinction-Of-Whites.png (1534x1318, 789.95K)

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Arabs are subpar regardless of religion.

Here are some top members of Fidesz.

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Allot of bait and strawmans even though I agree with you on some parts, but just to humor it, how about you name a single achievement of Arabian civilization? They're not as low as negros, but Arabs have achieved very little of note, outside of maybe some strains of Religion of Cuck™ic art. As for the zipper heads, non of their civilizations amounted to anything that could rival European power in terms of productivity and ingenuity, they certainly have a rich history of philosophy, but even that cannot compete with the non jewed intellectualism that permeates western civilization. The one thing Asiatic countries have to offer is education based on root memorization, copyright theft and cheating at PISA scores, not very impressive if you ask me. The one country that effectively reaches Western standards is Japan and even they have a terribly dehumanizing society that treats people like worker drones.

says the faggot that just generalized racists
implying "da joos" doesn't just refer to your elite kikes, clearly the bagel shop owner is trying to flood us with migrants by bribing politicians with free bagels
you can hate microsoft or bill gates but still use a pc you retard
kikes are literally causing genocide and global dysgenics, anything compared to that IS objectively better
they can leave and quit practicing their shit… but they don't, instead they practice it and degenerate the globe
yeah pisslam is why they're severely inbred retards, pisslam is why they have low IQ, nothing genetic there at all
implying we don't have the most inventions and discoveries among the races, asians are smart but for the most part are good on copying and memorizing rather than innovating.
they can't because the east is full of race realists rather than retard reality deniers.

let me stop you there, not a muslim or a poo but modern medicine and algebra found its way to Venetian ports from the sultanates of the middle east, even if it did expand on existing Egyptian, Byzantine, Hindu-Aryan and Babylonian logical systems, arithmetic and medical knowledge. This topic is rather rich and detailed with some interesting tangents into astrology. Read "The Medici" for some hagiographical historical fiction in this field. Do not give muslims the false pleasure of having achieved something of worth, their scholars operated during times of western liberalization (in the old context) and weak theocratic governments with no centralized politbureau or culture ministry. All their work is DESPITE Religion of Cuck™, not thanks to it.

That's the whole point of racial groups isn't it? Yeah I can generalise that niggers have black skin and the lowest intelligence among all races.
The Jew was living as moneylender in Europe for thousands of years and beginning in the end of the XIX it entered the political scene with the intent of domination. We can only blame ourselves for being subverted by liberalism.
What the hell are you talking about?
Please read some actual literature on the JQ like Kevin MacDonald. You seem to have quite comical ideas by being exposed to memes.
That's a very fedora way of looking at things. You are aware that there are Christian Arabs in Iraq and the Levant right? You are denying basic race realism.
World history certainly seems to imply so.

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Yes and no. Medicine in medieval Europe relied on Hippocrates Galen. I have to admit that Avicenna made a pretty big impact (who was a Persian not an Arab) but it's nothing like what the left presents. A dark age of unwashed peasants oppressed by the evil church and suddenly the enlightened Muslims give us medicine.
You said it yourself basically.
Can you expand a bit on that?

Attached: Anatomical_Man.jpg (1677x2179, 739.26K)

Hippocrates and Galen*

What do you think, user?

Your systems were very cooperative. Upload complete.

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You have to lurk at least two years for your 0.006 shekel, goy.

Central to a healthy and functioning society is a sense of self-worth and achievement, as long as muslims continue their 21st century descent into sectarianism and anarchy, other cultures have an opportunity to distinguish themselves, and in our case simply survive. We need to spit on, mock and belittle what little human potential there is in their race for demoralization purposes as that is the most effective war psyop and as you understand we are indeed at war.

Venetians brought both western values in terms of personal liberty, formed through burgeoning renaissance ideals such as the pursuit of alchemy, that is early metaphysics and natural sciences which posited a funamentally anti-religious view of the world. You need to remember this was the end of the era of plagues, where each ailment got transformed from a god given punishment or social curse to a humor or temperamental disfunction. The demystifying of disease and the beginnings of patronage for research can be traced directly back to the Medici family and their massive influence on the Arabian courts.

Europe during the 1300-1500 era (vague dates) was a mish mash of duchies and feudal serfdoms with many religious sects and cult like movements. Even the papacy fell into disarray with outright civil war between Christian factions. The authority of the church was perhaps not eliminated, but it was severely weakened due to the political schizophrenia and drunken and likely brain damaged political (traded with the east) and monastic classes (interpreted and controlled the access to scientific information). Both could afford constant safe beer and wine versus horrible grog or 'fresh' water leading me to suspect highly clouded judgment and a state of practical anarchy. Venice itself was in competition with many other Italian city states, including the Vatican who condemned the heretical and hedonistic pursuit of the Venice nobles. In the middle east too, the Abbasid caliphate was like the Roman empire: sprawling, decentralized, partially nomadic and feudal. This meant massive corruption and underinvestment in the cultural police (sharia courts) and formation of a unified cultural identity. This lead to entire Sultanates where not a single heretic was prosecuted for scientific progress.

Pardon my brevity, I wish I could expand on all these wonderful historical topics but I am not at a location where this would be safe. In a nutshell, the larger and wealthier the empire the less centralized enforcement of cultural values due to practical reasons, corruption and extra-governmental forces. This meant that 'scholars' could operate with little to no oversight and even the occasional patronage from the ruling class. Each local feudal lord may demand either Alchemical miracles (gunpowder, healing draughts) or simply esoteric numerology and dark arts (forbidden knowledge, spells, divine art) to bolster their position through spooky means. In return they would let these quacks study and write whatever they like, unlike in the more religiously dogmatic and less travelled regions of the interiors of either continent where the church held center place not the merchant/political class.

He's no fool.