After Losing 14 Advertisers, Laura Ingraham Is Taking A Break From Fox. David Hogg Celebrates
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More likely she was already leaving. This part of the psyop is designed to make people too young to vote feel that they can control the world via emails and twitter rants.
Entrenched capital wants your guns. Ingraham will never admit that and will dutifully slink off defeated.
Yep. These so called "capitalists" are the same people who will be lauding communism when they implement it.
We need to do more to fuck with this (((kid))).
We need to focus on the actual policy goal of keeping our fucking guns rather than spazzing every time some retard is put on screen.
I haven't seen any of the lulz and cringe from his reddit account spread anywhere.
There's no point having a thread like that if everything just stays their and dies. It's meant to be spread, especially to high traffic areas like cuckchan.
No. They only want "communism" if they don't already own a country and its key institutions. They are perfectly willing to dress their language up to appeal to people or trick them, but you won't be seeing things like free apartments, free utilities, guaranteed jobs to anyone who wants one.
This. Ridicule is a powerful weapon.
>(((Propagandist))) versus (((propagandist.)))
Like I give a fuck about what either moron does.
Oh yeah it's because of hogg not because she stated she's taking Holy Week off I mean of course what kindle of an idiot observes religious ritual
You didn't see that in actual communism either.
Sure you did.
You should in that their theater is the generated pretext to attack you.
That's exactly why you don't do it. She's boomer wank bait with adopted kids. She should have never been in that position in the first place.
Go home Zig Forums.
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised and censoring any criticism of Trump relating to the omnibus spending bill, which is immigration suicide and a huge backstab for Trump supporters:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.
Anons, this is a problem. He's muscling into our terrortory. His (((handlers))) think they can coopt the younger generation to their own ends. Remember these are the same minds we are fighting to free from the matrix.
What kind of leader is that guy trying to become? If on;y he was on our side, he could have accomplished great things for us.
Which reminds me, what happened to the Zig Forumsacks that wanted to be leaders? I remember one that had a plan to give every Zig Forumsack and NEET in general a house. He knew engineering, had money, and even developed the legal paperwork to get us a small/new town free from government crackdown.
Sounds like a fucking saint, probably got suicided or something.
The kid has nothing to do with it other than he is the reliable son of a ZOG agent. Entrenched, jewish capital [the people who own the corporations and thus pay the advertising dollars] want to take firearms because they are afraid of the population that doesn't want to fight kike wars and isn't buying into their capitalist, pro-corporate propaganda anymore.
They try to dress it up with "liberal" language, but it is absolutely the very richest corners of the country that are making the moves against firearms. That's why the ball was started rolling by Trump against soft targets like bump stocks and sale ages.
Good riddance, she made the Right look like retards with her actions, though perhaps that was her plan all along.
Well I'm still in engineering school user.
Also don't suck this kids cock he's not that persuasive. His (((handlers))) are the real enemy. We should begin a campaign to free his mind of programming.
A convert from the enemy is a powerful propaganda boon.
Gamefly is on board with the 2A
Confirmed yesterday
And this ladies is how not to deal with thugs. At least if she didn't apologize, there could be ground to fight back against censorship.
Get fucked cuck.
as long as he's alive and hasn't been deported, I'm happy we have an ally in this country.
Exactly, what makes this matter really bad is that so far we haven't been able to pin anyone to him or his "organization".
They are either very secretive OR we might have a guy that is very good at what he does (remember his school district has people with money, woldn't surprised me if his family has money for his kid's political career).
In any case, it may also be that his support is going to his parents.
Where is the Truant Officer, by Law this Brat cannot miss any school. ???????????????
Agents of ZOG can do as they please. Laws don't apply to them. Also, he's probably 25.
And now they will go after other people like this.
Probably this. Hogg badly needed a "win" to erase all his fails.
Kid is so retarded he nearly blew a multi-billion dollar globalist operation.
All done on Twitter too, so they could bring in actual social media goons to do the work for him.
Literally a human Twitter avatar now.
You absolutely did. Apartments you'd never want to live in and jobs that you take whether you want it or not.
Graduated in 2014.
Can't lose if you only play with yourself.
where's the rumor that he's 25 coming from then?
normal kids in US graduate high school at 17-18;
thus in 2014 he'd be 17-18 making him 21-22 now?
I don't know, but I mean what the fuck is this? Even the most obscure historical figures have exact birth dates on Wikipedia.
Counterpoint: could be middle school graduation. Would be 4 years ago.
"I was a socialist until I had assets."
Words of advice from a businessman I know.
and Mr. Metokur.
He really needs to get wind of this.
If we can find a david hogg deviantart account too…holy shit
Zig Forums is compromised.
/zenpol/ appears to be uncensored and may be a good meetup point for now. There may be a better place later. Right now, however, there needs to be an uncensored place to discuss the omnibus.
Zig Forums is censoring criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus. Trump's massive backstab is extremely serious and must be discussed openly with no censorship.
(PS: pol mods are treasonous fucks who sold out whites trying to cover up Trump's backstab that is extremely harmful to whites)
The omnibus does these things:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250, which means fewer, not more, illegals can be detained for deportation.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.
I've been getting involved with local politics lately. It might turn out big I just hope you guys like me for who I am, not who you see.
Would Jim even touch it, he tends to only attack soft targets now.
You're aware that he's jewish, right?
what did she expect? How could she let him make her suck his dick like that, in front of the whole nation? Fucking women, I swear to god
user, have you forgotten? It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother
who cares?
Anyone who tries to lead anything IRL gets slandered as a fed/cianigger by the cowards here. A movement has the leader's it deserves. Unless the pussy brigade is dealt with, you won't see Zig Forums politics holding any real power in this country. Instead, you will have to constantly guess if someone is really 14/88 or just civnat.
I hope you realize the shills will have a field day convincing people otherwise. There will be no way to really know until it comes time for you to make policy.
Implying they cant. Their positions are kosher so if they get upset, no one is allowed to stand in their way. Thats how maoism works, either fall in line with the white genocide loving commies or the students will murder your whole family.
-David Hogg, admitting that all civic Americans(non-whites and race traitors) need to be gotten rid of because they are communist collectivists and capitalist corporations united against (white) people.
Make sure the kikes that pulled their ads know you aren't giving them shekels.
Guess I should have included pic related. Pretty much sums it up.
What is the solution to (((advertisers))), Zig Forums? A coalition of (((advertisers))) pulling money from a business is enough to make them do anything, and thus control any businesses narrative. How do you get around this? Here on the net especially. Are you fund through subscriptions from users, or you take (((advertiser))) money and lose all control of the narrative.
Well he's going after Eichenwald now, the master Sueman
I've been calling lefties corporate shills for the past few months. It's so obvious everything they do is to the benefit of these corporations, from environmental activism, to attacking tariffs, to defending open borders etc. They're the ultimate corporate shills. The irony of it is, they can't defend against it. Face-value they're anti-corporation, ultra moral, pedestal-bound heroes, and yet every action they take, and every position they support has a negative impact on their face-value positions. It completely undermines their talking points. Can't exactly preach their environmental moralist bullshit when the regulations they agitate for would send business over to the unregulated third world, where the output of C02 and pollution for the same work is dramatically higher, while also putting us out of business and impoverishing us. I've never had any of these rats directly respond either. I don't even bother with their bullshit talking points anymore. It's all feigned moralistic bullshit with no basis in reality. It's like raping a woman while preaching women's rights… Oh wait, they do that in Europe every day when they advocate for letting "refugees" stay/in.
I'm honestly a little surprised.
I thought she would tough it out, being about two tiers below Ann Coulter yet 5 or so above (((O'reily)))
It's strange when I find myself in liberal discussions and people are blaming the oil companies and Koch brothers and shit. It's like stepping back into 2004.
She aged pretty badly in 3 years but she's still pretty. She shouldn't have apologized
Wheren't they claiming that the Republics give factories tax breaks to leave the USA?
People who aren't anti-gun commies should let these advertisers know that by cucking to the anti-American gun grabbers they are killing their own business. Remember the consequences Delta faced? I noticed at my local Fred Meyer they have now completely taken out the gun section, and no longer sell ammunition either. I will let them know that this has cost them my business.
Citibank will not fare well with its anti-gun stance either.
All this bullshit is just to send the message to conservatives to keep their mouths shut.
They wanted to go after Ingraham anyway for being a female conservative voice, and they would have used any excuse.
Counter boycott these faggot brands. Tell them, threaten them whatever. Put the fear of God into these shits.
No you have it backwards. He isn't persuading any companies to do anything. The companies are using this shit as an excuse to send the message to conservatives to stay silent.
This, they're drawing business battle lines along the idealogical basis of the Boards on each of these companies.
Well Zig Forums is always right so we know the true reason behind this
Redondo is a 9-12 high school. Basic fact checking shows that, they've never held a middle school class there. Either he's legitimately retarded and failed a bunch of classes(explaining the low gpa), and when he got to FL he 'retook' those classes in order to bump his GPA up. It wouldn't surprise me if he was enrolled in some kind of night-class or adult-learning class there that operated during the daytime.
Look nigger, I'm really sick of explaining myself on this one. That image was posted the night of the falseflag by a spook or shareblue. Notice on the left pic how Hogg is not wearing a cap. It's because it's a goddamn middle school graduation. Also notice the candy lei? I only have seen those at middle school graduations. Well besides island niggers and regular niggers I've seen do it for high school but they're tacky.The one on the right isn't even from the same day as the Hogg one. I'm so tired of this one I'm taking the bait. I graduated from Redondo in 2014 and David Hogg didn't go there because he's a faggot that's 4 years younger than me.
Should be easy for you to prove then. Go on.
Because no one could ever take off a cap, right? Why’s he wearing the robe, then?
Did someone say
Holy shit he looks so natural there.
After seeing the kind of virtue signaling trash that Cruz had to go to school with and deal with day after day, I kinda think I get him now.
"Holy Week" obviously being in reference to the week-long observance of Passover.
Or at least, it would be obvious if you ignorant stormderps bothered to learn anything about other cultures and the world around you.
his number being upside down is a nice touch. well done
"Conservatism" is really a secondary issue to all of this. It is organized capital that wants a disarmed population because their propaganda is failing.
Kek you fucking mongoloid (((1))). Go hock your wares elsewhere.
this is why you never apologize.
apology is another word for bending your ass over.
Nah, let him keep flashing his gums. He's way overexposed and it's starting to get on normal people's nerves. He'll burn himself out soon. He's a smug little asshole who can't keep his story straight, has temper tantrums, and is obviously milking the situation for personal gain. Even my mom, who's about as apolitical as you can get, said she's tired of seeing him everywhere.
Screw Ingrahm, Fox and these advertisers
Plenty of men talked shit about Hogg, but he only counterattacked a woman. I wonder why.
He said he was coming back to us, I believe in his words. He really made old Zig Forums filled with hope; before the exodus with his technology threads and afterwards by contributing in the Space Elevator threads. The Zig Forumstopia joke really went far with him.
Are you brain serious? He isn't doing anything, he is just a sock puppet playing his part in a huge propaganda operation. Same thing for the goblin.
those cucks published a poll stating 91% wanted to end private gun sales, and 72% wanted to deny the 2A Rights of Americans aged 18-20
The latest polls are even more full of shit than the 2016 polling…I'd include Trump's 50% approval rating as bullshit; there's just no fucking way that's legit after he cucked on guns and the omnibus…Am I supposed to believe the bump is from his mythic tax reform last December? It's a trap, but good luck to any advisor who tries to point that out to POTUS, lol
he threatened to get rid of one of her advertisers.
they are still running afraid. feel bad for him if anything because he is a puppet and his parents/mentors are likely terrorist commies.
we need to wake up to the idea that baby boomers are terrorist scum. they indoctrinated us into new world order.
they allowed us to take on billions in student loans.
they allowed us to have our penises dismembered.
im not saying that they should get karma or punished, but rather shamed. I want to hear some of these fucks publicly apologize, primarily for male genital mutilation.
baby boomers are deliberately destroying this country whether they know it or not:
they wilfully give over their rights, and allow cucking to predominate the culture and
they continue to take on more and more debt, giving more power to the IRS and federal reserve.
they ignorantly participate in division of family(
they prance around in their debt assets and think they are powerful, while 90% of them vote liberal-left and are uneducated, poorly-read parasites.
they worship jews. many of them hand over their dignity to jews, and immigrants as well as being complicit with what I deem to be 'criminal capitalism,' the willful ignorant devision of class and morality, through the practice of sales and social networking.
they overly embrace 'non-white' race as they 'friends' which gives rise to cuck-culture and race-mixing which Zig Forumsacks so eagerly despise.
wake up to this people.
move out of your parent's
ditch your frenemies ('mean girl' culture)
She isn't cucking.
Unabomber was right.
Cuckservatives in fine form.
The jews have trapped the libtards in the early 2000s. All they're capable of thinking about is George W and the oil companies. Never mind that oil companies are small fry these days compared to big tech, who the left love so much. They're all too god damn braindead to realize that they are the 2018 versions of George W and Big Oil.