9th Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt, deemed a “liberal lion,” died unexpectedly of a heart attack while at the dermatologist's office Thursday.
9th Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt, deemed a “liberal lion,” died unexpectedly of a heart attack while at the dermatologist's office Thursday.
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Probably wishes he had gone to a real doctor, huh?
Pimplepopper M.D. indeed.
posting in a two post sticky thread
I first read it as a dead Supreme Court justice. My heart almost skipped a beat.
Actually a dermatologist can help with aging skin by prescribing certain medications to make it more moisturized and elastic. They can also help screen for various cancers and since the skin is the largest organ in the body it's a good idea to visit one every few years
t. Canadian
I'm ashamed to say I recognize this.
woah, huge slam on dermatologists out of nowhere.
also, its good to have some refreshing news once in a while. There are few things more unbearable than an aging liberal faggot.
crypto-judaic post. jews are obsessed with becoming doctors
9th Circus is almost better since so many cases don't make it to SCOTUS and are decided there
pic related
No if only Ginsberg would do the same.
Your dubs has spoken, (((Ginsberg))) dies this year.
How does this give him the opportunity to overhaul the 9th circuit?
It'll have to be before the midterms if the replacement has any chance of being confirmed.
When is this bitch going to the dermatologist?
Jokes aside, it has to be coming close. The bitch has to kill over eventually. I mean god damn, she's nearly a century old.
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised. It is controlled opposition and a honeypot.
/pol is censoring criticism of Trump for stabbing his supporters in the back by signing the omnibus spending bill. This backstab is serious and must be discussed with no censorship:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250, which means fewer, not more, illegals can be detained for deportation.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.
Cucked GOPe wont do anything to get Trump's appointments through. Schumer is in the minority but he is wielding power like he is in the majority.
149 open seats
They have the means to transform the courts for decades but the GOP sits on their hands. It is looking like these vacancies will end up going to the next president after Trump at this rate. If its a dem you know damn well they will load up the courts with leftists.
Sorry mr Canadian. Was meant for the poster after you, don't know how I could've made the mistake, but I did.
My apologies.
saging a sticky
Not gonna happen, Moishe.
According to my observation of American politics, mainly through replacing him with someone else and strongly hoping he dosn't turn out to be a backstabber.
Often followed by disappointment.
In a physician's office? – What is the inverse of Arkancided? He must have been doing some seriously egregious Italian Flatbread indulging to be offed like that.
Virgin Hillary Clinton
Chad Donald Trump
forgive the cuckchan meme
Is it a fucking dark souls boss?
Yo listen here, youdiddt hear nutin okay, touff guy? Trump da bass now
I read that as he died at the demonologist office
So the 9th circuit has 29 judges. It's fucking huge.
It was 16 Dems, now 15. 6 Republicans, with 7 vacancies.
Even with the death, it would be 6 R and 8 Vacancies for 14 Republicans. Dems would still have 15 and the majority.
I don't see how that's going to flip anything. Am I missing something here?
I, too, watched Scrubs in the mid to late 2000s.
Rolling for Ginsburg nextweek
Stephen Roy Reinhardt (born Stephen Roy Shapiro)
What dark magic swirls in this thread?
now I want to play this again
This would be accurate, only it's an appellate court; in particular, this is the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals we're talking about. It's the biggest, most unwieldy of the circuit courts; even though it's just one of 13 appellate circuits, it covers 20% of the U.S. population and has 29 judges, more than any other (the next-highest has 17). To give you a quick-and-dirty tl;dr,
While the Ninth Circuit is historically "far-left" (lol not really, but that's what hack journalists of any political persuasion describe it as), it is too populous for one judge to ever make a difference. Drumpf is on record as wanting to break it up, but even splitting it into thirds wouldn't make a single judge count for anything. A court of appeals is nearly worthless from a perspective of taking over gubmint.
What you should be looking at are federal district court vacancies, and district attorneys.
nah a CIAnigger would have taken out the whole lot of them via a "terrorist attack" done by a well documented informant.
The left play hardball. So should we. Obama offed Scalia, Trump should off Ginsburg.
I have been hitting the liquid jew hard and I (plz no bully) kek'd 'til I cried. This would be great, I am giving your post all my psychic support.
I read this in his voice and it was wonderful. Rolling for Ginsberg as well.
This is a big fucking deal. Trump needs to get nominating and McConnell needs to do his job and call the votes for these nominees. How the fuck is Schumer stonewalling all of this while in the minority? If he runs out the clock until the midterms, you can kiss all of these crucial vacancies goodbye for the rest of our lives.
The best kind, buddy. Only kikes and Christians believe in that to the full extent. Good vs. evil doesn't exist in nature, and the gods all have their own goals as any human does as far as I know, of course, but whatever Kek or his/it's real name is wills, let it so be, as we have created or perhaps summoned a great entity, which shall bring us towards our goal. All that is wronged shall be set right or destroyed by holy fires. I happily await whatever outcome may happen, as it is meant to be, and all is well, that ends well.
Seems to me that it’s foretold at this point.
Kek wills it.
Beautifully said, and with full house digits to boot. Kek speaks through you, brother.
Guess where this motherfucker lived? Every liberal with power is a massive hypocrite of the highest caliber.
This is better than the Supreme Court, because the 9th Circuit is the bigger immediate roadblock. The Supreme Court is for the long game.
I both thank you and forewarn you that I am not in my "right" frame of mind. It is amazing that I am blessed with dubs whilst doing degenerate things (drinking whiskey, which I don't advise anybody here do), but I do sincerely believe that we have summoned something much greater than ourselves and one day our descendants may even offer great thanks to it. These truly are days of tribulations, and I personally have found great religious strengths out of nothing but despair, prior to finding Zig Forums.
No dark magic, only the channeling of the bringer of light here, friend
What’s this “we” shit? You have a mouse in your pocket?
How about you strap a bomb on your chest and do something dangerous?
Keep dreaming faggot.
Checked, liberals are truly on-par with niggers in terms of absolute lack if heart and soul.
I just mean Zig Forums and the general tenets of national socialism. I realize we all have slightly differing goals, and what you may think is proper for societal roles is different from what I may believe, but I think that we may all understand some basic things equally to one another despite minor differences. I personally come from a very liberalistic background, I have only European blood (blonde hair and blue eyes, plus a deep respect for national socialism), and also, I realize natural order is far greater than perceived social order. I do hope I said this properly, if not, please correctly advise me. I have fallen into the depths if my Irish ancestors (booze), yet I do gladly accept any critism, especially the positive variety.
Of* rather than if.
Something primordial and powerful echoes here.
Can it be true, will Ginsburg's curse on our nation be snuffed out and let America flourish anew?
Get your mind right. Nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. The issue is alcoholism. No addictions are allowed. If you can’t walk away from it, then it controls you. That is how modern slavery works. You can’t be a National Socialist if you can’t walk away from something. The fight against these Shabbos and Jews is the only thing you should ever return to.
The only material exception is money, the kikes have created infinite debt for themselves. They like to imagine that they can foister the burden onto us, but the reality is that if you walked away from it, they would be holding that debt and have to take that loss.
I don’t hold anyone’s debt against them unless they did it to themselves rather than because mafia types like to vandalize property as a form of racketeering.
If you’re not willing to walk away and aren’t willing to die rather than returning to the comfort of that escapism, then we don’t need you. If you can’t make the choice to die rather than betray your convictions, then you’re not really one of us.
Hedonistic life has no place with us.
I thank you, as well. I truly do not know how to feel, as fate has blessed me in some ways, but not in others. I do, much to my chagrin, cry for that which has befallen us white gentlemen I cry like a fag or a good woman whom has lost a child, so please do not believe this as falsehood, as it pains me more than I care to admit. I really hope all goes well in our (all that fights for what is right) endeavors. Ehat is just, must prevail, if not, I don't know what to do, but I do indeed hope someone who does emerges. We need a Hitler V2.0 and it saddens me greatly it has come to this point.
Liberal lion huh, he looks like a liberal lamb. Very evil/Jewish looking.
Ginsburg going down.
2 - 4 - 8
Sneaky doubles.
Stop crying and feeling bad. Become stoic, learn to hunt and survive off the land. That is the German way.
I thank you as well, your word are more harsh than most thus far, but you do speak true, of which I cannot deny. I hopw as such, we may become friends in future lives.
Fucking kek
I'm honeymooning in Hawaii right now. What could I do to celebrate this excellently?
Yes, I agree with you despite sharing only a quarter or so, of German blood. I find much to my detriment that alcohol brings out feelings in myself that ordinarily don't exist. I've offset this thread far too much in my selfish endeavors, but I thank you, as well. Please, should anybody read this, ignore my lamentations, as they rather unintentially destroy this thread. The volk are what truly matters.
Nice digits, user.
The Volk doesn’t exist without it’s constituent parts. The idea that collected lives are worth more than individuals of the whole is a Jewish concept. Both individuals and the collective matter. Without each person involved with society having something to gain from it there is no reason for them to take part in it. For the Volk literally means so every person can benefit.
Go drown in a pool of dog semen.
Conceive a white child.
Now that's ironic.
Yes, but I only know how to represent how I feel, and I'd very much so like to help my brethren pretty much those of Aryan descent as well as I might, primarily for the goal of good karma. I try to not think like a kike, as in only thinking of myself, but I find great difficulty in doing so. I try to to help, but it is truly in great turmoil, in reflection to how the current state of the world is. I really want to do all that I can, but I do not even know where to begin, and this is at most as insecure as I get. This has essentially become self-help via like-minded individuals, to which I don't know what else to say.
Start a business and make sure it’s going to last, but hire Whites. Affirmative Action doesn’t apply until you have 50 employees. If you live in Arizona Affirmative Action doesn’t even apply.
Then, find a wife and make more than two babies. At least enough to be sure you have one of each gender, there’s only two so by the time you hit three or four kids you should be good. Make sure your wife is attractive and active in stuff like hiking and whatnot.
Make enough to homeschool them, teach them to hunt and fish and camp in all weathers. How to work on a car, etc.
This is the most important part:
Never speak your opinion on politics anywhere. Guide your children to be loyal to their own people, and never speak ill of others. Teach them to stand up for what is right no matter who it is. Get them involved with your business at a reasonable age so they have some skills to fall back on when they are out on their own. Encourage self education over university. Teach them about portfolios.
The only irony is that none of you seem to understand, I don’t want anything to do with any of you.
Good riddance.
If you can’t meet me face to face I want absolutely nothing to do with you.
It's called 'private school' :^)
Thanks, designanon !
Have an ēostre gift from me to you:
I agree with the majority of what you said as well, brother, although I intend to have children with a much younger woman once I become financially successful meaning I have both a home (not to be mistaken with a house) and sustainance and may provide enough for my children to be homeschooled and sufficiently subscribed in the actions of our (((enemies)))..
Private schools teach your children how to be manipulative little shits that have far too much ego for their own good.
It like dealing with niggers that call you a nigger if you don’t let them fuck you in the ass, because they think playing double bind bullshit with threats of 7 22 meaning 3 and half felonies is a threat.
Go drown in dog semen niggers. I am not into your Monarch Kabbalah cult.
You’re on the right track, but aware that niggers, beaners and leftists will do everything in their power to stop you.
I mean look at this faggotry and entrapment bullshit. The CIA and the niggers have been trying to get me to assassinate someone for months now.
I wonder who are they hinting at in this thread?
Small minds have small goals in mind.
Alright, as it is beyond two am in in the morning in my time zone, but I grant all those that have granted me good will, good night, as I shalll grant you good Morrow when I awake, good night ye gentleman, wherever you may wake. If I am incorrect in my speech, I do apologize , but good night to you nonetheless,
Good night young apprentice.
The jpg was in reference to the JFK file digging threads, the files actually had the (((echoes))) around them.
We could meme the idea that this liberal judge was assassinated by Trump using the CIA's heart attack gun. Encouraging democrat paranoia would hurt their credibility even more.
Don't bother with that fucking retard
They don't have 29 judges all sitting on a giant mega bench for every case that winds up in the 9th Circuit. Its a panel of 3 judges for any given case. So yeah, if you had 15(D) and 14(R) judges it be a real game changer because they could no longer stack every case with 2-3 Marxist cunts.
That said, the 9th circuit is way too big to begin with, both geographically and population size. It covers Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. This is how you get tyranny in through the backdoor.
Are you just reading the lugenpresse or something? There was a thread a few days ago that completely btfo the idea that democrats are going to win the mid-terms.
ginsberg confirmed for kill
You do not get your party to win seats in the midterms by betraying your voters on multiple issues.
I work in a machine shop in one of the reddest states in the union. The last good thing I've heard one of my coworkers say about Trump is from way back when "he" managed to pass the tax bill. Everything since then has been silence and making fun of the idiots on the news crying about muh ebil a salt guns.
Build a healthy, fulfilling relationship with your partner and raise a strong family.
Would be nice to have a list of names and faces of all these faggot liberal judges.
Once that is done, pray everyday that they catch cancer and diarrhea.