==Ann Coulter to Donald Trump:
Beware the Former Trumpers==
by: Frank Bruni
Ann Coulter to Donald Trump: Beware the Former Trumpers
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Ann is an attention whore. Starve her.
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised. It is controlled opposition and a honeypot.
Zig Forums is deliberately censoring criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus spending bill.
The omnibus means whites have no future in the United States. Trump was whites' last chance to save themselves, and this is the bill Donald Trump signed:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.