Spotted these in Surrey, and yes that is a typo, and yes that is a flock of geese flying towards a red commie star.
The site is, and looks like Soros involvement.
Communists recruitment in Surrey BC
Other urls found in this thread:
Canada is already communist so who fucking cares. Overthrow your government already and maybe Trump will invade you and give you back some semblance of political autonomy.
I ain't even surprised.
Not entirely. We have a number of socalist parties but actual communists are a real security concern.
Did you at least take them down?
Nope. They shot themselves in the foot with the typo. How will a normie find them if the google search turns up nothing?
If you can realize it's a typo, I'm sure normies can as well and will make the correction. You should have torn them down.
I'll do that next time. They're targeting the homeless in whalley as a weapon against the middle class and cops
Funny how the problem moved from SROs on Granville and on Hastings out to the 100+ Avenues once condos and money laundering got out of hand.
screencaps of their shitty site
Beat the shit out the leader
You say it like there's a difference. The biggest problem with communism, which makes it impossible to attain, is the centralization and empowerment of government under socialism. Socialism and communism are the same damn thing. Communism might as well just be called full socialism. Communism on paper is irrelevant.
No infiltrate, replace the leader and switch them to natsoc for the lulz
Socialism is the means to communism, its there in the fucking name, aka its to socialise people into the communist line… you need to broaden your perception skills
I don't even know why communism is seen as the big bad of leftist political ideologies. Socialism is the bad one, and yet views toward it are getting more and more neutral with each generation (also because they're replacing us with stupid third world brown people who want free shit). Everything wrong with communism is a result of socialism. "Communism" has never been achieved, as per how it's written on paper, because socialism is the authoritarian ideology that makes it impossible. All achieved forms of communism have been basically full on socialism.
I'll be heading out to the meeting on the 2nd and 18th. I hope fellow anons are also. I got out of surrey awhile ago but can't stand commies.
Bloomington, IN USA here, very similar problem but with anarchists
We have a similiar thing in Montreal. A few months ago, I remember seeing posters for communist rallies
Not going to have many responses in fucking Surrey.
Should've written it in Pajeet.
ਗੜਬੜ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੜਕ ਨਾ ਹੋਣ ਤੋਂ ਥੱਕਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ?
Holy shit, I guess they'll be in Hope before too long.
Note to anons: the lower mainland is a shit, the Island is expensive and outside Victoria doesn't have many of these idiots.
I think elections are this year.
Chinese don't like commies.
More screencaps from their shitty site, notice the use of chugs as a prop for their genocide of whites via replacement. Also note the witchhunt system for accusations of abuse, they will punish the accused by excluding them for two weeks while they grill them. It's a "listen and Believe" kind of situation that we could use to our advantage.
They also put out a shitty newspaper that's mostly in chingchongdingdongwingwong and reeks of foreign involvement, the Volcano
I also have a flyer for the maple ridge one that's begging for gibsmedat.
Isn't 90% of Canada empty land?
From what i can tell this is a means of forcing cities to make a fuckload of low cost social housing so the commies can stuff them with niggers and pajeets and unexploded kebabs, turning these areas into toronto, Onterrible.
Surrey is a bigger shithole than it was 20 years ago, as this documentary/jackass shit movie shows.
The success of a socialist nation is directly proportional to the quality of genetics that make up said nation. Degrees of socialist policies in an aryan ethnostate are highly productive.
Where do you think you are? This is not cuckchan faggot.
Of course no one in this god forsaken country will ever address the real reason for the absolutely fucked state of housing, the fucking chinks.
Rotate me daddy
Hey user: tear one or more of them down, put them under a black light (if you don't have one you can get black light bulbs for cheap at places like the dollar store), and then post pics of the dot patterns here