Let's hope there are riots tonight. LIVESTREAM:
They tried to break into a hotel at last night's protests
Let's hope there are riots tonight. LIVESTREAM:
They tried to break into a hotel at last night's protests
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Slightly better gif
Kek-laden first post
Anybody from California? How unhinged are the niggers in Sacramento? Will this push them over the edge?
Their in standoff mode with police now on Gloomtube (the livestream)
Twitter memoryholed it quick.
For what purpose?
We still got it
and nothing. Maybe they ran over a cat lady not a negress. It's hard to tell from the footage.
No riots tonight sadly, unfortunately
people were getting sick of Planet of the Apes reruns on tv all the time
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no more live feeds?
Sacramento cops seem unusually based for the state they're in.
Glorious. Looks like they were given ample warning to get the fuck out the way. Only mistake the cop made was not backing up over them.
Can you guys believe we share a country with these nogs?
I went to /zenpol/, it looks like it's populated by inept dunces. Perhaps it'll help filter out and capture some of the low IQ people who trickle through here though.
Blacks in Sacramento stopping whites from driving on the road.
Decent comments on the hotel video.
Sacramento is the biggest shithole ever. I would argue worse than LA. Prime spot for a chimpout.
I was in sac the day of the battle of sacramento and the general sentiment was pride in the attacking and running out of peaceably assembling "nazis".
Best timeline? I just wish Dylan Roof was in Sacramento right now.
We need some kinda Suicide Squad.
I'm from Sacramento. Years ago a nigger was jay walking really slow like he owned the street so I sped up and breezed by him scaring the shit out of him. A few days later, I was with my girlfriend driving her home around 3 am. We stopped at an intersection near that spot, and looking out my right window I could see a gang of nigs walking towards my car. I heard one say "Hey thats the car!" I sped off so fucking fast. One of them was in a wheelchair lol.
Other than that, the place is infested with nigs. Some shot and killed the nice Pajeet who ran the gas station down the street. When I was really little, my neighbours dad was molesting his daughter, so his son murdered him. They were black.
When I was 7 some black kids stole my pokemon cards and when my mom tried to get them back she was threatened by their parents. My white girl neighbours got beat up and bullied in school for being white and when I checked up on them years later I saw that they turned into trashy degenerates.
I moved far, far away.
I'm from the Burbs of Sac, just 20 something minutes out. The niggers of sac might demonstrate some more but it will probably fizzle out. Most people agree the cop was in the right. Its funny to watch the KCRA local news station polls about the Stephon Clark incident, most of the areas surrounding Sac hate it with a passion and could care less of the politics from it. The City is infested with niggers and chinks now and they run wild. That's why we need the State of Jefferson now, Placer County best County.