Australia's Monash University is virally promoting itself with a new hyper-Marxist ad. By using Google's display marketing, they've managed to make the ad appear everywhere, from major media sites to YouTube. Why bother making this thread? Well, the ad isn't just Marxist but hyper-Marxist. It's about as Marxist as you can get without explicitly saying something along the lines of, "replace whites and fuck white people". It shows just how terrifyingly leftwing Australia is becoming.
The video can be found hosted on their official YouTube channel. In the description and info box, some information about the video is given:
"Song: ‘Blaccout’ — A.B. Original
For sixty years our work has changed the world. As our film shows, this is only beginning.
For sixty years, they've helped the west become more globalist and anti-white. For sixty years, they've helped change Australia's demographics from nearly 100% white to approximately 80% white in late 2017. Their goal? Destruction of the white west and the total destruction of anything resembling white Australia, the exact same major goal of the Jewish banking elite who are currently trying to destroy real diversity and turn the world into a borderless, multiculti melting pot.
Yes, the beginning of the total collapse of white nations is just the beginning. The end goal: the total annihilation of whites nations and white Australia. What a wholesome and kindhearted group of people. Consider the fact this is now being displayed virally across the web. White genocide is real.
They've also got another propaganda piece hosted on Faceberg. The video contains Muslim girls telling the viewer how they want whites to like the idea of Muslims in power and some disabled chick preaching the importance of retard acceptance. Yeah, white counties really need that Muslim rulership and mentally challenged serf underclass. Find it here
So, this is where we're at now. Australian universities are publically promoting white genocide and Religion of Cuck™ization, among other things. And there is no public outcry. We're at the stage where this is generally considered normal and palatable.