/atg/ anti-trump general

Reminder that Trump is a zionist.
Reminder that Trump is pro gun control
Reminder that Trump is pro middle-east interventionism
Reminder that Trump has goldman sachs kikes in his cabinet
Reminder that Trump's grandchildren are kikes
Reminder that Trump's new foreign policy advisor shills for war with Iran

Reminder that there is zero reason for Zig Forums to support Trump, and that Cambridge Analytica shills run rampant on this board and took out ads for his campaign's d'nation page.

Attached: trump reddit.jpg (480x344 28.78 KB, 74.96K)

Reminder not to let this board become cuckchan2.0

Reminder that criticizing Trump's ziocuckery isn't "shilling"
Reminder that the consensus on this board is pro-white, and that Trump won't even say "White Americans"

He has nothing going for him, and the support for him in pro-white circles only shifts the overton window in said circles left towards a more anti-white position.

Attached: pol degeneration.png (2404x1260, 926.13K)

bump for fuck drumpf


I doubt they will tbh, we have new mods who are hopefully not cambridge analytica plants.


Skeletor and Mr. Clean seem okay, they haven't banned any of my posts in the past and I can't see why they'd start now.

If they do, it just means they care about maintaining a pro-trump narrative above a pro-white one. You can't have both when your fucking president is a zionist who won't even say "white americans"

Reminder that we will not support Trump.
Reminder that we will trigger the Second Civil War.
Reminder that this is war against the ZOG.
Reminder that sold out cuck mod is not longer trusted.

new mods fam. but other than that, spot on.

I Did not know.
Thanks user.

check board logs fam, much better than imkikey's reign of terror.

That pic already starts off wrong, the animu shit is a remnant from the /intl/ raids.

Zig Forumsewsman


fuck right off with that, /int*/ is behind the cuckime meme and only used animu in those raids to mock us.

they use animu the same way kikey did, saving a bunch of reaction images they didn't cultivate themselves to mock people that actually enjoy it + to blend in with imageboard culture.

it wasn't as prevalent on /new/ but it was there, and it's been there since 8ch was created since most of the pre-exodus originalfags were /r9k/ users from 4chon and wizchan who all had weeb tendencies.

Animu shit is post-Cuxodus.

Zig Forums and /new/ did not tolerate moeshit.

Attached: choke on a dick.PNG (1730x82, 12.85K)

Reminder that OP is ALWAYS a faggot.

Attached: mighty faggot.jpg (500x363, 69.65K)

Also not even 4chon (the actual STI one) wasn't weeb.

>Madoka is moeshit

Skeletor and Heil have banned hundreds of anons for daring question the Omnibus billand since then for any crime against exposing ZOG.
Check out Zenpol for screencaps of the ludicrous bans.
Yesterday opne of the kike mods unbanned a few 1000IPs yesterday, due to the huge drop in users after Skeletor and Heil's spastic ban fest.

Skeletor and Heil both use the smug loli anime girl JPGsto respond to anyone providing evidence of their claims, they both yell shareblue and they both get hyperban happy whenever kampfy pics are posted.

The same counter jihad jew psyop posts are stickied the same the pro-isreali narrative on every news story is still apparent.

The entire MO is to keep Zig Forums strictly kosher and on the jewish Trump train.

They are the same kampfy club, and you are doing what the kikes always do which is pretend Kampfy has gone, and pretending that the mods are new.

Check these.

Attached: dubs_haruhi2.png (473x369, 138.28K)

The only anime that was ever accepted on Zig Forums (Zig Forums and /new/ didn't even give a shit) were either red-pilled anime or manly 80's and 90's anime. Your moeshit and 'smug anime girls' had no place and quite frankly still don't.

first of all, how is madoka moeshit? it's more psychological horror disguised as moeshit and makes fun of the whole magical girl genre.

secondly, that image clearly alludes to redpilled animus, as it's a picture of homura in NSDAP regalia.

third, you're the nigger derailing the thread because you don't like an image. What would be better, someone from fucking macross or angel cop? Don't be so picky and try to stay on topic here. Overall that image is accurate weather or not you like weebshit.

You are totally right.
This is just damage control.
The little trust we had is gone.
I consider this place a honey pot to keep an eye on us mischieving, nothing else.

Jim Watkins is a DoD nigger.

Attached: Jim Watkins Lockheed.png (673x703, 668.14K)

Well, where does Zig Forums actually talk Zig Forums then, goy- Uh. Friend.

/r/the_zogald of course.

Check today's date you fucking morons

oh fuck. is the site going to get REKT again?


See you make a point about mods being faggots which is relatively verifiable then you misuse words and make yourself look like a faggot.

How can it be a honeypot when nothing illegal is posted here nor is any direct call to illegal action which can be traced IRL posted here?

I have posted a recipe for nerve gas here and posted on 4/pol/ back in 2012. Guess what, it's not illegal nor would there be any way to track those who ctrlC ctrlP the text onto a word document and use it.

The FBI observing McVeigh hanging out with mudslimes who bombed the WTC basement in 1993 and then having agents make friends with him and convince him to bomb the OC building before leaving him out to dry while never investigating the eye-witness accounts of accomplices while claiming he was a white nationalist who just happened love sand niggers and bitch about their dead mudbabbies was a honeypot.

They're used to trigger roasties and people like you. If you can't handle a drawing of a schoolgirl then you should fuck off to reddit

The mainstream talks about this place with 4chan and reddit.
This place is already reddit-tier.
You are too late, faggot.

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This kike has been saying ITT
Then realising it's all too apparent lies are rapidly falling on deaf ears resorts to
You cartoon cut out low rent kike