Brit/pol/ #2793: A Nutritious Supper Edition

Farage Reveals Brexit Party Will Run in Next General Election

The Scruton tapes: an anatomy of a modern hit job

Cyber-flashing: 'I froze when penis picture dropped on to my phone'


Greta Thunberg claims ‘gift’ of Asperger syndrome helps her see through environment ‘lies’

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Good lad


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baste 5G going to both lock us into the technological prison while also killing us from RF radiation

imagine looking for a relationship, but not a permanent one. I hate normies grrr

Asians falling over themselves to race mix as per

tfw that gruniad article turned my brain to mush

Fucking hell.

I guess the chance of getting impregnated from casual sex sounds less effort than trying to build a lasting relationship

and 22st thinks he has a chance lmao

now you are thinking like a grrrl

Leave him alone, lad

Was really dreadful, none of it coherent and just run on sentences full of unfunny drivel

which one
Spic wife for Steiner to take to Musks Mars colony
warning its the female equivalent of timecube

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.

Now, of my threescore years and ten,
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.

And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.

Had some whore from POF trying to get me to go on one of 'those' sites after she gave me her whatsapp yesterday. "She" started getting pissed off when I wouldnt respond or log into her webcam site or whatever it was. We all need to go to church and repent tbh

She wanted to cam whore?

For him

ahhh not a repost. Are they ever going to post what that Jess Phillips MP woman was actually saying?

for him

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idk, it was
type bollocks

Yeah no I'd just have a wank, what's the fucking point. Never understood internet relationship shite.

kek my cousin goes on those sites
and her mum knows and doesn't care about it

That's a lovely poem lad. Who is that?

the internet was a mistake

Based right wing mothers

AE Housman lad

why do anglos fear them, lad?

I think this has been edited, they missed out him talking about the high male suicide rates

They're units tbh wouldn't mess with a badger. But they're simultaneously quite a peaceful and noble animal

You mean the gals at the Daily Maily didn't want to make their gal pal look bad?

yeah, seems to be edited in her favour. as I recall, Phillips laughed as that man talked about male suicide rates

I cant be bothered to watch it, here's a longer vid

dat trollface thumbnail

I'm right, they cut out him listing men's issues, where Phillips laughs and scoffs throughout. Fucking Dail Mail cunts

here's the full version


Unlucky son

smh. At least they stayed together

Has there been any kino released in the past year or so? I'm trying to find something to watch but it all looks shite tbh

dunno about this year but try The Void (2016)

tbh, no

tbh the only thing I watched was that movie Steiners obsessed with.
Looking for something myself, Eastern European maybe to avoid full poz

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/newbrit/ is watching hagazussa at 8. It's foreign though

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hope its not as weird as the one with the puppets.

You've got 10 seconds, explain what it is and there better be no trannys

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what happened to the multiple men arrested in christchurch and the bombs that were planted around the city tbh

horror set in medieval times I guess. Looks pretty remote and focusing on a smaller group of people. I don't really know. imdb tells me nothing and I do not want to watch the trailer

Which one was that?

don't like em
simple as

On the day? Was bullshit, some lad got arrested by a woman cop for wearing fatigues kek

I'll hold your hand lad

(((baby driver)))
wind river
brap runner
sicario 2

npc detected there's footage of two blokes walking around with rifles


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Not sure about that, the only footage I saw was the lad being arrested.

They are shite lad, worst genre of movie

I got recommended baby driver a while back, is it kino?

don't bring up any discrepancies on NZ here, lad, you'll get shouted down immediately tbh

well it was posted by another lad so I'll take none of the heat if the film is shit

yeah it's kino

Some top political journalism there….

Who is this Countess Dankula Marina Hyde?
Marina Hyde (born Marina Elizabeth Catherine Dudley-Williams; 13 May 1974)
>Hyde is the daughter of Sir Alastair Edgcumbe James Dudley-Williams and Diana Elizabeth Jane Duncan,[1] and the granddaughter of aviation pioneer and Conservative politician Sir Rolf Dudley-Williams. She attended Downe House School,[2] and read English at Christ Church, Oxford.
Posh cunt

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Slagging off Nissans because she no doubt only drives a Lexus

our governing caste really has to be the most fucking useless on the planet earth


They let her write funnies about the football too

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Hope Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkade doesn't even raep her

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reading that made me stupider

the fug

journalistic class primarily hails from Oxbridge lad.

kek Farrage killing UKIP and CUCK

she cant even write a coherent sentence

Fresh atheist, casual racism is fine but anti-semitism is not, kangaroo

You've got to give it to her, she fucked that up monumentally.

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Tories are so cancelled there's going to be some meltdowns in the party soon. Losing all that gravy

should make a law where dating women who are younger than you makes you a nonce

gayist detected

Prime Minister Farage

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Chink without a doubt trying to get a paypiggy
It's a massive industry over there, farms of them luring stoopid westernahs out of Tinder and into one of their domains.

luv im lids, simple as. Part negro probably makes him good at footie too

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Might give English Democrats a pity vote tbh.

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Labour is down 9.8% too tbh.

thanks for the (you)s

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good lad

didn't give you one, thank you for the (You)

sargo is an icon

Lad they are only getting a single seat

Can't stop watching tbh


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give it time

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I don't want PM Nigel Farage tbh

rofl, because ISIS and torture isn't bad enough keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

The Trump tier salt mining

Yeah that got old real quick

tbh. Maybe fun for election night but he is a Thatcherite after all. I'm happy for him to inch the overton window rightward but in power he'd be shite.


He's moving the window away lad, he's now the good guy and UKIP far right,

epic style

tempted to reap Jess Phillips lads in minecraft

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