All the facts/proof you need about Hitler… Knowledge is power!!
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All the facts/proof you need about Hitler… Knowledge is power!!
Also, check out:
Where do you think you are?
Shush, its never a bad thing to keep these in rotation.
There's a statute of Churchill in Israel for a reason, and that reason is treason.
/r/ing a torrent & a torrent for Protocols
Where do you think you are, jew?
Make sure you don't bring up or discuss the fat retarded loser Denis Wise who made this "documentary."
should be a permanent sticky tbh
Why ?
Daily reminder, watch Europe the Last Battle
So far Part One is good.
Any news up on the updated version?
It's on TPB. There aren't any torrents of the real Protocols audiobooks (just the robot voice) but you can rip them from jewtube.
Alex Linder did an audiobook of it with commentary.
Doe anyone know where I can find subtitles for this? Some of the recordings the movie plays are ancient and difficult to understand.
Haven't seen a pro-Hitler thread here for weeks.
Honestly their needs to be more of them.
I haven't watched in a few years, mostly because it leaves me blackpilled and anxious for days afterwards.
That being said, it doesn't get enough love here these days.
i like it but i wonder why they didn't cover the night of long knives and who/what orgs they were taking out during the night.
There was alot of whitewashing of history going on, i'd have liked it more if there was SOME admittance of mistakes made by the Germans in Poland for example, just so i can quantify what it was they should have done instead.
Link to a good torrent
There is another version on youtube that is about 40 minutes longer but I'm not sure what the difference is. I recommend everyone keep an offline copy of this torrent.
While we are bringing up essential Zig Forums documentaries for newfags, see the embed.
Sorry for the double post, this seems to be the better torrent.
Nigger, here, I've got the whole thing in my megadump, along with quite a few books y'all might like.
1) https:// mega DOT nz/ #F!svRkEIiS !i43B2nk GKPTdy98s6x uUUw
I wish there was a version where the text segments were narrated. I would listen to this every night while I went to sleep if I knew I wasn't missing half the documentary.
It's great propaganda, but it hardly tells the truth. It only gives a cherry picked perspective. Read/listen to "Hitler's War" if you want the whole untold story on Hitler.
thanks for
spacing your links
and your post