Evil kike intends to stay until the Reaper harvests her. Cites regimen of Christian foreskins for longevity
Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has hired clerks on contracts that will last through 2020, according to her fellow Jews at CNN. The move, which is typical of younger justices who aren’t expected to keel over any day now, is taken as a signal that the 85-year-old Jewess has no intention of retiring while Donald Trump is President.
This move is being interpreted as yet another bold act of resistance to le Evil Drumpf, since the left has long since forgotten what actual courage looks like and now thinks not retiring when you’re a million years old is akin to blowing up the Death Star.
Ginsburg has held her current position on the Court since her appointment in 1993, while fucking Cheers was still on TV. Since then, she has been a (((reliable))) liberal voice on the Court. Before her appointment to the bench, Ginsburg was a heroic feminist lawyer who did her part to sully and degrade the white race by turning its women into angry lesbians. Ginsburg graduated from law school before Fidel Castro took over Cuba.
During her time on the Supreme Court, (((the Notorious RBG))), as Newsweek-reading faggots call her, has pioneered the over-politicization of that formerly august body, voting again and again to ignore the Constitution, common law, binding precedent, the good of the nation, and basic fucking sense when the assassination of the white man was at issue. One famous example was in the 2008 Ledbetter case, where the plaintiff was some bitch complaining about equal pay. The case was literally laughed out of every lower court without hearing the merits because Ledbetter was way over the statute of limitations for her suit. When her case got to the Supreme Court, Ginsburg wrote a deranged dissenting opinion that bore no connection to reality and essentially argued that the Judiciary should do Congress’ job for it when there’s a cunt involved. This is a pattern she continued from her 1996 decision to force the Virginia Military Institute to let female cadets in so they can fail officer training in a prestigious academy.
Despite the hopes and dreams of patriotic Americans and white people everywhere, Ginsburg – who has survived two bouts of cancer already – does what very few Zig Forumslacks have bothered to do and keeps /fit/ with a regimen of lifting and light aerobics. She is also rumored to be one of the privileged few hyper-kikes with access to the Soros/Kissinger matzoh-blood life extension therapy, which keeps Ashkenazi saboteurs going like the fucking Energizer Rabbit for decades past their sell-by dates.
By hiring clerks for the 2018-2020 session, Ginsburg sends a powerful message to her fellow traitors:
Fellow Jews have applauded this move, notably Lawrence Tribe, whom CNN calls a “liberal Harvard Law professor,” but who could better be described as an Israeli propagandist with tenure. Tribe said, on behalf of his fellow Tribe member:
Post yfw RBG drops the fuck dead at her gynecologist’s office four days from now.