As things are heating up in the Middle East against Israel, everyone in the US is highly anticipating the upcoming IG report. My theory is that the IG report is going to expose all of Israel's actions done in the US including false flags and pedophile blackmail. Trump did say that an (((ally))) was gonna turn and that soon enough it'll be found out. of Cuck™-Israel-war-attack-all-sides-latest-news

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Other urls found in this thread:

let it play out then make a thread, faggot

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Don't disappoint me, Don.


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Erdogan is a piece of shit but you kikes are just upset he's triangulated you.

Israel is the ONLY nation to Murder it's own GOD…. its called DEICIDE


Jesus pulled it in the Jews and Satan… after 3 days dead HE ROSE!!!!!

When will the Jews learn

Donald Trump will bring down the wrath of 6 gorillion to a untrustworthy regime.

Here is a video on the issue

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Just like a lefty getting in good with the sand niggers

Shut up kike filth.

russomutts eternally buttblasted in 3- 2-

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Rolling for the happening, and for whatever is going on in that first vid replacing the NFL on Sundays. Mudskins Vs kikes tire relay with rubber bullets?


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I welcome an alliance with the Rus, against you filthy disgusting semitic dogs.

Putin might be friendly with the Orthodox jews, but that doesn't mean he's pro-zionist, Mr. D&C Shareblue-rabbi. Why do you think after he jailed that one yid in 2006 there was such an immediate push to demonize him? Why do you think he paid off all of Russia's debt to the IMF and is involved in BRICS and the petro-yuan to circumvent central banking cartels? And why does both he protect Assad? Both he AND Xi also support Iran. LOL.

Anways: Best case - Bin Salman of the Saudis also turns on Itsnotreal, and was installed by Trump during the recent Saudi coup. The 9/11 investigation only adds fuel to the fire and it's reveal on who's behalf the Sauds were doing the funding, then the whole fucking world realizes that "Jews did 9/11" wasn't just some "lulz-troll /raid/ joke" from the early 2000s, and normies start becoming aware of the 3 mossad agents that were found in a van in new york with explosives AND LET GO. #WhatHappenedToTower7 starts trending on TwatR.

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This is all I want from this world.

This. It's not even blackpilling at this point to tell you to calm the fuck down and wait for the actual happening. Every fucking week there's a new thread about this. "This time it's real guys, kikes are going to get exposed!" Stop making threads unless something actually happens. You're just getting people's hyped up for nothing.

Never forget that the Chinese are the ones who sent all the weapons to Africa and armed the (((rebels))). China is not our friend, in any way.

This. Plus even if ((traitors)) in our federal government are taken care of, we still have their disgusting media apparatus to deal with. The media machine will make damn sure that even if they can't prevent ZOG from being dismantled, they will prohibit normalfags from ever knowing this. They will spin it however they want. It's a sensitive topic in America to deal with the media. Assholes who actually hate free speech will switch their tactics to defending it as soon as any rejection of these propagandizers takes place. Will take some real chess to properly perform. God willing.

People have to remember too that Faux Jews is just as culpable in Zionist world destruction as CNN is. Two sides of the same shekel. Do NOT defend Hannity the Ziocuck anymore than you would defend Anderson "CIA stooge faggot" Cooper.

Why does Nikki Haley Always go into the UN kvetching about how "Muh Israel" criticism needs to stop? And Says things like "America stands with Israel" when 70% of UN delegates fucking hate Israel.

If we go with the 88 foot long D omnistellar chess

If only chaos was predictable

When Trump protects Israel will you admit he's the ZOG Emperor? If he lets Israel get destroyed I'll admit he's the God Emperor. Seems like a fair deal to me.

nimrata randhawa is all about whoring for higher orifaces, she has no principles or moral compass or grounding philosophies/beliefs
she grew up in a republicuck atmosphere where muh israel was the zeitgeist
once the tide turns, she will, too, but she will never lead the way
trump put her in that role at the un because it got her out of where she was and she is willing to follow orders in the few things that trump wants her to do there, her pro-kike kvetching is irrelevant there in the big picture, no matter how annoying it is to us

fuck you yid no (you) for you
and also …


That would take away all the fun. Much better to just wait for the right time to participate in it.

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still no confirmed (you)s for you, schlomo
sorry to cut into your shekels so early this month


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So let's take it down.

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I know you're a relatively new arrival, but the convention is to lurk two years before posting. If you can't be bothered with that, at least stop posting silent videos from halfchan and lurk long enough to gather a collection with sound from here/wherever



obvious jews are obvious

How can we send more U.S. Jews to Israel before the arab world turns them into mush? Right now the elimination of Israel would solve zero percent of our problems with the jew.

we need to help our "greatest ally" by making sure that they have enough BASTE jewish people to defend them from ebil palestinians!!!!!!
we must help our BASTE muh GREATEST ALLY israel!!!!!!!
they need more jews,
and we have millions to send them!!!
for the helping!!!!
and the muh greatest ally!!!!
being on the right side of history demands this sacrifice of us. the sacrifice that is the sending of all the jews in the US to israel.
we must rise to this challenge.
it would be antisemitic and racist to endanger israel by not sending the US jews to israel in order to help israel.
only ebil rayciss nahtsees would not want to help israel by physically relocating all the US jews to israel for the helping of israel and for the being on the right side of history.
— pictures of crying jew children and scary muslums
do you want these innocent, helpless jews to be murdered by those ebil rayciss nahtzee muslums????



t. Zionist shill

Member when Kissinger said Israel wouldn't exist by 2020?

Well Trump already told them there WILL be a Palestinian state, aka Two State Solution. Meanwhile pedokikes and satanic sex cults continue to rolled up at a record pace. It's ogre Moshe.

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jewish nukes don't matter
jewish subversion is far, far more dangerous
and is actively driving western civilization into the shit and has been for many years.
whereas nukes are just a threat that do no damage until they are used (if ever)
if jews nuke the west, then they will be nuked into nothing in return
the west will lose a few cities (or a hundred, whatever) full of blacks, browns, and soyboys. (if we haven't retaken our countries by then)
but the best of the west will live on in the rural, town, and small city populations.
if we have retaken our countries by then, then we should be able to create adequate countermeasures to ballistic missiles (such as an improved "star wars" program to shoot down ICBMs in orbit or something) because of not having to pay gorillions in welfare and such shit.
the "samson option" is grossly overrated as a threat
as long as the jews have anything substantial to lose (ie their lives and their patch of desert called israel) they won't risk total annihilation by nuking anyone.
they could try to false flag a nuke or something
but any future White Nations that are going to have a chance to survive will have to be jew wise moving forward anyway (and thus seek to prevent such attacks, and also not fall for the false flag). And not just for the current jews. Also for those among the White race who would seek to emulate the jews in the future (and who must be prevented from doing so)

thus your criticism is not particularly valid.
besides, nothing on the humor?
not even a sensible chuckle?

t. zionist shill

There were 5. "Dancing Israelis"

right, schlomo schillstein?

Why can't we de-arm the Jewish State before sending Jews to the safety of Israel leaving everyone else sitting ducks? Explain.


that handshake on no.3 looks massively awkward

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אוי ואבוי


it will be far easier to quarantine the jews in israel than it would be to disarm them.
trying to take the nukes from israel will almost certainly result in nuclear war
furthermore, it is far easier to convince people to deport jews to a fairly "safe" seeming homeland than it is to disarm said homeland and then try to deport them there.
deportation could be put into place peacefully and, maybe, with little fuss. disarmament would require war, and lead to nuclear exchange, almost certainly.

the point is to remove the jews from America and other White countries as quickly as possible

and again, White nations of the future will need to be wise to "jewish tricks" if they are to survive, regardless of how many jews exist in the world. if the jews were somehow gone in the future, then jew type tricks would just be taken up by some unscrupulous portion of White people. which is something that must be guarded against essentially forever.
the capacity for hatred, nepotistic evil, and "elitist" mindsets bent on control and oppression of the Volk will always rear its ugly head sooner or later.
I surmise, anyway

t. Zionist shill

Sampson Option is a bluff anyways.

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Agreed, but even if it's real:

Are we really going to pretend that if we deport the kikes before de-arming them they won't just attack all the weakened white Nations? Of course they will. Take their nukes even if risking nuclear warfare because it will come guaranteed if we dont.

the kikes are weak
they rarely fight their own battles
even all the jews in the world together are weaker than a single mid-size White country (once the White country is de-zogged)
they only beat the muslums because the muslums were weak and stupid
and when the kikes started to lose ground they called in their zionist buddies from the west, especially zion occupied america, to send them tons of weapons and supplies

the power of the jews has never been force of arms
it is force of money, influence, and subversion
remove those avenues of attack and the kikes are nearly powerless.
besides, how would the kikes get to White countries from israel?
what are the navies of the White countries
what are muslum countries which fully surround israel (and generally hate them). plus such long distances would make logistics pretty much impossible for them.

let them hide behind their nukes and stew
make it clear that any attack will be met in kind
they won't guarantee their own extinction
meanwhile, develop anti-ICBM satellites and anti-cruise missile defenses of some kind in secret
deploy them, and the viper is defanged

again, if they sperg out and nuke us out of suicidal spite, then that would still be better than the ongoing jew-backed White genocide.
every jew would pay the price for nuking us
White countries would rebuild

The point is to remove jews from White countries as soon as possible in order to end their subversion and end their leadership role in the ongoing White genocide.

Then let's take their WMDs.
If there's a 50/50 chance this will all end in nuclear war working towards the virtue of "as fast as possible" is asinine. When you take a moment to think this through you realize deportation without first reformation is a policy of white genocide.

what is MAD, you mongoloid?
do you know nothing of nuclear politics?
did you even read the whole post?
in reference to the kikes being weak; there is a difference between land force invasion and nuking with missiles. which should be obvious.

Taking back White countries does not mean conquering the world.
It means making White countries for White people and only White people.
Deporting all non-Whites to their ethnic fatherlands, or at least some diversity containment area (such as israel)
then living peacefully with the rest of the world using good fences to make good neighbors, so to speak.
What is China?
are they our friends?
No, they are not
Do they have nukes?
yes, they do
Should we therefore not deport chinese to china because china has nukes?
Should we not deport indians to india because india has nukes?
Should we not deport pakistanis to pakistan because pakistan has nukes?

your argument is shallow
your response to counterargument is retarded

I suspect you are either a bot or a shill

Why should we send Jews to a nuclear-armed Israel, user? Doesn't this leave all white nations vulnerable to attack?

What they've been doing has been much more damaging than nukes ever will be.

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Why not stop what they're doing, de-arm Israel, and send all the Jews to a world's largest concentration camp? I'm not understanding why Jews get nukes when they're trying to destroy everyone else…?

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let me guess, next youll say israel is really our ally because theyre against open borders policy over there.
you get 0.1 points for the effort of cherrypicking to make this joke OP tho

You're late to the post

Less shekels for you

He's probably a Qnigger

All the while my daughter is getting fucked by a jew and my foreign policy is decided by him.

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i dont work for you AIPAC

Sigh… Iranian shill thread