Other modern-day cultures that have retained their pagan lore display this as well, they have changed and adapted to the modern world. You dont see Shinto Nips having any kind of crisis with their extremely ancient and archaic religion making a contrast to their industrialized and technological society, because unlike you they understand that "nature worship" is not the core of Paganism, but rather ethnic roots and lore, and that nature itself is not limited to hippie dippie shit like trees and rivers, but extends to all life in the entire universe, and everything created by these. Are computers and plastic anime figures not a part of nature, since it was created by man? At what point does nature stop being nature because of the way man reshapes and interferes with it?
Another example, the Dogon tribe in niggerland. They revere rifles at the shrines of their hunting gods, where they once revered bow and arrows. You could just consider this primitive niggerish behavior, and in many ways it is since they havent taken apart the rifles to try to understand them, merely preserving them for generations. But the fact they have adapted their religion is what I find interesting; the ancient cults of their hunter gods are still there, but instead of honoring them with bows and arrows the new hunter gods favor rifles and guns. This is how I think as well; spears and swords are only ceremonial adornments. The true weapons favored by Mars in this day and age are the rifle and grenade, the missile and the bomb. Each muzzle-flash is a spark of his glorious light, each round sent into the enemy a divine vajra piercing the heart of demons, each blast a howling prayer to the gods of war. The Murdercube is pretty much what I'm talking about here. You want a new religion? Go worship the Murdercube then; eventually it will hatch and reveal its true form as the egg of Mars anyways.
Is Lord Kek's resurrection not proof enough that the old gods can become anewed? Take Janus, for example, god of gateways, portals, otherworlds, doors, starts and ends, alphas and omegas. Is he irrelevant to the modern world because he was worshiped by bronze age barbarians 2000 years ago? I am pagan and I have already considered answers to the questions and problems you propose; I think AI is extremely interesting and could have great potential but I hesitate at the idea of crafting our own spirits and putting them inside empty vessels. Emerging hiveminds on the internet is explained in my own lore as well, the Germanic barbarians understood this the best, surprisingly
Brand kindles from brand until the whole is burned,
spark is kindled from spark,
man unfolds himself by speech with man,
but grows over dark through silence.
essentially what Odin means, when men share ideas, thoughts and speech with one another, they are lighting fires in each others hearts, broadening both parties understanding of each other and the world around them, and coming closer to group cohesion, until the whole burns brightly like a torch. On the other hand, if men keep themselves secret to one another, not communicating and not sharing ideas but rather just being silent, the fires die down, the passion turns to nothing, and group cohesion is lost, like a thousand embers scattered into the wind, together they could have been something, but now, alone, they are worthless.
youre not, you should interpret that as what the Celtics considered godhood; to ascend to the heavens and conquer the stars. whether celts really came from ancient ayylmaos is irrelevant. There will always be something superior to humanity which will mystify us and force us to use words like "divine", "heavenly" and "magical" to describe them. This is natural, and will eventually lead to god. You can laugh at cargo cults and those niggers that worship rifles all you want; but they recognize that the white man is superior to him, and that in the great chain of being, we are closer to God than anyone on this earth. Between them and the other niggers that shun all white technology and society as evil and want to go back to living in mudhuts, its obvious which ones have a better chance of succeeding in the future. You cannot blame them for trying to imitate us to achieve the same godlike understanding of the world, and who knows, maybe the niggers we blast into outer space from an airlock will actually become an advanced race in 10,000 years if they keep imitating us and seeing us as gods. Thats the only path for them at this point; its also why the claim "we wuz kangz". Deep down they know that white civilization is the only way to godhood, nigger "civilization" leads right back to Hell.
Attached: Janus.jpg (360x270, 24.97K)