Stop arguing over spiritual beliefs

Hey how's it going guys. So today's Easter and I know a lot of people here get heated over Paganism and Christianity. But I think overall, it doesn't matter and here's why.

Pagan Easter (Eostre) is pretty much a celebration of the Sun after the winter.

Christian Easter is the resurrection of Christ. (Easter wasn't mentioned in the bible the until King James translation in Acts 12:4)

Are we not continuing our traditions? Are we not personifying Christ the Son of God as the "Sun" of God?

When Christianity spread to Europe we continued our traditions through Christianity. We took a hebrew man and aryanized him in depictions to represent the Sun.

I mean, in the big picture its not worth us to spend time arguing every day on pagan and Christian threads. Just be European guys.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm Japanese

Christianity is fine when it's a coat of paint on Aryanism, but don't tolerate it when it starts being used as a vehicle to sell semitic poison.

Then you have even less reason to get upset as Shintoism and Zen absolve themselves of such issues.
Not really, Judaea had already been hellenized for centuries by the birth of Christ. There's a reason why the Gospels were originally written in Greek, after all.
Also, remember that the first sign of Christ's divinity is Zoroastrians recognizing him as the Shaoshant. The Magi weren't jewish, but there were white Aryan monotheists.

Israel is the ONLY nation to Murder it's own GOD…. its called DEICIDE


Jesus pulled it in the Jews and Satan… after 3 days dead HE ROSE!!!!!

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It's literally impossible to be Pagan and anti-Christian without being called Wiccan by genuine European Pagans.
European Pagans claim authority over matters heathen and declare anti-Christians wiccans per-sé.

This is true, for some reason I hear lots of retards claiming that the magi were Jewish (even more bizarre, this theory is more popular with the pagans I've met, they think magi were Jews that spread across the world and tricked people into believing religions, its the most bizarre and retarded thing I think I've ever heard). However I must ask, why did Christians insist on depicting one of them as a nigger, always? This is a common motif in Christian artwork of the three magi, one represents Europe, one Asia, and one Africa. This would be neat if it wasnt for the fact that the Magi were specifically from Babylon and not Europe or Africa, and also because the Babylonians were mostly white at the time. Even "Africa" back then really meant Carthage, Egypt and other European groups that settled the area.Nowadays you have Catholic church groups in Europe insisting that we need black people to play the role of the third Magi, especially now that theres niggers everywhere.

It's just sort of hard to take you guys seriously when you've been blackwashing history since the 500s. I will admit Larpagan is a meme for a reason, most other heathens do not know the true voice of the gods and neglect the rites of the heavens, but you also have to admit that Christcuck exists as a meme for a reason too. I don't think your religion is irredeemable but it needs alot of work before its going to benefit Europe. You need to start asking questions. And maybe have some….friendly discussion with some certain clergy leaders.

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You're an American and literally don't know any better because you live in Judea II, possibly have your foreskin removed, and everybody around you is a christian golem that still "goes to work and happens to not be a TOTAL degenerate" as if that means anything since even people who have alleged "demons" still go to work and pay their taxes.

Christianity is not a spirituality.

Case in point:
Be non Christian your entire life.
Say "I accept Jesus Christ as my savior" with your literal last breath.
Become 100% Christian (who gets his soul sucked out by Yahweh) by saying a magic phrase.

Yeah, real cool "faith" bro.

Jesus was cool, (((YHWH))) is not.

About, if not the entire 100% of Christians reject a Christian life and only focus on heaven.
If there were no heaven at the end nobody would be a Christian.
Every Christian in this thread who wants to defend Christianity.
Not a single one of them would want to be Christian, despite the "superior morals, teachings and philosophies" so often touted.
Those are fake and nobody gives a rats ass if there's no heaven for the fortune cookie "no shit sherlock" tier commandments like "don't steal".

I really don't care what you believe, Christian, atheist/agnostic, pagan, ect. If you're for the preservation, prosperity, and procreation of the racial European subspecies, then you are an ally in this fight.

/intl/ has been active lately, due to the boost given by the 56% meme. When you see someone D&C europeans and christians, just filter them. Nothing good ever comes from disuniting people fighting the kikes.

Hitler made the mistake by allowing juden to remain.
A mistake that should never again be repeated.

The soulless Christians are too focused on heaven to let go, even though billions of Christians are, right now, the greatest traitors of the west.
Feeding, sheltering enemies and chastizing their own who stand up against them.

But that heaven, bro, fuck man, that heaven, you gotta understand bro, my soul, bro, that heaven man, bro, dude, man come on man, don't bust myballs man come on my soul my soul man I will get my soul back come on, man heaven man, come on, you understand right, right man, come on, dude, plz, plz come on man , heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, heaven, mannnn duuude come on pls my heaven man soul.

You the "reported for intl" poster?

Roman Catholicism was a jewish creation, so it is natural to see their usual pattern of corruption.
The group of Magi in question came “from the East” and there was no number given. There may have been only two, or there may have been 40. They might have been Zoroastrians, Medes, Persians, Arabs, etc.
Public discourse has been saturated by jew corruption for 2,000 years, which is why I never take these kikemade edgelords seriously.

Funny thing is those “””Christians””” are going to hell.

“But if any provideth not for his own, and specially his own household, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭

Religions don't exist without an after life?
What are Buddhism and Judaism

Judaism has an afterlife, specifically bodily resurrection, but that's an innovation they got while in Babylon. As for Buddhism, the original Pali texts are mum on it, but Tibetan and Pure Land Buddhism emphatically do have them.

youtube dot com/watch?v=veCSPjSeBRw

>buying semitic poison (((christianity))) is fine as long as you don't use it as a vehicle to sell semitic poison

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>oy vey! why don't you support (((christian))) zionism, you d&c kike!

I'm neither a pagan nor a christian. I don't associate with atheists either. I don't care for the god issue. I'm wholly concerned with the social issue, and if your stupid religion doesn't impact your social views (how wouldn't it though?), then you're fine by me. I don't see how an honest christian can be an e t h n o - nationalist. The way I see it, it's one or the other. Either you devote yourself to a religion, or you devote yourself to your people. One must take precedence over the other. They're both social ideologies and they are competitive. They are mutually exclusive.

The major difference between Christians and Pagans here is the aspect on how nationalism is defined. Pagans believe in racial identity and are general civicnationalists. Christians are not. Christians, especially those venturing out of their containment board push for Christian identity over racial identity. They put faith over race every chance there is. Their views are closer to civic nationalism unfortunately.

sticking to either a bronze age desert semitic death cult or a bronze age germanic nature worship cult is not going to help us forward

we need a new religion build from the ground up for the the space age, you know a mix of the usual elements Zig Forums already agrees upon, strength through technology, manifest destinies among the stars, militantly civic nationalist, in line with the aryan soul rather than the semitic (lack of) soul
esoteric hitlerism comes close, mix in some 40k and we are pretty much there

regardless of what is was 2000 years ago, today christianity is a spiritual zombie that over the centuries has morphed in just another tool to control the peasants with the added bonus of it being semitic collectivism from the start
and pagan beliefs are just too magical for the modern time, plus its time has come nobody is going to really belief in a world tree

doesn't mean there are not good parts we can steal, the 9 virtues and nature presservation of pagan rites and the unification and non corporeal stance of christianity

So basically Elon Musk will be the new Messiah?

i see i fucked up, i meant to say civic nationalist

>lets focus on minor issues among our people and use them as a wedge instead of addressing real (((issues)))

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these wordfilters are insane, fuck the mods


civic nationalist
ethni.c nationalist

Yes, Shlomo, I am totally advocating for ignoring "zionist wars" when I discourage petty infighting between paganfags and christcucks

you know fucking nothing, plebian. Aurelius spoke of conquering the stars ages ago. The Celtics claimed that the Tuatha de Denaan arrived thousands of years ago on "flying castles" with swords of fire and spears that never missed their mark. The worship of the divine was always about realizing humanity's full potential. I don't care if the gods are real, I aspire to join their ranks, and if they turn out to not exist, we shall find ourselves new gods. What do think Valhalla is about anyways? A cosmic army that watches over the heavens, eternally ready for the endless war against evil and chaos? What do you think all of the shamanism and astral projection shit is about, you think that Odin riding the horses of death and flying to other worlds is just about a mushroom trip? Europeans have always had the drive to conquer the heavens. Thinking that Germanics literally worshiped trees is a Christian meme. Trees were symbolic to them; their roots reach down to the hells, their branches up to the heavens, and their trunks occupy our world. They were seen as gateways to the otherworlds, and for this reason offerings and sacrifices were left there. Not offerings literally to the tree, but because they believed this was the vehicle through which sacrifices came to the gods. Sacrifice by fire is a similar concept, one burns to ash and vapor the offering, so that its mundane parts are filtered out and its spiritual parts ascend to heaven.

I prefer Christians to Atheists. At least they have a code and a historical root. If youre so spiritually wise and you think we need a new religion, invent one yourself. I'm sure it won't be an embarrassing mockery like every other nu-religion is, like Scientology, Wicca and Satanism.

Also we need to make sure we actually get to fucking space before we invent some religion to make space cool. We are not going to get to space anytime soon with Jews and niggers dragging us down on this world. There are many problems that need resolving, and for those problems, I trust in the old war gods such as Odin and Mars much more than I trust some random faggot like you.

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and no the new religion must be fully spiritual in nature
remember how the christians converted the pagans back in 600 or there abouts when the pagans worshipped a tree as holy and the christians cut the tree down and the absence of divine punishment proved the superiority of christianity

every aspect of a new religion must be non corporal in nature so it cannot be attack with cheap tricks during the transition phase
esoteric hitlerism already got that down, as hitler is toady a figure more of mythology than history and there is no real person or graveside to attack to mock it


this is how I know you havent read a single fucking work on bronze/iron age religion

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What are you trying to slide today, Moshe? The Christcunt discussions always destroy threads and bump up garbage.

You dont know shit about Paganism. Trees aren't the fucking be all end all temples; theyre just a theurgic symbol. The real reason Paganism was overtaken by Christianity was political. Plus there are few written works containing Folklore and doctrine, most of Paganism was oral and passed through communal bonds. It is very spiritually oriented, and you would do well to speak less and learn more

Two words fellers
Think about the jesus sacrament. It's ritual spirit canibalism with a semite deity

(((Judeo-Christianity))) invented the ideas behind the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule
>(((Judeo-Christianity))) didn't completely plagiarize earlier and superior cultures and religions

OP literally starts this shit thread to start the garbage discussions and samefags to stir up the shitposting

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White Europeans wouldn't hold all of the Europe they have today if it weren't for Christianity. It used to be a vehicle for a group of genetically somewhat related (white) people to fight against the hordes of non-believers (themselves non-white). The value of religion is in the community it fosters and the "memetic kinship" it creates between like-minded and similar populations, not the beliefs it preaches. I'd argue that modern Christianity is at best useless since it doesn't even combat or even deter other religions such as Izlam or Judaism, themselves being mere vehicles for the interests of non-whites. A lot of things need to be changed about it in order for it to be beneficial to White people again. A lot of it is as simple as enforcing old beliefs/traditions, but in other cases it would need to be changed to adapt to modernity.

Instead of getting mad at Christianity, get mad at cucks who call themselves Christians. Make Christianity Great Again.

Stop strawmanning me you fucking god damn faggot, im not even going to reply when youre just straight up taking my words, saying them a different way, and inferring something else from an entirely different twist on what I am saying. You didnt even read my fucking post did you?


you mean the saxons, slavs and prussians? I know you dont mean muslims since they are definitely true believers in the power of Yahweh, and they have more spiritually in common with you than you do with your own ancestors.You dumb niggers spent centuries slaughtering other white communities for being pagan before you realized Muslims had already raped 3/4th of spain and italy and decided to retaliate. And most of your retaliations failed anyways, the fucking Mongol gooks did more for the white race in terms of fending off Muslims than you cuckolds ever did.


I try to be civil in arguments with christians but lets not just start spouting lies and retardation here shall we? I wont mock you for being christian but I will mock you for being stupid. The only thing you said that was correct is that it is a mostly useless religion today, and it needs EXTREME change before its worthy of being a white religion again.

i appear to have fucked up with the 9 virtues they indeed are a modern invention
trees being worshipped is mentioned in history books going back decades from a time before yid lies corrupted everything

but i did not plan to get bogged down in specifics the point i was trying to make was, not having physical vectors of your religion protects you against cheap subversion tricks
pilpul semantics, in the end this results in the same thing

if however you could point me towards any pagan religious work that makes it possible to united its spirituality with modern day technologic progress i will concede the point, but i have doubts any bronze age society could have forseen modern day social dilemmas
and if you insist on being pedantic: The real reason Paganism was overtaken by Christianity was birthrates after the merovingian kings adopted christianity and incorporated the underclasses of ex-roman gaul into their kingdom and surprise surprise this is also the same attackvector the eternal jew used to infiltrate northwestern europe

Tell me more and I'll tell you more in return.


You're trash, user, you're the lowest form of trash. All you do is poison the well.I bet you're not even White, you're some Mesoamerican faggot larper.

Go kill yourself.

Have a happy Easter everyone
We, here in Poland, are definetly keeping our traditions up.
How about you?

Are you mentally ill? I was calling the OP/TORfaggot a kike, agreeing with you.

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specifically which ones, I study history for fun, I do not trust any claim that doesnt have first hand sources to back up, at LEAST second hand. I have already stated in detail exactly why trees were considered sacred in pagan understanding and were not directly worshiped.If you cant bother reading that post im not reading anymore of yours.

The idea that Germans completely abandoned their entire religion and way of life because some cuck cut down a tree is fucking ridiculous. If it was true that Pagans thought gods literally lived in trees, why didn't Saxons convert after the Irminsul was destroyed by Charlemagne? All that did was provoke them to open war. They did not stop being pagan, and if anything it fueled their fanaticism. I think its much more likely that the story of Saint Boniface is almost entirely falsified, like 90 percent of every other fucking Saint. Yeah magical books that dont burn when you throw them in fires is totally real and not based on old Jewish legends of the Torah, but worshiping trees??? ridiculous

How exactly? Christians venerate the cross but I dont know any christians that literally worship the cross and would have a heart attack if someone snapped one in front of them. The cross is seen as a vehicle through which they understand Christ's sacrifice, no different from the pagan understanding of trees being vehicles through which they both sacrifice to the gods and understand their own sacrifices.

I already have pointed you towards a pagan religious work that can be united with modern progress. the Meditations of Aurelius are like clear lightning striking from clouded skies, they clear all shadow and doubt from the mind and bring clarity and wisdom to the reader. What exactly are you wanting from religion? Something like the tech-priests from 40k, insanely worshiping computers and destroying their own bodies? If you didnt understand why 40k has such a love affair with Dune and why they promote the Space Marines (the biologically perfect) as the superior race of humans opposed to the tech-priests (the technologically perfect) then youve really missed the point.

heres some info on them from kikepedia, I dont own any books on Irish mythology yet.

A poem in the Lebor Gabála Érenn says of their arrival:

It is God who suffered them, though He restrained them
they landed with horror, with lofty deed,
in their dark clouds of mighty towers of spectres,
upon a mountain of Conmaicne of Connacht.
Without distinction to descerning Ireland,
Without ships, a ruthless course
the truth was not known beneath the sky of stars,
whether they were of heaven or of earth.

Good for you user, here it is April Fools day. I wish it was still considered "New Year's Day" as it was on older calendars.

Without jews and psychotics pushing their religion on other people, it'll naturally wither and die as the genetic religion of whites is re-established.

Interesting. Old Britannic texts often contain curious additions. Ancient Babylonian set of laws Halkatha, also contain a passage about flight:
What's more interesting is that Aryans in India ("scholars" say this temple is 900 years old, but the true age of Southern American cultures were wrong for the longest time too) could've had some ancient "engine" technology as exemplified through this seemingly impossible masonry, and if it a rotary blade was possible to cut stone like this, maybe a propeller (for a flying machine) was too:

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At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is securing our racial survival.
Jews do not hate us for being Christians. If they hated Christians, the ADL would be attacking Christians in Africa and South America.
They hate us because we are White and we were gullible enough to allow a parasite into our midst.
The kikes won't leave you alone because you prayed to Jesus and donated to Africans. Nor will they leave you alone because you praise Thor and went to a Tyr concert.
They hate every single one of us because that is what jews do. They hate their hosts.
They hate the entire world.

Christians. You think that Jesus was an Aryan and he fought the jews and the jews killed him. That's great. Don't try to force it on your racial kinsmen who are not Christian. You're only alienating your brethren.
Pagans. You believe that by worshiping the gods of your ancestors you are preserving your race's traditions. That's great. Don't attack Christians for being Christian. They're your brothers in arms against the world enemy.

well i can see where our disagreement comes from, you argue from a deeper level of understanding about the meaning of worship
i made the point to avoid having physical vectors and have only spiritual ones to avoid subversion
i never claimed
and if indeed the story of boniface was fabricated, that would void the historical truth of the matter
yet i was not arguing for historic reality here, but usefulness today, wether true or not the story of attacking the physical representation of the divine on earth (is this phrasing perhaps a better one) is a commonly know meme and will be used against you if you were attempting the same today
as to the point of the christian crosses this is exactly what i was trying to say, no christian today believes god recides in a church, but lets say a muslim burning down a cathedral would send a strong message about relative strenght of religions and subsequent conversions, ignoring the religious details
whereas early christians when they were the new guys did not yet have cathedrals representing their power on earth to attack

i looking for it at the moment and will say my knowledge of roman spiritualism is weak, as most discussion about this matter usually involve the lets call them barbarian religions
however to elaborate on the point i was trying to make, a spiritual religion should be a guideline to society and the individual how to behave properly in ones civilization and give adequete explanations to the questions of the time
as said i havent read meditations yet, but the following
would be an example of what it should not be, if i am to interpret this as ancient aliens, this would be technological primitive humans using their limited understand to give words to concepts they do not comprehend
what i was trying to say is that a new religion of our age would not to have answer regarding things like the effect of automation on society beyond the kikes UBI of course, or the effect of the emerging hive minds occuring across the internet, or the effect of social mass media on the behaviour of people
since the rites of both christianity and pagan religions were codified, 2 major changes happened to the world first the industrial revolution and now the information revolution
ideally a guideline towards these should be included
again i do not have the answers to these question, i am forwarding the point that the answers to these question have to be found in new debate and new codified rites and shall not be found in manners of life detailing preindustrial societies

Makes you go hmm






It literally means, praise the Jewish god YHWH

I dont understand, youre saying spirituality should have absolutely no physical or material representations? You havent read the emerald tablet have you? "That which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that which above." The heavens and the earthly worlds are in a constant feedback loop, what happens in the spiritual world effects us in this world, and what happens in this world effects the spiritual world. This is a principal that is more fact than theory; it has been proven that if the mind believes, the body takes action, regardless of any truth to it. If the mind truly believes that it is in pain, your body will feel pain, even if nothing is physically wrong with you. Its called psychosomatic chronic pain.

If the material is worthless why dont you just kill yourself, the body is just a vessel for the soul, so pass on already. Obviously the spirit is superior to the flesh and the holy is superior to the mundane but to think the mundane is worthless or that the holy has no connection to the mundane isnt wise. If we are to understand God as the creator, and nature and the universe itself as his creation, by your logic, we are opening the possibility for Satanists and Anti-theists to destroy nature and the world to spite god. Of course this possibility exists; we are in a world of shit surrounded by lunatics who stop reading books once theyre not required to anymore. Of course there will always be cuck Christians trying to cut down trees and retard Muslims trying to blow up cathedrals. This does not mean that either trees or cathedrals need to be abandoned since they can be destroyed, what sort of logic is that? Thats like saying we should abandon all white women because its possible for Tyrone to dick her. The problem is not the physicality of these things but the faggots that want to destroy them in the first place. You still dont understand my point that trees and churches and temples are anchors from the spiritual world to ours, they are not the gods themselves. Youre still inferring that by destroying trees, the Christians literally destroyed the Germanic gods, which is a fucking retarded notion and only shows that Christians have no understanding of other religions, ultimately a weakness of theirs since you need to know your enemy to truly beat them, and since more than half of European cultural traditions are Pagan in origin, I wouldnt say the Christians really beat them, or that the conversion of Europe was entirely successful or even completed.

I still dont understand what your point is, or why you think we need a new religion with absolutely no roots in tradition or history. Those sorts of things dont take off well, and the ones that do are rare occasions and irrelevant to what we talk of now (like Cargo Cults or Scientology)

why would we need an entirely new religion to understand these things? Paganism was organic in the way it changed and modified over time, the cults of some gods waxed and waned in power as the properties associated with them either increase or decrease in value to society. For example the Greeks considered Ares a wild and barbaric good, good to pray to in war, but deadly to commit yourself to, and ultimately Athena was always the more popular choice of god for the warrior castes. Later in Roman times, as the Romans become a militant society constantly fending themselves from Gaulish invasions and raids from the seas, to them barbarism and war was more relevant to their existence, and thus Mars was elevated as one of the most important gods in the Roman pantheon, arguably at times even more important than Jupiter.

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Other modern-day cultures that have retained their pagan lore display this as well, they have changed and adapted to the modern world. You dont see Shinto Nips having any kind of crisis with their extremely ancient and archaic religion making a contrast to their industrialized and technological society, because unlike you they understand that "nature worship" is not the core of Paganism, but rather ethnic roots and lore, and that nature itself is not limited to hippie dippie shit like trees and rivers, but extends to all life in the entire universe, and everything created by these. Are computers and plastic anime figures not a part of nature, since it was created by man? At what point does nature stop being nature because of the way man reshapes and interferes with it?
Another example, the Dogon tribe in niggerland. They revere rifles at the shrines of their hunting gods, where they once revered bow and arrows. You could just consider this primitive niggerish behavior, and in many ways it is since they havent taken apart the rifles to try to understand them, merely preserving them for generations. But the fact they have adapted their religion is what I find interesting; the ancient cults of their hunter gods are still there, but instead of honoring them with bows and arrows the new hunter gods favor rifles and guns. This is how I think as well; spears and swords are only ceremonial adornments. The true weapons favored by Mars in this day and age are the rifle and grenade, the missile and the bomb. Each muzzle-flash is a spark of his glorious light, each round sent into the enemy a divine vajra piercing the heart of demons, each blast a howling prayer to the gods of war. The Murdercube is pretty much what I'm talking about here. You want a new religion? Go worship the Murdercube then; eventually it will hatch and reveal its true form as the egg of Mars anyways.

Is Lord Kek's resurrection not proof enough that the old gods can become anewed? Take Janus, for example, god of gateways, portals, otherworlds, doors, starts and ends, alphas and omegas. Is he irrelevant to the modern world because he was worshiped by bronze age barbarians 2000 years ago? I am pagan and I have already considered answers to the questions and problems you propose; I think AI is extremely interesting and could have great potential but I hesitate at the idea of crafting our own spirits and putting them inside empty vessels. Emerging hiveminds on the internet is explained in my own lore as well, the Germanic barbarians understood this the best, surprisingly

Brand kindles from brand until the whole is burned,
spark is kindled from spark,
man unfolds himself by speech with man,
but grows over dark through silence.

essentially what Odin means, when men share ideas, thoughts and speech with one another, they are lighting fires in each others hearts, broadening both parties understanding of each other and the world around them, and coming closer to group cohesion, until the whole burns brightly like a torch. On the other hand, if men keep themselves secret to one another, not communicating and not sharing ideas but rather just being silent, the fires die down, the passion turns to nothing, and group cohesion is lost, like a thousand embers scattered into the wind, together they could have been something, but now, alone, they are worthless.

youre not, you should interpret that as what the Celtics considered godhood; to ascend to the heavens and conquer the stars. whether celts really came from ancient ayylmaos is irrelevant. There will always be something superior to humanity which will mystify us and force us to use words like "divine", "heavenly" and "magical" to describe them. This is natural, and will eventually lead to god. You can laugh at cargo cults and those niggers that worship rifles all you want; but they recognize that the white man is superior to him, and that in the great chain of being, we are closer to God than anyone on this earth. Between them and the other niggers that shun all white technology and society as evil and want to go back to living in mudhuts, its obvious which ones have a better chance of succeeding in the future. You cannot blame them for trying to imitate us to achieve the same godlike understanding of the world, and who knows, maybe the niggers we blast into outer space from an airlock will actually become an advanced race in 10,000 years if they keep imitating us and seeing us as gods. Thats the only path for them at this point; its also why the claim "we wuz kangz". Deep down they know that white civilization is the only way to godhood, nigger "civilization" leads right back to Hell.

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In order to do so, one must not worship a foreign idol and foreign tribal deity. All Christians are race traitors who consume the flesh and blood of a Semitic idol in order to commune with the racial soul of that vile race.

I'm going to bully all the Christian retards off every forum, it's a mindless cult.

we are having two utterly different conversations here let me simplify
i make the differentation between religion and spirituality

with religion being a codified form to influence the masses, my belief being that the majority of the population either lacks the mental power or is too intellectually lazy to contemplate the larger questions of existence
thinking we can raise everybody to this level is a current times too optimistic

i make the practical argument that going forward we need to fill up the spiritual vacuum with a crafted religion for the masses to avoid yid infiltration
the arguments you put forth are the debates between learned men and shall always surpasses the day to day trappings of the average peasant as such
is to be seen as a purely practical matter during the time when a new religion or the rebranding of an old one is overtaking the existing power structure
and i don't laugh at cargocults, they are primitive but still a most true expression of human spirituality
as to the rest of your argument about ares for instance: this is what i was trying to say
ares was not a god premade that descended from the skies to the people of greece
ares was an archetype of their society and a similar archetype can be seen across europe, mallaeblechanging over time
this is an inate property of our peoples and will always come back up as long as our peoples exist
never implied this, i fully meant it to embrace our historic roots and archetypes
yet contrasting to what would be refered to as paganism remove the trappings of style being poured on top of these archetypes by the limitations of the bronze age societies that codified them

it is like you said later, keks return is a nice example of what i implied, an ancient archetype fully adapted to the modern world and its informationspread, to the basic egyptian archetype the chans poured the regalia of current chan culture
however again this representation is limited to current culture trends and will not last the ages
and you seem to use the terms between eachother but there is a big difference between spirituallity and god
and i fully blame christianity for limiting current european cultures awareness of this

by the way funny that you mention the emerald tablet as indeed i am familiar with hermiticism
i started out as a chemist and followed the thread back to the beginning, thus gaining the insight that the west doesn't lack a mystical tradition but we are simply living in the completed realisation of said tradition
and to my understanding of it, you cannot actually read the emerald tablet, it is entirely mystical? or at the very least guarded knowledge available only to an unnamed inner circle

ps: i disagree about your comment about the nips
japan is in deep spiritual crisis today and has been since its defeat in wwii and the foreign yid lies were forced upon them by the victorious powers, funny how the eternal wanderer keeps coming back up when spiritual debasement is looked at
also they seem to be uncucking themselves and returning to the old ways so good for them

i have browsed through meditations in summerized version
it seems a bit too blackpilled to simplify it in a single word, the whole problem with stoicism is acceptance of the shit life throws at you

and this mindset i fully reject, don't stoicly accept shit strife to fix shit and leave a better world for your descendants
and to take historic example i am glad some people did indeed thought back in the day fuck it that half the infants die before age 5, lets make some vaccines

Humans haven't genetically evolved since then.

I agree that kek is mostly a resurgence of a minor and obscure god that will likely not extend beyond a certain point, but he is only the start of it. There are many other gods slumbering in the subconsciousness of humanity, and we need only find the keys to unlock and awaken them once more. I unironically have great hopes for murdercube. And I have some ideas in mind for the "keys".

I guess I actually agree with most of what youre trying to say, the cults and rites of the gods should be modified to some degree to adapt to the modern world but always be wary of new agers and neopagans that want to take this route to shape paganism into whatever their faggy agenda wants it to be.

But, things like reinventing the idols of the gods and reinvigorating their rites would be welcome, I like things like pic-related that retain the aesthetic and wonder of ancient art but gives it a cyberpunk kinda feel. Anglo-Saxons and the priests of Mars were very fond of weapon-dances to give praise to their war gods, covering themselves in armor and swords and dancing to create clanging and bedlam, the true church bells of Mars. Why not revive such practices with the use of more modern weaponry such as rifles? The grimoires I have read that describe how to offer to Mars mention that you should cover yourself in every weapon you own. It did not specifically say swords or knives. This is part of why I dont see why its so necessary to update these archetypes; archetypes are timeless and will update themselves. I have a feeling that the sages that wrote "weapons" instead of just specific weapons in their time period were thinking ahead.

Agreed with Chemistry, my interest in the occult actually started with chemistry, biology and physics as well.

here u go user, Newtons translation. It is a very short text. Funny how this tiny list of statements contains more truth and wisdom than 1,000 pages of Biblical lore.

Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing
And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse.
The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it descends to the earth & receives the force of things superior & inferior.
By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world
& thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
So was the world created.
From this are & do come admirable adaptations whereof the means (or process) is here in this. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.

True about the nips, but this spiritual crisis is because of their defeat by the gaijin, not because their religion is outdated.

you havent read nearly enough of it yet then. Aurelius was a much wiser man than you or I, humble yourself before him. Any Roman that opens his diaries with "I give thanks to my father for teaching me not to be a sodomite" is a great man. A man who spearheaded assaults against the Germani and defended Rome against barbarian invasion was not blackpilled and not accepting of bullshit. Stoicism is NOT about accepting shit, its about maintaining your cool when everything around you is shit. Its about being tranquil, solid and rooted in reality in the middle of a raging storm.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (500x644 2.9 MB, 488.79K)

wtf, I take a screenshot and it screenshots another tab and uploads it. fucking god damn kikes and windows 10. meant the two pictures in regard to modernized pagan artwork.

plz dont think im a pleb for playing pubg my friends all play it

as i indeed thought most of our previous disagreement was about the exact complex ideas represented via simple words such as god
and chan posts to the general chan audience are generally not that forthcoming to complex discussion
are you familliar with the intellectual gap in trying to convince people and that in order to convince the general public you need to simplify your message even if your own understanding trancence that

also that is not the emerald tablet, supposedly the tablet should be an actual tablet and contain much more wisdom and today, in the public at least, we only have little snippets of information translated by known inner members such as newton

always dangerous to take screens, still tho user 4pm in your timezone and still shitposting, get some sleep, i am and it is not 4pm for me yet

what? Did you read anything I wrote? Don't get pissy right away. i literally said that we have included many pagan traditions in Christianity so there's no point in arguing online if we all agree on the European aspects.

(I have blue eyes and blonde hair btw, family is traced from England and Germany.).

Attached: d96a18da95e7ff2c7d13c4c8774b7e29297ace9edddc84ffdac58efb4d7097c3.png (1200x450, 919.21K)

Ignore posters that come across like theyre just copy-pasting. They arent addressing anything specific? Theyre addressing things not brought up in the OP? theyre making wild conjectures about things nobody said? 99 percent sure its a shill.

Religious debates were a common thread subject on old Zig Forums and old /new/. 8ch Zig Forums is just "trump worship" the board. No varied debate allowed.

Josephus wrote all that shit.
The only pre-first century record of these fairy tales are the dead sea scrolls, which are sumerian, not jewish.
Though a "hebrew" document was "found" alongside the scrolls that detailed the reasoning for the year's divisions and such.

You are Celtic.

It is difficult to take a man who turns cuckery into a virtue seriously.