China to slap US with up to 25% bigger import tariffs in trade war retaliation
Trade War Escalation
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Pffft, who gives a fuck? What does China even buy from us in the first place? Kike-free first post, by the way.
I just want to get along with the wallbiters. Why does it always have to be like this?
Problem is a lot of this is shit the chinks can't produce domestically.
Or at least not to the standard needed.
Excellent plan
They NEED US food. Nobody Trust's their own food, so they buy up farms to feed their growing middle class which is bigger than the Entire US population.
These fucking wallbiters, man
read this in gook voice
heil roundeye!
Yeah the food thing is gonna kick em in the ass.
Their middle class is heavily reliant on imported foodstuffs.
So… you're making… food, the stuff you need to survive… food… more expensive to buy… for yourselves. To teach Trump a lesson.
I take it Confuscious never said "Win win."
I bet most of it is components and raw materials that American corporations send to China to be finished. Outside of some extremely specialized high-end items they haven't reverse engineered yet and bulk agricultural products, I don't think there is much of anything they can't produce at this point.
They'll just go back to eating dogs.
Problem for China is quality.
They can churn out huge quantities of relatively simple things and put things together on the cheap.
But manufacturing sophisticated or complex tech is beyond them right now.
For instance Intel has tried repeatedly to move production to China or other Asian slave labour countries, but they've been unable to pull it off as the locals aren't capable of maintaining a proper production environment (meaning a clean one)
Speciality alloys and materials are also way out of their league. They've never been able to develop the capacity due to well established players on the international stage, even as the number of said players has diminished.
Chinks don't make a lot of stuff. They put it together.
If the food is going to bite them in the ass, then they need to learn to get their shit together and farm properly. On top of that, they need to learn how to make shit or get it from Japan.
And if you want to take it a step further, they need to change their mindset about blue collar work instead of blindly getting some degree in the US for prestige and not using it but only to show it off as proof that they can run their father's businesses when they go back to China.
Agreed. At work, we manufacture a polishing slurry for microchip wafers. We are the only ones in the world that make it and charge a huge amount of money for it. They opened a plant in Singapore to manufacture it but the lack of abundant fresh water source coupled with low quality silicate means we spend a million bucks a month to ship it from the Midwest to China every month. They just don't have the resources we do. Which is why they are so interested in Africa.
Nothing makes me hate a people quite as much as cruelty to dogs.
Great. Cheaper fruit and pork in the domestic market.
The only unpeople are browns and blacks.
Chinese are just very fucked up people.
China's full of mountains that make it difficult to mass produce food product.
The chinese are more akin to an ant colony than people, user.
I hope they can depopulate Africa tbh.
From my historical research, it seems more like there's a small high IQ class that keeps up the culture ancient whites (tocharians) granted them.
Reminder Dianne Feinstein is a kike and has a conflict of interest with China. Watch out for the former (((Ms. Goldman))).
Checked, I had no idea how limited they were with their agriculture.
Well the only good ones are the ones who had the sense to get the fuck out of there during or after chairman Mao's cultural revolution.
Checked. Perfect spot for a dose of (CH3)2AsOOH
Are the operating costs just so low in that area of the world that it makes these sort of expenses a non-issue? It can't all be workforce cost and environmental regulations can it?
I know semiconductor fabs can have razor thin margins, I would think companies would try to setup somewhere where getting supplies would be cheap.
And the ones currently colonizing Africa. They aren't doing it fast enough though.
Checked, it's typically due to the fact they're (the Chinese) are the Asian equivalent of kikes, so they don't have the greatest planning.
These fucking idiots. Who the fuck in tvat commie shithole can even afford US products? They are so fucking enslaved that they fucked THE WHOLE FUCKING ECONOMY
Maybe now this souless husks have more reasons to stop being the slaves that theu always been. Fucking bugs.
Koreans are Asian kikes. Chinese are Asian Gypsies, if there were 1.3 billion Gypsies.
The don't acknowledge the idea of self will.
Notice that the jews gave china everything whites had before the 20th century? Whites had all of the manufacturing. Whites were colonizing Africa. Chinese are preferred to by the jews.
Can't hide that ego, can you kike?
Actually, Intel has been outsourcing to ASUS (a Taiwan-based company) for eons. The main difference between Taiwan and mainland China is the Taiwanese don't have have literally two billion people to provide for.
China has been one of the most populous countries, if not the most populous, for centuries - even Marco Polo wrote about it in his journals dating back to circa 1300. Their unique situation, confirmed to have been maintained for the better part of a millennium, has led to an entirely understandable focus on quantity over quality. They don't have the time to train everyone, to grow the best food, to make the highest quality goods - they just need most of the people to be trained most of the way, so they can produce massive quantities of food/electronics/clothing quickly.
European-style capitalism is backwards in this regard; as opposed to the communist system, which values life and cherishes every individual, capitalism breeds only callous indifference. White "people" gladly let their own starve to death in the name of having good food for those who did actually get to eat, they let their own kind go homeless so the few who do get homes have very nice ones, and so on.
Fuck off Zang.
We'll eradicate your disgusting race so I won't have to see any of you little ugly bug creatures scurrying around the casino anymore
Chink logic
All thay will do is put the burden on chinese people. Lol china is gonna revolt. They cant produce any of that on their own. If prices go up they HAVE pay the extra peice. Chinese gov't RIP
Could you explain what was wrong with that post instead of sounding like you lack reading comprehension.
DOW down 6 gorillion after the long (((holiday))) weekend?
They'll eat anything including each other
Hopefully the Middle-Class in China revolts. Hopefully.
I agree. Africa didn't want whites to lead them to paradise, not only that but they a raping all remaining whites in Africa, so now thee deserve the Chinese.
A country can't stay communist forever
Wow I wonder why they're having food production problems
On the mobile jew so I can't data, but I assume it's China?
They have so little arable farmland and they chose to destroy it with factories and river pollution. Also the average subsistence farmer there cannot afford animals except cheaper grazers such as goat or chicken
I think you underestimate the Chinese capacity for suffering. Their present government is structurally similar to several of their more successful ancient dynasties, and the ruling anarcho-tyranny runs on broadly Confucian lines. In other words, it's not exactly communist, but more of a rebranded imperial system that jibes with their termite mentality.
Combine that with the fierce, in-your-fucking-face nationalism and the government's total, casual willingness to use lethal force, and I think they might have the most horribly stable hierarchy in the world right now.
Note also that the central government is industriously repopulating Tibet and the Takla Matan region with as many Han Chinese as they can pack in there – and they have a billion to spare. Even this separatist bullshit will go nowhere. They have 10 million Koreans in Manchuria – half as many as in Nork – and they're such a tiny minority that you probably never heard of them before. Even Taiwan doesn't want independence; it wants control from Beijing. Hong Kong is also broadly looking forward to final union; they just want Beijing to get its shit together and not fuck with them. Forget about separatists and internal revolutionaries.
What does that leave? Sanctions will force China to develop its African empire faster than they planned, which will have hilarious results. They'll lean on their so-so allies, such as Russia, with an equally tepid response, since Russia would still take America over the chinks if we crooked out finger at them. Imports will probably get really lopsided, since they can buy food anywhere, but they'll have to go shopping in Israel to get missile components.
Maybe war? If they do, it will be decades ahead of schedule and they'll lose really fast. Faster if the nukes come out, since a single one of ours can kill 20 million of theirs in one of those termite mound cities. They can still effortlessly waste our carrier battle groups though.
I strongly suspect they'll choke when Trump doesn't back down. Watch for renegotiations that will even things up and leave us better off than before. Sideshow to watch: treasonous politicians who want us to go back to essentially paying tribute to China through our trade policy. Hang those first when SHtF.
This is a war of attrition China can't even hope to win.
interesting. this will encourage fear of a larger global trade war. it means markets will sell off when they open in a couple hours in the usa. place your bets guys for free money.
they will buy from europe, canada, mexico, etc - western society is quickly getting tired of the jewish capitalist ponzi economy which is why they're creating tension with russia and china. shift the populaces anger on to a foreign enemy. americas quickly becoming irrelevant. hope you're learning russian or mandarin, they may let you live.
guys dont worry food is plentiful. bon apetit!
Until some unexpected event causes the country to explode into 50 pieces again.
Meanwhile in China there are literally homeless people starving to death in front of the homes of rich people. These rich people step over the starving homeless on the way to the store to buy expensive pet food for their expensive cats.
Is this post the power of American college education? Unless this was an ironic shitpost of course, but in this day and age you never know.
"I’m not afraid of nuclear war. There are 2.7 billion people in the world; it doesn’t matter if some are killed. China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left. I’m not afraid of anyone."
– Chairman Mao
Go back to Reddit you kike loving gook, and take your pink Commie faggotry with you. I bet you're the kind of gloryhole dick sucker who hasn't read a single history book and you sure a shit haven't read Marx.
Your website has niggers all over it. do niggers make good slurry?
I used to think that way, but I've spoken to people who know a lot more about China than I do and they pretty much all say it's nowhere near that stable.
So is it time to build and move everything to the poo in loos?
Good, this is an excuse to slap a 300% tariff on all finished goods like the founders wanted.
Fuck the kikes, fuck trade devised and controlled by kikes to fleece white countries, fuck their international banks that profit from trade and "developement", fuck their NGOs, fuck all of em.
The will just buy non-GMO food from Russia.
Since when have they done anything in compliance with WTO rules? They lied through their teeth to get in in the first place and have been flagrantly skirting around the rules ever since. If anything Trump's tariffs are about 15 years too late.
Yeah, this. A Chink criticizing the way other countries treat their poor, lol. Now I've heard it all.
hope they like beets
Who cares, there is barely anything exported to China either way.
Just some (((luxury products))) which is mostly (((fashion))) and electronics is pretty much (((Apple))).
Although the US is 100% finished demographically (spics have outbred whites) banning / taxing all imports from China to the US by 100000% would be the best thing that could happen to the people and Trump is heading into that direction.
Trade with China was the worst thing that could ever happen to the west.
Few people aside from non multinationals got something out of it and we have to deal with garbage tier products produced under savage conditions if we don't pay way over the top as the mid range has been destroyed in the west due to said cut rate pricing in combination with average joe having ever less spending power.
ASUS doesn't use asian slave labour though.
It uses their middle class.
Hence why there is minimal savings.
This. You haven't seen wealth divide until you see the chink wealth divide, far worse than the burger because even poor burgers live a relatively first world lifestyle and have welfare.
Apple IS chinkshit. Where the fuck do you think they make those things? In soyboy San Francisco?
That explains why ASUS has the best build quality among the chinkshit.
All the Hipsters are Laundering Chinese Produce through their purple hair/face pierced in front Illegals in back Restaurants, Brewery, and Health-food stores;
naturalnews dot com/036584_Whole_Foods_organic_produce_China.html
china-briefing dot com/news/2015/06/02/going-organic-investing-in-chinas-growing-health-foods-market.html
draxe dot com/organic-farming/
We produce it and pay the shipping. It's just that profitable.
No. They can barely handle putting it in drums.
That's why there's so few actual manufacturers for electronics and processors in Asia.
Cheap labour can't maintain the cleanroom environments needed. So they have to use more expensive asian middle class labour. Meaning you don't get the cost savings so most manufacturers just shrug and accept the cost of western labour since not having to translate anything between design and production helps you avoid fuckups.
Also Apple stuff is mostly assembled in China. Few of the actual component parts are made in China. Funnily enough Apple do use a Taiwanese manufacturer as one of the two sources for their processors though, but TSMC are a pretty hardcore crowd with excellent working conditions and pay by Asian standards.
But a lot of the other parts are sourced from all over the world. GPS chipset will be from the USA, accelerometer from Germany, camera from Japan, etc.
Don't buy any imported food from Chink land. Don't even eat Chinese Food. Guaranteed it's being tampered with….. Fuck chinks.
yeah, buy the all american GMO kosher products.
Go European food.
Bonger food if possible.
Don't ask me why, but there are some weird things going on (most likely tax related) that cause the made in China phones being exported (probably to HK) and imported again, counting as a US import.
Source: I live in China as an expat.
10 out of 10 rage bait. Well done rach, mission accomplished. We have a chopper with 15 liters of semen heading your way now, prep for extraction in 5 minutes.
Most of that stuff already has tarriffs on it
Thanks for the laugh, faggot.
Oh look it's fucking nothing.
To quote Trump: It's easy to win trade wars if trade imbalances are so big.
American Chinese Food isn't the same thing, jackass.
top kek
I haven't laughed this hard since a long time, was it the same for you?
Shit, I'm in the Electronics industry. I didn't voted just so my paycheck decreases.
Zig Forums Call your representatives and tell them to punish Japan or Korea instead.
I want to go to a library now (but Zig Forums isn't allowed in the library's wifi)
China just needs to dump it's treasuries on the market and crash the dollar.
And then suddenly they don't have food or oil. Great plan.
Thats not going to do jack shit, jews control those people. What those jew puppets should really be doing if they actually cared would be pressure SK and Japan to impose a similar tariff on China until its 10 countries fucking China in the ass for every time they raise the tariff on 1 to compensate.
For example. The US matches China and puts 25% on. China matches the US and adds 25%. Japan, and South Korea proceed to put on 12.5% each, and Australia, The Philippines, maybe Indonesia or something if we arm twist on muslim immigration since they have the worlds highest population and could easily be justified in being blocked otherwise. Or maybe just block them, thats probably a better idea, why arent we doing that? Anyways, so China matches 12.5% here, 12.5% there, etc.. then the US just slaps another 25% on. See how many times China can put tariffs on all its neighbors while they trade freely with eachother.
Their sub-ballistic missiles that that faggot, under the pseudonym of Gary Breccer as I recall, touted as a able to sink carries don't work as advertised due to the inherent problems with terminal guidance, the fact that the SM3 and SM1 exist to counter very similar missiles developed by the Soviets in the 80s, and the fact that the missile and indeed all missiles do not maintain their top speed but glide to the target including these sub-ballistic missiles.
They do constitute some threat assuming you can actually acquire the target, fire the missile on an intercept course for a maneuvering surface fleet, provide guidance throughout its trip there so course corrections can be made(requires observes awful close to the target), and they con't suffer interception or are blinded by the EM emissions of the target fleet acting in concert. This is the limit to all missile attack including Russian and US systems. Missiles are not a fire and forget system unless you are attacking nearly immobile sandniggers to whom it is the equivalent of Zeus striking them with a thunderbolt and who have no means to interdict your observers who identify the target and provide mid-way or terminal guidance.
The point of antishipping missiles of this sort isn't to instantly magically sink carrier groups but rather to force opposing fleets to allocate resources and man hours to defend themselves from the minor but still credible threat and to deny them free operations immediately off the Chink coastline. The same reason they use shitty diesel subs that are worthless in blue water operations, they want to provide a minimally credible threat on the defense without sinking a huge investment in it by deploying systems in such a way that their significant limitations don't impact their performance nearly as much as they would in an offensive theatre.
^ that guy is
1. Russian (proof in the screenshot)
2. a literal rapist.
Dow down 465 points today
Still higher than it ever was under Obama.
Funny how liberals just now tune in to this shit.
US food is basically poison, if I were China I would ban all US food imports.