Mass media flub expertly caught and exposed in 2 minute video. A groundbreaking entry level redpill for mainstreamers. Asking for your help and expertise 8ch. Let's grab this little knife and twist it in ZOG's ankle as hard as we can.
MAJOR meme potential
Other urls found in this thread:
Choke on dicks
yes I will be showing this to lots of people. This lets people actually see what we've been trying to explain in abstract for a long time.
teach him so he doesn't fuck up again.
I meant to type embed but my finger fucked up
I shall sudoku now with a .22 short to the chest.
I shall see you all in Valhalla
Guys, you need to move on before they can tag you with this shit. Stagnation is a huge liability to us. We need to be shapeshifters, like they are.
Not sure where you wandered in from but go ahead and fuck right off
8ch knows that Trump is controlled opposition, right?
/r9k/ memes are already old, already associated with "internet nazis." We are most powerful when we are FUNNY and UNKNOWN. Identification is bad for us. That's how they can mute us, like they're trying to do with the video in the OP(PR Cuck)
The most tiny of redpills for your brainwashed acquaintances.
Good. But.
Who's pushed all these people under the bus? Who's trying to kill television? Or TV news? Or at the very least the Sinclair Broadcast Group?
I can't believe this was unintentional, which it could still be, but it's unlikely. Who benefits, then?
Oh wait:
Holy fuck dipshit
but we're National Socialists, not "Nazis"
I wear both as a badge of honor
suicides don't go to Valhalla
only those who die honorably in battle
or are particularly honorable and heroic in life and die of natural causes (ie "great heroes and kings" or something like that)
kikes fear the frog
Trump is kind of a loose cannon
maybe he can be swung to our favor
maybe he can be pushed to do what he promised on the campaign trail
that is the hope, anyway
cry more, kike
Natsoc is an ideology, an interface, a specification, a goal.
Nazism is an implementation of it
Bro I hope that Youtube channel isn't yours.
Already a thread.
A stickied thread,
This isn't the first time I've seen a video like this.
The fact that they all read the same PSA is not relevant or interesting. The only thing wrong with what they say is that the do not point the finger at their national network counterparts as the culprits. Re-doing the voice-overs to blame MSNBCBSABCNN would be pretty funny though.
you are my hero
Leftist shills are trying to spin this as right wing propaganda. This video was #1 on trending in jewtube for a day too. It has some 2 million views. Shills are going crazy trying to project their own misdeeds on others again. They are in the comment sections making hundreds of posts about how Sinclair is associated with Trump.
saved from youtube
will convert to webm
will repost as long as internet exists
What took you so long faggot