LDS Church holds their semi-annual "Conference", a meeting that spans two days...

I understand that the LDS church runs itself more like a business than anything, and many Utah news networks are trying to cover this story up as much as possible - trying to discredit the woman as much as they can. Literally all comments supporting her on Facebook on these news posts are being deleted and scrubbed clean, followed up with tens of hundreds of "oh how could she"s and "just another sign of the times" posts. Aside from the Vatican, is there a place where a religion has this much control over the area?

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Other urls found in this thread:

LDS is a cult and act like jews. I will be happy to see them depart. If Mormons weren't mormon they would be uber allies. They're tremendous white baby factories.

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1st post every time. fuck off kike


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here's your (1) now fuck off. whites will make babies there's nothing you or your cult can do to stop us. trump baby boom faggot.

What did Joseph Smith mean by this?

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Is the Jehovah's Witness the least Jewish? They recognises governments as evil and controlled by Satan.

Don't know, but Jackson killed the banks. I'll need to do more research into mormon history. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

mormon religion is a secret society
joseph smith was a freemason and utah is a mormon territory basically. they believe in the same things as esoteric masonry and the other eastern religions. the beehive symbol all over utah is a symbol of the mystery schools

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He meant a "national" bank controlled and run by Mormons from top to bottom, a smaller government that is easier to stack with Mormons and more clay that can be given to Mormon settlers. Mormons are like any other Abrahamics that think they're God's chosen few; no matter what allegiances they profess, the true believer's first loyalty is always to his tribe and observers will seldom be disappointed if they expect this. Some of their values have incidental appeal around here, but do not be fooled - when push comes to shove, Mormons will choose Mormon interests over any others. If a civil war breaks out and gets bogged down a la TTD and the feds say "we'll give you the entire Great Basin as a de facto nation if you agree to send as many young men as you can to bushwhack against those naughty Nazi goyim in the west", the entire state will be mobilized in less than fourty-eight hours and those nice Aryan Mormon boys will start collecting equally Aryan scalps with zeal.

The feds love to recruit Mormons for just this reason; they're raised with a cult mentality and they exploit that to make them into model CIAniggers.

Something else that's interesting is that Joseph Smith was Mayor of Navous, Illinois. He ordered a newspaper destroyed because it didn't agree with him. The governor sent a warrant for his arrest because he incited a riot to destroy the paper. Instead of just surrendering, Smith activated the Militia and had them standoff with the governor's forces. He was in prison for treason before being 'martyred.' I want to call him ridiculous, but at the same time I would love it if Zig Forums did the same thing.

the truth is also they are funneling blood money gathered from the largest legal human trafficking and torture ring to ever exist (the troubled teen industry) into byu's private bank Zions

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tell us how polygamy isn't entirely semetic

Mormons are a lost cause to poz. To be fair the religion is responsible for breeding millions of Nordic/Anglo babies, so for that they have been useful and of service. Their white male membership base is somewhat salvageable and possible to redpill whether they leave the religion or not. There's a lot of us here I would expect. If you're a white nationalist Mormon DO NOT leave the religion until you have married and fully maxed out breeding a white Mormon girl. Don't bother trying to redpill her until her womb has expired unless you are sure she won't snap. You are much more useful a sleeper cell.

Smith was mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker reincarnated. He claimed an angel gave him a super-secret special doctrine that allowed him to develop his own version of talmudism aka getting rich through trickery and having lots of sex
His scam generated lots of copycat "prophets" who spread all over the place and set up shop in area where the jews hadn't yet spread. But they were amateurs and rapacious, and that's why the greedy scumbags got chased out of every place they infested. They hadn't learned how to tamp it down and lay low like the jews have. Now they own Utah, but that's about it.

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Sounds like she fucked him consensually then claimed rape as usual.


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They also bodly lie just like masons and kikes when people are on to them.

All major organized religions are money laundering operations.

Not sure about that, but they still hate the cross as mich as kikes. If anything, scientologists are /ourcult/

That sounds so familiar.

We are not a buggery cult.

Fucking heretics man

Stop being so glib.

κύριος Ἰησοῦς

Where are they while Tom Cruise is still making movies?

In the clam cult if you squeal about Tom Cruise you get thrown in a compound. They run a very tight ship, like LDS.


Mormons are the fags who sit in the ISP backbone broom closets listening in to every fucking packet, working for the jews.
Fuck 'em.

mormonism is literally the western verison of wahhabism. IE a jew weapon

Well Lucifer is a title for Venus and shouldn't even be in the bible. But do they teach that Lucifer is a character and brother of Jesus and Satan is the Demiurge?

Honestly I'm just happy they're breeding white babies.

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Vid of woman yelling?

Is there any proofs he raped her?

The goal this thread is to turn 8/pol/ into blindly demonizingf yet another enemy of the Jew: the Mormons. Stop asking silly little questions like that? Do as you're told, newfag.

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This thread has gone on too long without someone posting this.

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Good, the Mormons learned to protect each other, just like kikes. All white people must do the same in order to fight the (((jew.))) This is why we are scattered and fight amongst ourselves.

The kike must die. EUROPEANS UNITE!

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the founding of the lds was a selection event for the most gullible motherfuckers in the entire White race

cucks from the very beginning, opposed to slabery despite seeing niggers as having demons and being opposed to them in their priesthood

they were also guilty of treason against the us government, which is why they were driven out

lds today are STILL active in treasonous activity mittens, mcmuffin, etc

they're an even worse cult and just like the mormons are non-Christians who deny the divinity of Jesus
by their own theology no one should be willing to join, the 144k have already been filled and no one else is getting in

nothing but hate for the mormons as an organization and for their leadership, nothing but sadness for those born into it, and nothing but disgust for any modern converts to it, but
is exactly what any organization should do. if someone gets raped then they should call the cops and get the lawdogs on it, the org should stick by the people they selected for leadership assuming he doesn't admit wrongdoing and that it is a criminal matter especially in the modern context of all this #metoo crap when bitches cry rape if you look at them wrong

Look in to this place.

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Well Lucifer is a title for Venus and shouldn't even be in the bible. But do they teach that Lucifer is a character and brother of Jesus and Satan is the Demiurge?

Cult user freaking out over the competition over his Rabbi god.
There is nothing wrong with denying Jesus as a mangod. You're sick.

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All I know is the Mormon Church donated iirc 500k to HIAS and Jeff Flake is the biggest pro immigrant cuck on the planet.

Were founded by Freemasons, had ther first meetings in Freemanson temples.

AKA "James"

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Innocent until proven guilty, especially aint taking the word of a female over a male.

First Communist settlement in the USA , Orderville , Utah. – William Coopers book review of " The God Makers " , many mormons are cia fags too.

I'm impressed. The Mormons have the tenacity and zeal of even the kikiest kike, with no moral compunction about how what they do affects things outside their tribe. Something I wish we had more of race wise.

Didn't pre-Christian Europe allow for at least two wives? Or is that just more (((historical revisionism)))?

LDS and their drones can take their masoretic nonsense to hell where it belongs.

They're allowed to because they play nice with their ZOG handlers. Their entire doctrine is nauseatingly philosemtic and even undersigned by (((them))). With the number of concessions they made in their doctrine for their globalist masters, it's the most kosher thing next to matzo.

You mean "who" are they? People actually pay to go see a Tom Cruise action movie you twit. Lauer/Oblerman are talking heads and a dime a dozen.

The white race is more inclined to monogamy than other races. Elites of course practiced some degree of concubinage before Christianity and adultery after but it was always more structured and orderly than for instance the filial chaos you see in arab or turkic dynasties. Joseph Smith and his followers are atavistic in a lot of ways and have more in common in spirit with semites than their supposed racial brethren.

Wasted those dubs on your BS.

>Didn't pre-Christian Europe allow for at least two wives? Or is that just more (((historical revisionism)))?
pic 2 related

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this is why race is bullshit … you see how weak the veil of culture and skin color is.

admin … those white girls with tatoos that get blacked all fucking day are NOT WHITE. And that black girl with natural hair IS WHITE. Its the culture we want to keep. The fucking cocksucking lazy unnatural baby killiling liberals are the RACE we want to defeat.

That skin tone hold no meaning as our women and many of our men in california and washington state have shown

you are offering no reward … and in the wrong state those babies are hers. You just gave the enemy ammo

Holy shit lol, where the fuck did you come from?

Are you saying that some white babies should not be born because they could become leftists? And what's all this about aborted nigger/spic grublets being a bad thing?

I agree, and we need to totally stop blaming innocent hebrews for the demoralization of white women as well, and hold white women responsible. It's already well proven how strong and independent they really are. We should also totally rise up against these racist admins of this website, right my dude? Suck an AIDs riddled glass covered dick and die slow you fucking like

meant kike not like, sorry autocorrect was written by jews

heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D

Which is technically funny as fuck cause it autocorrected skippys illegitimate to legitimate and we got his spirit cooking emails
Hahahahahaha fishing is fun and fulfilling. All white men should fish

why is 8ch making links to leftypol on the top banner every second time a load a page? Is it secretly shilling for leftypol?

Also, why are all stickied threads locked with 750 replies? Am I the only one that hides all stickied threads?

Options -> Uncheck show top boards.