doesn't work on this site
So does the U.S just never deport any illegal? Once they get here it seems like they have free reign. The most I hear is them being ordered to appear in court, but of course they skip out on that.
If we did, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.
Are you bloody serious? Here down under, anyone who arrives illegally is sent to a prison on a tropical island in a third world country. And they are permanently banned from Australian citizenship, even if in the future they come legally.
I'd understand if you guys just missed these guys, your border is land based and it is large - but you know these guys are coming and they're headed for one of your checkpoints. WTF America?
I at least expected maybe a few thousand to be deported but all signs point to absolutely 0 being deported… probably since operation wetback.
If we can't even legally refuse a caravan of spics from pouring in, how am I supposed to believe that a single one has been physically removed?
All of these petty ICE raids must just be putting these beans in jail for 3 days and giving them a court summons.
America really is just a free for all. Barely even a country, just a designated welfare redistribution zone.
Wouldn't surprise me. The deportation numbers for 2017 were absolute shit. Record low.
Freezepage then archive the freezepage, that method should still work.
Trump literally could stop it with an executive order, the pussy. It's a goddamned foreign invasion.
Let's see how far he can push public opinion on this.
Full article:
Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake - Sun Tzu
This is how Mexico ends up paying for the wall.
Trump needs to stop this one or he loses the election. I won't turn up if he does nothing.
At this point I can't be any more disappointed.
That's a pretty sweet irony.
How do you implicate the born in US 'dreamers' as criminals?
If these are let in and are tracked into the 'shadows', everyone they interact with can also be deported for criminal activity.
My preferred option is a well regulated militia at the border if the army fails to protect the border.
Hate to check torpedo dubs , but , you know. Here we are and such
I feel like a 1200 wetback strong caravan intent on illegally invading the US is something a well regulated militia could take upon themselves to stop, and the Constitution actually provides the legal framework to protect said militia. Maybe I'm naive, but at this point when the government is now telling us their plan to let them in and set them free why aren't militias being formed?
Why isn't the national news headline: "We Can't Stop the Legal Militia, We Have to Let Them Protect Us in the US"?
We're doing them a favour - we got that deal and made a successful nation. We want to give them a shot at the Australian Dream.
Are you the faggot bum that got caught stealing donuts in Georgia?
This. Should it happen, it's time to meme an actual strong man into the presidency.
I understand user. I hate to be torpedo-ing.
Any of my normal browsers are kicking off the VPN and trying to reconnect to expose IP to (((someone))).
Newest tweets
No deal , no nafta , shithole pays for wall , I'll take a coke
Because you've never the Constitution, dumb dumb. It's Congress who calls on the militia. And Congress, which is (((Congress))) at this point, would obviously never deploy a militia to stop mud invasions, and any attempt to do so without authorization from a Congress would be rightly illegal. It sucks, yes, but this is also the same militia regulation that discourages Commies from going Revolution, by the way. Want it to stop? Vote out the Democrats.
With permanent human resources. Genious!
With no enforcement it is meaningless. Trump need stop this NOW.
All he needs to do is a send the national guard to man the border. They've been used for more trifling things (school integration), why not use them for this?
Someone is already considering this 4D chess, don't be surprised if any mention of this will become
Mobilize the military and secure the border. This is a much greater and more immediate threat than anything going on in Syria or even Astan.
Duterte given temporary citizenship and path to presidency and begins the "Broomstick Era"
Alternative timeline:
Joining ICE with the actual intent to deport people must be quite the depressing job.
It’s looking like America has been subverted for a long time now. We were created as a nation of immigrants, European immigrants. Now this is used against us to force acceptance of very different, often violent and thieving people. We’ve been fucked since the civil war haven’t we?
Not to blackpill just thinking. Those fucking abolitionists ruined everything.
People that are not citizens advertising and attempting an illegal act cannot be legally stopped from doing it?
Isn't the original purpose of the army to stop invasions?
Looks like a bunch of natural conservative Christians to me. Not seeing the problem. I bet they gave big families and are against abortion.
Can't the military be called in to deal with this?
>Unironically swallowing (((bullcrap)))
America was CREATED by SETTLERS not immigrants.
Immigrants join a nation that already exists - they do not CREATE the nation.
Protestant white Christians created America.
I don't even live in Georgia, tbh I was impersonating a stupid namefag and forgot to delete the field. brb kms.
Texas is on the case. Other border states, however… And you can forget about California, certainly. The original caravan route was going to Texas, so hopefully this buys some time by diverting the route.
Votes for the Dems, cheap labor for the Reps. It's not incompetence, and it's not stupidity - it's knowing treason. Our rulers want as many beaners here as possible. That's what it's all about. It's a little awkward for the Reps, because they have to be coy about it or they'll scare off too many of their own voters, but they've managed to walk that line for 30 years.
If Abbot runs again this will boost his numbers insanely.
Assuming it works.
Then how is it dead? We're about to get fucked hard on this. They know he can't stop this. If he uses force they win by making him act and they play the "he's a tyrant" act on the world stage. If he doesn't act he appears powerless. Chessmaster just got checked.
Hope I'm wrong.
Trump can do that, but how will it MAGA? What good will it do to forever rely on Daddy Gubment to fix every problem? That's how we got into this mess to start with. There will never be any MAGA until white men stand up and take their responsibility. Trump has made it obvious he will support any grassroots effort to do so, but still nobody budges.
If I was Trump, that would be the biggest disappointment for me. I would expect the jews and their stupid golems to attack me and and my family, betray me, and work against me, but to see the white men I take those slings and arrows for just sitting on their fat asses and kvetching instead of fighting for their families and future would be a punch in the gut.
Ok but after the English and Dutch settled, no conquered, the continent we allowed immigrants from other European nations in. The kikes are using this historical fact against us. Thanks for correcting my word choice. I’m on your side. I’m just pointing out we really shot ourselves in the dick with that civil war.
This. This, right here. All of this.
At what point do we fucking march, Zig Forums? At what point does anyone with a nutsack and a gun head down there and start occupying the border? At what fucking point do we mobilize local ranchers who are fucking sick of cartels and gibs seekers marching across the border like army ants?
It's not dead. It's stuck in the courts for 1-2 years.
It is all BS my boarman ancestor came and served the 2nd settlement in MD for 20 years, protecting settlement, scouting and trading with helped found many cities and georgetown college. the mongrel commie tried to rewrite our history, but some of us old families know the Truth. death to all commies and their parasite pets. I will yell the Truth from the rooftop until I'm unable.
Now or never. This board will have no meaning if no one lifts a finger. We will always be the chesscucks who let it happen.
I've echoed this sentiment countless times since coming here 1 year and 11 months ago, and I'll probably keep having this sentiment far into Zig Forums's future.
Pretty sure those were fucking Airborne, not National Guard
Trump can call the Marines and stick them on the border. The president does not need permission from congress to use the Marines or the Navy, only the Army.
This goes to everyone here:
You have local legislators. Contact them. Tell everyone you know to contact them as well. March in the streets. Make signs. Demand fucking action. Do everything the Left does, only we're not a bunch of fucking soyboy bugmen.
Whether you choose straightforward political methods or something else,
If it's seen as successful the caravan will inspire others, and also create immediate pressure to build the wall. Once the wall is up refugee caravans will not be our problem and neither will people re-crossing after being sent back.
Hurr Trump's /our/ guy.
The worst part is (((someone))) robbed us of a huge part of that history. Emancipation was to include shipping all the niggers to Liberia. I had to teach myself about the American Colonization Society, and my research led me right to a dead-end trying to figure out why the shipments of niggers to Liberia stopped.
I can only assume some Jew did the math on how many shekels they were about to lose with the ban on selling niggers; so they went full SHIT IT DOWN in order to profit on what I've taken to calling "The African-American Cold War".
Jews always profit from war. It really seems like they figured out they could reap billions of shekels out of the whites by implementing a racial cold war.
Friendly reminder that this forced meme
and the %56 meme are one person, or one group and are not to be taken seriously.
ANYWAYS, how many Latin American countries are more redpilled than the US? Asking for a friend that wants to go there and find a wife (all latin american countries have big white populations).
thanks, satan
Great b8ing posts m8.
Oh look, more faggots pushing race mixing and abandoning the country in the face of the enemy. No honor!
Thinking of going to South or Central America. House and land prices are great but citizenship is another issue.
look more doubleposting buddies trying to D&C the thread
((( )))
You sound like a retard
Die, jew.
Hi kike-kun, I thought we were fucked back when you shills (((warned))) us of the omnibus? You know, like every other (((false alarm))) you keep shilling every other week.
Give up, also reported
Sage is actually a downvote, HW confirmed. I don't have the screencap of it but if some user has it, post it for the lulz.
((( )))
what are you sliding, Mordacai-kun?
But he won't.
So they pay the US with illegal aliens? That's… genius!
Get the ball rolling.
We don't.
The US White population is a confused, mixed up bunch, a rabble of folk who are largely deracinated, demoralized, alienated and/or atomized, who have abandoned the very concept of a group identity in favor of becoming genuine consumers whose brand choices speak louder about them than their phenotype.
I am by no means happy about this, but it is what it is, and there needs to be something more to generate a sense of cohesion beyond "we're white" and "we're american", because, especially to white americans, what that fuck that even means has become very convoluted.
Like what?
There is nothing to be done, the chance to organize came and went during the Trump campaign, and the only ones who really took advantage of it were the Aut-Ryte, a gaggle of fags and jews and their shabbos, who sought to acquire personal wealth and immediately abandoned the effort when they realized they'd gotten enough of an audience that they could make money on peoples discontent, and when they realized to go any further politically would require fisticuffs.
There needs to be a group/movement pushing a single shared vision. This big-tent, "people can disagree" shit has to go, and something REAL has to established. If a group does not have a shared ideal, a shared vision for the future, and a shared belief in the organization/leadership to get to that future, then it will inevitably flounder.
Why turn them away? A few well placed machine gun emplacements and the casualties and bodies with become mexico's problem.
They're starting a proxy war, the can keep the mess.
I have nothing against marching, after I move to a latin american country you will have my support (which at times is more important than bullets).
I am, I am going to a latin american country and have my family there. Land is cheap so I will leave the Zig Forums dream.
becoming a rancher myself after I move
STOP BLACKPILLING YOU KIKE! If you want to live a happy life, get the happy life. Use the fact that the dollar is worth more in other countries to our advantage.
There is plenty!
You can buy land, pay for the construction of a Zig Forums approved house, and have some silver saved up… ALL FOR AROUND $10K
Pretty sure I wasn't talking to you, you degenerate homosexual.
Whoever guns them down and does the job ICE never will be able to will be the man who is officially the savior of the white race in America.
It takes like 2 years or more to deport an illegal and they walk back into the country again in like 3 days.
Killing them is the only way.
Checking the digits of hope. I'd like to do all this user, quite an inspiring post tbh.
Bullshit, I'm telling you why this stuff doesn't happen. You can pout about it, or acknowledge it to be true.
I have nearly a $100k
I'm standing my ground and fighting though. Not going to another country.
Nice proxy.
Actually I'm the most likely to have a large family once I move
What good is a wall if the whole government seems afraid and not willing to even confront these illegals? A whole wave of illegals boasting about how they are soon going to brake the law days in advance and the most powerful nations response is that can't do anything?
If that's not an eye-opener, then everyone is blind.
((( )))
you can say that again kike-kun! :^)
It's the only way to create a self-sustaining future for our people. It might be esoteric for many here, but if you don't spread, eventually you will wither.
You have to admit that my plan is 10 times better.
Go die, if you can send your female relatives to around where I'm going to leave, that would be great.
((( )))
Fuck off, your post isn't that natural and organic shill-kun
Christianity is so based.
holy shit kill yourself
How many Zig Forumsacks will I see in Latin America?
That's nice faggot.
More organic and natural than yours "move to mudlands"-tan.
Depends on how lucky you are.