Stock Market Fucking Up
Invest in precious metals, Brass and Lead
It has to hit 7% drop by 3:25 eastern to trip the alarm and stop trading.
There were several drops but it bounced back and normalized.
Are we seeing the result of industry returning and why these machinations don't have the desired system destroying effects that kikes would want it to have?
Less dependence on fictional trading and more on down to earth enterprise?
I'd worry if there were recurring losses like that, or several thousand in a day.
As it is, three digit swings are pretty standard nowadays. The (((Press))) just hypes it up because it's during a "Republican" admin.
Honestly I don't think it matters, I'm still up 62.72% from 5 years ago.
This should go in /biz/ but I'm not a mod so who am I to tell you where to post.
/biz/ here is dead.
5 years ago
None of these posters understand that market trends should be tracked over at least two decades. Every crash in history has been preceded by a "paradigm shift" or a "new normal" where everyone got blinded by greed. There's going to be a bloodbath when the floor drops out.
Yes they are.
Industry cannot return at any significant national level in roughly a year or so.
But when you have very little, any growth seems more. You have a dollar and find a quarter and you've just experienced a 25% growth.
I admit I have absolutely no clue what I am talking about.
Hope you have crypto, gold, silver, and lead dispensers
As a poor I laugh heartily hahahahaha
Man, I wish I was old enough to trade twenty years ago. Then I wouldn't be here.
Didn't happen. Soon enough it will (((self-correct))) with no survivors.
like with most kike things the name is usually quite misleading
in this case the dow jones industrial average has very little to do with real industry, it is merely the composite of the 30 largest companies publicly trade
shitl ike walmart and apple are in there as well as several biotech and oil and gas companies
and their bottomline isn't improving much
also some banks are there also not impacted by returning manufacturing
look up the list yourself maybe 4 out of the 30 are real manufacturing companies
so any bounce back is probably the plunge protection team working their magic before trump shuts it down completely
After all, it's the only place I like to burn my leftover cash lol.
I don't even know how I'm getting to work next week, and I don't have a place to live at the moment.
Never cared about Trump bragging about a booming stock market, don't really care about a crashing/correcting one. Stock Market represents a sliver of the American economy, it only sucks if you have money you can't afford to lose tied up in it.
They keep talking about raising interest rates, so its probably related to that to a certain degree.
Exactly. The lower middle class has the Powerball and the rest of us has the market. Win, Win.
get out jew
>“The flaw allows (((trading firms))) with sophisticated algorithms to move the VIX up or down by simply posting quotes on S&P options and without needing to physically engage in any trading or deploying any capital. This market manipulation has led to multiple billions in profits effectively taken away from institutional and retail investors and cashed in by unethical electronic option market makers.”
Kick it off brother wherever you are
There are lots to back you up. Just be smart about it
Get those Saturn runes out of here
Why? For some dumb reason my eternal ban was lifted and I'm trying my best to get banned again. Please mods ban me. I'm a filthy jew
Digits confirm, reported for Jewry.
Ty senpai
we meet again satan
You're welcome you disgusting ratkin.
Man I wish, that guy is like the best.
I still reported you, but your numbers are highly amusing to me.
What can I say? I grab them dubs like I grab them shekels.
Idk lol
1 off, Jew.
Haha ik, but you got some nice ones too.
I want this to happen irl this time from gas and not typhus
Do it faggot
אוי ואבוי
Yes, it started last week. If you're in the market get out. If you feel like taking a risk get some inverse ETFs.
Also crypto just double bottomed so it could be poised for a run
אוי ואבוי
הגויים יודעים, סגר את זה!
Lol no shit. I'm just looking for that sweet permaban. Cause the last one I got only lasted 12 days and it said it was for forever. Report me please. I'll even spread em wide open for ya.
Congress passed the
Can we reverse back to a metal we no longer have as much of as previously and inflated our currency beyond repair?
Last I checked we had $11B in reserves and somewhere between $20-36T in debt.
I read Putin did this and I think Trump's taking queues from him. But bundled with marking all Rothchild affiliates as terrorists and claiming their assets, and dismissing debt to them, what impact on gold are we looking at?
I can't imagine seizures happen quickly so are we just looking at ~2545% (11/28,000)?
That would be the initial rush, which shouldn't happen because we have mass communication unlike with FDR and barely getting radio.
Even if it settled down and we started to see a surplus of goods because of the seizures gold would settle around where for those of us choosing to hold?
I ask because if you YandEX rothschild crypto you'll find interviews where they all but say "cat's out of the bag" and how it doesnt matter because they've got crypto.
I know crypto isn't that much currently, and its based on their system which could crumble. But more importantly I get the impression they just wanted this tech to exist so they could rest and not need to be world bankers looking to maintain control as the only authority of trust.
Yeah but see, that would be too easy.
Very true. Ponder how long it takes to get a factory or industrial plant up and running. We outsourced mature businesses, even entire industries, that had been built up over DECADES… in an era with substantially LESS regulatory burden than today.
Trump has the right ideas but everyone has to get on the same page. Unfortunately half of the population wants us to be vulnerable. They welcome these strategic deficiencies because they favor foreign interests over our own.
So i just ctrl+ f the catalog and I'm not getting any hits about the Canadian government suddenly deciding to have an emergency alert system put in place and sending texts out to all the phonefags. So anyone's thoughts on that?
That got shut down a few weeks ago
The big industry in my once booming rust-belt town is geriatric healthcare…that's not going to endure.
There's always the Powerball
Lol pol is gonna get salty
We're a briny broth to begin with. An ocean of piss with paprika.
so china is stacking gold to switch to a gold backed currency. russia is stacking silver, and the US is going to become the worlds leading producer of oil in the world. its becoming more and more clear that whatever deal trump made with the saudis was part of a global leader, behind the scenes attempt to abandon fiat and/or protect against a coming currency collapse.
make of that what you will
I'm actually perfectly okay with that
It just makes the nuclear option easier
And India will have the currency of IT support nobody else wants to do
yeah i dont give a fuck. ill probably go with putin because silver is cheap as fuck.
Do it
And the other half counts on that half to sell their security services and bludgeon what's left of the middle class to displace them for real estate consolidation.
really though. definitely going to get a jump tomorrow.
remember goyim, keep an eye on deustche bank. thats your timer
Terry plays the drums as he splatters equine fuckers
Look under his bed
The US is getting less and less oil from the Middle East and increasingly buying from the Americas. Be a good time for a war.
all good point. coinfags are also speculating that large amounts of institutional money is going to flow into the cryptos in May
It's interesting times. Things are fluid. The stock market is not the economy.Everyone is aware that Trump isn't directly responsible for the stock market and that it could be used in an attempt to weaken his administration. Life will go on or there would be major political upheaval for the top. The only way to avoid that would be to get in the bunkers and nuke everyone. I don't think the plans for that are going as anticipated.
Sell in may then go away
The big losers soon are going to be the different tech giants that have a monopoly. Facebook is getting turned on by the left because "ZOMG HOW COULD THEY LET DRUMPF USE BIG DATA LIKE WE DO!!!!11!!!" Trump is going after Amazon and I bet Google is not far down the road. This is a sign of moving away from a consumer economy to a producer economy.
Twatter stock is shit too.
Exactly this. Trump needs to channel his inner Roosevelt the good one and go trust busting on the cunts. What's interesting this go around is that the normalfags are actually getting pissed. I'd say a vocal minority are the "ZOMG HOW COULD THEY LET TRUMP…" but the others are actually going "wait, what the fuck? No fuck this" I truly hope that is the case
In either case, the tech sector which is about a quarter of the market, is about to collapse in value with the imposition of severe regulations. The Unicorns are toast, I dunno about hardware. Again, it will ALL face major correction, I'm just wondering what it will still be around after the inevitable corporate bloodbath.
Shanghai being fucking useless today, I guess all the action takes place in America.
Japan doing well.
This is literally all because of MUH CHINA! Since they don't know how to play fair and Xi is too autistic to understand that Trumps steel tariff was a response to their existing tariffs
The problem with your theory is that the United States Gold Depository still has around 2.3 percent of all gold ever refined throughout human history. If the United States ever wanted to return to the gold standard we very well can as an emergency last resort. However its likely part of the contingency plan once the oil stops flowing.
What I find great is that even some normalfags in the lunchroom are kvetching about that Facebook data leak. Not actively but when the topic of security or FB comes up they remembered and made a bit of a deal about it. Maybe not enough to leave the platform but enough to say "Hey wait a minute…"
Basically, I feel like we've been tricked into thinking the kikes monolithic tools are bigger or scarier than they are, when in reality it just takes one good happening to sour normalfags and push them away fron something
Do you think Fort Knox is actually full, user?
Still higher than Obama's numbers. I'm not buying into the manufactured hysteria.
its all gone
mexico, germanys gold too .
you might be correct. It looks like an exaggerated version of the 1st tech bubble pop.
So where is it?
Because its a 3% drop, "closes" arent triggered until a 10%, 20%, and 30% drop with each one carrying a different length. 10% i believe is an hour pause in trading, 20% is half the remaining day or something, and 30% results in a close for the remainder of the day
Oh look, nothing happened. Nice shitpost op. Belongs in /biz/