David Hogg Now Demands Ingraham Apologize to Lebron, Dartmouth Gays
Fuck that stupid nigger. I wish he would die already.
He needs the Ben Garrison treatment.
You might be onto something.
top kek, what timeline did mandela pull me into?
It's the Berenstain Effect, not the Mandela effect. We will grant that nigger nothing.
It's utter bullshit, either way.
Rolling for Hogg to be found dead in a back alley with a dragon dildo up is ass next week.
*blocks your path*
He sure looks like somebody wo could stop an aggressor without a firearm, huh?
He has the same soulless gaze as Patrick Bateman
Good, I hope both sides nuke each other. TV is fucking poison
He wants his pain to be inflicted on everyone.
Stop giving this fucking faggot attention
god you faggots are just cringy anymore
We all saw how well that turned out…
Nope, Laura "bend the knee and kiss ZOGcock" Ingraham will just apologize again.
That's some more evidence this is a 25yo recovering meth addict actor. Adolescents don't have that.
She already did once though, what makes you think she won't cave into pressure again?
This is why you never apologize to the Left. Have people finally learned that lesson?
You better not get in his way…
Some of it is being blocked by the other guy's arm, that's all.
That being said, in the second you can see he definitively has noodle arms.
Checked. Actually, the one thing GG actually DID have success with was going after advertisers, just like Hogg is doing successfully. That's clearly a winning tactic. Why don't we do more of it?
All Laura did was say what a million others wanted to say.
Shut your watermelon hole and dribble nigger
Because she's being told to apologize to a fucking nigger by a 120lb soaking wet soyboy who everybody makes fun of already.
Seriously, this kid* is malformed.
*25 year old adult
And yet she apologised to said soy boy.
Let the floodgates open!
The next big lolcow?
David listen, I'm talking about the clearly visible portion of your left hand. We can see the veins. That is a trait that adolescents simply don't develop.
make his skin look whiter in that pic.
A better technique would be to use the magic wand tool to delete the original armband (color separate if you need to for crisper cuts), and then put the German flag on a layer below. That will also let you adjust the palette separate from the original so you can make it blend in and look less shooped. polite sage for OT
visible veins are are a healthy thing, if you didnt eat fast for for every meal you'd know that
He's jewish though so it probably won't work.
It's a symptom of a couple things:
1) age
2) thin skin (mostly with females)
3) unhealthy low level body fat
4) stimulant abuse
I'm a 41yo 225lbs 6'5" male that can bench 245, deadlift 325, squat 300. I've never looked like that even when I was a measly 185lbs 17yo. Then again I've also never been a meth addict and a faggot.
By the way this trait develops naturally in women much earlier than men. An easy way to tell an older woman is lying about her young age is literally the back of her hands look look haggard and veiny. I expect when I hit my late 50s or 60s my skin will thin out, but for now the only veins of mine that pop are my forearms and calves.
We can compare the backs of the hands of all these fuckers and I guarantee not even the females hands will look that old. This is a 25yo meth addict.
Doesn't matter.. FOX said fuck you Hogg..
you uncultured swine, to baste something is to gently marinate it, just like the Left is currently marinating in its own tears
Hello David
you fuckers ready?
Did not mean to sage
I bet I could break his leg if I kicked him in the thigh.
Everyone they don't like is…
a nazi
a mansplainer
… bots.
david hogg you little cunt I know you're reading this you no good chicken shit you thought you could meme? you thought taking away guns was fun? listen up kid you just fucked up I've seen midgets dicks that are bigger than you and not as limp you're a transvestite look alike 70% of your mass is your anal beads your face looks like a cross between a pancake skillet and a moldy cantaloupe you might think you're a voice of a generation but your voice will be this generations most hated meme your family could be un-exaggeratedly called the Mozart of genetic backwardness you're a sadly misshapen chunk of humanity some people think you should die but I want you to live forever as an example of what to never be for all generations to behold as a horror story of birth defects choreographed to a symphony I would say you have a face only a mother could love but that would be a lie since no mother could love that face I bet your sister loves your face though and your voice the niggers must be almost dicking the jew out of her but seriously hogg did you ask to be worst homo variant since erectus? I'm sorry you cant even get into a college IM SAYING YOU'RE DUMBER THAN A NIGGER I hope you understand what that means they claimed you were president of the drone club was that where you stare at a wall and drone a single monotone while spittle collects at your thin lips? I suppose they meant you were the president of being a remote controlled machine? the only worse than your face is your acting it's a like a serving of shit seasoned with concentrated piss only to be topped off with extra shit the intestines of 3 week old road kill do you smell as bad as you act? like a designated shitting street in India with a topping of Pakistani diarrhea and a helping of dysentery shit fresh from the congo…no wait a minute that's your mothers snatch you better hope you always have body guards or the 2nd amendment you little bitch hogg because without them there are people who would break you in half with as much effort as cracking an egg would take hogg you are the purest form of a cuck you may be the patient 0 of cuckism not only that but you are a traitor and the USA constitution only allows the death penalty in cases of treason and if George Washington heard what you would like to do to his guns I'm sure he would execute you himself I would call you a disgusting pig but I don't want to insult an animal that rolls in it's own shit and mud (although on second thought that does describe you pretty well)
Find dirt on him or stop giving him attention - the left is trying to turn him into a successful media whore and face for younger votes - he's using Trump's tactic of maintaining headlines - all you have to do to stop him is stop giving him free PR.
Fuck you pr cucked faggot
It is funny as fuck to make fun of this little faggot
Never seen this pasta before. It reads like something the Scotsman would say
Haha taking Lebron James side. If I can be bluepilled here for a moment I’d say that even not taking him being a nog into account, lebron is a fucking cunt. Unbelievable how much they can turn the fucking hatred factor up. They want someone to get this kid. He’s a big shiny bait.
Topkek–she should just beat his ass.
You may be onto something, hence my casual posting. We still need to counter this faggot's narrative in the main stories, though.
not a bad plan actually…
*memes internally*
People liked Trump.
Nobody likes this kid, look at his jewtube comments.
Stop being a little bitch.
Why are you giving him attention?
this kid is a classic beta and a great example of why you never, EVER give soy fruits like him any sort of "power". they get even a little taste of being influential and suddenly they're king shit, with no idea when to stop because they simply cannot stop. they can only be stopped or distracted by something else
fortunately, people seem to dislike the kid, as 98 pound weaklings with shitty attitudes are viscerally disgusting to a lot of people
Keep going m.c. soylent.
Its gonna be funny watching people like yourself scream when treason is enforced…
Meme it.
Why does this kid look so utterly shitty, all the time? I mean, look at that fucking stinkeye. Someone spent all day, every day, looking at me like that, I'd probably go bananas, as well.
Apparently Hogg Boy didn't get the memo that his 15 minutes are up and nobody gives a shit what he says.
Ingraham was already planning on taking a spring break before this little faggot started spouting off. She'll be back in a week or so, and other advertisers will be on board.
Hogg need to stop getting the attention he obviously wants more than anything.
Usually those kinds of people self-destruct in rather spectacular ways if pushed enough. Just a matter of time he really fucks up to a point no even the media wants to touch him anymore.
If the Russians have "bots" that can do everything the left says they can, the US had better just surrender now.
Just universally omnipotent and all-powerful machines, these Russian bots…
I think if you punched him in the stomach you would probably break his spinal cord.
I'm getting really sick of seeing this little faggot all over the place. Shut the fuck up already.
Hi David
Then you know what to do.
Erase his face.
Goddamn, I hope this little cunt gets suicided.
No, really. I'm not calling for it; but I'll shed no tears when it happens.
Zig Forums is the only place perpetuating his fame and It's hilarious.
Anyone have thoughts on Kyle Kashuv? I find him interesting because he's clearly on the Trump "arm the teachers" pro-NRA side. Annoyed her parroted the "best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" word for word. Would prefer people personalize that, like sub "villain" and "hero" for example.
On the one hand, he's still clearly in the "I think a shooting happened" camp, but he isn't using it to lobby for removing gun rights. He was interviewed recently at the end of "Face the Nation" after the first group from "March For Our Lives" left and complained about how they left him out, didn't want to hear what he said, even though he was also a student.
Trump seems like a cool enough guy that he might have loaned his wife to Kyle to help him lose his v-card. He would be totally secure in his masculinity in doing so, should he choose.
You've watched too much porn, and this has clearly distorted your entire mental process. Give it up, and you might lose your v-card.
He got the moves
Can we arrange a cage match to the death between this dead eyed looking kid and Zogg?
I think it would be an interesting fight.
Why would you ever do that?
Women don't belong in politics.
This little fuck needs to be stabbed to death with a stick that was sharpened with a rock, just to prove a point.
Fleschette to the face would be a great lesson for Zogg.
After seeing his Reddit? You're better off letting him live his shitty, miserable life. I hope he lives a long time and is still asking Reddit how to get a girlfriend when he's 60.
While I fully believe that Hogg is a 20-something actor, I had veins like that in my hands at like… 14. It's normal if you play sports like wrestling or football. (That being said, Hogg clearly did neither)
Get fucked Hogg boy. No one remembers you or even gives a shit
this kid needs to seriously go fuck himself. i can't wait until someone puts him down. with a baseball bat.
They're Jews. This is the same thing they did against Germany, long before any holohoax stories were created.
Good, let him stay distracted with those dumbshits
when I was in HS this alone would earn a faggot a swift kick in the ass
Hogg's at about 14:52 into his fifteen minutes of fame and he knows it. He's no longer even talking about guns most of the time any more, he's just whining that people called him a stupid kid and petty he said she said shit. It's pathetic.
These kids will be remembered not for their heroic bravery during a crisis (Hogg NOW admits he wasn't even at the school for the shooting) but will be emblems of how leftist forces are not above using over-18 "child" actors to cry in front of cameras in an attempt to sway public opinion.
Mockingbird fails again, cue Obama crying on camera because people were mean to kids and they didn't get the gun ban.
I've only heard uptight semi-autistic former or current LEOs complain about that.