"Oy Veh, da crucifix is "shocking, sensational, and excessively violent."
Facebook refuses to allow ads featuring the San Damiano cross by Franciscan University.
University responds by quoting the bible and subtly naming the Jew:
"Oy Veh, da crucifix is "shocking, sensational, and excessively violent."
Facebook refuses to allow ads featuring the San Damiano cross by Franciscan University.
University responds by quoting the bible and subtly naming the Jew:
Other urls found in this thread:
אוי ואבוי
Good christian are a bunch of fags
Jews would know, they killed Jesus.
Who gives a shit about christcucks?
אתה סיגריה
You gotta stop spamming your shit in every thread, Reported.
It's kinda like the point, kohai. I was promised a permaban but only lasted a few days. I feel cheated. Thank you for reporting me.
Can you imagine? A married man chose to have another mans semen put in his wife. Then he chooses a negroes semen on top of it.
Are you entirely sure that is even a biological male?
Hi Mark
so hideously vile.
so many traitors to purge
Well, this Christcunt thread is somewhat relevant, for a change. Kikebook needs to get destroyed already.
Stop the D&C. This is the time to redpill them, not laugh in their faces.
Oh, please. Odinists get censored for the Swastika. Seana Fenner is a prime example. Why is that never talked about? The Swastika is the real holy symbol of Thor, and this is an NS board.
Just wait till Christmas rolls around this year…
No it isn't you dumb fuck. It's the symbol of Indra. Thor has no solar component, unless you use the vedic Fire-> Lightning -> Sun morphology, which Germanics did not retain from the original Aryans.
First picture from incogman.net
I thought it was an april's fool?
are you fucking braindead or something?
youre almost as bad as the faggots that think that hitler "stole" the swastika from hindus
he banishes away shadow and ice demons to make the land fruitful for farmers you brainless fucking idiot
Excuse me while I use actual sources, not wikipedia.
In his capacity as a Storm.
i bet it gave zuckerkike a ptsd flashback of the crucifixion and somehow reminded him of the holocaust
On the Saebo Sword:
you want me to mail you a fucking book or something? wikipedia is what you get faggot.
Your argument is that swastikas everywhere at all times are symbols of Indra. What is your evidence of this? Got any sources on Germanic iron age inscriptions with swastikas and the name Indra? You must have 50 IQ if you think Indra is the sole proprietor of the swastika, everywhere in the world. Youre even dumber for not realizing the obvious associations between Indra and Thor, thus making your argument null anyways.
This guy really knows his stuff.
Surya or Surya Narayana= the Divine platform of transcendence. Brahman, God, also the soul.
Agni = the manifestation of the same divine principle as earthly fire, the power which transforms things into the divine. The fire sacrifice literally carries the offering to the gods.
Indra or Thor = the kundalini power or shakti which causes the spiritual power to rise to the crown chakra and opens ones spiritual vision. He heralds the vision of the Sun or Swastika by raising ones consciousness with his thunder bolt.
Sun is associated with the Sun
Fire is associated with Mars
Lightning is associated with Jupiter
These are the three masculine planets.
Jupiter also represents wealth. Specifically the wealth used to provide for others. Indra gives the rains which provide grains which is the actual wealth of the earth. Grains feed animals which are also another form of wealth.
Cool, but what does this have to do with Jews hating Jesus Christ and all adherents to actual Christianity (non-Evangelists/Catholics; like real Lutherans and Orthodox)?
Fucking juden.
To all the D&C Jews in this thread, I would remind them that being persecuted by Jews is the surest measurement of a person's virtue.
lol just lost a faceburg sock for commenting "racist jew bastard!" on a link to an article about an israeli rabbi calling african "migrants" in yidland a bunch of niggers and such.
the thingy said something like "attacking others based on ethnicity". This is extra jewey because thats exactly what the rabbi in the article was doing and it is also what the communists do when they constantly work the anti-white male angle. It's almost like the jew names himself…cannot resist it. This is the jewing that is your undoing as it were.
fuck off feminist hag
Interesting, I was watching a video the other day where (((Noah Kagan))), who was an early Facebook employee, let slip that (((Zuckerberg))) would literally talk about world domination.
We either start taking direct control, or we are taken control of. There is no running away or cucking on this issue. We need to be the ones controlling and influencing the normies on a macro scale, not globalist kikes.
The only cure for this type of madness is madness. Either a society eradicates the issue or the issue spreads and eventually eradicates those who stand against it. Unfortunately it feels like the west has lost its nerve in doing what needs to be done and due to that it may be fucked. Unless the people come together, formulate plans to deal with these shit, and then DO IT there simply will be no end to it and it will eventually overtake everything. It's really that simple.
shills hate christians more than actual kikes lmao
That's because they're kikes. As a litmus test:
1. Fedoras go after Christianity and God.
2. Jews attack Jesus.
and sometimes they "convert" to christianity.
and sometimes they are "self hating".
and sometimes they are "atheists"
and sometimes they are "white".
The only solution to anything jewish is extermination.
jews and muslims.
Faggotry at its finest
*Christian are weak*
Thank you, I didn't know this. While searching what a sowilo' rune is I found the image for it, looks just like the stylized s on Nazi ss uniforms. Awesome.
Guess where the word "kike" comes from?
tbh Christcuckery is the best the West has ATM
You can change it to a purely traditional polytheistic religion with time
I'm already a priest and an slowly working to introduce traditionalism to my parish :^)
It comes from the cross the kikes put on their application to become baptized and converted to Christianity if the heat gets put up too much to exploit the "you shall not kill" clause, which is especially strong when its about other christians.
I mean, it even works for niggers, so based, so pious.
Look, a muslim has tipped over a statue in a nigger church, fuck, lets aid those based pious black christians famalamadingdong or we'll go to hell man, fuck.
after alll, the very european deity "Elohim"/"Yahweh" decreed it so.
Yeah, and Zuckerberg is German for sugar mountain.
jew status: absolved.
In killing tally, Jews have far surpassed everyone else in history via their instigated World Wars and Marxism/Communism. History's top mass murderers are ALL Jewish. That and the weird satanic sacrifices they secretly make. Their whole religion, both the secretive parts and the public parts, celebrates the destruction and killing of other folk, esp. their favorite Amalek: white folk. Even Passover honors their murderous Jewish god. TBQH about it, when I see a Star of David somewhere, I automatically get nervous, expecting subversion or dirty tricks even extending to the promotion of outright mass murder. And they want to ban the Holy Cross for being a symbol of violence? All Jesus did in his life is admonish Christians to turn the other cheek, and Jews killed him for it. What fucking hypocrites.
Judaism is the religion of lies.
my schizophrenia is better!
it comes from the fact kikes refused to draw crosses on their immigration forms to the US and instead drew circles.
fuck off jidf faggot and cia niggers
Way to miss the point faggot.
It's not even a secret anymore - I mean just look at Google. They adamantly refuse to do a doodle for Easter but today plastered on there is some no name Niggress who isn't even dead yet.
They're more afraid of us than ever, and these heavy handed tactics are what panic looks like.
They are desperate to shut it down.
kikel means circle
that was cool, thanks
They don't even use the "+" sign in addition.
those are also sowilo runes user. The SS were pretty obsessed with the occult and Germanic Paganism.
are you new here?
they arent afraid of YOU as in Christians, theyre afraid of YOU as in Europeans in general. Easter is a pagan holiday in origin, like most holidays, and it specifically is symbolic of rebirth, regeneration and youth. These are things they do NOT want associated with white people. They want us to remain sterile and fruitless. They give praise to their god on Hanukkah and adorn Google with all sorts of Jew-stars, but then they claim that these holiday banners are never "religious" which is why they say they dont do Easter
otherwise you are right tho.
It's not "obsession," it was their job. They were reconstructing the race's volk spirit for modernity.
Actual Christian are the ones who kept them down in Europe until the British and Dutch fucked everything up. And gasp, what a shock, both are dens of (((Protestantism.))) Not Christian btw, just historically accurate.
When are you going to stop the D&C tactic of conflating Christianity with paganism? Pagan holidays got replaced with days that honor the one true God, it wasn't just a substitution of icons or something.
The beliefs are totally different.
That's why all of Europe is still pagan right? :^)
In all seriousness though, stop bitching. Christians should stop bitching about you guys larping and you should stop bitching about getting your asses kicked despite how BASTE and martial you were. Good thing about both groups having holidays based on the same days is that once the kikes and sandmonkeys are removed we will have common holidays to take days off of work.
when did I bitch about pagans losing the spiritual war between us and christians? I said no such thing, I merely stated the truth on the origins of your "christian" holiday. does it really trigger you that much to know that your ancestors were pagans, not kikes?
The issue I have with Christians is that they are now weak, subversive and groveling, not that my side lost. I can respect strength; despite being loyal to the Germanic gods, I respect and honor Rome for their efforts and glory, only a fool would look at the glory of Rome with any spite just because his tribes lost against them.I can respect Christianity from when it was something to be respected; Gothic architecture, Paradise Lost, the Divine Comedy, the City of God, all of these works are certainly things to be proud of if you are Christian, and to be respected if you are not. However it is also worth noting that ALL of these innovations had their foundations in something Pagan (gothic architecture was essentially a mixture of Romanesque architecture, Germanic aesthetic and some arch-building techniques from the middle east, City of God was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy, Paradise Lost and the Divine Comedy were influenced by the epic poems of the pagan era)
If you could go back 1000 years and show Charlemagne and Olaf the First the modern day end results of Christianity they might have had second thoughts about slaughtering thousands of their own blood-brothers over a Jew god. the more I look at Christians (and I mean the large majority of Christians who actually listen to their pastors, not the typical pol christian who realizes how subverted things have gotten) the more I suspect that Europe becoming Christian was part of the kikes plan all along.
I'll stop bullying your friend Jesus though, obviously I struck a nerve here. Have an Easter bunny.
Nice retarded strawman. You don't know the first thing about Christian dogma. Do your pagan beliefs require you to be honest?
Uh huh. And how many Christians worship that demon? Zero.
Selling chocolate and giving the kids a game to play? Have you ever heard the term correlation without cause? No one does your fertility rituals or whatever.
Are the beliefs different or did they not get replaced? Which is it? You don't know what it means to be Christian…
wew lad, you're confused.
its not a strawman when literally every single priest, pastor, cardinal and spiritual leader of your faith is a fucking faggot that grovels at the feet of their enemies. If this isnt part of the Christian faith in the first place how did it become so prevalent? How was your religion so easily subverted by niggers and Jews if you are truly the one true faith? If your Christian dogma was so strong it wouldnt have crumbled to dust in the matter of a few decades.
Eostre does not require your direct worship anyways, she merely requires you to say her name and give her offerings. This things empower her. Just like you don't need to directly worship Moloch to empower him, you do so in secret with your spirit coo- I mean Eucharist, and your offerings of foreskins to the kikes. If you really want to negate the power of such "demons" like Easter you should carry out with what (((Jehovahs Witnesses))) want to do (that is, completely destroy all pagan remnants of european culture and turn us into the new jews)
The fact you hesitate to destroy and do away with such things if proof that even YOU realize Paganism is the root of Western civilization, NOT christianity. please destroy everything that goes back to the Pagan era, in your pathetic attempt to emulate and become the kikes. Pic related is another ebul demonic symbol used by those ancient nasty pagans. Bash the fash ! If Easter is such a demon why do you still honor her name?
oy veh being fertile is bad goy, be celibate like Jizzus
I have to agree tho I dont know what it means to be christian tbh. Thank fucking Christ.
Jesus was a rabbi. By custom he would therefore be required to be married.
my point still stands
I'm not even going to use the word that everyone is thinking, its too easy
Only Catholic priests are not, which is odd, given that Roman priests were generally required to be married. The Flamen Dialis (High Priest of Jove) had a counterpart in his wife, the Flamina, but that's because these offices are holdovers from the Aryan past. Interestingly, Flamen and Brahmen share the same root.
I guess you don't have to be honest when you're a pagan… Heretics like you describe as leaders are not even Christian, but maybe you would know that they were wolves in sheeps clothing if you did some research first.
The Church has been around for 1,985 years and the gates of hell will not prevail…
Francis is the last Pope according to prophecy considered canon by the Vatican.
I know the document you're referring to, but it's technically not canon, and Francis is not pope, but rather another heretical anti-pope, not an actual Catholic.
Doesn't become official until he's deposed and tried.
catholics were the only version of Christianity that existed for nearly 1500 years, I'm not falling for this "but dats not reaaaal christianity!" bullshit that ive heard a million times. Almost as bad as the "thats not real communism" meme.
this isnt really doing any arguments in your favor
refuse to take seriously
the gates of hell have already prevailed you stupid fool, you have been serving the infernal gods this entire time. All your talk of our gods being demons is little more than projection. You worship kike demons, you become a kike yourself."Dont have to be honest when youre pagan" lol what a fucking joke, your messiah said that he would set brother upon brother and that "Jew or Gentile, Man or Woman, all are made one within me". What do you think he meant you fucking retard?
he sure is going to be the last pope because Europe is going to be Muslim within a few decades, thanks largely to Christians being useful idiots to the Jews. This doesnt prove your prophecy, it proves your religion is a failure. Expecting your volcano kike demon to come down from the skies and just fix everything because "dah prophecies are coming tr00!" is retarded kike logic and will get us all killed. Only blood and iron will get us out of this mess and your god has nothing to do with that.
It's a little more complex than that. Remember that Christianity primarily spread through the working classes and upper class married women. We even have some of their fanfiction about it, the Acts of Paul and Thecla, which includes among other things, the Mary Sue protagonist being threatened by man eating seals.
Sorry, forgot my actual point, so it's not like it's the same guys being priests. In order to be priest or augur in Rome you'd have to be of senatorial or equestrian rank.
Says who? Cum Ex Apostolatus says otherwise.
6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:-] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;
(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;
(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way;
(iv) to any so promoted to be Bishops, or Archbishops, or Patriarchs, or Primates or elevated as Cardinals, or as Roman Pontiff, no authority shall have been granted, nor shall it be considered to have been so granted either in the spiritual or the temporal domain;
(v) each and all of their words, deeds, actions and enactments, howsoever made, and anything whatsoever to which these may give rise, shall be without force and shall grant no stability whatsoever nor any right to anyone;
(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power.
I don't see Francis being denied
Dignity he never had.
There are a lot of heretics in the vatican at the moment, but it's not relevant to if he's Christian or not, and thus a true pope or not. Heretics are ipso faco excommunicated.
*ipso facto (latin for 'by that fact')
No, they haven't. You don't even know what's being referred to by the term "gates of hell".
The believers in Christ are the seed of Abraham now, regardless of if you're a jew or gentile.
Jesus saith to them: If you be the children of Abraham, do the works of Abraham. [40] But now you seek to kill me, a man who have spoken the truth to you, which I have heard of God. This Abraham did not.
[41] You do the works of your father. They said therefore to him: We are not born of fornication: we have one Father, even God.
[42] Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me: [43] Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. [44] You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. [45] But if I say the truth, you believe me not.
[46] Which of you shall convict me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? [47] He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God.
what a surprise
Christians who die in a state of grace get to heaven, our true home. Non-Christians, including pagans/atheists/jews/muslims/buddhists etc., who don't convert before they die, don't go to heaven.
so youre saying that a godly nigger will get to heaven but I will burn in hell?
I think my case here is closed gentlemen
Getting to heaven isn't predicated upon race, but rather if you hold the one true Catholic faith, so yes, stating the obvious, you will burn in hell if you don't convert before the end of your life.
You probably already knew that one, though.
nah not true, there were niggers and armenians etc. that were christian. Christianity only became a big religion really the only original big religion at the side aside from maybe budhism because of the roman empire switching to it.
besides, everyone knows that mormonism is the real one true religion.
aaaannnd that's my fedora quota for the day
faggots like you are the reason we are losing the race war and have been for millennia now. I hope you get to heaven and its nothing but niggers and Jews. I'd much prefer hell if thats the case.
im supposed to care why? youre really going to try to say that because ethiopia was christian that makes christianity based?
the only mormons that I know are leftist crypto-kikes that let niggers and gooks marry their daughters, as long as they convert to Mormonism. As far as I knew mormons had rejected the idea that niggers are the sons of cain anyways, they dont even believe in their own bullshit anymore, its just a "get your free white girl" meetup. It was cool when it was about aryan space jesus; too bad it got subverted and corrupted in even less time than it cook to corrupt the catholic church. now theyre just a bunch of freaks with magical underwear.
youre just handing me more proof that paganism is the root of western civilization. Youre also admitting that whiteness is the only decent thing about Christianity. Considering that the large majority of todays christians are niggers and mexicans, the one decent thing about Christianity is gone. White people are the only thing that made Christianity relevant; we can unmake it just as easily.
I really hope this is a kike raid. Anons should know well enough to exploit the adversaries of your enemies, not denounce them mutually for only the kikes to gain.
Was I saying niggers and armenians were based? I mentioned niggers and armenians for a reason, I don't hold any value in "pan-christianity" or anything like that. I'm a mormon and being a mormon you don't get any respect from 'fellow christians'. One of the big things about mormon culture and life style is that it's influenced with mormons feeling they have to rely on eachother (fellow mormons) because they can't rely on "le fellow christian".
Maybe in some urban areas. Pretty much 99.999999% of mormons that exist with mormonism as a strong ethnoreligious identity are like rural white american of anglo and danish heritage that think that if anyone steps outside their strict anglo-dane pioneer bloodline they're basically like a jew that marries a goy.
Only a select few people will say they reject it.
Most mormons actually still believe the "Niggers are the hybrid spawn of Cain and Ham" thing but will say that Niggers can still get the priesthood because it was prophecied by Brigham Young second prophet of the church that niggers would get the priesthood after mormons have preached to basically all other peoples of the world which happened by like 1950. and so for a while the LDS church just basically ignored that prophecy until Carter and the Civil Rights movement began threatening to remove the LDS churches tax free status which would utterly fuck the church. So after plenty of "muh freedom of religion" arguments were going back and forth between the church and the federal government the church finally said "ok niggers can get the priesthood because technically Brigham Young's prophetic requirments have been met, so now we will carry forth his promise by giving them the priesthood" which is what happened in 1979.
That being said though they still believed that all the 'Cain + Ham = Nigger' stuff aswell as the idea that Nigger's souls are the souls of those who remained neutral during the premortal war in heaven. It's just that now that niggers have the priesthood they don't really talk about it now.
Our leaders today though still are basically the same people that existed when attempting to fight the federal government. And we still actually hold to the line that interracial marriage is "unpreferable" because "marriage is hard as it is" and that "people of different varying backgrounds marrying have statistically higher divorces" and that "we recommend people with similar ethnic heritages marry".
Then when someone attempts to say that's racist they just say "we expect marriages to be eternal and therefore strive to have statistically viable marriage norms in order to prevent divorce".
So yeah. But yeah, we still commonly teach "dark features = bad" and "light features = good", I mean the book of mormon itself is basically about an american race war between moral white people and immoral brown people, and that the reason why whites didn't exist on the american continent before columbus was because they all got white genocided because of their degeneracy and loss of faith.
I honestly don't care, I don't consider myself christian, I consider myself part of the Latter-day Saint tradition which in its origins proudly tried to distinguish itself from christianity in attempt to be a sort of white american Religion of Cuck™. Mormons will try to say they're christian today in order to attract converts but even then it's not like they care about the concept of a 'pan christian identity' because they don't, Aryan American Space Jesus is basically their thing still and they don't care about appeasing outside christian groups in order to feel comfortable because it never worked for them in the past nor did they ever want to really.
Mormonism is still cool though, I mean you go to parts of Utah and Idaho and it's like being in a white Saudi Arabia. I say Saudi Arabia though because I'd still agree that many current mormons such as romney ally with jews, but like Saudi Arabia the mormon lifestyle remains basically unchanged because mormons are like super healthy goy stock
bottom line is: Mormons are not christian and that's A OK. I don't really care about the "wider christian sphere" because I've never considered mormons part of it, mormonism is it's own thing and has never had any intention of having "christian allys". It's a distinctively american religion that, even according to it's detractors, has more in common with something like Religion of Cuck™ than it does have in common with christianity.
The one you claim not even your leader follows?
your brain on cuckstainity
Boy let's learn European history from some niggers, said no one on Zig Forums ever.
Isn't it sad when niggers know more about history then you?