The enforcers, the regulators, the scientists, all compromised. The population is induced with this narrative alongside every other bullshit narrative that stems from the elitists' corrupt agenda. This thread will be a general to dismantle this immense lie as other immense lies have been dismantled.
The Falsehood of Climate Change
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Have a kike free first post
Yeah al is a smarmy fuck for sure
Him and his ilk can all get gassed
Al Goreberg is a gypsy confidence man.
Search for "real climate science" on bing, duck duck go and google and tell me what the first result on each search. Hmmm.
Global warming, ops I mean, Global Cooling, erm I mean Climate change is a doomsday religion that people blindly follow without anyt sort of proof of its reality.
It helps them deal with the guilt associated with their heathen ways. They can feel moral superiority if they just claim to "believe".
Really makes you think…
Here's some solid data
Environmentalism is important; however most of the people who support it and want actions against "climate change" are just virtuesignaling faggots
Picture is dated science.
Now the extra weight of the melting ice will make the ocean floors sink, so beachfront now may be a mile from the shore next week.
Daily reminder that the warming that actually happens in Earth's atmosphere comes from a couple of gasses (by percentages approx ):
Water vapor: ~92%
CO2: ~3%
Methane: ~2%
Others: ~3%
I think we should agree and make it clear straight away, that the climate certainly is changing. Of course, it would be unusual if it wasn't. It's been fluctuating for the entirety of Earth's history, there's no reason for it to stop now or for us to panic about it.
I think it's also important to separate the issue of pollution from muh climate change, as they're often conflated. It's definitely a bad thing to allow companies to pump pollutants into rivers and kill all the fish, for example, or to fill the oceans with plastic. Any sane person wants to conserve nature and live somewhat in harmony with it.
"The climate is changing by 1 degree omg we're all gonna die, and it's your fault, stop having kids and pay us extra taxes" is the thing we need to refute. (((They))) are very afraid of nature and see it as a threat. I think the best angle is the lack of evidence for human causation. Correlation is not causation. In Roman times Europe was several degrees hotter than it is today, but they didn't have factories or planes etc. Also never mentioned is the fact that CO2 levels were way higher in history, in the time of the Dinosaurs for instance. The result isn't worldwide catastrophe, it's bigger trees and insects and a slightly different climate. People seem unaware that more CO2 in the atmosphere is GOOD for plant life. Nature balances, and it's absurd to think that we're going to be a long-lasting species that doesn't have to adapt to large areas flooding due to sea-level and climate change.
To summarise;
But why, lads?
I get that Global Warming is bullshit and that it's used as a proxy to put in the bullshit 'environmental protection' regulations (the non bullshit ones are already in place everywhere but Asian and African shitholes) but why are they still carrying on with this fucking global warming shit?
What are (((they))) getting out of this lie?
The Jew will only tell the truth to support another lie, and they benefit from their webs of falsehood somehow.
But what are they getting out of this?
Spoonfeed me some data
Because if they can convince ~4M+ Minnesotans that ~14" of snow in Minneapolis, and record low temperatures since Easter is caused by AGW they can convince anyone of anything and they win.
Basically they are doubling down.
Exactly, and since water vapor is in a tight equilibrium (water added to the atmosphere falls out within 3 days on average), there can be no runaway greenhouse effect. Any damage to the economy will result in immediate cooling.
Alarmists try to claim that additional CO2 will cause warming which will allow more water vapor into the air, but that it bullshit. A TINY effect. Paving, irrigation, damming, etc have MUCH larger effects. Hell, the direct emission of wv from COMBUSTION outweighs that tiny effect by 30X or more.
I came to these conclusions via an independent analysis using physical chemistry methods.
>What are (((they))) getting out of this lie?
A carbon-emissions tax you fucking retard.
It's a way for jewish enterprises to secure their industries while fucking over individual goyim and goyim enterprises at-will.
I'd elaborate, but already did for me.
Its the carbon credit system where they create a mandatory financial compensation system where their large companies can make credit out of nothing and other smaller competing companies have to buy their bullshit token or get shut down.
Environmentalism is just another religion in their portfolio. They just repackage Roman Catholicism over and over to sell it in niche markets. Are you an animal lover? Here's PETA Catholicism. Are you a perverted freak? Here's LGBQT Catholicism. Are you an atheist brainlet? Here's I Fucking Love Science Catholicism.
Anytime someone tries to use the global warming guilt attack I remind them that consensus isn't science. That there is no evidence only speculation. That correlation isn't causation.
It goes beyond just an extra tax on industry, it can potentially be used in virtually ever aspect of your life.
Canadian pilot and scientist Tim Ball is really good on the issue.
Like with everything (((they))) push, the public school teachers preaching climate change is a means to a very evil end. They had me awful spooked as a young kid.
Excellent post. Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots up to her usual tricks.
So, pollution is all of a sudden no longer a problem? Should we continue ignoring alternative, green energy for the sake of petrol profit?
Anthropogenic global warming is not a significant issue, there's no doubt about that. The question is what is the goal of spreading this lie?
There are other possibilities but these are the most likely.
News flash, "green" energy isn't green outside of hydro.
Turbines use materials that are toxic to produce, ditto for solar. And they take ages to return the investment.
But it's okay if they are produced in China eh goy?
Nor is "green" energy suitable for anything else than individual homes. You can't power industry(which takes 3/4 of all energy consumption) with periodical low power energy.
It's either:
Everything else is literally dog shit tier.
Yeah all those fake jew scientist are in on it. Meanwhile (((Bill Nierenberg))) and other climate change deniers continue to pump out bullshit memo after bullshit memo without having set foot in the arctic or having looked at a core drill sample in person.
You kikes are not as clever as you think you are. We know its a problem. We know (((their))) solutions will involve robbing us of monies and degrading our living condition. We know you create divide where their doesn't need to be, and then offer us a solution that puts you on the top rung and us on the lower. You don't fool a fucking person and when the sea levels rise we will come to your homes, and take what we need to reverse your perversions of the environment.
I bet you think it's (((settled science))), don't you?
Post your data and analyses.
Climate change is happening and you can see it in the temps of the last 100 years, average it's gone up is 2° Fahrenheit. But this is because of the war machines, shipping, and factory farming. Factory farming in particular has contributed to around 78% of the methane in our atmosphere, which is at an all time high. CFCs from old coolants and other sprays, especially chemtrails, have been creating the hole in the South Pole to further ionize our atmosphere for farming and shit. But, all of this doesn't mean that we need to start using faggy light bulbs and energy efficient cars. The way that you poke holes in the left wing environmentalist's arguments is when they import people to our country which has "the worst resource users" because of our "consumptive lifestyle". I say "why bring more people in, more people are more consumers", and they tend to sputter and shut their mouth. Another point to shut them up on is the whole "cars are killing polar bears" since most excess CO2 comes from large shipping freighters from China to flood our market with shitty "goods". Most environmentalists are swayable to the NatSoc side of life, you just need to push them in the right way.
If you think this is jews you're being played. This is a single family, decedents of the Teutonic Knights. They're protecting jews by crafting societies all over the world and setting up wars and moving jews ahead of them.
Their plan was to create Israel, by making people want money by making them depend on it, then using the profit to make another group(s) hate them until it starts a war (9/11) then integrate them until they kill each other and the only safe place is Israel and Antarctica (CIA spent $50 billion in less than 75 years, imagine what they spent from other countries like Saudi Arabia).
So while drug cartels, gangs, radical Religion of Cuck™ and "russia" hates americans, they get moved there in groups so large and so hard to survive in they hate anyone that "has" more than them.
Meanwhile this one group hides in plain sight as the National version of the family, because someone bred them in a generation before (Vanderbilts, Duponts, Chase, Rockafellers, Bushes), it was a faction wreaking havok on each other's people while they "led" their own to retaliation, not knowing these leaders aren't our own people.
Admiral Lyons said it best "they're unamerican and they're adgenda is political and antiamerican"
Nice post and happens on a daily basis user.
I second this request and I have lots of papers I can post for anons to d/l as well
That's the Holocaust though.
More Trees equals Overage of Oxygen, and this Assassin Bug could grow to several feet. That Red Single Fang just under its chin is Starship Trooper style…
Kill yourself, yid.
Reported for believing in global warming.
1. Reported for believing jews.
2. Reported for believing proven falsehoods.
3. Temperature has fallen a degree in the last century.
4. Kill yourself.
Which don’t exist.
Which is a natural occurrence and is closing.
Total fucking false BS statement.
Methane or CH4 is measured at around 1200 ppb(billion) or 1.2 ppm(million) free in the atmosphere.
Well look at one of their goals: purging the bad goyim that are too hard to control.
They are guilttripping whites into having less babies because of the ecological footprint.
They are equating having children in a developed part of the world ( = white or asian but chinks dont give a shit) to global warming/climate change.
Lizardman speaks about depopulation, but fails to see it is only in white countries they are pushing this depopulation (= democide).
Made some OC just for you, It's normie-friendly I think so spread it around.
Suggestions welcome, I just took the first results of Startpage to use in this pic.
They are spraying nanoparticles with havy metals on the civilian population to "fight global warming" and do some "weather modification testing".
If you don't believe that then jewgle "geoengineering".
They even shoa'd the wikipedia article so people can't edit it anymore (cfr how long condensationtrails stay in the air)
Fun fact: the last flu-outbreak happened right when people wer reporting more chemtrails (both in Europe and USA, at exactly the same time).
If you don't think it's real then keep breathing in nanorparticles they sprayed on you, but I'm protecting myself.
To be fair water vapor provides albedo effect (clouds) which at a great portion counters its greenhouse effect and methane though way more greenhouse potent and non-biodegradable is not produced at such high rates.
That becomes more hilarious when you realize this atmospheric pollution is literally cow farts.
James Mccanney just patented his "wing generator", it's a twist on useless wind farms that actually works. Wind energy isn't shit anymore, the generators used up to this point were simply a scam
I could not care less if catastrophic man made climate change was habbening. By far the greatest threat to the planet is shitskin population growth and migration to white territories. The threat is greater than meteors or super volcanoes. If whites cease to have a dominance and sovereignty over their own nations the eternal Kike will take civilization down the gayest Apefrican sodomite path possible and render the entire evolutionary journey of life on Earth a dead end and a permanent mistake.
Kinda have to agree.
You're still spooked, kid.
t. worked in greenhouses for 6 years
It's about ushering in a globalist state, by making everyone join their cause for the planet earth. This by basically force everyone to adhere to their "environmentalist rules" and pay taxes and fines to them.
Now pay me some taxes and i will fix that problem for you goyim.
I love the shift from
They could not have been more obvious with their intentions, once one was clearly bullshit they switched it to a much broader term so they can say whatever weird weather event is the result of Oy Vey Climate Change!
…well, it is true that Climate Change is happening, as it always had been
Only difference to the truth being, that the kikes try to make money out of it by guilt tripping everyone
Doomcrying over "climate change" dates as far back as 1923. Now they revise and falsify data to support the lie. They've raked in trillions and crippled the economies of countless nations using this old scam.
>>>/x/ and never come back.
an informative research article
what is: The Report from Iron Mountain
"The heavily footnoted report concluded that ""peace was not in the interest of a stable society"" , that even if lasting peace 'could be achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of society to achieve it.' ""War was a part of the economy"". Therefore, it was necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation states existed in order to wage war. War served the vital function of diverting collective aggression. They recommended "credible substitutes" and paying a 'blood price' to emulate the economic functions of war. Prospective government-devised alternatives to war included reports of alien life-forms, the reintroduction of a 'euphemized form' of ""slavery"" 'consistent with modern technology and political processes', and - ""one deemed particularly promising in gaining the attention of the malleable masses"" - the threat of ""gross pollution of the environment"" .
I would be willing to get behind something like anti pollution. But the problem is, (((they))) always point to white countries to change when the pollution is coming from brown countries.
And it is not that hard to implement some basic anti pollution methods, they have been around for decades. Like arab oil refineries, they put out more sulfur in a day than American ones do in a year.
Just focus on the areas that give the greatest return on investment instead of just the white areas.
That is a problem plaguing every "climate protection" action
The thing is that electric cars wont even impact CO2 emissions at all anywhere outside of countries that are already zero emissions on energy production and the only countries that can pull that off are sitting on top of active volcanoes so they are still pumping out CO2 they just aren't measuring it as part of their energy production process because it's coming from nature.
The whole god damn CO2 scare is bonkers, plants thrive on it, based on archaeological records every single time there has been a boom of CO2 in the atmosphere, instead of locked up underground, there has been a fucking dramatic spike in biodiversity and biomass shortly after.
That all said, mud people really need to be regulated on what they are dumping into the environment because most of it isn't CO2.
Justify a carbon tax, and population reduction.
the purpose of Climate Guilt Hypothesis (CGH) is wealth redistribution from western nations to the third world, in other words world marxism
thats a bingo
You ever talked to those ultralibcucks who think it's immoral to suggest that maybe people who live in coastal cities should just fucking move? They're really fascinating cows.
fuck sake.
Pollution IS bad. respect the environment and don't fill it with wastes and poisons.
Calling CO2 pollution is the scam
good graphs.
Currently nearly 3/4 of the global temperature 'readings' are fabricated, and they are not fabricated through simple averaging with nearby real readings, but rather by using the doomsday climate models (that never predict) to generate them.
They then tout these fake temperature maps as PROOF that their models are correct.
Fraud. through and through
Everyone in this thread needs to check this out;
Basically, there is a new scientific theory to explain the greenhouse effect. Using data from our solar system (6-7 planets or so), Zeller and Nikolov create a model that PREDICTS what a planet's surface temperature will be, solely based off of the MASS and PRESSURE of it's atmosphere. The idea being, it doesnt fucking matter WHICH gas the atmosphere is composed of, but rather it's how dense that gas is, how much pressure it is placing on the surface. Its like how if you place a pot of water on the stovetop, if you push it down into the coil, the heat transfers faster.
The Zeller Nikolov theory is the first climate theory that is applicable to more than one planet. In 50 years, IMO the "greenhouse effect" will have been debunked, and it will be common knowledge that climate is a Physics phenomenon (ie pressure, forces etc.) rather than a CHEMICAL pheomenon (ie, Carbon is a greenhouse gas)