I was born in Israel where I live, I am a Russian Christian and don't even have my cock cut, and I probably hate Jews more than most folk here due to proximity alone. I know most chances are that I'll be banned but if not you may ask me anything about life here and about how your enemy operates. Happy to specifically talk about the orthodox basis and the psychological complexes it bred which I believe to be the core of Jewery. I'm naturally not integrated in their culture however.
Why do you persecute me so
nobody cares kiek
Nobody cares. Fuck off.
To be under their thumb -
When Orthodox Jews organize they become act similar to what you see in closed Muslim communities. Any uncovered women are a man with no religious attire will most likely be attacks, and this "religious attire" may well be extended to language and race. That is to say that a white person who is suspected to be and act as a goy will be treated extremely harshly. This is the racist basis of Judaism in it's natural manifestation.
Not here to answer questions about myself retards. Just about actual political questions that perhaps can't be answered from outside of Israeli society.
When they cannot oppress you by proximity they will buy the government and will lobby to control any secular or goy population. When they fail to do this they will send people to attack church goers. They are not right nor left, they are control freaks. This behavior must sound similar and is further proof of my theory that a research or Orthodox society can show the ideological basis if Jewery as a whole, be it secular or not.
8pol is just try hard larping, don't take these fucking kids here too seriously.
How do I get awesome girlfriend , this is designated shitting thread
aww, were your threads deleted?
k fags, cool "political discussion" board
Jews contain genetics which make them adverse to Aryan ideals and principles. If you have managed to become a respectable person in spite of your genes then that is certainly commendable. However, if you actually are a "based jew" then you will understand the absolute necessity of preventing the spread of harmful genes - even if you individually are no threat. Although I'm interested to hear your take on the origin of judaism. The fact that you're emphasizing the cultural and psychological aspects are concerning as it ignores race, (this makes me suspect you're one of those individualist types) but you likely know more about the particularities of orthodox judaism, so I'd be delighted to hear what you have to say.
Why not bump it more to show what a big boy you are. Certainly you aren't crying like a bitch, are you?
There are legit orthodox who managed to out-jew the jews and get into pissrael. The kieks in the comments on jpost often bitch about it. whether you are one or not, I don't know. If you are and can somehow prove it with a paper and timestamp, you'd be a great asset if you can read and translate jew runes.
Don't let these shills get to you. Just because you were born behind enemy lines doesn't make you one of them. I, for one, am interested to learn more about how a Russian Christian came to be born in Israel and live there.
addendum- anyone who wants to see real kikery in action, read the comment section on jpost article about nigger rapefugees there and kikes trying to ship them to europe. If someone in europe wrote what these kikes write, would be in jail for "hate speech."
if you manage to prove it user, you'd be the only one here I'd encourage the mods to allow to tripfag so can go direct to you for translations of kikescratch.
Because anything you can do a white person can do, too, without the baggage of having poison blood in them.
Don't worry, they are doing a lot better at the "special olympics".
Thisd applies to all nonwhites that live in the west and have become a "look I'm just like you" "civilized simulacrum".
If you're a poo in the loo who wears western clothes, behaves as westernly as possible then you are less worth than going full hindu bollywood, at least you'd be actually special and not just a copy any white person, which is the thing you are trying to approximate, could replace without the baggage of nonwhite envy and rage at us.
But even their cripples and tards are inferior.
You think Russian blood is poison?
Or do you just see the word "Israel" and stop reading?
Yes, I am aware of the nature eugenics. It extends a little beyond individuality as my family is not more Jewish than I am, so I'm considering simply further diluting my blood.
I am not an individualist, I am fully aware of biological reality and of the consequential tribalism, I think that it is healthy and if there's any god given right it's the right for ethnic self determination. An individualist would probably not put a nazi flag as his OP image.
I am however, not a proper genetic determinist. There are of course biological limits that cannot be passed, most infamously the black IQ example, but you have to consider the cultural aspects that the biology produces on their own merit. Also because history shows that they will persist beyond ethnic lines, such as they did with the Jews who are ethnically alien to each other, at least in the practical phenotype sense, but still act as a tribal unit.
I did reference about race somewhat(>this "religious attire" may well be extended to language and race), if they recognize someone who is not Jewish by blood he becomes a target for them. The most notable example is the Russian Aliyah (which I am a part of), in which a large amount of gentile Russians came to Israel under the guise of being secular Jews. As a consequence Russians are treated universally badly by religious and traditional Jews, but not because they sell pork and don't follow tradition. They might be non-Jews which makes them less human.
And this is the basis of the Jewish "religion", the very heart of it - it is an ideology for a theoretical blood dictated by senile rabbis for the most part, for those who wish to elevate themselves above anyone without that theoretical blood, and imprison everyone with that blood inside of the tribal unit. So genetics do not play a strong part in it except in the sense of 'technically' having them or not. Unfortunately their blood is lacking, so elevating themselves means destroying others. In practice this translates to race-hate of Europeans and anti assimilation because Europeans prove that the Jewish blood is not what it is made to be.
Hope this made some sense. You gotta be more specific if you don't want walls of text.
I can translate Hebrew, I will post a timestamp later when I have access to a camera.
The Russian Aliyah (exodus from Russia to Israel of Russian Jews) was actually full of Christians and of non Jews. I do have some Jewish blood but my family is Christian, mother is irreligious but her brother isn't, and I slowly became closer to Christianity as we were visiting him in Russia every year, and was eventually baptized. I naturally never liked the culture here and never assimilated, and concentrated on absorbing North American and Euro culture instead.
was a joke title
I'm not sure miscegenation is a good strategy. Jews have been doing it for thousands of years, and they're still around. You might just be infecting others instead of curing your progeny. (and don't you fucking dare marry a white woman lol) Although it's still rather unclear whether or not you're actually jewish.
Although your idea of semitism being a prison is very interesting. Considering there are international jews as well as orthodox ones, I'm not sure I believe it though.
>I am a bonafide biological greasy kike. I know most chances are that I'll be banned
Chances are you'll be made mod, that's if you aren't already one
I am considering this only became the entirety of my known family has the phenotype and behavior of a normal East European. I feel biologically alien to most people here and they to me. I am Jewish technically and this is what I was talking about when I said "theoretical blood dictated by senile rabbis". I don't want this thread to be about my procreation decisions, and if I marry a European women she'd probably be an Israeli so you wouldn't consider her to be white in any case.
It is a prison by design. The practical ramifications of a millennium long project has simply produced prisoners globally - but all real Jews are all born into the same cult of blood on all levels of religiosity and on all economic levels. The point is not that they are told to keep a clean blood line, it is the very intentional determinism of being a Jew. It cannot be diluted, abandoned, forgotten, cured, or rejected, even if in practice all of those things happen again and again. If you are a non believer you are a "lost baby" and Jewish still, and if you disagree you're a "self hating Jew". This is much beyond an identity, a religion or solely genetics, and when I say prison or cult I really mean it.
I do not understand how the existence of an international element invalidates that. They are severely mentally damaged thanks to a very long effort on the part of Judaism. Please elaborate.
While I enjoyed reading your perspective, it hasn't changed my cognition of the JQ, only reinforced it. Racial characteristics are, statistically speaking, set in stone. Extending the analogy, morphing that stone requires much pressure and time. Instead, polish the stone, be the best of what you are - don't try to become something else.
Many here don't like Jews, and with good reason. It's not the white people who cast that first stone, no, not hardly. If anything, whites have been, and are to this day, overly forgiving of Jewish machinations made upon them, especially of a mental nature. The domination of our society by Jews is perhaps what's most reprehensible.
Of course, they can't. But why is that? Why MUST Jews meddle in everyone else society? Why can't they just fuck off back to their own little Middle Eastern containment zone?
Jews have set the stage in the West for the conflicts that are arising, the ideological and racial wars that are developing. Jews did this to us. We can't have a happy, peaceful, progressive society because of Jews. I didn't start out in life condemning Jews, but now… Now I nearly hate them, and I don't hate anybody.
Nice blogpost faggot