I will keep this short and to the point. Currently a new Pewdiepie video has over 3.5M views and will likely finish near 7M or even 10M given backlash
How do we preserve board culture given 1000s of children are now directly inbound?
I will keep this short and to the point. Currently a new Pewdiepie video has over 3.5M views and will likely finish near 7M or even 10M given backlash
How do we preserve board culture given 1000s of children are now directly inbound?
Don't go to 4chan. Problem solved.
have them be foot soldiers as a rite of initiation. They can storm the local satanism lodge or they can be used to expose kill rooms etc.Make lemonade dont give me this lemon faced whining.
This, liberals have had free reign over the minds of the youth for generations. This is a perfect opportunity to shape the future
I never mentioned 4chins you flaming homosexuals so wake up and read the bit saying Zig Forums you absolute cretins.
Wrong. People have been coming from cuckchan (which is now reddit 2.0) pretty much constantly. Keeping imageboards secret is long in the past.
We conserve the board culture by never letting down on the redpill threads and stickys.
This place already is Reddit with more wearing anyway. The board culture we had died with the flood of retards after GG and then further during the elections.
4chan is dead.
Caught in the trap of niche board culture versus the growth of a political internet mafia. Obviously nothing can be done, infiltrators who pretend to be veteran community members prefer the tolerance and acceptance of accepting immigrant members who won't adhere to anything but trolling and funneh maymays xd.
On the other hand, 4cuck has already gone through this and see what their choice was and what they ended up as.
Besides, infinity chan is already a bastion of cuckservative Trump fanatics and Qlarp worshippers.
/r/ OP the faggot be b&
Hey jude. Stop trying to fish for content for your shitty blogs trying to implicate that some e-celeb browses Zig Forums.
Tbh I would trade impressionable newfags for the disingenuous blackpill and defeatist posters.
kek seems to agree chekem
t. TORpedo
Same vein of people who think milo was a good symbol and entry level reactionary conservative icon.
Post gore. Duh.
cuck/pol/ is unironically better than this shithole. Zig Forums has been just a shadow of itself since last April
Oh noes, the 8ch/pol/ board that has mercilessly shilled for zionist neocon jews for the past 3 years will get an influx of the exact same cartoon frog posting spastic MAGAkikes that have infested this place under Kampfy-kike's watch.
More normalfags here might introduce the odd antisemite to the mix, so in fact this NeoCon Republican cheerleading hangout might improve marginally by having 1 or 2 actual jew-wise posters here among the 6 million jIDF kikes pushing and promoting [shilling] ZOG and counter jihad narratives already resident here,which is all this place is now pretty much, Breibart 2.0
Case in point. Its funny you nigs must resort to for after being btfo so many times.
Are there any boards I can move to now? Is there anywhere left to hide?
t someone who thinks immigrants are the answer to declining birth rate
I hate pol/aks telling the truth about jews on Zig Forums, I call them blackpillers
Go back to endchan, you were never wanted here.
Go back to the stormer.
Mods just need to sticky redpilling threads on race, kikes, etc.
How about you fuck off back to isreal
hasbara-kun is repeating himself again! So cute
I just say some faggot on gab naming us, and calling us alt-right. Message these people in private and instruct them not to talk about us, just say Zig Forums and let people think it means 4chan when they google it.
Losing users is a good thing, the serious people wont go far, the people who just wanted memes and a fast board will piss off.
Criticism of Trump isnt even banned, its people who go over the top and cuckchan post about it.
Look at him go, he repeats himself with every post. Cutest poster on Zig Forums, like this drunk pikachu
Quality has diminished though. News just doesn't break here anymore. Instead, many anons start their threads based on topics and info dug up or posted to halfchan. 9th district judge dying is one recent example, took almost 48 hours for a thead on 8ch to pop up.
In spite of every legit user being banned from here over the course of the last 3 years for daring to criticize Trump and his zionist cabal
While these odious kikes openly gloat and boast how the board has been hijacked by kikes, the rest of the fellow fashy based goys here [who all subscribe to the 4D chess narrative] seem fine and completely untroubled with that fact…
He sure has hit a lot of them in just a couple posts! So cute!!
In B4 dozens of new user IDs all supporting the jew mods and pretending that Trump is allowed to be criticized here and promoting neocon kikes and jewish alt-righters is based and fashy as fuck
Don't like it? Go to endchan.
One day you will get tired of writing the same post in slightly different ways over and over. I believe in you, hasbara-kun
Noramlly when an unwanted invasion of kikes hijack a self-proclaimed NatSoc board the idea is to remove the kike, not allow the kike to continue it's gaslighting honeypot exercise and move on allowing the jews to control Zig Forums
Bingo thread?
Bingo thread.
Everyone who reads your posts can see that I'm not gaslighting you. Even the post I'm replying to now reads like the same template you always post with.
You repeat yourself like a bot
You repeat yourself like a bot
You repeat yourself like a bot
You repeat yourself like a bot
maybe now you'll understand better
Oops there went the TOR filter, enjoy getting anally annihilated with compromised nodes and ARPANET old backdoors silly jew
Now this is ironic shitposting. But seriously. Go back to endchan or even cuckchan where you can post your diatribe to your callous hearts content. This place is for thoughtful political insight seeking to find meaning in between the lines. Not just mindlessly screaming zog at anyone and anything.
He will never leave. His entire existence is to sit here and post almost the exact same thing every time he hits "New Reply".
and you were what, invited? don't fool yourself yid boy
Get your head out of your ass. There is a handful of bans every thread because they don't follow Trump blindly.
I've heard this way back in 4skin. Use normalfags as cannon fodder… untill cannon fodder outnumbers cannons 1000 to 0.5.
Given how the mods ban all criticism of Trump even when he lets in hoards of spiclets and doesn't build the wall, the children are already here in droves and are welcomed with open arms by sycophantic moderation staff that prefer riding Trump's dick than getting anything meaningful done.
almost like /int*/ with the constant obsession over Zig Forums. 3 years, multiple backup sites, constantly moving and still having this mentality of a retard.
Ever since kampfy took over BO, censorship of anything, including e-thnonationalism, has gotten ridiculous. Try typing that word out, without the dash. See what you get.
Yes. Really obsucre ones with barely any activity.
Maybe don't be an altright stooge and you probably wouldn't get so butthurt about it.
Ah the kikeification of this board is now complete. Or it would be if you were anyone other than a mod shilling for your own policies, kikey-kun ;^)
Afu-fu-fu-fu awaiting the banhammer any second now.
When did you get here? When you read on reddit that this is where the libs get trolled epic style?
Kill yourself.
There is a place for altright retards like yourselves.
Just keep red pilling, be receptive and enjoy the growing pains. The whole goal is to grow and become a political force not sit around with 6 dudes whispering Jew stories.
I was the BO of /trs/, I'm guessing you don't know that /trs/ was a board shit on TRSodomites. Fuck off cancer reddit mod
I used to see this shit as negative, but if cuckchan is biting the bullet and we're getting SOMEWHAT experienced lurkers from the exoduses to 8ch, we can redpill them and grow our numbers, eventually those newfags will become oldfags.
Rinse and Repeat.
Go hang yourself.
It's only a matter of time before 8 goes the way of 4. Enjoy it while it's here. Besides, even though the board will ultimately succumb to newfaggotry, the arriving cancer will inevitably be wehrpilled to some extent. The oldfags will move somewhere else.
Politics is a spook, nobody takes it too seriously.
hi jew.
bringing children here is good, how else do you want to keep this board alive, we also need to grow, otherwise it is useless circle jerking
Good to see the redditors and donald shills show their hand. Remember quality over quantity everytime. The current state of this board is living proof of why it is imperative
Wizchan will ban all of the outsiders quickly. If you even admit you take showers they'll permaban you there
Someone needs to create a sticky for the new arrivals with TGSNT, (((coincidence))) infographics, Pierce and Rockwell videos and corrected histories.
but where??
the cyber caravan.
This. I don't see what's so hard to understand
This thread is about 2 and a half years too late.
As i get it,e-thnonationalism is a redundant designation and muddies the waters as Nationalism already implies it'd be a movement from that country's native population which would,normally already be white/caucasian/mediterranean,i guess the counter would be that some would think basketball americans could endorse Nationalism for US given that they were born there therefore they technically are natives,so a clearer definition is needed?I don't really know,but this is more or less the gist of it as i understand it,don't know why it doesn't filter to Nationalism rather than civicfaggotry,could just be to piss off the alt fags but i'm just speculating.