"China Applauds the World for Following Its Lead on Internet Censorship"
"China Applauds the World for Following Its Lead on Internet Censorship"
Based chink commie government heightens the contradictions in the west. Kike free first post.
I'm beginning to hate chinks more than niggers.
Modern chinks are just niggers with a higher IQ hive mind after all
They're not wrong.
they're certainly more dangerous in groups than niggers be. Just look at Texas, California or Australia. Chink gangs are more brutal than cartels.
Thats right
The only cure for chinks is nuclear fire.
Partly right but it's a bit of a twisted argument. "At least we put a blanket ban on all of it" is kind of what they're saying, and passing it off as the better option.
Thing is though, the U.S method is more about maintaining the illusion of choice through such obscure and selectivity of social rules. So people can say anything they want, no problem. But the media instead attempts to gatekeep through conditioning, which opinions are only socially acceptable to express (and that even includes opposing opinions). The Chinese don't seem to understand that the hypocrisy they're criticizing is actually intentional to the framework of U.S propaganda models. Though since I'd say around Obama's time, it seems the U.S media has increasingly gone full retard and forgotten their subtlety.
The West (except for America maybe) NEVER believed in free speech. Muh free speech is just a ploy to get useful idiots on your side.
Look at the French Revolution for example.
Dont forget many parts of canada.
America dropped the second nuke on the wrong asia.
And its a shame because freedom of speech is what makes america better than any other western nation.
Well done user
Jews then chinks and niggers and all the rest of the mud filth
The way I see it is that (((THEY))) are btfo by the zipperheads
Slants gooks zips nips gnats ants bug men coin slot (eyes kek) data jin meat pie burnt rice dog eater ninja
Media and intelligence agency collusion to manipulate discourse is quite real, and been going on for decades. It's obvious you're the actual shill here if you're trying to conflate that as if I'm against free speech.
Test Taker
Chinks seem extra pissy this week.
Why wouldn't they be? They debuted the petro-yuan.
Wow sounds like shit
What a shit name from shit "people"
I know I few middle-class chinks. They admit they're the trailer trash of Asia. No class, rude, noisy etc. And they LOVE socialism. Multiculturalism sucks and chinks are some of the last people you want in your country.
Worse they're the Asian version of a Nigger-Kike hybrid. The kvetch, backstab, and play tricks with their money like a Jew but they breed like niggers. Both the Koreans and the Chinese view the Talmud as a business guide bible so they're far past being called crypto-kikes.
It could be expedient to have this out in the alt-lite normiesphere. Get it to the likes of Sargon and Thunderfoot. More free speech includes our ideas too appropriate book burnings and gassings will follow later
Democracy has proved itself to be the most dangerous political system out there. We're being led off a cliff due to the consent of our so called compatriots. At least at the scale that we're experimenting with - where millions of people, who vastly disagree with one another to the point of ideological extremes are tied together by faux egalitarian idealism.
Our leaders are not just traitors and sell outs - they'd sell the Left out too if they weren't afraid of it. They're ideological turn coats who are just puppets dancing.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.
This is exactly why I think most of the subversion in America is China.
The end goal are things like censorship and an unarmed populace, which are ideal for these ping pong paddling bastards.
Not at all.
Democracy can work, but it needs regular maintenance. Western democracies didn't have this maintenance for a very long time and have became corrupt over time.
Maintenance… As in complete change of positions and the appearance of genuine leaders instead of your average career politician.
This is what western countries need. What every country needs.
A dictatorship like China is also slowly becoming more and more corrupted. Although as long as the protection lof their people is in the elite's best interest, a country should run fine.
This is to say, that the west missed this point. The Western elite rather cares about power, money and idealism with their utopian projects. They don't care what the average man does, which is why it could be time for either a violent or silent revolution. Depending on how decieved mosz of the populace is.
Those slanty eyed fucks never picked up that it's not funny for the guy whose Coke got pee pee'd in, apparently.
the dotheads are no better. they take all tech jobs.
really how about this.
all non-whites can fuck off.
Not dangerous to the people. Imagine if the people got to vote directly on immigration in the 60s? Or on race laws and legalising homosexuality back then too? How about voting on foreign aid, including aid to Isreal?
I think whites can make do with most any political system so long as it remains dominated by whites. The quality stems from the people.
Democracy is far superior than communism. I don't want to "make do" with communism. We need democracy, far more of it. Switzerland is a good example and even that doesn't go far enough.
than *to
You all know chinas censorship was setup by google right ?
They where their test platform
Higher than niggers for sure
So a white nationalist democracy?
A white, nationalist democracy.
Free speech is just a meme, but it's among the tools that might help us save our species.
They are the jews of asia after all.
Of course chinks would pat themselves on the back for thinking for once people are copying them instead of the other way around. Except for, you know, chinks did not invent censorship, the internet, or internet censorship. Fuck chinks.
Wrong. I am the shill.
We used to censor niggardly things too. In the before days. Before freedom from Christianity happened.
There are dozens of ethnic groups in China. Do you mean the dominate Han or are you conflating?
No, the jews are the jews of Asia. Israel is in Asia.
GIDF out in full force.
He's young. He meant Orient. Jews of the Orient. I hate how the kikes tried to stop getting people to call the slants orientals. Everyone got called asians so you couldn't differentiate between the castes of shittiness.
Are they wrong? I'm on Zig Forums, I'm on Zig Forums and I can't write fag or Religion of Cuck™ without the mods filtering it. Everything is going to shit.
That's the danger of democracy though. No one got appropriately angry about any of those problems because of the attitude democracy promotes.
Systems aren't bad because they work as they're supposed to. They go wrong because they have baggage that is unacknowledged. In every democracy in the west, with the exception of Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland, the exact same thing happened.
The essential problem of democracy is that it promotes short-term thinking. Politicians have to worry about the next election, so they want something that will provide instant results; a policy for long-term growth that requires a country to make some sacrifices in the first few years is likely to lead to electoral loss because the opposition will label the policy as a failure and win votes by promising to repeal it.
Immigration is a great example of this issue. Bringing in immigrants to fill labour or skills shortages gives quicker results than training the native population, which means that it's the preferred solution in a competitive democracy. Allowing lots of immigration is obviously a bad policy in the long-term, especially when the immigrants are from third-world countries, but in many cases the problems are not immediate: for example, countries like Britain opened their borders in the late 40s, but the majority of the population didn't notice the extent of the problems it caused until about 2000 or later, when the ethnic minority population reached a certain critical mass that made them impossible to ignore.
China's strength is that their government doesn't have to worry about getting instant results. They can focus on long-term policies in a way that Western governments can't. If China had been a democracy since WW2, it wouldn't have been able to carry out such an economic miracle (at best, it might have turned out like India). Conversely, if the US hadn't been a democracy, it could have strangled China early on, increasing consumer prices (short-term loss), but preserving jobs (long-term gain).
Free speech is what allows communists and jews to operate.
That's because you're a retard. Lurk two years and then convert to Ιslam, the religion your IQ is a perfect fit for.
Plenty of people got angry, but they never got to vote on those individual issues directly. At best they got to vote for politicians who said they would tackle those issues but ultimately gave in to cultural marxism.
This is why lobbying in a representative democracy is treason or at the very least bribery.
Good point. This is a great example of how times change as well. A democratic republic was actually the best thing for white people before the information age. It's essentially crowdsourcing the government to prevent tyranny.
The issue is mostly that government doesn't exist in a void (which is the first problem the most idealistic college marxists run into) but instead relies on the current technological climate. Our problem is that consent is manufactured very easily if one has control of all methods of information. Tyranny is essentially being crowdsourced at this point. Evil always works around bulwarks and seeps into the soul of a nation, it's why we have to evolve. This is why "conservatives" are inept unless they're utilized properly, they care about the bulwarks but forget why they exist. They sacrifice principle for law.
Even the most laissez faire liberatarians are starting to see why big tech needs to be reigned in, for example.
Definitely bribery and should be considered treason if the bribers are foreign or doing it on the behalf of foreigners.
Putting aside fine phrases we shall speak of the significance of each thought: by comparisons and deductions we shall throw light upon surrounding facts. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non- Jews].
The idea of freedom is impossible of realization because no one knows how to use it with moderation. It is enough to hand over a people to self-government for a certain length of time for that people to be turned into a disorganized mob. From that moment on we get internecine strife which soon develops into battles between classes, in the midst of which States burn down and their importance is reduced to that of a heap of ashes.
Whether a State exhausts itself in its own convulsions, whether its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes - in any case it can be accounted irretrievable lost: IT IS IN OUR POWER. The despotism of Capital, which is entirely in our hands, reaches out to it a straw that the State, willy nilly, must take hold of: if not - it goes to the bottom.
Should anyone of a liberal mind say that such reflections as the above are immoral, I would put the following questions: If every State has two foes and if in regard to the external foe it is allowed and not considered immoral to use every manner and art of conflict, as for example to keep the enemy in ignorance of plans of attack and defense, to attack him by night or in superior numbers, then in what way can the same means in regard to a worse foe, the destroyer of the structure of society and the commonweal, be called immoral and not permissible?
Is it possible for any sound logical mind to hope with any success to guide crowds by the aid of reasonable counsels and arguments, when any objection or contradiction, senseless though it may be, can be made and when such objection may find more favor with the people, whose powers of reasoning are superficial? Men in masses and the men of the masses, being guided solely by petty passions, paltry beliefs, traditions and sentimental theorems, fall a prey to party dissension, which hinders any kind of agreement even on the basis of a perfectly reasonable argument. Every resolution of a crowd depends upon a chance or packed majority, which, in its ignorance of political secrets, puts forth some ridiculous resolution that lays in the administration a seed of anarchy.
Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier of the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.
Why do you hate Trump concern shills. All he is doing is doing what is best for Israel.
I do not get the hate for jews. They are people just like us. We love Jews.
I love KIKES!!!
No more anti-semeticism. Prise the ADL!!!
This smells like ironic hasbarafag posting
no surprise, Zig Forums is getting worse.
I have to disagree partially. Freedom of action is important in a negative sense so long as there are social stigmas or punitive actions against the worst deviants.
This isn't just a political struggle, it's social, moral, and economic. Whether people admit it or not, we are in a total war for our identity and survival. It just usually isn't fought with guns.
I don't understand what part you disagree with
My bad, didn't follow through on the thought.
I disagree from the perspective that freedom is a very useful concept and an important idea that can be used to liberate our nations. Having a strong basis of negative liberty is an important part of our character while also having harsh punishments for deviance.
That's the thing, actually. They're oversocialised; they're obsessed with being constantly surrounded by a crowd; they're obsessed with being in as large a group as possible, but then they show all these personality traits that would come from someone being grossly undersocialised - they're completely incapable of actually working in a group; of actually being a positive member of a group. At every opportunity they get, they'll lie to one another; cheat one another; exploit one another; poison one another for a dime.
Just what the fuck is up with that? Is it like what could have been the case in ancient Rome, where society would have been so vast and in the culture of that society the role and responsibilities of the individual would have been so greatly marginalized that everyone would functionally be encouraged to see the people around them not as people but as disposable tools?
(This was meant to be a response to the "hive mind" comment in )
Democracy is mob rule. The kikes push democracy here and in countries they have the US invade because they own the media, and thus the minds of the majority. Until we get kikes out of media and government democracy cannot work and should not be lauded.
When you're in a large enough group there's no room for actual personal connection or interaction. I can man a cashier checkout and talk to over a hundred people in a day but would get more social development with 2 hours talking with 2 friends, making connections and having a deeper conversation. Of course while at a checkout I have to do my work and everything so it's not a perfect analogy but a large group I think (ie pull out of my ass) has the similar repressive effect on the personality as being in front of a crowd or out amongst strangers. You hide your true self for strategic reasons. There's no "safe" in group to let loose for a bit. Imagine this feeling multiplied over your life, your psyche is going to be a little fucked. (not to mention the fact this has been going on for hundreds of years over millions of people)
When the group is too big and noone is your in group then your in group is just you.
fuck the chinese I hope Trump uses a great resonant frequency earth quake machine to sink their country into the ocean and drown the ant people
You could say "until we get the miscegenationists and faggots out marriage cannot work and should not be lauded." but you'd still be an idiot. Direct democracy is how you get rid of them. Despite the MSM and Obama government's best efforts the majority of American (real, live and legal) voters chose Trump because they clearly supported the policies he was campaigning with. Just watching his rallies and the amount of support on social media showed what the public really wanted. Because Trump was blunt and often so outright politically incorrect it let people come out of their shell more when supporting him. So the MSM were actually right when they said Trump caused more people to be *ist and *phobic. But of course that isn't the bad thing the MSM want people to think it is. It was more people finally having the courage to speak the truth.
I reject that democracy is "mob rule". Party systems are mob rule. They are mobs that dictate to the people via political ideology and try to convince as many as possible to join their mob, rather than letting the people as individuals think for themselves and use science, facts and logic to try come to their own conclusions and vote on issues individually based on those conclusions. Political ideology and political parties have made people mentally lazy. Too many just pick a political ideology and/or party and when they have to think about an issue they just just think "what does this party/ideology say about this issue" rather than actually thinking about the issue itself. Of course the corrupt MSM has made it even worse by pushing cultural marxism so hard.
And there are too many stupid people who are even worse than those who choose a party/ideology, they instead base their views on their favourite celebrities' political views. They seem to think that if someone can sing (or be autotuned) or act or even just be celebrity for no good reason at all then that celebrity must be a genius and an expert on all subjects for some reason.
He is retarded!
The kosher “nationalist” of Poland, fulfilling the jewish plans of confrontation with Russia and Germany, as respective “bête-noir”, object of hate for the idiot plebs. Invited with fellow “Visegrad” shabbos goy to Israel, to discuss their joint plans.
Switzerland, one of the hives of the jews, with the higgest percentage of foreigners in Europe many of them made citizens, Albanians. Has a kosher nationalist party who’s prime task seems to be to shit on Germans and French, not unlike their “based” look-a-like in Poland.
Hungary which is aligned with Poland and Israel, has one of the highest numbers and concentration of jews in Europe. At least they closed their border, in contrast to Poland who let in Chechzen terrorists into Europe, but it was non-EU Macedonia who ultimate stopped the invasion by closing their border to Greece.
What a stupid kosher explanation.
As if mass immigration into welfare state is economical sound, but a deliberate decisions by jews to bring down their host societies, the economy may be dammed.
That is why they are the biggest champions of free speech – not.
The problem is our moral compass has been shattered.
We have no values and morals
Anymore and can't determine what is right and wrong anymore
And then some BASED user posted this video and it hit me hard..
I have seen this copy paste around and i kinda Like/agree with it.
And this channel is showing me that our enemy (((them))) and the left worship their own deity which is Satan… they get their transmission frequency from him (((trans, blacked, jewwed and all degenracy))) and we need to start harnessing Gods transmission….
I'm all in
I realize I dont have to "believe" but i do have to Acknoledge his existence and the RIGHTEOUSNESS he stands for and promotes
Remember China bans christianity!!! They are part of the beast system
It's not just that people are objectifying each other. It's real honest to goodness speciation. Humans are using society as another ecosystem and they find niches in their ecosystem. The only thing preventing speciation is that society is too large; a mutation needs a smaller population to grow and stabilize in. Are there any groups that selectively breed within society? Yes; the very wealthy only marry each other, and gods chosen are only supposed to stick to their own. At the same time, these two groups also promote mass immigration, with the goal of stagnating evolution in the greater populations and destroying all the work evolution has already managed to do in making the races that we know today.
The Storm begins tonight at 6pm eastern.
We are going to take back our country and we are going to do it utilizing the truth. Our goal is to mass redpill the masses on an unprecedented scale. Every person on the planet needs to wake up to the sickening things going on inside our country. We have to outreach the redpill to everyone utilizing every method and tactic at our disposal.
Arm yourselves with redpill ammunition here.
We have strength in numbers, but we need to harness our chaos.
Tonight’s the best time since we have the element of surprise and the shill rats will be away for the weekend.
We have to split our ourselves into 4 core teams broken down into 5 roles with the 6th role entirely being optional.
Each team will have a different focus
Team 1 – Exposing the Democratic Party's ties to Pizzagate to destroy the Deepstate
Team 2- #metooJr and exposing Dan Schnieder to collapse Viacom and Pedowood
Team 3- Redpills, the lies of the Jews and the JQ to collapse the (((msm)))
Team 4- Anti-shill team + amassing soldier’s.
Now these 4 core teams will be broken down into 5 roles, with the 6th role entirely being optional.
1)Twitter vandalism
2)Facebook vandalism
3)mass chain text redpills to everyone you know
4)Instagram vandalism
5)fueling redpills on the Chan’s/ directing. Coordinating tactics
6)shitposting irl
*If we need to go out there and post pictures of pizzagate then so be it. Go apeshit. Go ballistic. Vandalize everyone, everywhere and everything with the truth.
* 8ch.net
If you want to make it easier on you text message this thread to everyone you know. Anonymously or not. And tell them to text message this thread to everyone they know. And it will run as a chain letter of continuation. **Or create your own thread retrofitting the redpills the way you like and deem most effective to then mass chain text.
* We need to rally support on all of 8ch, Voat, 4chan, and everyone and anyone we can think off. Twitch, Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, everywhere we can think off
*best way to coordinate ourselves is through the Chan’s , Voat and Discord
*Ignore any opposition
We need to rally 10,000 of us we to begin, and this is just the start. The more we keep at it, the more people will join us making our efforts even easier. 2500 per team, 500 for each role. By Monday morning, Viacom, the MSM, The Democratic Party, Pedowood and Israel’s influence on the world will be destroyed.
Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++++++++++
Direct democracy sounds good on paper until you realize how retarded the average person is and the that the education system is essentially a nanny state with the goal of creating as many barely functional people as possible.
Direct democracy? Literally garbage tier.
The lack of democracy is what is keeping so many people retarded and corrupting the education system. The longer countries go on without direct democracy the more fucked things get. Sure, you might get a few leaders in a few countries doing the right thing, but future leaders could undo all the good things they do. If direct democracy is so bad then how did Switzerland become so successful? And they don't even have full direct democracy.
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D