So did we get flim-flammed by Coulter? Rile the up the base and then throw them the reddest meat?
I'm living in a koo koo clock
What will the Democrats say to cry about this? Anything different from their usual bullshit?
>(((Federal judges)))
They’re out of tricks. The only reason Trump even has to send the military is because Te faggot Democrats have gimped the Border Patrol and basically made it illegal for them to do anything but welcome illegals and cartel agents into the US and offer them water and hot soup.
National Guard when?
Good, make these fuckers siphoning billions of dollars work for a change.
Our border should've been guarded by the military decades ago.
California would aid and abet the invasion, would never call the guard.
The military is a righteous step above the national guard, tbqh
Remember that Presidents can directly deploy Marines
No goys, he's not doing anything! Delet this!
t. Shareblue
Make beaners sign a pledge that to cross into the US they have to brush their teeth twice a day and shower every day. None sign.
is it just me or does trump look kind of ill?
his face looks haggard like he lost a lot of weight lately.
could be lack of makeup or im just imagining shit though.
Pretty sure it's just you, user
That happens to every president, but he doesn't look different to me.
Stay mad tornigger. And fuck off back to endchan already.
They secretly poison every president.
It's very rare that modern day presidents get ill, even though many in the nation often experience flu like symptoms during the winter. Of course they get clean food, clean vaccines and most likely some form of life extension therapy too (which hopefully doesn't involve gentile foreskins)
I still can't help but be cynical and assume he only is doing this because people are fucking fed up and this whole caravan thing was going to create an international incident
No, its just simple cause and effect. Sign a shitty omnibus, cuck on guns which directly led to gun control legislation in state houses and your base gets really upset. Then you have a bunch of spics declaring openly they're marching on your borders and people assume the government is worthless and aren't going to do their fucking job because when have they ever and so they start grabbing rifles and making plans to meet them at the border.
Wasn't he a terrible sleeper? Could be he had a long night.
I'm pretty sure the Qlarp is that he just got back from another time travel trip and it consumes a lot of mana but he should be back at 100% in 3 days.
He specifically said he signed the omnibus because it funded the military. Now he wants to use the military to protect the border. Put 2 and 2 together.
To be fair, that still needs to happen.
lawd I wonder what the democrats will scream at him.
I get a strange feeling all the time that these "events" like the caravan in question were supposed to happen under Hillary.
Where she'd welcome them with legs wide open. Now they've got Trump who dumps a huge turd on every fixed event they bring up.
And they can't retaliate since there was nothing like that in the plan.
Except calling everybody racist. Which is basically irrelevant now.
You tend to look like that when you're old.
Plus president don't age well due to stress. He in all actuality looks quite well.
Wrong. They are fleeing their own massive, steaming piles of diseased beaner shit.
Looks like the majority of california now
Are you claiming that he had a hand in these goblins marching on the border? Because then you could have some sort of causal relationship.
The truth is the military has been funded out the ass for forever. We could have had them on the border long before this running training exercises or whatever because drug cartels have been operating with impunity there for decades.
Regardless I'm glad this opportunity came up to finally put them there better late than never.
Of course this gets stickied. Sad.
I don't believe anything Trump says until I see it in action.(A noteworthy thing getting stickied? HOW TYPICAL. GROAN ZONE. ROLLS EYES.)
The National Guard is a department of the army and is controlled by the Commander in Chief, states can deploy their state's National Guard in times of trouble to help in natural disasters or civil unrest but only the president can deploy them as a warfighter force.
Any service member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp and Coast Guard can act as a de facto National Guard unit if commanded to by the Commander in chief. As they would be stationed on US soil they have to serve in this capacity because it would otherwise violate the Posse Comitatus Act. It also could allow the president to "deputize" any able-bodied man to join as a volunteer force (although their powers would be strictly a citizen's arrest).
I knew this would be a shit magnet for torfags and blackpill kikes the second I posted it.
No one is going back to cuckchan, what a pathetic forced meme.
IF he really* does this he'll have earned my support again.
*"really" meaning not just for a show, but giving them actual orders to repel the invaders and the teeth to do it.
To turn everywhere else into massive, steaming piles of diseased beaner shit with their vibrant diversity.
The torkike is extra salty because there's no way he can (((spin))) this into something negative. All he can do is try to derail the thread and hope for the best. Just do what his parents, females, and society do and ignore him.
dude, eat a dick.
Iron Ann is working for the Trump administration. That's a not so hidden secret, her role is that of a voice for Trump's hardliner base. What a coincidence that it took until after Trump got a massive military funding for Coulter to JUST HAPPEN to demand actionon immigration.
your words have no meaning, so they're worthless.
Whatcha talkin about, Willis?
Go back to reddit
Imagine you had to deal with Lugenpresse smearing you every day, complete and total obstruction from Demokikes, backstabbing Shlomos in your own party, international affairs, midterms and personal life with one of your sons getting fucked over by a Jewess and your wife having to listen to some washed-up whore you fucked 10 years ago, every single day.
Fuck yeah
Good job Trump
Shoot em dead bots
live press conference at WH
they will probably talk about the border
imagine doing all that instead of deporting the beaners who are already here!
Fuck deporting them just shoot them
That would be 21 dimensional jewry that would get exposed by his enemies and have him impeached.
No, he knew the shitskin horde was being organized before the omnibus and definitely before it hit the news. He beat Soros at his own political game. BPE
I'm guessing Zig Forums huh?
nah, been posting here since the mass exodus of 2014, it doesn't matter to me where a user comes from, just what they say and if they are a huge faggot ( like you ), and yes your words are worthless you merely repeat what is said allover the internet by zog zombies 24/7, I suggest you get fresh air and or run in front of a semi.
and it's over.
that (((presstitute))) screaming at Trump about stormy daniels was classy…gas them all
Efficiency is king.
Great news.
Then you better pray the spics keep sending caravans niglet, because that'll be the pretext for live rounds.
Fuck your goalpost, shill
Whatever gets the bus moving
Splatter them all as an invading force
I think its quite reasonable here.
Im perpetually banned from leftypol for BTFOing them. But ive only been banned a couple of times from Pol over a number of years.
I'd like to see a judge place an injunction on the commander in chief's orders to the military.
Only possible caveat is this troop movement is occuring in the US. Does that have any special laws associated?
I fear we'll be saying "we're all from the Rio Grande now'' should the convoy cross
While this is a good thing, I've learned to not really trust what Trump says, like we learned with DACA. I have a friend pretty high up in the military and I'll ask him what's going on. This could be another 'all talk and no action' scenario so be cautiously optimistic.
I've been calling the WH all morning talking with the comments line.
(202) 456-1111
calling in fire on my pos. a blanket tor ban is better than listening to this dipshit
In my experience pointing out that Hitler was socialist gets you banned on leftypol instantly. On pol they wont be happy to hear anyone say that but its not an instaban statement.
Surprisingly the two times I was banned on pol I was posting anti muslim stuff. Which was reinterpreted as me supporting the jews.
Just to add, whats creepy about leftypol moderation is that you can sometimes get banned a week after posting.
Their mods must trawl through shitposts from days or even weeks ago and 'correct the record' of any wrongthink to keep their forum ideologically immaculate.
What a sad existence.
Source? I don't have a masters degree yet but I could probably get one at that point.
Please deliver, user
Don't make a new thread
National Guard is first controlled by Governor
They're not hiring grunts at this time but this is a supervisor:
Christ. Almost seems worth it at that point. Imagine getting paid six figs to throw out illegals. I already have a bachelors so it's not too far off. Just have to find a cheap masters program.
USA, NO!!!
"Your call cannot be completed at this time. Please call again later." AT&T recording
As a secondary role. They are all members of the DoD first and foremost. And they're "federalized" and deployed to fight overseas all the time.
hmmm. the number is legit
Remain on line and hold for comment operator….
I freely admit I have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore.
Right, I've been calling all morning and getting that message. This means that the call queue is full of people calling. This is a great thing. This is how you let Trump know that you want him to stop fucking up.
I'm getting through on a Non-AT&T Number I use
Is AT&T that Jewed up?
I am getting through using a non-AT&T Phone Number.
I am sure this is just a (((Coincidence)))
busy on Verizon
Getting real tired of everything in future tense.
I got through
left a short message
good to go
using a non-at&t phone number…
Dude… Come on. I get it, you don't want to be blackpilled, but this isn't anymore noteworthy when he said this the last time. When he DOES something, that'll be noteworthy.
I'll try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but don't you go silencing people like you've been doing with the tornigger.
That's some spicey 11D maijong you've got there amigo. Honestly wish I could still buy into it these days.
Its almost like when you become one of the most powerful men on Earth and don't kill your enemies, you don't feel so hot.
Seriously though, Trump should pull a Caesar. I'd back him, wouldn't you?
Anyway, the leftists are a bunch of literal mud-coloured homosexuals, comparison to them in any way is almost a joke in itself.
That happens here too m80… I've been banned days after a post. Given the speed of the board though, that shouldn't be especially surprising, nor necessarily harmful.
As always, the first question one ought ask is: Who is jewing who?
Me too, but in theory there is nothing stopping Trump from deploying the military. So in theory there should be no issue so if it doesn't pan out we'll know about it and where the blame lies.
heh, (((triggered)))
This is a great thing. After all my complaints about Trump lately he has taken some good actions the last few days. By the way, did anyone ever look into the caravan organizer Alex Mensing? His last name looks a little too semitic for my liking
If only Trump actually were a fascist tbh
im on hold
are you recording it?
how is this "fascism" even in their heads? the military doing exactly what its suppose to do?
Fascism is everything they don't like. They should go head to the book thread over on /fascist/ and learn something
This is easily solved without the military. Anons can patrol the border by entering into mexico, hiding in the weeds, and keeping lookout with a sniper rifle.